SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1950
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Architect Plans to Design for Homeland
Aware of the grave housing
shortage in Italy, Hans Fritz,
Grad, plans to "design anything
A from window displays to apart-
ment houses," when he returns to
his homeland in June to become
a professional architect.
A citizen of Switzerland, as are
ais parents, Fritz was born in and
plans to continue to live in Milan,
Italy, less than 30 miles from the
Swiss border, after he receives his
master's degree in architecture
this spring.
the Institute of Technology of
Zurich, Switzerland in 1948, he
worked as an architect in his own
Milan office for a year, before
applying for an American scho-
Fritz claimed one of his main
reasons for wanting to do grad-
rate work in the United States
was "just to see the country."
Commenting on the difference in
the way architecture is taught
in Switzerland and here, he said
the courses here are much more
specialized even at the under-
graduate level.
a The Swiss student's hobbies are
playing the piano and sculpturing,
although he never planned on
making a profession of either one.
He considers Bartok "the greatest
modern composer.'
* * *
tensive record collections owned
by so many American students,
"which is an unusual thing in
Switzerland, possibly because of
the poorer quality of our records."
He also noted that Russian com-
posers are much more popular and
better known here than in Italy
i and cited Shostakovitch as an ex-
Being very interested in the
movement for the federation of
Europe, he asserted, "the more
I stay in the United States, the
more similar the many countries
of Europe seem to be, compared
* to the United States."
"I used to think European con-
federation was a nice theory on
paper, but now I see that the only
solution to Europe's problem is its
cultural and political integra-
AN UNUSUALLY fluent speak-.
er in four languages, French, Ital-
ian, German and English, Fritz
modestly dismisses this feat by
saying "you have to be able to
speak several languages in Eu-
rope, because you can't go out
for a drive without crossing the
s border of another country."
One of Fritz's pet peeves is peo-
ple who think every person from
Switzerland is a watchmaker,
"even though we do have many
carefully trained and skilled work-
Air Hostess Jobs
Representatives of a major air-
line will interview women for
stewardess jobs Tuesday and Wed-
A group meeting for women in-
terested in training for stewardess
positions will be held at 4 p.m.:
tomorrow in Rm. 231 Angell Hall.
Qualifications and training of an
airline stewardess will be explain-
ed at the meeting.
nylon r
cheers for
{N G R i F
-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
SWISS STUDENT-Hans Fritz, Grad, shows his constant travel-
ing companion (the Swiss pipe) as he explains that piano playing
and sculptoring are his other major hobbies. A native of Milan,
Italy, Fritz plans to return there when he receives his master's
degree in architecture in June.
i - - - - - - - --~
Pageant Will
Play Today
All parts of the world will be
colorfully represented in musical
fashion during the song and dance
trip around the world at the In-
ternational Pageant at 2 p.m. to-
day in Pattengill Auditorium at
Ann Arbor High School.
Foreign and American students
will be joined by professional mu-
sicians and civic groups to present
the program, as a part of World
Cooperation Week. Tickets may be
bought at the door for 50 cents.
* * *
THE PAGEANT starts off in
Dixieland where townspeople and
students of the Dunbar Civic Cen-
ter will sing a few negro spirituals.
Bill Bender, professional folk tune
singer, will then take over to repre-
sent the wild and woolly West.
The spotlight then will turn
south of the border, where
gaily costumed foreign students
representing their native coun-
tries will present numerous well-
known dances, including the
Mexican Hat Dance, the Peru-
vian Sun God Dance, the Cuban
rhumba and a typical Venezuel-
ian serenade by Alonso Gamero.
A special Hawaiian dance and
the traditional hula will be per-
formed by native students. Lu-
cille Marelino, from the Phili-
pines will continue the program
with the famous candle dance.
* * *
THE HU-CHING, a typical Chi-
nese instrument on the order of
a drum-like violin, will be demon-
strated by a Chinese student. Ka-
shari Sahaya and Brij Kumar,
both from India, wil play a selec-
tion for the sitar (large gourd
string instrument) and drums.
A Polish dance by Mary and
John L u b i e n s k i, Neopolitan
songs performed by Mrs. Wil-
liam Weeks, traditional beer
songs presented by the new
German students and French
songs sung by native students
will round out the foreign part
of the program.
The pageant will conclude with
a return to the United States in
a night club scene for which Paul
McDonough and his orchestra will
play the music.
A typical Arab dinner prepared
by native students on campus will
be held at 7 p.m. tonight at the
First Methodist Church, as part
of the week's program. Following
the dinner a World Roundtable
discussion will be held, led by Ka-
mel Shair, Grad, on "Social and
Economic Trends in the. Arab
Aux Pointes'
Amidst cries of academic free-
dom, college students across the
country stoppedl to look at student
employment, extra-curricular fac-
ulty activities and discriminatory
admissions policies.
MichiganState College students
last week were concerned about
charges that three cafeteria em-
-aily-Carlyle Marsnall
LIMBERING UP-Juana da Laban, center, goes through the
paces of one of her original dance steps with Jack Leadbetter '50
who ;lays the dancing master and Marilyn Begole '50 who plays
the shepardess in "School For Husbands," opening Wednesday in
.Lydia Mendelssohn.
* *
Labun Dance Creations Will
Highlight School for Husbands
Campus UJA
Drive ToOpen
Launching this year's United
Jewish Appeal campus drive, a
kick-off meeting will be held at
8 p.m. Tuesday in Kellogg Auditor-
ium under the sponsorship of the
Hilel Foundation, featuring a talk
by Spencer Irwin, associate editor
of the "Cleveland Plain Dealer."
Irwin, whose book "This Land
of Mine," a compilation of 28 ar-
ticles on the new state of Israel,
is soon to be published, recently
returned from a 2500 mile tour
of the state. Associated with the
"Plain Dealer" for 25 years as for-
eign affairs columnist, Irwin is
also a member of the UN Speakers
Research Committee, and received
the officer's cross of the Order of
the White Lion from the late Pres-
ident Benes of Czechoslovakia. Ir-
win is the only American foreign
correspondent to receive this dis-
A goal of $9,000 has been set as
the campus contribution to the
over $272 million estimated fund
needs to be used for the settlement
and housing of immigrants to
Palestine and the United States.
Students interested in aiding
the drive may attend the kick-
off meeting, or contact the Hillel
Foundation, according to Ted Si-
mon, drive chairman.
ployees had been fired because
they tried to organize student la-
bor to press for higher wages.
S * * *
teria manager, claimed that the
undergrads had been prevented
from returning to their jobs by
Union officials. And two of the
students added that they didn't
return to school for the spring
terms because they couldn't find
part time employment.
The college student council
promised a full scale investiga-
tion into the charges.
Whether or not a processor could
advocate liberal ideas outside the
classroom is the issue at stake
at Penn State College.
A mathematics professor's
teaching contract was not renew-
ed by the Board of Trustees at
the college, apparently because he
pushed f o r anti-discrimination
policies in a housing project.
admitted that the board's deci-
sion was not a result of the in-
structor's academic inefficiency or
relations with other faculty mem-
Investigating the cause of his
dismissal, the liberal arts stu-
dent council in a letter to the
college administration, declared
that "if a professor is in danger
of losing his job for liberal ac-
tivity, liberal thinking and lib-
eral opinions, then the liberal
arts school is not a school of
LIBERAL arts."
There is no violation of aca-
demic freedom at the 'University
of Minnesota medical school, ac-
cording to a med school dean in
answer to questions of discrimina-
tory policies. He felt that the medi-
cal school was "not prejudiced,
just cautious."
Students Face Problems
Of Academic Freedom
I ' 4
Pure dramatic programs are few'
and far between these days.
What with a conglomeration of
soap operas, mystery and humor
shows plus a news program on'
every network almost every hour
on the hour, many of the old dra-
matic features have been crowd-
ed off the air.
Today only a few remain.
* * *
PROBABLY the most famous of
these is the Lux Radio Theatre,
broadcast every Monday from 9
to 10 p.m. (WJR). The oldest of
the radio dramatic shows-it's been
on the air close to 15 years-the
Radio Theatre each week offers]
a shortened version of a popular
moving picture.
Generally, the productions are
good. In their favor are the top]
stars of Hollywood who usually
portray the parts they had in
the original movie.
But it is difficult at best to]
transform a story, which for the
most part depends upon the vi-
sual capacity of the audience, into;
a radio script dependent. entirely
upon speech and sound offects.-
* * *
Cavalcade of America, broadcast1
at 8 p.m. every Tuesday (WWJ).1
Well-known for its presentation
of the lives of great men and
women, Cavalcade is educational
and informative as well as in-
Two comparative newcomers
to the networks are the Hall-
mark Playhouse and the Skip-
py Hollywood Theatre which fol
low each other beginning at 10
p.m. every Thursday (WJR).
The Hallmark Playhouse is by
far the better of the two. It pre-
sents to the listening audience
radio reproductions of the better
movie pictures, Broadway stage
plays and literary works.
* * *
THE CRITICISM concerning
the necessarily shortened radio
version gdes doubly for this half-
hour show.
As an added attraction the Hall-
mark Playhouse offers the well-
known author, James Hilton, as
its selector of the various works
which are presented.
On the other hand, the Skippy
Hollywood Theatre offers original
scripts as well as radio versions
of Hollywood movies. Here, the
scripts are sometimes good, but the
law of averages seems to have
been altered a bit in the case of
this particular program.
Ballet dances originally created
and directed by Prof. Juana da
Laban, of modern dance, will high-
light Moliere's "School for Hus-
bands," coming Wednesday to Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Dance creations of Hungarian-
born Prof. Laban appear in the
dream sequence of the 17th cen-
tury comedy which deals with the
foolishness that results when an
overconscientious guardian, Sgan-
arelle, falls hopelessly in love with
his ward, Isabelle.
IN THE DREAM sequence old
Sganarelle meets a shepherdess re-
sembling his beloved Isabelle. The
girl dances for him as directed by
her dancing master. The old man
asks the dancing instructor to
teach him to dance and upon
learning, he marries the shepher-
After wedding ceremonies, the
dancing master whisks Sgana
relle's Shepherdess away; a duel
ensues and&the old man is killed.
His funeral dirge carries him
back to the easy chair from
whence his dream started.
Scattered throughout the dream
sequence are Prof. Laban's or-
iginal versions of the minuet, pa-
vane and Egyptian dance, the rig-
adon and the gavotte. Prof. Laban
has fashioned the ballet after the
original pattern set by Moliere
with the dances retaining the style
of the time in which they were
popular, but adapted to the tastes
of modern audiences.
The ballet sequence will be seen
in "School for Husbands," open-
ing a four-night run 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday in Lydia Mendelssohn.
Tickets may be obtained from 10
a.m. until 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
box office or reserved by calling
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6e niagic of love with
new sense-strring
Sie an1i
It's Your Last Chance!.
Due to popular demand commence-
ment sales will reopen in the lobby
of the Administration Buildi ng Mon-
T 3
look like a cool million
spend just
Dreamy magnolia garden
delight... distilled into the very
essence of witchery by the
world's greatest creator
of colognes... Helena Rubinstein!
Fragrant white magic!
Each exciting drop stirs up
visions of moonlittrysts... of
stolen kisses... of the South
a flower with romance! 1.00, 1.75
COMPACT ... in solid,
non-spillable form to touch on
hair, wrists, on ear-lobes! 1.00.
No wonder!
The wonderful celanes
fabric seems to find a breeze wher
none exist. What's more it tailors like
dream, a Handmacher dream, that is
Shown are just two from ou
varied collection in heavenly pastel
and dark colors, toc
Also at the Downtown Store
a .
day andT Iuesday afhernoons
from r
tuxurious matching pieces that
make gift-giving a pleasure ..
plus tax
1:00 to 5:00.