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April 01, 1950 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State




Party Chiefs
Disagree On
Policy Issue
Red Dispute Cited
As Election Point
By The Associated Press
The foreign policy battle be-
tween Democratic and Republican
leaders over whether the govern-
ment is Communist-infested was
carried to far-flung parts of the
country yesterday.
Rapidly shaping up as a key
campaign issue for this year's
Congressional elections, the battle
was highlighted by:
1. Sen. Taft (R-Ohio) said the
"only way to get rid of the Com-
munists in the State Department
is to change the head of the gov-
ernment . . .It can't be done with
men in control who think Com-
munists are Red Herrings."
2. Attorney General McGrath
accused the GOP of launching a
"Communist scare" so as to "prey
upon the people's fear . . . and
create headlines helpful to the
Republican campaign cause."
3. Sec. of State Acheson flatly
denied that Owen J. Lattimore,
McCarthy's Communist agent,
molded the far Eastern policy or
had ever been employed by the
State Department.
4. Sen. Bridges (R-NH) chal-
lenged President Truman to a
"showdown" on his charges that
Bridges, McCarthy and Sen.
Wherry (R-Neb.) are "sabotaging"
this country's foreign policy by
their attacks on the State Depart-
5. Sen. Frear (D-Del.) said
leaders of the GOP anti-Red drive
are "playing politics with utter
disregard for the consequences
of their irresponsible words
nothing gives greater aid and corn-
fort to the Soviet leaders than ir-
responsible charges which under-
mine- popular support of our for-
eign policy."
Folowing Truman's criticism of
McCarthy and GOP senators who
have backed him was Rep. Hal-
leck's (R-Ind.) statement:
"It would appear the President
is arguing that the best way to
thwart the Kremlin is to put the
Alger Hisses, the Julian Wad-
leighs, and the Judith Coplons in
sensitive positions in Government,
surround them with other Com-
munists and Fellow-Travelers
who will help them filch secret
documents for Soviet Agents, and
then pursue policies which enable
the Communists to take over half
of Europe and most of Asia."
Adams Cites
4Phoenix, AEC
The University's contract to
conduct research for the Atomic*
Energy Commission supplements
and ties in with the Phoenix Pro-
ject, but is not officially part of
it, according to Provost James P.
The $202,240 contract to con-
duct research on the effects of
atomic radiation on the human
body was signed by University of-
ficials Thursday.
"THE BASIC financial support
of the Phoenix Project is to come
through gifts from alumni. stu-

dents, faculty and friends of the
University," Provost Adams ex-
In addition, grants from gov-
ernment agencies and other
organizations will support re-
search projects in specific
fields which are related to the
Phoenix Project," Provost
Adams continued.
The AEC contract will support
one of these projects, he said.
These projects, which are tech-
nically outside the Phoenix Pro-
ject's administration, will help to
extend the scope of the Universi-

UN Officials Clash
At Discussion Here
* * * .*

-Dally--Wally Barth
A United Nations' controversy flamed up unexpectedly in the
Union ballroom yesterday as Hsioh-ren Wei rebuked the UN Secre-
tariat for meddling in the Assembly's affairs.
The Chinese representative to the UN's Atomic Energy Commis-
sion was hitting back at Assistant Secretary General Benjamin
Cohen's plea for de facto representation of the Chinese Communist
government in the UN.
"THE PROBLEM of Chinese representation is up to the Assembly,
and the Secretariat has but to reflect the majority's opinion," he

Admnit Guit
Of Treason
PRAGUE - P) -Two high-
ranking Roman Catholic clergy-
men pleaded guilty to high trea-
son yesterday, the official Czech
news agency said, as the country's
first mass trial of churchmen
Ten clergymen are charged with
high treason, espionage for the
Vatican, anti-state activities and
plotting the armed overthrow of
the present Communist-led re-
THE NEWS AGENCY identified
those who confessed guilt to high
treason as Abbott Bohumil Vit
Tajovsky of the monastery at
Zeliva in Central Bohemia and
Abbott Augustin Machalka of the
monastery at Nova Rise. The news
agency said Abbott Machalka al-
so confessed to the espionage
Meanwhile, the Czechoslovak
government denounced its agree-
ment with the cooperative for
American remittances to Europe
(CARE). Director Herbert Lass
was told CARE must cease opera-
tions here by July 31. Three other
international relief organizations
had been ordered out the day be-
f ore.
Acheson Hits
Chinese Pact
WASHINGTON- W)--Secretary
of State Acheson charged yester-
day that China's Communist gov-
ernment had handed over to Rus-
sia, in a secret agreement made in
Moscow, "preeminent rights" in
the strategic western Chinese pro-
vince of Sinkiang.
This effect of "one of the un-
published agreements" of the
Sino-Soviet conference of a few
weeks ago, Achesonsaid, was dis-
closed by the announcement this
week of agreements for Russian
exploitation of, the mineral and
petroleum resources of the huge
Under these agreements, an-
nounced in both China and Rus-
sia, each country will receive one-
half of the mineral and petroleum
City Council Backs

declared to a meeting of the Amer-
icantAssociation of International
Relations Clubs.
Remarking that he could not
allow Cohen's words to go un-
answered, Wei pointed out that
the majority of the UN groupsI
have upheld the Nationalist gov-
In his address earlier, Cohen re-
minded the United States and'
Russia that 70% of the world's
populace have no practical inter-
est in the ideological cold war be-
ing waged by the two great powers.
HE NOTED that these nations
must realize that a great variety
of political and economic forms
exist aside from theirs, wh~ich
they are over-riding in their quest
for an absolute type.
The Chilean boss of the UN's'
Department of Information list-
ed numerous triumphs of the
world organization in spite of
the veto, and cited the need of
at least a modified veto in the
Cohen styled those calling for
a revision of the UN charter "un-
informed," and charged them with
neglecting the moral force that
the organization is building up in
smaller nations.
"The step beyond the charter
can not be taken until there is
more of a feeling of world com-
munity and law than at present,"
he said.
* * *
AT A PANEL discussion last
night, Wei summed up the feelings
of his fellow physicists. Dean L.
N. Ridenour, of the University of
Illinois, and Dean R. A. Saw-
yer, of the University's Graduate
School, when he declared that the
only way to end the atomic menace
is to drive for an end to all inter-
national conflict.

House .VotesI
For Disputed,
Gas Measure
Ends Rate Fixing1
For Independents
WASHINGTON - (1) - After a1
bitter battle the House last night
passed the controversial Natural
Gas Bill and sent it to President
The measure, which was passed
176 to 174, would prohibit the Fed-
eral Power Commission from fixing
the price of gas delivered to pipe-
lines by independent producers for
interstate transportation.
THE SENATE approved the
measure Wednesday 44 to 38.
The bill was sponsored by
Senator Kerr (D-Okla.), wealthy
oil man, with Senator Elmer
Thomas (D-Okla.) as co-spon-
Kerr has said lie introduced it
to "keep the gas industry stable"
so it could continue to provide the
"cheapest, cleanest and best fuel."
* * *
IN THE sizzling debate, House
opponents of the measuretcalled it
a "grab" by big interests. Rep.
Dingell (D-Mich) shouted: "Horse
thieves have been hanged for les-
ser crimes."
The House majority was mus-
tered only after Speaker Ray-
burn (D-Tex.) personally took
the floor, reminded the body of
his record of serving the people
against special interests and
"In my opinion this will will not
raise the price of natural gas to any
consumer by one red cent."
The opponents had said it would
take an extra $100,000,000 a year
from consumers.
Independent producers, w h o
would be free of price regulation
under the bill included, as the op-
position made known, some of the
largest oil companies.
In view of a statement by Rep.
Priest, that he had been informed
that such legislation was in ac-
cord with the President's program,
the legislation's sponsors said they
expect Mr. Truman to sign it.
No Word on
University oficials and Inter-
fraternity Council members de-
clined comment yesterday on
Tuesday night's trial of three fra-
ternity pledges by IFC's Executive
Informed sources said the trio
of Phi Delta Theta pledges were
tried for "roughing up" a mem-
ber following the fraternity's haz-
ing period shortly after the begin-
ning of the term.
John Gwin, of the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, as well as IFC Presi-
dent Jake Jacobson and Dick
Kempthorn, Phi Delt president,
refused any comment.
Gwin, however, said informa-
tion would probably be released
following the meeting of the Uni-
versity Disciplinary Board Wed-
)IN'E :I):
e tier To

* * *

* * *

-Daily-Alan Reid
LIGHTS; CAMERA; ACTION;-German students attending the University under a State Depart-
ment program shoot a scene in the East Quad for a sound movie they are making of campus
life for showing in German Universities. At the left is project supervisor Wilbert L. Hindman, chair-
man of the University of Southern California political science department. Manning the camera is
Volkmar Kahlert. Assistiig are Edith M. Lindner (second from left) and Heinz Wolpert (behind

German Students Film Campus Life

* * *

Life here on campus this month
became the photographic target
of 12 visiting German students
now attending the University.
Under the endorsement of the
Film Division of the State De-
partment, cameraman Volkmar
Kahlert, Grad, and other members
of the group are shooting a 16 mm
sound movie for the benefit of

thousands of students in German
* * *
ALL PHASES of activity at the
University are being covered as
part of a 45 minute film on Ameri-
can political, social and economic
Attending the University as
part of a State Department

'U' Faculty, Religious Leaders
Praise Forum on Education

Local religious leaders and Uni-
versity faculty members were unit-
ed yesterday in their praise of the
Michigan Forum's forthcoming de-
bate program on the federal aid to
education issue.
The debate, to be held at 7:45
p.m. next Tuesday in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium, will feature a
discussion of the question, "Should
Federal Aid to Education be Given
to Public Schools Only?"
THE REV. FR. Celestin Steiner,
president of the University of De-
troit, and a U. of D. senior will
take the negative side of the high-
ly controversial question.
Dexter A pprovces
School Uniiction
Returns from a special school
election held in Dexter yesterday
showed voters approved a pro-
posal for consolidation of 11 rural
schools by a vote of 639 in favor
and 118 against.

They will be opposed by Prof.
Preston Slosson of the history
department, and Robert Ern-
stein, '50.
Praising the Forum committee's
choice of debate topics, Prof. Slos-
son said that "the Forum program
is an excellent idea."
PROF. SLOSSON was seconded
by The Rev. Fr. Frank McPhillips,
of St. Mary's Chapel, who asserted
that "the Forum debate should be
very worth while and should pre-
sent the many sides of the educa-
tion aid question.
"I can't see any possible bene-
fit to be derived from submerg-
ing opinions on such a contro-
versial subject and the debate
should help to bring the matter
out into the open," Father Mc-
Phillips added.
Patterned after the "Town
Meeting on the Air" programs, the
Forum will feature 10 minute talks
by each debator, followed by a 15
minute roundtable discussion of
the debate question.

sponsored political and social
science visitors program, the
student group will return to
Germany with their films in
They have already shot por-
tions of the celluloid visit to this
campus. Scenes have been taken
by Kahlert of dating at Alice
Lloyd Hall and other extra-cur-
ricular activities.
Scheduled for shooting next
week are scenes in classrooms,
laboratories and the radio station.
Research projects and meal-time
at the East Quadrangle are other
items on the agenda.
* * *
ordinator of the visiting German
group and chairman of the, Uni-
versity of Southern California
political science department,
pointed out that more than $2,000
worth of camera equipment is be-
ing utilized.
"Present plans call for both an
English and a German sound
track for the film," Hindman said.
He predicted it would be available
through State Department chan-
nels sometime in October.
World .News
By The Associated Press
mier-Designate Albert Deveze yes-
terday proposed a final appeal to
King Leopold to abdicate, but
the King remained adamant in his
decision to leave the royal ques-
tion to parliament.
* * *
eral Communications Commis-
sion said yesterday it has given.
priority status, to the current
hearing at Los Angeles on the
operations of radio stations
owned by G. A. Richards of
Los Angeles.
The hearing is in connection
with complaints received by the
FCC two years ago that station
KMPC had "slanted" its news
broadcasts to reflect Richard's
personal views. The investiga-
tion also includes two other
Richards stations, WJR at De-
troit and WGAR at Cleveland.
*1 * *
EAS'TION, PA. - Lafayette
College popped up yesterday with
the highest in higher education
-the flying college.
Ralph C. Hutchsion, president

Knocks Out
Irish, Crop
Marshall Funds,
'Point Four' Cut
House, in a sweeping reversal of
its earlier actions, yesterday pass\
ed and sent to the Senate a $3,-
000,000,000 foreign aid bill by a
vote of 287 to 86.
Thehuge, one-package bill was
trimmed of some of the money
President Truman wanted, and
his plan to develop backward areas
of the world was cut almost in
* * *
HOWEVER, THE administra-
tion won these two hotly'contest-
ed points:
1. An amendment which would
have barred all aid to Britain un-
til Ireland is united was knocked
out by a 226-to-60 standing vote.
2. A provision that $1,000,000,-
000 of the fund be earmarked for
surplus U.S. crops -was eliminated,
198 to 70.
But the administration lost a
couple of other decisions.
A $250,000,000 cut in Marshall
Plan funds stayed in. Through a
technicality, the administration
had -to accept the cut or the sur-
plus crop amendment. The Demo-
cratic leaders decided to take the
cut-and hope the senate would
put the quarter billion back in.
THE PLAN to develop econo-
mically backward areas was slash-
ed from a requested $45,000,000
to $25,000,000. The vote here was
117 to 78.
Here's the way the bill low
lines up:
$2,850,000,000 for the Marshall
Plan nations of Europe.
$100,000,000 for the Republic of
. $100,000,000 for Formosa, Na-
tionalist China and southeastern
Asia. (This fund is a carry-over
from previous money which hasn't
been spent.)
$27,450,000 for relief of Arab
refugees from Holy Land wars.
$25,000,000 for development of
backward areas under the "Point
Four" plan-so named because Mr.
Truman mentioned it fourth in
a foreign policy speech.
* * *
would have barred aid to the Bri-
tish until Ireland is united was
passed Wednesday when the House
was in a kittenish mood.
But once it got into the bill, it
presented a serious problem to
Administration leaders w h a
wanted to get it out.
Yesterday Rep. Kee (D-W. Va.),
chairman of the House foreign af-
fairs committee, found a way to
get the amendment removed.
If the members would vote it
out, he said, his committee would
hold hearings on a resolution de-
claring it to be the sense of Con-
gress that Ireland should be
So the members voted it out.
Point four caused most of the
ruckus yesterday.
On Thursday Secretary of State
Acheson argued that the full sum
is necessary if the U.S. is to give
sufficient technical assistance to
backward countries.
* * *
U.S. Requests
Greek Reform

ATHENS-)-U.S. Ambassador
Henry F. Grady called on Greece
yesterday to put her political and
economic houses in order if she
expects to receive further Ameri-
can aid.
In a strongly-worded letter to
Premier Sophocles Venizelos, the
ambassador warned that continu-
ance of American aid will depend
on "basic and binding decisions"
by the Greek government that will
insure successful utilization of
Marshall Plan funds.

Sage, 1(
Paul Sage, '51, was appointed .
managing editor of the 1951
Michiganensian yesterday by the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
At the same time, the Board
named Clarence (Slug) Kettler,
'51, business manager of the Uni-
versity's yearbook for the coming
* * *
SAGE, 20 years old, hails from
Bessemer, Mich. He joined the
'Enstan business staff last fall, and






* * *

the 'Ensian were Sara Frost, '51,
of Grosse Pointe; David Leddick,
'51, of Montague, Mich.; and Don-
ald Sigman, '51E, of Flushing, N.Y.
* * *
THE BOARD also appointed
four new 'Ensian business staff
officials. They are Hope Schaidler,
'51, of Detroit, office manager;
William Osterman, '51, of Toledo,
general sales manager; Neale
Traves, '52, of Rocky River, 0.,
advertising manager; and Samuel
Alt+mn '5~1.iof New York City.

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