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April 01, 1950 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-01

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t t

Communist Debater

Wayne Action.. .
IN BANNING Communists from participat-
ing in programs at Wayne University,
David D. Henry, president of that institu-
tion, has taken a step that arbitrarily and
dangerously cuts student liberties.
It is easy in these times of Red hysteria
to defend Dr. Henry's action on several
counts. It can be said that he is following
precedents of the leaders of the nation;
is protecting students from radicalism;
has no obligation as an educator to allow
such minority views to be expressed on his
campus; has a right to preserve his own
and his school's reputation in the cye of
tthe public. If, however, each of the argu-
ments is examined in its turn, Dr. Henry's
move trips him up way short of his obli-
gation as a leader to his community and
the nation.
Dr. Henry defended himself on the ground
that the attorney-general, Congress and
courts have already shown that the Com-
munists are not ordinary citizens of minor-
ity opinions. He neglects, however, the fact
that the administration's subversive list is a
security measure, that Congress has not yet
outlawed the Communist Party, and that
the Supreme Court has not declared Com-
munist propaganda to be a "clear and pre-
sent danger". In fact on the question of
freedom of expression, it has favored the
minority groups-something the Wayne
President is not willing to do.
The whole thing seems to point to that
paternalistic attitude prevalent in many
universities. Administrations of these insti-
tutions of higher learning do not feel that
students are far removed from the cradle
stage; that their every physical and
mental step must be directed lest they trip
and fall.
Dr. Henry and other college rulers who
may elect to follow his lead do not seem
willing to let their wards face the rigors
of Communism by themselves - or now,
at all.
"I can not believe that the University is
under any obligation in the name of educa-
tion to give them an audience," he said. And
yet education should not be a dead, dog-
matic ritual, but a vital, democratic exper-
ience in life. By cutting out a part of present
living, Dr. Henry can not fulfill the title
"Educator". He does not allow the students
of Wayne University to listen and watch the
Communist expound and defend his doc-
trine. He does not allow the student the
chance to decide the question of Commun-
ism for himself.
The weakest defense of his action comes
from some of his students. They say he is
caught between the fire of an anti-Red
Detroit press and the fund-granting State
Legislature. But a man in the leading po-
sition of any university, particularly a
large metropolitan one such as Wayne,
should be of such stature that he is un-
afraid to give conservative newspapermen
the Bronx cheer, and thumb his nose at
the Legislature once in a while.
Judging by his recent decision, Dr. Henry
is unfortunately too ready to succumb to
these conservative pressures instead of try-
ing to lead the future public to think for
itself. The worst side of this action is that if
many other university presidents are as eas-
ily influenced as Dr. Henry, students the
country over may look for limitations of
their own liberty.
-Vernon Emerson
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Michigan Forum . . ..
THE MICHIGAN FORUM committee's de-
cision to go ahead with its plan to invite
avowed Communist Herbert J. Phillips to
participate in a Forum debate - despite
Wayne University's refusal to allow him to
speak on a similar debate program - has
forced the University to decide once and for
all: shall students have the right to hear
speakers representing all political minori-
The facts in this case are quite clear.
Phillips, a professor with years of teach-
ing experience, was fired by the University
of Washington last year for his open ad-
mission of membership in the Communist
Party. The Forum Committee hopes to
pit him against an outstanding member of
the University faculty who would be more
than capable of holding his own in an open
Such a Forum should provide students
with an excellent opportunity to hear two
well-matched speakers discuss what has be-
come one of the most controversial educa-
tional issues-"Should Communists be Al-
lowed to Teach in Colleges and Universities?"
There is every reason, therefore, that
the University should approve the Forum
debate in the interests of academic free-
dom and as a matter of democratic prin-
ciple. -
Practically speaking, however, the tim-
id action of Wayne University President
David D. Henry in vetoing Phillips' appear-
ance on the Wayne campus, has placed the
University in an extremely difficult position.
If the administration should disregard Presi-
dent Henry's action, they would leave them-
selves wide open to attacks from the Detroit
newspapers. For these newspapers, noted for
their conservative political philosophies,
would probably immediately charge that the
University of Michigan has succeeded Wayne
as "the Comunist center of the state."
And probably even more unsavory to ad-
ministration officials, would be the probable
effect which approving Phillips' appearance
would have on the predominantly conser-
vative State Legislature which usually
frowns at the mere mention of the word
Communist. At a time when the Legislature
is considering the University's operating bud-
get for the coming year, the administration
will undoubtedly be reluctant to approve any
such debate which might jeopardize their
chances of obtaining an increased appropria-
But it must be remembered that there
will probably be a conservative State Leg-
islature in Michigan for some time to
come, and that the University must seek
a State appropriation every year. If, then,
the University administrators should re-
fuse to allow Phillips to speak here, they
would in effect, establish the precedent
that at no time may a speaker participate
in a campus event unless his political
views coincide with the prevailing out-
look of the State Legislature and the De-
troit newspapers - a precedent which
'would last for many years.
Humbly submitting to the pressure of
certain intolerant outside groups, the ad-
ministration would simply be admitting that
University students are too immature to
judge between two competently presented
political and social philosophies and that a
larger State appropriation is more important
than the democratic right of students to
hear speakers of their choice.
-Jim Brown
Alcoholics Fund
being necessary to good government and
the happiness of mankind, the City of Ann
Arbor and the means of its emolument shall
forever be encouraged.
Unfortunately, however, for both the
impoverished City of Ann Arbor and the
chastized recalcitrants involved, suffi-
cient funds are conspicuous by their ab-
sence. So far the city has been lucky to
catch those deviants who were able to

contribute to Judge O'Brien's "Don't Say
I Didn't Warn You" Club.
It is inevitable though that some day a
thirsty villain will be apprehended who will
not possess either sufficient years or money.
In which case not only will the City have no
return on their original investment but will
actually be forced to SPEND money for
thirty days food and lodging not to mention
the ink expended to put the unfortunate's
name and number into the Official Record.
(Note: The city has not yet captured
enough of these alcoholic outlaws to pay for
the hiring of a tattoo artist.)
To prevent any such embarrassing oc-
curence it has been moved (See Letters to
the Editor) and hereby duly seconded to
provide the necessary funds so that city
roads will not go to pot and the appre-
hended students can feel properly chastized
without running the risk of missing classes.
--Allan Clamage.

Loyalty Files
may be pretty much of a dullard when
it comes to amassing concrete evidence
against the numerous Communists in the
State Department, but he certainly knows
which party he represents and how to play
the exposes to the greatest advantage.
When the Roman circus began in the
Senate sub-committee chambers, McCar-
thy filled the air with muckracking ac-
cusations. But when he was asked for his
documented proof, McCarthy refused to
release it. He claimed that if the men he
had attacked were without blemish Presi-
dent Truman should allow the secret FBI
files on all State Department workers to
be opened for inspection.
Truman and the administration were im-
mediately put on the spot. If they refused
to allow the files to be opened for public
inspection, McCarthy could raise a stink:
something must be profoundly wrong with
the State Department employes. After all, if
the men were innocent they would have
nothing to hide and no one would be hurt
if the files were peeked at.
On the other hand Truman knew that
the evidence had been collected with the
promise that the information would be
kept in the strictest confidence. Many
people who had contributed information
did not want senators or anyone else view-
ing what they had to say about the in-
dividuals. Parts of the information in the
files consisted of charges made against
the people which the FBI has not, as yet,
proved or disproved. This is the type of
evidence that individuals affected by
"Red-phobia" thrive on. Whether he had
any right or not the President also took
the position that the legislative branch of
the government could not compel the exe-
cutive branch to surrender its information.
A great deal of pressure was put on the
President to open the files. He did allow
a "limited disclosure" which consisted of the
oral presentation of a file to the senators
in a private session.
A few days later the name of the person
discussed, Owen Lattimore, was allowed to
slip through to the press by one of the
members of the sub-committee. Lattimore
had been called by McCarthy "a top so-
viet spy." Of course, all this action brought
the roof down on an apparently innocent
university professor.
The decision of Truman and his adminis-
tration not to allow the files to be opened
deserves the highest praise. They have
risen above the temptation to avoid a situa-
tion that would be bad for the Democrats
politically. The announcement that the files
will not be opened to a group of gossip-
peddling senators is the type of statesman-
like action that our government sorely
-Ron Watts
QUIETLY - almost as if they didn't
want their plans to leak out - a group
recently launched a diabolical campaign
against The American Way Of Life, and
more particularly, one of its most glorious
manifestations, the Nickel.
But this group's subversive actions
didn't go completely unnoticed; that ever
watchful sentinel, the New York Times,
heard of and reported the efforts of the
Music Operators of America to get 2
and 7r cent coins minted.
On the surface this seems a rather in-
nocent proposal. It is only when some
thought - a very little will do - is turned
on the idea, that its diabolical character
becomes apparent.
Soon, if these deceiving dastards have
their way, the American Nickel will be as

extinct as the American Buffalo it used to
carry on its tail. If coin machines cease eat-
ing them, nobody will give two cents for a
Thus it is that the so-called Music Op-
erators of America strike at one of the very
tap roots of American culture.
What, pray tell, would America be like
if it did not have constantly ringing in its
pure, clean air the seductive call of a na-
tional cola company's "Nickle, nickle, nickle;
trickle, trickle, trickle?"
And shifting to a more distinctly cul-
tural contribution of the Nickel, remem-
ber that the end of the Nickel would mean
the end of such indigenous leider as
"Music! Music! Music!" Can you imagine
Miss Teresa Brewer (Toledo's Own)
warbling, "Put another seven and a half
cent piece in, in the sevenandahalfcent-
So I say, "No. No. Five thousands times
No. Capitalists arise. We must defend our
way of life. We mustn't let the nickel get
plugged in the prime of its coinage."
-Davis Crippen.

"We Got A Right To Look
Into Things, Ain't We."





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2'g t.. a c lc.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

New Criminology . .
To the Editor:
LETTERS BY Mr. Jans and Mr.
Muskovits did not fool any-
body with their ill-concealed
irony. It is plain to me, and also,
I am sure, to many other decent
students, that these two men have
had the bald temerity to disagree
with the University's respected
and well thought out decision to
do its part in keeping us under-
age students from falling in the
ways of sin. Personally I have
never been inside one of those
places, nor have I ever been so
coarse as to take a drink of an
intoxicant, because my mother
has often told me that I must not
do these things until I am at
least 21. However, my experience
in the world has been broad
enough so that I know that there
are many young people who have
not had the benefit of a mother's
warning. It is these people who
are in need of the friendly guid-
ance of the University, and who
will be grateful, in the end, for
having had the privilege of being
protected by the University's list
of innocent people.
-Allen Jackson
Land Reform ...
To the Editor:
W HY DO THE Communists win
ready ears when they cry
"land reform" in the towns and
cities of Italy? Edmund Stevens,
Chief of Mediterranean News Bu-
reau of The Christian Science
Monitor, throws a scathing light
on one cause of Italian unrest.
He tells us that "landowners who
farm or manage their own pro-
perties are an enlightened minor-
ity in southern Italy, where ab-
sentee landlordism has exhausted
the land for profit."
These absentee landed aristo-
crats descendants of Bourbon fa-
vorites still play their oppressive
role. Essentially a predatory ani-
mal, they live in sumptuous town
houses in Milan, Palermo and
other cities. Their income comes
from middlemen called industri-
anti to whom the aristocrat rents
his land for a period of three
years. These industriante may
themselves sublet their holding to
several smaller industrianti who
deal directly with the peasants.
Since the industrianti are working
on a short term basis no thouglt
is given to long range care of the
land or the peasants working the
land. Anything that would add to
the value of the land might bring
on higher rents from the owner or
the benefits from such reform
might be reaped by some other in-
dustriante. Hence both nature and
man are systematically exploited.
Key government officials lay
the blame for these conditions in
southern Italy to natural causes
rather than social conditions. Sad-
ly enough it is not the Christian
party but the Communist party
which alone is calling for a
throughgoing land reform. Chris-
tians from all points of the world
are journeying to Rome for the
celebration of The Holy' Year.
When they arrive how many will
cry "land reform"?
-Allen hKurd


To the Editor:
SEVERAL CASES arising from
the recent flurry of avid li-
quor law enforcement by Judge
O'Brien and various university of-
ficials have resulted in fines to a
number of students amounting to
50 odd dollars each.
While in the eyes of the law
these rather substantial fines may
be justified, we, as concerned stu-
dents cannot help but feel sym-
pathetic toward these misunder-
stood individuals who fell victim
to the enforcement of an unfor-
tunate law.
Therefore we have established a
fund, based on student donations,
to alleviate the financial suffering
which has been inflicted upon
these martyrs.
We urge all students and inter-
estedgroups to support this wor-
thy campaign. Address donation
to: ASSF (Alcoholic Student Ser-
vice Fund), 800 Lincoln Street,
Ann Arbor.
-Merv Ezray
Al Friedman
* * *
I FOR ONE am certainly glad
that the University is looking
after me better these days. That
list of under-21 students sure took
a big load off my mind because I
might have gone in some tap room
downtown and had a glass of
beer, and maybe even smoked, and
I'm only 19 and I'm not old
enough to know whether or not I
should do these nasty things but
the University will help me decide
if I can do these things. Gee, may-
be the Office of Student Affairs
will even help me decide what
time at night I had better come
home. The University of Michigan
sure takes care of its students in
a dandy way, but what am I going
to do when I graduate. It's going
to be bad if I have to make my de-
cisions without somebody looking
over my shoulder and telling me
what I had better do and what I
can't do.
-John Wyman
* * *
What Price Progress . .
To the Editor:
IN THE present state of human
progress, it would not be too
far fetched to my imagination
to think that some unknown "gen-
ius" will soon come up with a new
world shaking discovery. It will
be a method whereby he will be
able to take all of the oxygen out
of the air and, having thus devel-
oped a monopoly over the supply,
he will then be able to sell it to
human beings. Of course this will
mean a great deal to civilization:
it can then boast of a higher rate
of economic activity, and the
world's income will soar to new
heights by the development of this
important industry. Just think
how many of our unemployed will
find gainful employment from this
heretofore untapped source! It
will be a boon to mankind, another
forward moving step in the con-
quering of the great unknown by
our e v e r advancing scientific
minds, another milestone in the
story of human progress.
Fantastic you say? Impossible?

Publication in The Daily Offidial
Bulletin is constructive notice tocall
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in'
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, y 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays),
VOL. LX, No. 126
May rFestival Tickets. A limited
number of tickets for several of
the individual May Festival con-
certs are available at the offices
of the University Musical Society,
Burton Tower.
University Community Center,
Willow Village:
Sun., Apr. 2, 10:45 a.m., Inter-
denominational Church Service
and Sunday School.
4:30 p.m., Discussion and Pot-
luck Supper.
Mon., Apr. 3, 8 p.m., University
Club - Roundtable Discussion on
Gardening; 'Modern Dance; Water
Tues., Apr. 4, 3 p.m., Wives' Club
Easter Party for Children, Movies
8 p.m., Decoration Committee
Meetingfor Square Dance; Bridge
for everyone.
Wed., Apr. 5, 7 p.m., Ceramics
Board Meeting; 8 p.m., Ceramics
-Both Groups; Exercise Class.
Thurs., Apr. 6, 4 p.m., Church
Sunday School Easter Party; 8
p.m., Maundy Thursday Church
Service; 9 p.m., Choir Practice.
Fri. Apr. 7, 8 p.m., Good Friday
Church Service.
University Lecture. "Plant Vi-
ruses and Virus Diseases." Freder-
ick C. Bawden, F.R.S., Head of the
Department of Plant Pathology,
Rothamsted Experimental Sta-
tion, Harpenden, England; aus-
pices of the Departments of Bac-
teriology and Virology. 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Apr. 3, Rackham Amphi-
Lecture, auspices of the Depart-
ment of Psychology. "Disorganiza-
tion and Desocialization." Dr.
Norman Cameron, Chairman, De-
partment of Psychology, Univer-
sity of Wisconsin. 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
April 7, Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: Mon., April 3, 3 p.m., 3001
Angell Hall.AMr. George Brauer
will talk on the subject, "Every
Number is the Sum of Four
Events Today
Fireside at the Guild House,
8:30 p.m. Meet Your Germany.
Congregational - Disciple - Evan-
gelical & Reformed Guild.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion:
12:15 p.m, Lane Hall.
I.S.A.: Open House, 8 to 12
p.m., International Center.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 1
p.m., 500 BMT.
Graduate Mixer: 8:30 p.m.
Rackham Assembly Hall.
U. of M. Hostel Club: Square
dancing, 8:15 - 11 p.m., Jones
School. Instruction for beginners.
Coming Events
Science Research Club: 7:30 p.-
m., Tues., Apr. 4, Rackham Am-
phitheater. "An Engineering Ap-
proach to Catalysis," by Robert R.
White, Department of Chemical

I wonder how many people are go-
ing without good food and good
housing the world over because
ambitious and power hungry men
are devoting a major share of the
world's income and resources to
the development of weapons for
destruction and the tools of war.
In short we're creating artificial
scarcities in a great many ways
with our warped thinking about
what amounts to progress.
Why man, that's what I've been
tellin' you all the time. There's no
use to be frustrated. WE'LL SOON
-K. J. Andonian, '51L
"The theoretical idea . . . does
not arise apart from and inde-
pendent of experience; nor can it
be derived from experience by a
purely logical procedure. It is pro-
duced by a creative act. Once a
theoretical idea has been ac-
quired, one does well to hold fast
to it until it leads to an untenable
. -Albert Einstein.

and Metallurgical Engineering.
"Bioluminescence," by Edward R.
Baylor, Department of Zoology.
Naval Research Reserve: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Mon., April 3, 18
Angell Hall. Prof. William H.
Hobbs: "The Trans - Isthmian
Canal Problem."
Group Discussion. "The Value
of the Church-If any." !Lane
Hall, Mon., April 3, 4 p.m. Discus-
sion leaders: Barbara Mxon,
Prof. Arthur Dunham, and Dr. W.
J. McKeachie.
Michigan Section for Quality
Control: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., Apr. 3, Union. Question and
answer session handled by the So-
ciety's "Board of Quality Control
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual Meet-
ing, Mon., Apr. 3, 3 p.m., 2203
Angell Hall. Election of new mem-
Grad Outing Club: Meeting
Sunday at northwest entrance 'of
Rackham Bldg., 2:15 p.m. Plans
for post-vacation over night.
Tau Beta Sigma: Meeting, Mon.,
April 3, 7 p.m., Lounge, Harris
Hall. Election of officers.
Ballet Club: Open meeting, 7
p.m., Mon., Dance Studio, Barbour
Gym. Instruction for beginners
and intermediates.
Sigma XI. There is still room
for passengers on inspection tour
of Aeronautical Research Center,
Willow Run, April 5. Places will
be assigned in order of receipt of
requests. Nominal transportation
fee. Buses leave Rackham Build-
ing at 7:30 p.m. Only open to
members of Sigma XI. D. B. Mc-
Laughlin, Secretary, 1518 Rack-
ham Bldg.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Record program on contemporary
Dixieland in New York, Sun., 8
p.m,. ABC room, League.
U. of M. Hostel Club:
Sun., April 2. Breakfast, bird
trip. Meet 5:45 a.m. League Lobby
to drive to Whitmore Lake. Bring
food, utensils to cook breakfast
over open fire . .. coffee provided.
(birdguides if you have them.)
Call Jack Young, 34728, by Sat.
noon if you need or can offer
8:15-11 p.m., Lane Hall. Movies
of Europe and U.S. Equipment
used by well-traveled Hostelers
on display.
all members. Foods and presenta-
tions. Mon., 7:45 p.m., Hillel
Deutscher Verein: Open meet-
ing, Mon., April 3, 7:30 p.m., Rm.
3A, Union. Program: An Hour at
the Radio.
1 cjt







At The Orpheum .. .
BLANCHE FURY with Stewart Granger
and Valerie Hobson. J. Arthur Rank tech-
nicolor production.
THEADS CLAIM this picture is "in the
tradition of 'Wuthering Heights' " and
in one respect they are right. The plot
borrows from this as well as from "Jane
Eyre," "Vanity Fair" and any other novel
about Victorian England you may have en-
countered, but fails to achieve any dis-
tinction of its own.
Including gypsies, murder, love turned to
hate and back again, fires, horse thieves,
and revenge, the final result is a muddled
assortment of too many strands.
But some good acting, and effective use
of color photography make this an enjoyable
if not outstanding film.
Stewart Granger, as a would-be land-
owning gentleman does exceedingly well in
his Heatheliff-like role and is, in addition,
one of the most attractive screen personali-
ties this movie-goer has seen in many a day.
In the title role, Valerie Hobson is com-
petent, but a bit too stiff in her actions.
Highest honors for the production go to
the photographers who have utilized the
green and sprawling English countryside to
outstanding effect.
If you're looking for a movie to see, and
don't mind one that will remind you of 10
nrra1~ac , hrnxrvin *3-,,z. 1 .gt f f..,,, "Rl,.rh

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen................City Editor
Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner..............Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil ........... Associate Editor
Wally Barth......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
MerieLevin........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor
Barbara Smith...Associate women's Ed.
Allan Cdamage..........Librarian
Joyce Clark..........Assistant Librarian
Business St af
Roger Wellington. ...Business Manager
Dee Nelson. .Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi........ Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager
Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.



Washington Merry-Go-Round

garian-Yugoslav border more and more divi-
sions of the Iced Army have been moved up,
including mechanical divisions. They are
equipped with machine shops and heavy re-
pair units, which do not accompany troops

Italian war prisoners in a spectacular move
to bolster the strength of the Communist
Party in Italy. All of them have been care-
fully indoctrinated in Communist schools
in Russia and are fanatics. Ten thousand
of them have been trained in the Russian

Now let's talk this over, son.

And now my Fairy Godfather is

Sure there are!I settled

Well-If doesn't matter anyway.


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