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March 18, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-18

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latest Deadline in the State






Attacks 'Whitewash'

of Diplomat

Soviet Zone
Gripped By
Money Panic
German Mark
Hits New Low
BERLIN-. (P) -The greatest
money panic since the war grip-
ped the Soviet Zone of Germany
s yesterday, sinking the East Mark
to an all-time low.
Fearful of a sudden currency
reform, holders of millions of East
Marks swamped the licensed ex-
changes in West Berlin with of-
Although the exchanges had
posted a rate of 7.6 East Marks
for one West Mark today, huge
lots of East Marks were put on the
market as cheaply as 8.75 to one.
emission tonight said all reports
of impending currency reform
were "completely unfounded."
In a statement distributed by
the Soviet-licensed news agency
AJI*, the bank said categorically
that no monetary reform will be
The bank claimed that the pre-
sent money panic was "deliber-
ately plotted" by the West Berlin
money changers" in order to con-
fuse the population and divert
public attention from the steadily
mounting capitalistic economy
crisis in Western Germany and
West Berlin."
they were flooded with calls from
frantic East German companies to
help unload their East Mark re-
West German exporters also
joined the rush to convert ac-
crued East Marks into western
To deal with the "tense situa-
tion," West Berlin's money chan-
gers held a long secret session last
night preparatory to announcing
today's official rate.
Since January 1, the East Mark
has declined nearly 50 per cent in
relation to the West Mark. But the
real nose-dive started a few days
ago with rumors of a currency re-
German radio officials said yes-
terday they had heard reports that
the Russians were building about
a dozen radio stations in East
Germany to jam American Zone
Effectiveness of radio stations
in the U.S. Zone of Germany is
already cut because the U.S. re-
fused to accept reassigned wave-
lengths given it by a European
radio conference.
Students Seek
To Extend U.S.
Visit of Giradi
DETROIT- (AP) -University of
Detroit freshmen* and faculty
members sought petitions yester-
day to keep Joseph B. Girardi in
the United States.
Girardi, 25. is "stateless," being
a fugitive from the Communistic
regime in Hungary and his tem-
porary student's permit expires in
30 days.

THE PETITIONS urge immi-
gration authorities to extend Gi-
rardi's permit, "thereby permit-
ting him to complete his four
years of college" at Detroit Uni-
Father John J. Benson des-
cribed Joe as "a remarkable stu-
dent when you consider' that lie
has not yet mastered the Eng-
lish language."
Joe had the equivalent of two
years college at the University of
Budapest before he fled Commun-
ist Hungary across Germany and
Belgium. He reached Venezuela
on documents issued by the In-
ternational Refugee Organization,
coming here last fall to enter Uni-
versity of Detroit.













Wo iverin es,


Declares Lewis
Ignored Decision
CANTON, Ill.-(P)-An ousted local official of the United Mine
Workers asserted yesterday that John L. Lewis secretly ordered his
miners to ignore the Feb. 11 court order to end their nationwide coal
Lloyd H. Sidener, 44, said Lewis passed the word down through
his chain of command until it reached him.
Sidener said he received the order by telephone from Bernard
Beasley of Canton, Chairman of Sub-District 2 of the Illinois UMW
District. Beasley denied this.
* * * *
SIDENER WAS removed March 7 as President of Local 7445,
Canton. He charged in a complaint to the National Labor Relations

Iowa Court
Gets Coed 's
Death Story
IOWA CITY-V'P)-A police of-
ficer testified yesterday that Ro-
bert E. Bednasek said he wa~s
playing a "game of blackout"
shortly before a beautiful blond
coed was found dead.
The officer was one of five wit-
nesses called yesterday as the
State started introducing testi-
mony in the murder trial of the
24-year-old University of Iowa
psychology student. "Blackout" is
a stunt in which unconsciousness
is produced by holding the breath
and squeezing the neck.
* * *
BEDNASEK is accused of chok-
ing to death pretty Margaret (Gee-
Gee) Jackson, a psychology stu-
dent who had been dating and was
once "pinned" by Bednasek. Her
body was found in a rooming
house where he lived.
The defense said that until his
treatment, the defendant could
not recall what happened after he
had playfully placed his hands on
Miss Jackson's throat to show the
proper way to choke a person.
"Benny will take the stand and
testify what happened in that
room as nearly as he can," Cekr
Hamilton, defense attorney, said.
"And what happenedain that room
was strictly accidental."
26 of 'Tender
Crew Saved
cue ship yesterday picked up 26
of 40 members of the Navy Ten-
der Elder, overdue since Monday
at the atomic proving grounds of
Eniwetok in the mid-Pacific.
Navy search planes were order-
ed to scan the Pacific for the 14
seamen still missing from the El-

Board that the union fined him
$50,000 and in effect barred him
from working.
He said this was punishment
for his efforts to get other min-
ers to obey the court's no-strike
Sidener said in an interview that
Lewis directed his 380,000 striking
miners to disregard not only the
court injunction but Lewis' own
telegraphed plea for a resumption
of coal digging. Lewis sent tele-
grams ordering the miners back
to work after he was served with
the court injunction.
* * *
SIDENER said Lewis secretly
passed a continue-strike order to
State UMW presidents, who in
turn notified sub-district board
members, who passed it on to
mine local presidents for the rank
and file.
Sidener said Beasley telephoned
him at 2 p.m. Feb. 11 and said:
"John L. Lewis said the whis-
tle blew once for Monday (Feb.
13) pull everybody. There'll be
no maintenance and pumping
crews at the mines."
Sidener said it was the policy
at his mine that one blast of the
whistle meant no work the next
day and that three blasts meant
the mine would operate.
Former KKK
Grand Dragon
Wins Liberty
D. C. Stephenson, former Indiana
leader of the Ku Klux Kuan, won
his 25-year fight for release from
the Indiana State Prison lpte yes-
The former Grand Dragon, who
was serving a life sentence on a
murder conviction, became eligi-
ble for parole two weeks ago when
Gov. Henry F. Schricker commut-
ed his sentence to time served to
* * *
THE FOUR trustees of the pri-
son unanimously voted him a par-
ole at their regular meeting yes-

St. Pat's Day
Again Jinxes
M' Puckmen
Kelley Paces BU
To NCA A Victory
(Special to The Daily)
second year in a row the St. Pat-
rick's Day jinx got the best of
Michigan's hockey squad.
An Irish studded Boston Uni-
versity sextet piled up all of its
goals in the second period to turn
back the Wolverines 4-3, in the
second game of the NCAA cham-
pionship playoffs here last night.
JUST ONE YEAR ago today an-
other Eastern squad, Dartmouth
University, lowered the boom on
Michigan in NCAA play to beat
the Maize and Blue, 4-2.
Last night in a game that had
surprisingly few penalties, two
against Michigan and three on
Boston, called for a national
tourney contest, the Wolverines
saw a first period 2-0 lead van-
ish into thin air as the Terriers
exploded their devastating four
goal attack in the middle frame.
Two Irishmen, Jack Kelley and
John Garrity, proved to be the
biggest thorns in the Wolverines
sides. Kelley poked in two of the
Beantowner's goals and Garrity
set a new American collegiate in-
dividual scoring record as he post-
ed one goal and added an assist
to bring his season's total to 80
* * *
American Ike Bevins played a tre-
mendous game for the Terriers as
he kicked out 36 Michigan at-
tempts. Jack Maclnnes was forc-
ed to repel but 14 Terrier shots.
Paul Pelow got Michigan off
to an early lead at 49 seconds of
the first period on a shot from
30 feet out that hit goalie Ike
Bevins' pads and trickled
through for the score. Ros
Smith got an assist on the play.
Then at 10:57, with Boston's
Kelley off the ice for freezing the
puck, Captain Wally Grant took
a pass from Earl Keyes and fired
a long shot from the left-hand
corner that got past Bevins and
put Michigan ahead, 2-0.
THE SECOND period opened
with both teams playing a more
See SECOND, Page 3
Stalin Talk
Plan Ignored
By Presidenit
KEY WEST, Fla.-(IP)-Presi-
dent Truman ignored yesterday,
a suggested radio-telephone talk
with Premier Stalin and reviewed
his troubled legislative situation
with his top legal advisor.
He decided to get a first hand
report on the outlook for key
measures in his "Fair Deal" pro-
gram in a telephone conversation
Monday with his Congressional
"Big four."
Charles C. Ross said Mr. Truman
wil telephone Vice - President
Barkley, Speaker Rayburn, Sen-

ate Majority Leader Lucas and
House Majority Leader McCor-
mack, whom he usuelly consults
every Monday at the White House.
The decision to call the "Big
Four" was made after Mr. Tru-
man conferred for 45 minutes
with Charles S. Murphy, his
new special counsel, in the "Win-
ter White House" on the legis-




Student Art Festival goes into
its second session at 2 p.m. today
with a program of music, short
plays, poetry and discussions.
At 2 p.m. in the Museum of Art,-
Alumni Memorial Hall, an archi-
tectural panel will discuss "Evalu-
ation of Modern Trends in Archi-
tecture." Robert Lyte will be mo-
FOLLOWING THE intermission,
five poems by University students
will be read by Charles Olsen. The
poems are "Being of Your Flesh"
by Howard Staley, "Jazzing
Around" by Saul Gottlieb, "The
Message" by T. E. Parker, "The
Latest Consecration" by W. B.
Trousdale and "One Kind of
Growth" by Howard Staley.
Switching from the spoken
word to the vibrating string,
Andrew Lisko, Edward Troupin
and Joan Bullen Lewis will play
to perform George Wilson's
"String Trio."
The afternoon program will be1
concluded with a discussion,
"Formal Organization of Artistic
Materials." Moderator Nafe Kat-
ter will be assisted by Lester Fa-
der, Jack Juebler, Andrew Minor,
Lou Orlin and Jim Stephenson.
* * *
sign Meet Current Demand?" will
be the problem of a visual art pan-
el when the Art Festival recon-
venes at 8 p.m. in the Museum of
At the conclusion of the pan-
el discussion, four poems set to
music by Lee Eitzen will be per-
formed by Leslie Eitzen, soprano
and Dolores DiLorenzo, pianist.
The pieces are entitled "Stop-
ping by Woods on a Snowy Eve-
ning" by Robert Frost, "A Ques-
tion" by John Synge, When You
Are Old" by W. B. Yeats and "Sil-
ly Sweetheart" by Walter de la
* * *
THE MUSIC to the final song
is written by Grant Beglarian and
* * *



-Daily-Wally Barth
STUDENT ARTS FESTIVAL-Murray Gitlin and Bernice Wein-
berger practice for the Modern Dance Club's presentation of Wil-

Gam Trousdale's poem "The Old
at the final session of the three
p.m. tomorrow.
is based on Strowan Robertson's
"Tell Me Another One."
Following a brief intermission
three duologues will be present-
ed. The first, "A Fable" by
Strowan Robertson will be act-
ed. by Reid Shelton and Charles
The second, "This Ad Arbitri-
um" by William Trousdale will
feature Bette Ellis and Nafe Kat-

Overflow Audience Jams
First Inter-Arts Session

An enthusiastic overflow crowd
jammed Alumni Memorial Hall
last night to see and hear the first
session of the Inter-Arts Festival.
The audience heard a concerto
for orchestra by Edward Chuda-
coff, the introductory lecture to
the Festival by Prof. Charles L.
Stevenson of the philosophy de-
partment, and saw the world pre-
miere of a locally-made film, "The
Well-Wrought Ern." They also
wandered among the exhibit of
visual art objects in the two gal-
'Generation' Sales
Continue Today
A few remaining copies of "Gen-
eration," campus literary maga-
zine will be on sale over the week-
end and Monday, according to
Norman Gottlieb, business mana-
ger of the periodical.
Sales wil continue at all the
Arts Festival Meetings today and
If there are any left by Monday,
we will sell on campus from 10
a.m. to 1 p.m., said Gottlieb.

leries of student work devoted to
the Festival.
ing himself to the question,
"What's the Good of Art, Any-
way?" pointed out that the ques-
tion itself is often rejected by ar-
tists and philosophers because
they feel that art is its own re-
But, he said, it is possible and
desirable to go further, and in-
sist that artistic creation and
ap preciation havecextra-artis-
tic value-that art has the func-
tions of developing our sensiti-
vity and insight, and of pro-
viding an ideal or blueprint
with which to compare the ac-
tual world.
A number of philosophers and
scientists have maintained that
art involves "emotional exercise."
Aristotle described it as katharsis.
Freud talked of a theory of sub-
INTERPRETING this type of
theory in other terms, Prof. Ste-
venson said that most of us "learn
more about psychology in art than
anywhere else."

City". The dance will be staged
day arts festival beginning at 2
ter. The concluding duologue will
be Daniel Waldron's "Icarus and
The Fair". The cast includes Joyce
Edgar and Charles Olsen.
The evening program will end
with a discussion, "Verbal and
Non-Verbal Communication."
Sunday's program of symphony
music, ballet, modern dance, met-
rical psalms and discussions will
conclude the Festival.
World News
By The Associated Press
BRUSSELS-About 100,000 Bel-
gian workers struck yesterday to
demonstrate their opposition to
the return of King Leopold to the
throne. The country voted in a
"popular consultation" last Sun-
day which resulted in a majority
of 57.7 to ask the king back.
SALTZBURG - Two Ameri-
can soldiers were sentenced to
long prison terms by an Army
court martial in Salzburg, Aus-
tria, yesterday on charges of
kidnapping a Romanian-born
mystery man and turning him
over to the Russians in Vienna.
* *-*
S. Fairchild, 55, Vice Chief of
Staff of the United States Air
Force, died unexpectedly last
night of a heart attack while at
his quarters at nearby Fort Myer,
* . .*
WASHINGTON-Federal Judge
J. Waties Waring, of Charleston,
S.C., recommended yesterday that
immediate pressure be put on
Congress and the White House for
human rights to provide racial

Calls State
FBI 'Police State'
Plan Criticized
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Senator Mc-
Carthy charged yesterday that the
"boss" of the State Department's
Loyalty Board has issued a man-
date for a "complete and thorough
whitewash" of diplomat John Ste-
wart Service.
Slamming back at Deputy Un-
dersecretary of State John E. Peu-
rifoy, who accused McCarthy
Thursday of reviving "dead, dis-
credited, disproven" pro-Com-
munist charges against Service,
the Wisconsin Senator, a Repub-
lican, said in a statement:
"This is the sort of thing we
know goes on behind closed doors,
but this is the first time the de-
partment has had the effrontery
to publicly tell their owl loyalty
board how to prejudice the case
before hearing the facts."
McCARTHY HAS charged that
Service has a "crystal clear" rec-
ord of favoring Communism.
McCarthy's new blast at Peuri-
foy came less than 24 hours after
the State Department official
warmly defended Service as a vic-
tim of "baseless" attacks and de-
lared it was "a shame and a dis-
grace" that Service should be
brought back for a new loyalty
A NEW defender of Service's
loyalty stepped forward, mean-
while, in the person of Rear Ad-
miral Ellis Zacharias, retired, for-
mer Deputy Chief of Naval In-
Zacharias told newsmen in
Milwaukee he would personally
vouch for the "patriotism and
integrity" of Service. He said
he knew Service's work well,
and declared he was certain that
some of McCarthy's informa-
tion is "inadequate and erron-
Meanwhile, in Washington, the
Department of Justice expressed
grave concern over a Congressional
proposal which it said might lay
the FBI open to criticism as a
"state police organization."
The plan, already approved by
the House, would require the FBI
to pass judgment on the loyalty
of some government employes.
Hitherto it has merely investigat-
ed loyalty cases, without drawing
conclusions of its own.
PEYTON FORD, Assistant to
U.S. Attorney General McGrath,
said he reflected the views of FBI
Chief J. Edgar Hoover and Sec-
retary of Jefense Johnson in de-
"The proposal is fraught with
peril, not only to the bureau,
but also to the country itself."
Ford wrote members of the
House Interstate Commerce Com-
mittee that the FBI is now sole-
ly an "investigative and fact-
gathering" agency which submits
reports without any attempt -to
evaluate the data turned up in its
investigations or to make recom-
Bowron Asks
Civilian Atom
Defense Plan

les' Mayor told Congress yesterday
that the cities have no idea what
to do about civilian atomic de-
fense and he criticized Washing-
ton's handling of the problem.
"We don't know who is respon-
sible," said ; the witness, Fletcher
Bowron. "We don't know whom
to contact. If Washington can't
handle this, it can't handle a war
without tremendous waste of ef-
TESTIFYING as the Senate-
House Atomic Committee held its
first public hearing on civilian de-
fense, Bowron said there should
be one agency responsible for this

SL's Calendar Criteria
Gains Campus Approval
) N

Student Legislature's new cri-
teria for approving student events
to be placed on the University cal-
enedar were greeted yesterday with
general campus favor.
Although the criteria must be
submitted to the Student Affairs
Committee for final approval next
Tuesday, leaders of several major
campus organizations supported
SL's new plan for calendaring stu-
dent events.
* * *
MARGE FLINT, '50, president
of the League, called the list of
criteria "very well thought out."
"It seems to cover nearly every
point which should be consider-

Legislature, pointing out that "it
would provide a basis for greater
student responsibility."
"And possibly it would elimin-
ate the frequent financial failures
among student-sponsored events,"
he added.
S * * *
JACOBSON was seconded by
Betty Jo Faulk, '50, president of
Pan Hellenic Association, who said
that "an adequate screening of
student-sponsored events by SL is
necessary to eliminate over-crowd-
ed weekend schedules."
Miss Faulk reported that the
Pan Hellenic Association had

City Survives Wild St. Patrick's Day

Ann Arbor police had a quiet
time of it last night in spite of
an over-abundance of beer-drink-
ing "Irishmen" jamming down-
town streets and taverns from
about 1 p.m. yesterday, celebrat-

liquid, too, according to the man-
But all five closed promptly at
midnight against all student
protest. After the witching hour,
however, singing groups still
straggled along the streets.

But New York didn't have a
monopoly on March 17 celebra-
Green-bedecked Boston observ-
ed St. Patrick's Day and evacua-
tion day together. Evacuation day

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