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March 11, 1950 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-03-11

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SATIAY, MARCH 11, 1950~,4


__________________________________________________ U ___________________________________________________________________

5 ti.




P4ii ted

LIQUOR LAW violators appear to have
rough times ahead in Ann Arbor, since
local authorities have announced a crack-
down on minors who attempt to buy liquor.
And this new policy indicates the real in-
ability of ordinary legal processes to cope
with the University liquor problem.
Announcement of the crackdown, made
by municipal Judge Francis O'Brien, pro-
secutor Douglas K. Reading, and police
chief Casper Enkemann, came after two
University students paid $50 in fines and
received suspended jail sentences.
Apparently these two students are sup-
posed to be examples to others; Judge
PBrien said, "I suspended the jail sentences
on the two students, but in the future I may
not be inclined to suspend them. I'm going
to put a stop to this."
IT'S CLEAR, however that neither Judge
O'Brien nor anyone else will be able to
put a stop to minors drinking by dealing out
stiffer penalties to those who are caught. Not
that the judge can be blamed for this; he is
employing the only methods at his disposal
"solving" the problem.
The reason these methods are inade-
quate is that the liquor problem at the
University is not so much legal as educa-
tional; it is not a situation that calls for
the strict enforcement of rules, but one,
that involves people who are learning how
to get along with a relatively, new element
in their experience. And there seems to be
a conflict between the law as it is written
and the aim of getting people adjusted to
their environment with a minimum of
There is the customary belief embodied in
the law that 21 years is a magic age which
makes an untamed "youngster" suddenly
responsible. There is also a state law to the
effect that liquor cannot be consumed in
state-owned buildings; even 21-year-olds
who drink in the dorms are law-breakers.
And, in spite of Judge O'Brien, there will
continue to be violations of these laws, be-
cause it is easy to get away with illegal
drinking for the person who really tries.
ed the problem of what to do about the
many students who drink illegally. Obvious-
ly, a state institution can't come out in open\
violation of the law. And equally obviously,
to me at least, it cannot succeed where the
law has failed-it cannot enforce the law
The University's honest, though unsuc-
cessful, attempt to meet this difficulty has
resulted in the banning of liquor for all
students, not just minors and dormitory
Possibly it is time to try getting rid of
a basic source of the problem, which is that
the state law is old-fashioned in approach
and unsatisfactory in practice.
IN NTHE FIRST place, the rule about not
drinking in state-owned buildings is
'pointless; if public officials can't handle
themselves in the presence of liquor, this law
won't stop them and, as far as the University
is concerned, the use of liquor could be much
more easily controlled in the dormitories
than 20 miles out of town.
More important, the state law doesn't
recognize that people change and learn
gradually, not all at once. It would be bet-
ter, for instance, if 18-year-olds were "al-
lowed" to drink beer, with the stronger
stuff still restricted to those over 21.
At any rate, it is apparent that the Uni-
versity's policy on drinking cannot be anyW-
thing more than a temporizing makeshift
within the framework of the present state
-Philip Dawson
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

T WOULD have made little difference to
the small groups gathered in the halls of
the architectural building the other night
whether they were discussing the "Indepen-
dent-versus-Greek" question or "Russia and
the Cold War". They were in their element.
Mankind has always felt that if he had
a chance to get together and discuss, he
could solve most of his problems. I sup-
pose one might point to the wide-spread
hope of the past months both here and in
Great Britain, that Stalin and Truman
would get together for a talk, as our best
To any one who saw the soap box orato'
of every political opinion gather on the diag-
onal last year when spontaneous debate on
Communism broke out, a need for the chance
to sound-off, to discuss intelligently the
problems that we face as students and as
members of a larger community, has long
been evident.
There are all kinds of indications of it:
The number that attended the debate
Wednesday night, nearly filling the Archi-
tecture Auditorium (Some movies have
failed to do as well): the number of hands
still raised to ask questions when the de-
bate was necessarily ended; and the'
groups, made up of people who had not
known each other before the meeting,
who gathered after the meeting.
The whole affair should serve as encour'
agement to the SL's Michigan Forum Comi-
mittee to continue the project. It should be
a sign to student organizations and the Ad-
ministration that this is what students wants
-that they should take note and give every
assistance to the Committee in its planning
of future debates.
-Don McNeil
At The Orpheum...
ONE NIGHT OF LOVE involving Grace
Moore and one Tullio Carminati. Directed
by Victor Shertzinger.
'THE SOUND TRACK,' an English teacher
said when I told him I was going to
review this item, 'the sound track will be
an important thing to watch in a picture
that old.'
Well, for the benefit of this gentleman, let
me now say that the sound in this picture
has weathered its sixteen years rather well,
better, in fact, than the story. This concern
itself (in the minute intervals between 'glor-
ious' song) with a young American singer's
rise to fame in Europe and America under
the tutilege of her martinetic singing teach-
er. You see they love each other, but they're
too proud to admit it until-. Ah, finish it
for yourself.
The young singer is played by--surprise,
surprise-Miss Moore. I understand from
my parents that she was once highly popu-
lar. I can't understand it. Her only unique-
ness lies in the way she petitely clobbers a
line. Unfortunately, there's more of the
trawler than the triller in her actions here.
But with the exception of Miss Moore, the
affair is not too bad, or too good. A nice
dull glow of mediocrity prevails. But, if
you're a lover of history interested in seeing
what a 1934 period piece looks like now, I
bid you go. I enjoyed it myself because of
this. However, if you want to see a film for
entertainment, I suspect even the double
feature (cartoon and serial) at the Whitney
is better for that. -Nassir Edden.
PRESSURE HAS BEEN mounting for the
separation of airline subsidies from pay-
ments for carrying the mail. Such pressure
is altogether to the good. It reflects a heal-
thy movement, not to end subsidies to air-
lines when they are warranted, but to brin
them out in the open where they can stand
on their own merits.

-The Washington Post

City Editor's
UNIVERSITYS POLICY on drinking is no
longer a matter for conjecture, a ques-
tion which can be discussed at length over
conference tables in the airy realm of unre-
ality which has permeated such talks in the
past. Repercussions of the present policy
were felt tragically Sunday morning by the
entire campus.
Sunday's accident, which took place
when students were returning from a party
where drinking was going on, put new
emphasis on a dangerous aspect of the
drinking policy.
In enforcing state and University regula-
tions against drinking of any kind in student
residences, administration policy has liter-
ally pushed students who will drink to go,
first to local hotels, then to resorts and
party places far outside the city limits.
This policy has combined drinking parties
way out of town, with drinking when they
are out there, with driving back to town. It
is loaded against' the students. Unless the
policy is changed, the grim laws of probabil-
ity will work against more students in the
near future.
* * *
THE OFFICIAL position seems to read
something like this: When a student
comes to the University he has to give up
some things, among which is the "privilege"
of drinking in his residence, or having a
party where liquor is served.
This attitude, which is an administrative
extension of a state law which says you
can't drink until you are 21, is highly
unrealistic. I feel that the state law itself
is unrealistic, but we must work within its
framework for the present.
The University has extendedwthe "no
drinking under 21" restriction of the state
law to include more than half the campus
which is over 21. At least 10,000 students
here are over 21 and legally entitled to drink,
but the University has, because of admittedly
great administrative difficulties, refused t
recognize this fact as far as "student resi-
dences" are concerned.
* * *
THIS EXPLAINS, in part at least, the pre-
velence of unauthorized drinking parties
far from campus. It is a condition which the
University, unofficially at least, must have
been aware of for a long time.
Granted that the University has a very
difficult problem on its hands, it is still
perfectly clear that their present method
of dealing with it is inadequate-tragic-
ally inadequate.
Throwing the campus open to drinking by-
everyone from the greenest freshman to the
greyest graduate is no more an answer that
is tue present policy.
* * *
ANOTHER APPROACH to the problem,
and one that the University has con-
stantly refused to recognize, can be found
by realizing that at least half of the campus
is over 21 and setting up some plan to ac-
count for this.
Perhaps a "club" or place where those
over 21 can have parties would help out here.
Since younger students, especially in
fraternities, follow the lead of older people,
a place where those who are legally eli-
gible to drink can have parties in town,
MIGHT in the long run calm the under-
standable desire of younger students so
that they would wait until 21 to have their
drinking parties.
The entire "drinking problem" is admit-
tedly difficult. There-is no "vest pocket" so-
lution. But the University must make a com-
plete re-evaluation of its present policy, and
attempt to eliminate conditions which can
lead to tragic consequences.

- r
Defeitse Ouster
Johnson has acted indirectly again to
stifle any opposition to his methods of
running the Defense Department.
Rear Admiral Joel T. Boone, a high
ranking Naval doctor, has been transferred
from his important defense post for cri-
ticism of Johnson's economy cut-back of
18 military hospitals. Officials would not
comment on the reason of Boone's trans-
fer. Boone had recently made a statement,
as a witness before the House Armed Ser-
vices sub-committee, that the hospital
cut-back was "short sighted."
Again, as in the case of Admiral Den-
field, Johnson has used all the influence
he has to stamp out adverse criticism. He
has used the entire weight of his position
at the top of all armed forces to carry
through his own policies regardless of the
It seems logical that in making certain
decisions concerning the policies of the
armed forces, the wisdom and experience
of men who have served years in their
specific fields should be considered.
Boone's comment on Johnson's policy
is not just another dig at a Navy oppo-
nent. Johnson's so called economy cut-
back calls for a new 500 bed Veterans Ad-
ministration hospital here in Ann Arbor
while the 1600 bed Percy Jones Hospital
at Battle Creek is being closed. There are
four situations similar to this throughout

"Communists, Arise!

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


West Quad Food...
To the Editor:
Quad food. I lived there only
two weeks and I find it necessary
to move. I'm going to California.
-Richard H. Brethen
To the Editor:
NOW THAT France has taken
steps to prevent the Coca-col-
onization of France the question
that immediately comes to mind is,
"When is some enterprizing Amer-
ican going to start bootlegging
Coke into France?"
-Jacob C. Hurwitz
Union Reform..
To the Editor:
AS USUAL, I eagerly read Jim
Gregory's editorial looking for-
ward to his customary statement
of the incompatibility of incentive
and security. This question has
been worrying me for some time,
but now Mr. Gregory has set my
mind at ease.
Now I know that the spirit of
free competition and absolute se-
curity can and do walk hand in
hand, for Mr. Gregory tells us
that the Michigan Union officers
will have incentive to work for the
best interests of the students only
if they are not worried by the pos-
sibility of an outsider being elect-
ed to the top Union offices.
I'm glad that Mr. Gregory and
I are agreed that the students
aren't mature enough to elect re-
sponsible officers; a student elec-
tion can be nothing else but a
popularity contest. Who wants to
take a chance on being elected
when he can be assured of an ap-
All of these principles are very
sound and they should be put into
practice on a national scale. We
want no more of this popularity
contest method of electing presi-
dents. What president will work
hard if he knows he has to pro-
duce or else lose the next election?
We should appoint our govern-
ment officials, because the herd of
voters are not intelligent enough
to pick good responsible men.
What the people want doesn't mat-
ter, because they're not even in-
telligent enough to know what
they want. Only Mr. Gregory and
I are that intelligent.
-Robert G. Young
* * *
To the Editor:
ON PAGE FIVE of Sunday's
Daily, March 5, above a list
of some three hundred "success-
ful" candidates of sorority rush, in
A space usually reserved for the
advertisements of Ann Arbor's
more exclusive women's shoppes,
appeared a photograph of five
blissfilled, ecstatic looking young
women. They were members of the
select group of "ins," gals of
exemplary ability, well-rounded
characters, and all the attributes
so necessary for group living.
I like to see happy people, and
nothing pleases me more when the
people in question happen to be
members of the opposite sex, buti
I believe The Daily could have'
performed a far greater service to,
the entire student body, my own7
preferences not withstanding, if;
instead of "Greek lasses," a pic-;
ture of some of the kids who fail-1

"set by our later-day Hellenes were
It seems to me that it is un-
necessary to print photographs of
the "new sisters," for obviously any
young lady would be enraptured
to receive a bid to join in the
noble experiment in group under-
standing known as Sorority life.
But a montage of some of the
faces of the "not-so-perfect-ones,"
those young ladies who were re-
jected, showing their new found
"inadequateness," as the "new
Greeks" had shown their joy
might have some startling effects.
For perhaps such a picture might
conceivably cause some of the
Grand Dames of the sororities to
bestow some of their well-rounded-
ness upon others less fortunate
than themselves, and might con-
ceivably, if hung in every house,
in time for next semester's final
desserts, quiet some of the itchy,
black-ball enclosing palms of those
sisters and future ma's.
-Ted Robinson, Grad.
* * *
To the Editor:
T HE CRY for world peace is be-
ing heard everywhere. Wins-
ton Churchill has added his voice
by calling for discussions between
the USA and the USSR. Secre-
tary-General Trygve Lie of the
UN said, "The UN was founded on
the belief that peaceful negotia-
tions of differences between na-
tions is not only possible but ne-
cessary, no matter how difficult
the circumstances, or how great
the differences, or how deep the
misunderstanding and distrust on
both sides. . . I would say that the
settlement of disputes by persis-
tent negotiation and conciliation
-month after month and year af-
ter year-is what the UN stands
for above everything else . . . that
is the only way to stop the arma-
ments race and bring the contest
for power under control. It is the
only way in the long run to pre-
vent a third world war."
And in Geneva, the World
Council of Churches appealed for
a gigantic new effort for peace to
meet the threat of "world suicide"
raised by the Hydrogen Bomb. In
this country the people are being
heard also.
A sit-down strike by three-doz-
en members of the Fellowship Of
Reconciliation was held to protest
the decision to build the H-Bomb
and to ask for peace. Dr. L. Paul-
ing, eminent theoretical chemist,
said, "A future of the world in
which half the people of the world
are held in submission by the oth-
er half, through fear of this great
super-weapon, could never be a
safe future for anybody." Dr. Phil-
lip Morrison, atomic scientist,
added, "The Hydrogen Bomb, un-
like the atom bomb, cannot even
claim peaceful by-products. The
decision to manufacture the Hy-
drogen Bomb is a decision to put
American atomic ingenuity en-
tirely at the service of war."
The peace panel at the Demo-
cracy in Education conference
urged a meeting between the two
great powers, the USA and the
USSR, to outlaw atomic weapons
and to institute international con-
trol. This followed on the heels of
Sen. MacMahon and Sen Tydings
asking for a world disarmament
conference. Harold Stassen and

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
en the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 108
Health Physics Fellowships:
Graduating seniors concentrating
in physics, chemistry or engineer-
ing who have some training in
biology may be eligible for train-
ing in Health Physics. Inquire at
1051 Randall Laboratory.
Bureau of Appointments: In-
terviews for positions in the De-
troit ,Public Schools, Wed., Mar.
15, Bureau of Appointments. El-
ementary teachers, vocal music,
commercial, English, mathematics
and home economics teachers for
the secondary schools are needed.
Contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments immediately for an ap-
Anyone interested in teaching in
Detroit will have an opportunity
to learn procedures for applying
and to get further information
concerning positions there. Mr.
George Baker, Director of Person-
nel will speak at a special group
meeting, 4 p.m., Wed., Mar. 15,
231 Angell Hall.
University Lecture. "Religion in
the World Crisis," Dorothy
Thompson, author and journalist;
auspices of the Religion in Life
Week Program. Music by the
Ken's Glee Club. 8:30 p.m., Mon.,
Mar. 13, Hill Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Aero. Eng. 160 (Section I), In-
troduction to Non-Linear Systems.
Mar. 13. Wednesday meeting will
be held as usual.
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: Mon., Mar. 13, 3 p.m., 3001
A.H. Mr. Norman will continue his
talk on "a solution by Besikovitch
of a minimum problem in geo-
Program of Contemporary
American Music, presented by Al-
pha Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota,
National Professional Music Fra-
ternity for Women, 8:30 p.m.,
Mon., Mar. 13, Hussey Room,
League. Compositions by Robert
Pajier, Edward Turechek, A.
Louis Scarmolin, Richard Hage-
man, Wilfred Roberts, and George
Wilson. The public is invited.
Exhibition of Prize Winning De-
with those of millions of other
Americans in asking for peace
talks. Albert Einstein admitted
that the H-Bomb " . . . brought
within the range of technical pos-
sibility . . . the annihilation of any
life on earth." And when Ein-
stein's scared, I'm scared.
We must recognize that peace
can be achieved. The issue must
remain the competition of ideol-
ogies, not the competition of arms
for world destruction. Cynicism or
fatalism is the beacon to world
annihilation. Hope and faith in
the will of the people to have
peace and to work for peace is the
only way of achieving it.
-Hy Bershad
* * *
To the Editor:
THE FOLLOWING letter has
been sent to the Director of
the University Hospital:

Dr. Albert C. Kerlinowski:
A T ITS last meeting the Coun-
cil for the Arts, Sciences, and
Professions of the University of
Michigan unanimously condemn-
ed the official policy of the Uni-
versity Hospital in regard to its
treatment of Mrs. Philpot, an ele-
vator employed at the hospital.
The hospital's silence on the as-
sault of Mrs. Philpot by Dr. Sul-
lenberger, its discharge of Mrs.
Philpot for ten days without pay,
and its intimidation of employees
who were acquainted with the
facts constitute a shameful blight
on the University community.
We urge that Mrs. Philpot be re-
imbursed for the time she was
temporarily discharged, that Dr.
Sullenberger be fired, and that of-
ficials of the hospital responsible
for the intimidation of the em-
ployees and for attempts to exon-
erate Dr. Sullenberger of his crime
be discharged.
-Gerald Green
Acting Chairman,
Civil Rights Committee
U. Chapter ASP

signs from the Chicago Tribune's
Third Annual Better Homes Com-
letition. First Floor Exhibition
Corridor, College of Architecture
and Design; through Mar. 20.
Events Today
Wesleyan. Guild: 6 p.m., Kappa
Phi banquet, Social Hall; 9 p.m.,
Semi-Formal dance sponsored by
Kappa Phi in the lounge.
Congregational - Disciple -Evan-
gelical & Reformed Guild: Fire-
side, 8:30 p.m., Guild House, 438
Maynard. International Folksong
Women's Glee Club will rehearse
at 4 p.m., League. Attendance
ISA Open House, 8-12 p.m., In-
ternational Center.
Social Research Group Meeting:
Sun., Mar, 12, 7:30 p.m., Union.
Speaker: Mr. Mort Furay, Regional
Director, United Public Workers
of America. Topic: Research
Needs of Labor Unions.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 1
p.m., 500 BMT.
Co-op Party: 8 p.m., Muriel
Lester Co-operative House.
Hostel Club: Meet at League,
12:30, to drive to Monroe to ex-
plore park and possible hostel
site; return to Ann Arbor Sun.
Coming Events
Ballet Club: Meeting, -Mon., 7
p.m., Barbour Gymnasium Dance
Studio. Enrollment for member-
ship is still open to both men and
women. A regular class lesson is
given to beginner and intermedi-
ate students.
U. of M. Theater Guild: Special
meeting of committee heads, Sun.,
3:30 p.m., League.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Live jam session featuring Dixie
and Bop, Sun., 8 p.m., League
Ballroom. No admission charge.
I.Z.F.A.-Hillel: Hebrew Circle
meeting, Sun., Mar. 12, Union, 11
Grad Outing Club: Meet at
Rackham, 2:15 p.m., Sun. for
hiking, supper, charades.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Grad Mixer at the Foundation,
7:30-10:30 p.m., Sun., Mar. 12.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Open Meeting at the Foundation,
Sun., 2:30 p.m. Attendance re-
quired for those desiring positions
on next year's Council. All com-
mittees will meet following the
open meeting.









Washington Merry-Go-Round


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff...........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.......... .City Editor
Philip Dawson......Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner.............Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil....... .Associate Editor
Wally Barth........ Photography Editor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
'Merle Levin...... .Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz..Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor
Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed.
Allan Clamage............... Librarian
Joyce Clark .........Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl.......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff....... Finance Manager
Bob Daniels...... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
ThedAssociated Press isexclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ants
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00.



WASHINGTON-Senator Frank Graham
of North Carolina, who has made as
great an impression on Congress as any
newcomer on Capitol Hill, faces a tough re-
election battle. Graham, a former president
of the University of North Carolina, has
turned out to be a fine Senator, but is a
babe-in-the-woods as far as politics is con-
cerned. He doesn't know how to slap backs,
raise money or roll logs.
Furthermore he gives so much of his
money to charity that he has almost no
funds with which to run a campaign, and
the other day had to borrow from his
wife's savings account. So far organized

either Reynolds or Smith may later with-
draw, in order to pool their votes against
Senator Graham.
Meanwhile no one is running against Sen-
ator Hoey, who is expected to become an
open Dixiecrat after the election.
* * *
THE DEMOCRATIC National Committee
has privately passed the word along to
Ohio Democrats not to air any hot stories
against bumbling State Auditor "Jumping
Joe" Ferguson.
Nationalchairman Bill Boyle asked Al
H-orstman. Ohio's nationnal nmmittnean to

ed to attain the high standards Henry Wallace joined their pleas



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