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February 18, 1949 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-18

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FTtTWAI, f;FlfIUAflV ix. K l)


... _ __

M Six Invades Northland ToMeet Gophers



by b. s. brown, sports editor
ANTICIPATING THE mob violence that will probably attend en-
trance into the Michigan-Minnesota game tomorrow night, I
bequeath the following in case of mishap....
Dick Button has done it again. . . . The Englewood, N.J., world's
figure skating champ successfully defended his title in Paris yesterday,
exhibiting more of the grace which has rated him the nod by many
experts as the greatest figure skater of all time.....I wouldn't have
mentioned it, except he's a home town boy... .
Jimmy Grogan, Berkeley, Calif., placed fourth behind Dick...
I met Jimmy out at Colorado Springs, Colo., last year just before
the National Championships.....He looked like a champ then.
... One of the figure skaters (a female) told me, "Jimmy's a
shrimp, but really a terrific skater. . . ." With the showing he
made, there's no denying it....
Cold War' Veeck Has His Troubles
Glenn Davis, Mr. Outside of Army's Touchdown Twins, may
return to West Point next year as a freshman football coach. . .
Davis is now in Korea on occupation duty. . . . Baseball impresario
Bill Veeck is certainly having a great time for himself these days...
He's outdoing Uncle Sam and the Russian Bear, waging two "cold
wars" simultaneously. . . . One with the New York Yanks and
the other with the Cleveland City Council. . . . It seems the Bombers
don't like the way he's picking up possibilities from the minors....
And the council feels the' city deserves more rental for the huge
Municipal Stadium....
Bobby Feller has secured a Veterans Administration certifi-
calte of eligibility for a course in advanced flight training... .
Bob won't get any subsistence allowance, however, since there is
a ceiling on the total of a veteran's earnings. . . . But he will
get between $300 and $500 for the tuition. . . . Unofficial estimates
have the fireballer drawing a salary of around 70 grand '. .
Two Michigan mentors are now in their 29th year of coaching at
.the Ann Arbor institution. . . . If they stick a couple of more years
the Michiganders are going to put Matt Mann and Ray Fisher in
a class with University Hall.. .
Sticks and Stones-30 Yards
Many thanks to Indiana University for this next yarn. . . . It
seems there was a Big Six grid team not so long ago that was notorious
for its holding. ...The players and the team rooters, however, never
admitted that there was any infraction of the rules. . . . Crime neve
pays, and one day the old adage caught up with this team. . . . As the
umpire counted off the 15 yards, the captain of the team walked
behind him shouting, "You stink. . ."
The official kept on walking. ... He stepped off 30 yards in
all, leaving the amazed captain standing 15 yards back.... When
he placed the ball on the ground, the ump turned around and
snapped, "How do I smell from here?"
Herb Barten, Michigan's Olympic runner, believes Don Gehrmann,
the Wisconsin miler, will equal or surpass the four-minute mile, but
not this year. . . . Bev Bussey, our sports feature editor, looked a
little peaked after her 12% hamburger-munching stunt yesterday.'
-We lose more feature editors that way. . . . Bev is conducting a
survey among the top cage pilots of the nation, trying to discover
what they think of the .possession type ball handling. . . . Hank
Iba, Oklahoma Aggie boss, addressed his reply to MR. Beverly Bussey.
Such are the woes of a female sports writer. . . . Clyde Smith,
Hoosier football coach, tells this one... .
'M or IU? That is the Question
He received a letter from a high school student in the east which
began, "I would like to enter Indiana University. . . ." The boy then
recited a glorious athletic background. . . . At the end of the
letter, he wrote, "I would like to enter the University of Michigan ..."
Smitty answered the letter tersely, saying, "As soon as you decide
whether you want to attend Indiana University or the University of
Michigan, let me know and I'll answer all your questions. . ..
<to;;;;;omooo<;;;;>caoooooc.+0.ococ c
For making Sirts . .. found at ...
o 33xi ANArtREET_

1 __ I

Jayvee Five
Fall Before
Scala, Tiernan
Tally10 Points
"Best game the boys have play-
ed all season" was Coach Dave
Strack's comment on the 51-28
pasting the freshman cagers
handed the jayvees last night in
Yost Field House.
Paced by 6-ft. 3-in. Jim Scala
from Chicago and forward Tom
Tiernan of Kankakee, Ill., each
of whom dropped in ten points,
the freshmen controlled the back-
boards throughout the game,
leading 27-14 at the half.
Close behind the top two was
Dick Frame, holding down a
guard berth, scoring seven points
as did Bill Eggenberger, top scor-
er for J. T. White's jayvee quin-
both been playing sparkling ball
for the frosh as has Dick Frame,
transfer from Jackson Jr. Col-
lege, and have been spotted for
further notice next year when
they become eligible for Varsity
Coach Strack has been play-
ing Scala at forward, center and
guard, particularly the guard
position because Varsity Men-
tor Ernie McCoy wanted him
ready to work into that spot
next year.
NOT TO BE far outdone by
these top three were Bob Ding-
man or Don Gerstner, both at
forward. Switching at center with
Scala was Irv Stenn, also scoringj
four points.
Playing good ball at the other
guard post was Bill Putish, al-
ternating with Warren Gast,'
Jim Cape and Jim Doyle.
Steady men for the jayvees were
Jerry Burns and Bud Royce, at
forwards, scoring four and five'
points respectively. At center John
Anderson and at guard Alex Mar-
tin counted for four each and
switched off with Bill Blumenthal,
Pinkin, Raymond and Bailey.

Maize and Blue Favored
In Quest for NCAA Bid

DITA C ACES:____________

Mainn-Heusner Duel 11 rTank Spotlight

Veteran .Minnesota Team To Enter
Wolverine Squad Anticipates Sharp


Big Bill -feusner. who was
probably the most disappointed
atlete on Uncle Sams Olympic
squad last summer, will lead a
good Northwestern swimming
squad into action here tomorrow
Realizing his greatest ambition
by qualifying for the 400 and 1500


an attempt to bring
of the pelt that will
to Colorado as the


western representative to the
NCAA hockey tourney, Michigan's
power-packed sextet invades the
northern lair of the Golden Goph-
ers tonight in the first of a two
game series.
The Wolverines find themselves
cast in the role of favorites and.
are attempting to continue their
three year hockey domination of
TIME WAS when the Gophers
held the Indian sign over Michi-
gan and the best that the Wolver-
ines could hope to do was hold the
score down to a reasonable level.
But since the coming of Vic Hey-
liger as 'M' coach, the situation
has been reversed.
The Gophers of old have lost
their teeth, while Michigan has
grown into one of Athe hockey
powers of the country.
However, the Wolverines will
find Minnesota no more of a
pushover in hockey than in any
other sport and will have to be
razor sharp to prevent an upset.
*N * *
Romnes has been pointing his
squad for these games and has
moulded a veteran nucleus and a
group of promising sophomores
into a better than average team.
Minnesota has two danger-
ous forwards in the persons of
Rollie DePaul and Jerry Linde-
gar, veterans from last year's
squad. It was Lindegard who
practically beat Michigan sin-
gle handed last season, when
he scored two goals in both the
third period and the overtime
session to give the Gophers a
5-4 win.
Other Minnesota lettermen back
from last year include Jim Alley,
goalie Ken Austin, Dennis Berg-
man and Bud Frick.;
HEYLIGER WAS considerablyj

cheered by the return to action of
two ace forwards, Neil Celley and
Gil Burford. It had been feared
that neither one would be able tox
make the trip because of illness.
but both have recovered suffi-
ciently and will probably see ac-
tion tonight and tomorrow.
He indicated that combina-
tion that has been grinding out
victories for the Maize and Blue
all season would start the game
for Michigan.
The two teams will meet again
Saturday night in Rochester and
then return to Ann Arbor the fol-
lowing weekend to wind up their
meetings for the year,
Button Takes
World Figure,
PARIS -P)--Nineteen-year-old
Richard Button of Englewood, N.
J., reaffirmed his men's figure!
skating supremacy yesterday byt
winning his second straight worldN
c The young Olympic gold medal-
ist, unbeaten in two years on thea
ice, gave a spectacular perform- E
ance of skating grace and skill in
the free style events to gain the
crown without serious opposition.
EDE KIRALY of Hungary fin-
ished second and Edi Rada 01'
Austria, the European champion,
third in the final standings.
The United States made aI
good all-around showing in ad-
dition to Button's victory. James
Grogan of Oakland, Calif., was
fourth. Hayes Allen Jenkins of
Akron, Ohio, and Austin Holt
of Berkeley, Calif., finished
sixth and seventh, respectively.
"I'VE NEVER SEEN anything
like it and one else has either,"
commented one of the judges af-

NCAA meet Iheld in AM Arbor hist
But the fates d creed other-
wise. Bill developed a severe
case of food poisoning on the
eve of the meet and in his weak-
ened condition was unable to
place in either event.
So the Wildcat captai has
somewhat sadly turned is atten-
tions to a lesser ambition, that of
sweeping the 440 yard and 1500
meter events in both the NCAA
and Western Conference meets.
HIS CHANCES of winning the
440 will be a little more clearly
defined after his meeting with
Matty Mann here.
Mann, currently the hottest
swimmer on the Wolverine
squad, topped Heusner's best

time of the ea r by tw o seconds
Iast Satirlura wleMien hr turned in
a 4:18 tin amins MSC.
Swimming fans will also get
their first-and last-look at the
150-yd. individual medley, the
newest addition to the list of
events to be swum in the Big Nine
next month.
son has entered ace backstroker
Bob Tannehill in the 150-yd. ver-
satility dash. Opposing Tannehill
for Michigan will be Johnny Mc-
Carthy and Bill Upthegrove or
Bob Byberg,.
Ohio State, boasting one of the
best medliests in the country in
Bob DeGroot, has refused to in-
lude the race in next week's dual
meet. The event is not compulsory
in dual meets this year.



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meters event at London. Heusner
was considered a lead pipe cinch
to place near the top in both
events once the games got under
HE WAS the Western Confer-
ence champion in the 440-yd. free-
style and he had set a new mark
for the 1500-mneters during the
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c.nf a

Fate inTriangular Track Meet

According to the "experts,"
Michigan will lose its triangular
track meet with Illinois and Pur-
due tomorrow.I
Three Wolverine trackmen, who
really don't claim to be psychic,
predict that the Illini will come
out on top with 53 points, and
Michigan will have to settle for
49 points and second place.
PURDUE WILL bring up the
rear with 37 points-or so say Art
Henrie, John Witherspoon, and
Herb Barten, who collaborated on
the prognostication.
This sage trio arrived at their
momentous decision after care-
fully studying the records and
performances of the three com-
peting teams in all their meets
of the season.
And when the prophets came
out of their huddle, they wore
three of the longest faces seen on
local track enthusiasts since it
was announced that shot putter
Charlie Fonville would not be
available this season.

they will be given at the meet,
that is, five for first place, three
for second, two for third, and one
for fourth, the "board of experts"
found that the Wolverines will
have to go some to get even 49
They considered such factors
as Illinois' advantage in run-
ning on their home track-the
meet takes place in the Illinois
Armory, and the relative inex-
perience of so many of Michi-
gan's sophomore runners.
In predicting the individual
events, they compared the times
and distances of the various com-
petitors. For instance, the experts
agree that Walt Klink of Purdue,
will win the half-mile run, be-
cause he has run the fastest time
of any Big Nine half-miler this
But the trio also agree that if
Herb Barten, who is making the
trip to Champaign this morning,
should run in the mile or half-
mile, their predictions for these
events will have to be thrown out
the window to allow for a place or
two for the Wolverine ace.

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