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March 26, 1950 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-26

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_________________TH XMIcfHI XN DAILY P

Petitioning, Interviewing To Open
For Posts on Assembly Board

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Applications Will Be Accepted
For Counsellors of Girl's State

Petitions for Assembly Board,
executive committee for all activi-
ties of independent women on
campus, will be due at noon to-
morrow in the League Undergrad-
uate Office.
Members of this year's board
will hold interviews for those ap-
plying for the positions from 4 to
6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.
Posts which will be open are the
office of president, vice-president,
secretary and treasurer. Chair-
manships of the projects, social
and personnel committees are al-
so included.. * *
ALL POSITIONS are open to
junior and senior women with the
exception of the offices of presi-
dent and vice-president which
must be filled by seniors.
Assembly Board is the execu-
tive committee of Assembly As-
sociation, the chief coordinating
A organization of activities of all
independent women on campus.
The board coordinates the func-
tions of Assembly and maintains
the relationship between independ-
ent and affiliated women on cam-
pus. Among the several projects
found on the Assembly list are
the Fresh Air Camp, A-Hop, As-
sembly Ball and Fortnight.
.ONE OF THE group's newest
projects is the sponsorship of dis-
placed students, the funds for
which were obtained through per-
sonal contributions and the profits
from candy stores in the dormitor-
Among the numerous positions
which fall under the duties of
the president of Assembly is the
post of voting ex-officio mem-
ber of the League Undergraduate
r Council, to whose meetings she

brings reports of the activities
of her organization.
In addition to wielding the gavel
at the joint meeting of the execu-
tive board, and dormitory and Lea-
gue house presidents, she also pre-
sides at the installations of both
the Assembly Association and dorm
League house presidents. To top
off the list of the president's dut-
ies, she is the mainstay in pro-
moting the activities of the vari-
ous committees of her organiza-
IN ADDITION to performing the
duties of the president in her ab-
sence the vice-president of As-
sembly holds the position of chair-
man of the League House { Presi-
dent's Council. At the executive
board meetings, she must also.pre-
sent a report of the activities of
the League House President's
As the title of the position
implies, the secretary of Assem-
bly is responsible for the minutes
of all meetings of the executive
board, but her duties do not end
In charge of all correspondence
for the board, she must also keep
a file of the minutes of the Dormi-
tory and League House Presidents'
Councils. The Assembly scrapbook
and bulletin board in the Assembly
Office are also in her hands.
* * *
KEEPING COUNT of the pen-
nies and the budgets of the As-
sembly Association fall under the
classification of treasurer.
In addition to planning the
social functions of the Assembly
Association, the social chairman
must also coordinate the activi-
ties of the dorms and League
houses. The responsibility of the

University Fresh Air Camp and
the Displaced Person Fund falls
upon the shoulders of the pro-
ject chairman.
Stimulating the interest of the
independent women in extra-cur-
ricular activities is the main duty
of the chairman of the personnel
Parade Aid
Is Requested
Got any elegant old cars, jump-
ing jeeps or caliopes rusting in
your garage?
Then Jerry Mehlman, co-chair-
man of the 1950 Michigras parade
is looking for you.
ISSUING A CALL for unusual
vehicles and contraptions, Meh-
man beamed that "This year's
parade is going to be hilariously
He asked students with access
to old stock cars, hot rods or
even those big helium filled par-
ade balloons to contact him at
the Michigan Union Student
Offices. "Also needed are ordi-
nary trucks and hay wagons to
carry floats," Mehman added.
He announced a list of over 50
organizations which have already
signed Up to participate in the
parade April 29. The list follows:
* * *
Alpha Phi, Beta Theta Pi-PiPhi,
Chi Psi-Sorosis, Delta Sigma Pi-
Jordan, Sigma Phi Epsilon-Delta
Delta Delta, Theta Xi-Delta Gam-
This list continues with Betsy
Barbour-Lloyd House, Mosher
Hall-Allen-Rumsey, Helen New-
berry-Winchell, Stockwell-Hay-
den House, Martha Cook-Sigma
Chi, Angell House - Chicago
House, Klinestock-Wenley House.
Also merging are Delta Chi- Al-
pha Xi Delta, Delta Tau Delta-
Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Delta
Theta - Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Kappa Sigma-Chi Omega, Theta
Chi-Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma Nu-
Alpha Delta Pi, Zeta Beta Tau-
Alpha Epsilon Phi.
Other participating groups are
Alpha Epsilon, Theta Delta Chi,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Gamma
Delta, Sigma Pi, Gamma Phi Beta,
Alpha Omicron Pi, Riding Club,
Pershing Rifl#Club, Alpha Delta
Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Chi Phi,
Delta Kappa Epsilon, Pi Delta
Phi, Delta Zeta, Trigon, Fletcher
SL Issues
Call for Aid
Student Legislature is sending
out a plea for coeds who can type,
take shorthand, draw or paint to
work on the secretariat or posters
of the Legislature.
Nancy Watkins, corresponding
secretary of the S. L. stated, "The
girls will get activity points from
the League for doing any of these
Leonard Wilcox, head of pub-
lic relations, added that art abili-
ty is not imperative for the poster
Girls interested in applying may
call or appear in person from 3 to
5 p. m. any afternoon at the Stu-
dent Legislature office, located in
the Administration Building.

-Daily-Alan Reid
ON THE SPOT: Broadcasting "live" from the lobby of the Michi-
gan League WUOM interviewer, Jim Schiavone, Dorothy Hall,
and Jo Ann Lyons, quizzes two of the outstanding senior women
attending the traditional senior night ceremonies before the
first performance of JGP.
Leadership School To Begin
Institute Training Program

Newer Look
Spring coats and light toppers
embody the highest style points
of the 1950 spring fashions.
There are few radical changes
in coat fashions this spring, but
there are some interesting modifi-
cations. Coats are generally very
full and roomy with big sleeves.
Many have belts and can be worn
with or without to give variety.
featured this spring which make
the coat more comfortable when
worn over suits. The full drop
sleeve is also popular. This style
is carried out by a smooth drop
shoulder effect and a -yolk across
the back.
Some of the more dressy coats
are featuring puffy push-up
sleeves which have a full arm
and tight cuff. Many of the
sleeves shown are braclet length
and some are very short and
above the elbow of a semi-coat.
This dress-like style can be
worn as a dress or, in cooler
weather, as a coat over a dress.
Large wing-pointed collars give
a flying send-off and big conspi-
cious pockets add the finishing
touches. Perky stand-up collars
are also being featured with large
lapels. White pique is shown on
collars and cuffs to dress up the
coat a bit.
* * *
NEW HIP-LENGTH jackets are
just the thing to give last year's
suit the new look. Bright contras-
ting colors are featured with suits.
Many- of the jackets may be worn
straight or belted. A flared back
is again popular this spring.
The full short sleeves and
push-up sleeves are very sty-
lish in the jacket. These short
mull jackets billowing over a
pencil-slim skirt are just the
thing to give the stylish top-
heavy look of this spring.
The casual coat of this spring
follows the trend of the season. It
is large and full with huge con-
spicious pockets. It has full rag-
lan sleeves and big flowing collars.
It is worn with a belt which may
be buckled or merely folded over
in a neat knot.



Valuable experience in leader-
ship and personnel training is be-
ing offered to University women
who are interested in counseling
a select group of high school girls
during summer vacation.
Wolverine Girl's State, which
will be held from June 19 to 27
this year, is a convention present-
ed annually by the American Leg-
ion Auxiliary for outstanding high
school students chosen from all
over Michigan. The program is
designed to familiarize the girls
with present-day vocational op-
portunities for women and to stim-
ulate a deep interest in the devel-
opment of home and community
* * ,
COEDS WHO would like the
opportunity to work as counselors
during the convention may apply
now at the League with Miss Ethel
McCormick, and will be called for
an interview after spring vacation.
"Applicants should be equip-
ped with leadership abilities, re-
creational skills, a live interest
in the welfare of girls, and pre-
ferably have camp or playground
experience," said Miss Miriam
Brown, chief counselor for Wol-
verine Girl's State and resident
director at Jordan Hall.
Counselors will receive $20 as
remuneration plus room and
board, and will be able to enjoy
many of the privileges and facili-
ties of the University while parti-
cipating in the program.
EACH COED will be assigned
to a town consisting of about 14
students. There will be a total
of 238 girls forming 17 town units.
These girls will stay at Stockwell
Hall during the convention.
Regular members of the Uni-
versity staff will offer instruc-
tion and demonstration in house-
hold arts, home economics, hos-
pital work, dramatics, fine arts,
physical education, dietetic and
actual experience in governmen-
tal procedure and its functions.
Recreational and athletic re-
sources of the University will be
placed at the girls' disposal, so

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Blue Suede-
Black Calf
e a

Training for volunteer recre-
ational leaders, sponsored by the
Ann Arbor Volunteer Organiza-
tion will begin Wednesday, April
19 for all interested men and wo-
Training is divided into six
groups including social recreation,
handicraft, dramatics and pup-
petry, square dance calling, out-
door activities and group leader-
ship methods.
Spring Season
.Features Navy
Navy takes over again this
spring in the fashion world.
Whether it be the newest style
in spring coats, long or toppers,
suits of the traditional type, or
the latest in snappy bolero outfits,
navy blue heads the list.
* * *
IN FABRICS with a hard finish
such as the old favorite, gabar-
dine, the navy color gives that
sleek, tailored look for which
many a damsel strives.
Light weight wools, used more
in the dressmaker type of suit,
are also very flattering in navy
and that soft, draped look is the
Navy is also featured this year
in the latest fashions in coat de-
sign and materials. Coats of light
weight fleece and the new suede-
like fabric in navy blue are re-
ceiving a top popularity rating.
* * *
THE BOLERO costume is one
of the most effective means of
wearing navy blue to the best ad-
vantage. A vivid contrast between
the blouse worn under the bolero
jacket and the navy blue of the
suit creates a spotlight effect.
The boleros vary in length,
some of them swing from
the shoulders while others fit


You'll ring the bell in these
newest of spring styles .. .
tuned to the fast tempoof
high-riding styles. For
school . . . for play ...
for work.

Each group will hold five ses-
sions lasting through May 4.
be secured at the League Under-
graduate Office or at Barbour
Gymnasium immediately. The
price for adults is $1.50 for high-
school and University students.
Upon completion of the train-
ing, the . Volunteer Leaders'
Training Institute will attempt
to place participants in volun-
teer activities.
The social recreation session,
led by Miss Augusta Harris, will
include folk dancing, party games,
ice breaker mixers and special
* * *
HANDICRAFT participants, un
-der the leadership of Mrs. Louis
Dixon, will study ceramics, basket-
ry, leather, plastics and clay.
Mrs. Rachael Andresen will
lead the' dramatics and puppet-
ry enthusiasts. They will learn
about making puppets and
planning dramatic productions
of all ages and places.
Teaching and calling square and
country dances will be taught by
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Amneus.
* * *
and Miss Francis Young will head
the out-door sessions learning
about cook-outs and the aspects
of hiking.
Mrs. Ronald Lippett will lead
the demonstrations on group
leadership methods.
Further information on the lea-
dership activities may be had by
contacting Mary Davidsen, per-
sonnel chairman of the League.
e a
Banish fatigue and
tenseness with this

Record Concert
Franck's Symphony in D min-
or and the "Romeo and Juliet"
Overture by Tschaikowsky will
be featured at the League record
concert which will be held from
7:30 to 8:30 p.m. today in the
League Ballroom.



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