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February 17, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-17

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You r Turn To Give

LT HUGHAMERCANuniversities are
ma;.ny Euiropeain tudents are still waiting
for thw chance to :.o back to school.
Years of active work in underground
mov0cemeetsjItlis scarcities of food and
mrecies have btr roken the health of many
of these students. The World Student
1service Fond has taken the lead in re-
butiling the physical stamnina of these EFu-
rolean ,tudents.
An International student organization, the
WSSF lwo(aies food, books and medicines
for students,- of war devastatedl areas. And
these tude. ~lnts can make goad use, of such
In manycae the student has been cut
ouff fromt his family and hence his only
source 4a fundls. Even when it is p)osible
to obyta in, food May not be of the best
quality. .Acid most of all there is a great
1:,11/rialw pitbiJ~ibed in The Michigan Daily
a)r, ivilf en by inieinbers of The Daily staff
and<< rejpreent /he ' news of the ivriters only.

First act of the WSSF was to set up a rest
center in France where students could
simply relax and eat nourishing food. Some
needed many months of rest while others
only spent their vacations at the rest center,
lout almost all the students were able to
return to their studies.
Recently the WSSF has taken up the
fight against tuberculosis. Broken health
made many students easily susceptible to
the disease. Officials report that a ; many
as 10 per cent of all students in some areas
in Greece had infectious t.b.
In this fight, WSSF spent thousands of
dollars for X-ray plates and proper medical
treatmen1)t for thc diseasedt r in sana1toN(,1.
TH-E LOCAL DRIVE for funds begins to-
day. Buckets will be located on every
corner of the campus for the two special
tag days.
The ease for WSSF is simple: students
are an international '.reed that knows no
state boundaries,.fBy helping these stiv-
dlents we are, in a sense. helping ourselves.
We must gire European and Asiatie stu-
dents an even break so that they may
become the kind of (htize ns the world
-Jalet Watts.

.Effective Campus Politics

JTDA ' recent p~olitical orientation pro-
grmprovidledl an opportunity to get
s om e insight into the spheres in which the
variious campus grJoups will be operating
dring Ml the rest of i he( school ,year.
Briningtoget Iicr spokesmren from various;
p)oliticAl and pre;ssure organizations, the
meet, ing not only gave listeners a chance to
learn something about the campus political
scene, but gave the active members of the
alphabet groups a chance to look at each
The result of this should be a realiza-
tiott of the simnilar objectives expressed by
inany- of the° groups and of an effort
amo~cng the g-ro cps to work together
towvard commulon goals.
AVC has already given an indication of
work along co-operative lines by organizing
a Committee to Abolish the Ban, composed
of representatives of all interested organi-
zations. UWF and the UN Council have
taken steps in the same direction with plans
for debates and programs sponsored by both
If these trends toward united efforts con-

tinue, the projects outlined for this semester
will have a much greater chance of success.
The lines of possible co-operation were
clearly indicated by speakers at the Orien-
tation Program. AVC, IRA. AIA, Wallace
Pragressives, and Young Dlemocrats all fa-
vor civil rights legislation. IJWV4',, the Ui
Council, and Wallace Progressives support
the idea ,of world government, and Young
Democrats andl ADA expressed intentions
of taking active part in the coming Re-
gents election.
Despite the similarity in aims, the guoups
do differ considerably in their theories, and
it is this which accounts for the large nlun-
her of alphabet organizations. But these dif-
ferences do not make it impossible for a
united effort on issues of agreement.
The effectiveness of campus political
groups may well depend on the degree to
which they work together toward achieving
common goals. And the Orientation Pro-
gram proved that it is possible for the dif-
ferent groups to unite to make political ac-
tivity on this campus a success.
-Roma Lipsky


Notes on Power

Taking Stock
T HERE COMES a time when every one
stops and takes stock of himself, his pi-
vate, public and social position. Suh a time
has arrived' for the veterans both an thle
campus and in the world out side.
The American Legion has proposed and
the IDouse Veterans' Committee has ac-
cepted a hill to farther separate the vet-
erans from the rest of their community.
Under a hon ia nza from Represenatie
Rankin, the veteran is to have Social Se-
curity in his 0o(1 age such s fno other
group has ever had before.
Now, we aren't saying that Social Security
is had. The numbers in 01u1 old age homes
are an indication that. something must be
clone along those lines. But horw can a per-
son who served in the armed forces condone
being set aside in a special class. not ust for
the adjustment periodlt for thle rs, of
hi,, natural lie?
There is always a certain amout of
hysteria among politicians to wave thet
flag and say nothing is too good for the
bays. True. nothing is. But is it of bneet
to the veteraun to be further spara ted
from the civilian poplatol months and
years after lie has begm to forget the
actual events lhe refers to as "acive
We are all taxpayers. That much is ob-
vious. And pensions are still being paid to
the heirs of 36, veterans of the Mexican War,
to the tune of $22,440 a year; to 710 veter-
ans of the Indian War to the extent of $77-
444 and ad infinitum for a total of $6,416,-
232,236 a ,year.
Some of these may be for disabilities
and those certainly are justified. Inutit is,
we repeat, tine to take stock of our ida
that the world owes a livig to those IVIIo
Social Security is a wonderful thing if it
can be worked out to the mutual benefit of
all. When it is distorted for the gains of a
few it becomes a mockery and a threat to
the democratic idea of equality of all before
the law.
-D~on NMcNeil
A REVOLUTIONARY precedent lately
introduced in the field of student edu-
cation abroad is, strangely enough, an in-
direct result of World War II, in itself a
struggle which threatened to wipe Euro-
pean and Asiatic educational standards off
the old world map.
By utilizing foreign credits amassed by
this country through the sale of surplus w~ar
territory, the recent Fulbright Act has pro-
vided for the assumption of basic expenses
of American college graduates and profes-
sors studying and teaching abroad.
After (certain qualiications are met. a
student desirous of compleenting his na-
tive education next year by a continued
" overseas" program at the country of his
choice will have eliminated an imposing f-
nancial drawback.
Moreover, we see civilian students and
G. Bill recipients placed on an eual
footing as to prel iminay requirements;
whether a veteran or no, each applicant
will get approval on personal and schol-
astic bases only. A true democratic spiit,
discounting- all service records and mone-
tary Stati as might aid one man and hin-
der another, has been injected in this bill.
Although grants will be awarded in vary-
ing amounts, depending upon individual
costs, professional levels and financial re-
serves, they will carry the student through
for a fll year. Fortuinate also is a conven-
lent clause st i-mlatinif possibilities of re-
newal when 365~ college days have been tlsel
Al ready unitie foreign rltions have pld Od
confidence in it, hiving signled official

ag reements to nfllleriieft their truvst.
A definite st(ep in the right direction, the
Fulbright Act and its accompanying, good
intentions,, should go far in the reahization
of bigger and better New World-Old World
educational ties.
-Don Eotite
Intercollegiate sports were headed for a
slump after a good report by President
Eliot of Harvard thoroughly condemned
freshman and upperclass sport at Harvard
and all over the country as "not; conducive
to student studies."
In the war in Northern Russia it was re-
ported that the Bolsheviki wvere using gas
and high explosives to drive back the Allied
troops. In the meantime, Britain and the
United States planned to send 3,000 troops
to the battle area around Murmansk and
Now that the war (in Europe) was over
and the flu epidemic past, Daily editors
urged the students to buckle down to normal
studying at the University and to "reduce
the number of pipe courses on your sched-
Sergei Rachmaninioff told a Daily report-
er that he desires most to live at home in
seclusion, where he could devote his time to

iiidividmal b"Isis. Pecturst 5 Ifor ()f-
hem llchanItge of lna nes loilld1(1 I
tiled at, the ititoriAwt ion deslk onl
the 2nd floor oftII(t le newAdifl lii
istrat ion Bldu'.

"Eve~~ty ' -ht(i~X ce a('SncPlc eo&
1.,1 1
'ID AILY OF'FIC IAji1)Bi j1'i2T'riN

P' h 'loS e livS
,.dl 1ii[ll.

\\ill unif'C iii''2:) Ax-

TAMES P. WARBURG deserves everybody's
thanks for pointing out, clearly and
brilliantly, how our concentration on mili-
tairy measures agcsainst Russia involves the
daniger that we will lose our political struggle
with her.
Mr. Warburg;'s memorandum to members
of Congress comies at a time when we are
all hollowly agreeing with each other, in
the most superficial way, that we must arm,
arm, arm. We have been repeating each
other's cliches for a year as if they were
revealed truth. 'There is something like a
clap of thunder in Mr. Warburg~s demon-
statonthat the danger from Russia is
At, LyIia Mleidels'w Itn
,vithf Anna Magna-wni.
re AKING ITS TITLE from a line in Pile-
cimi'.s "La Tosc'a," Befoure Hima All Rome
Tremrbled, is another in the ever ghrowing
list of plays wvitin plays~.
Following the plot; of "La Tosea" almost
completely, the picture attempts to build uip
sclspenase on two levels, and succeeds only
hatlfway in both. The effectiveness of the
much touted "40 minutes of La, Tosca" is
soniewha t lessenecd because the audience is
muwch too intent, on the main plot to con-
cenltrate comnpletely on the operatic se-
SIn addition, the pageantry of the opera
is constan ftly interrupted by uninspiring
scenrles in gaae . Continuity, weak
th rouighout the filum, is completely lost
tiowam'ds the end.
Before Him All Rome Trembled gets off
to a1 slow start, and ends about the same
f'way. The character's never reach the stature
of their prototypes in thii opera. Indeed, the
majioi y are merely types. Even the earthily
Isexy or sexilly earthy Magnani does not
kstand out clear'ly, buy; hops back and forth
betw,.en her roles as Tosca, the Italian star
who gives all her money to aid her people,
and the playmate of the Nazi's with little
Thue stor'y concerns an Italian opera
company who attempt to aid a British

political and ideological, rather, than mnili-
tary, and that in distorting European r'e-
covery' into rearmament, we ar'e not de-
fending Europe, but opening it wide to just
this kind of political penetration. The North
Atlantic Defense Pact, Mr. Warburg shows,
puts our primary effort into meeting a
secondary danger-that of military attack-
and weakens our efforts against the primary
danger-political deterioration.
Mr. Warburg has suddenly made the
European problem seenm hard again-or
easy--depending on how much human
understanding you bring to it.
I would like to add a point or two to Mr.
Warburg's analysis. The first thing tha t has
to be said is that the cold p~ursuit of a
military plan can very quickly lead one into
mechanical and unreal thinking. For e\:=
ample, we star'ted out, xith the ideai of a
North Atlantic Defense Pact to protect thie
West. But already this notion has been
stood on its head; it has now subtly, become
a case of calling on the West to proteet the
pact; we are even ready to risk a break
with Scandinavia to protect that delicious
pact. The pact has become more important
than the unity pf the West.
We are, even with out deliberate p~re5sure~
presenting our Scandinaviarn friends with
hard choices, with dilemmas, all of which
would have been avoided if we had con-
fined our efforts to a massive drive for re-
covery-which would have left Russia with
nothing to complain about in Scandinavia,
except that it was prosperous.
ANOTHER FACT is that the clear demfon-
stration of our' military superiority over
Russia may lose adherents for us, on the
political level, rather than gain them. Great
military power has not been popular in our
world of recent years. Guns instead of butter
is a position which loses friends, rather
than makes them. Russia can use the very
fact of her demonstrated military infer'iority
against us, putting the onus on us, the
stronger, for a continuance of world un-
settlement. We are manufacturing this polit-
ical argument for Russia.
Once we demonstrate our superior power,
we of course become responsible for every-
thing that is wrong in the world, from the
continuance of reaction anywhere in Europe
to the continuance of colonialism in the Far
East-while the other side to the argument
can use its very weakness as a moral justifi-

12:17 Aiw' '11lIi 11. 'Toice: "O(n non-
ct point.-

Women students are notiidl
that late permission arec given by'
the Office of the Dean of Women ;f
only during offie hours. ouse
directors may give late peis-w
sions in cases of unavoidable and'
justifiable energene<I1Cs' 'c liti ci
arise allter theOfice of tle Dean'
of Womern is c.losed] for t he day.:t
Such emergenc'y urilg tiet? W(WK t
must be reported by the student;
the following day to the Off ice ofjt
the Dean of Women, at wvhich
time she must present a wrttens
statement of the circumstances .
from. her housemother. Members
of the staff of the Office of the
Dean of Women are not able to
give late permission by t elephonec
after the office is closed.s
Summer .Jobs:
*Representatives of (amp Wit-I
aunkee, Win nepI)es auke e, N ew\
H ampshire,. will be at, Bureau ot
Appointment s. Fri.. Fb. 18, to in-
terview minenfoi' enemal couslorIp
p)ositions. Prefer: age 20-28, ex-!
perience, at hletic andl swimmig
ability. For app)ointme'nt~ call at c
3528 Administration Bldg., or dill;
extension 2614.
The U.S. Civil Service Cumin'is-
II io announces examination for{
historian,, it elligence specialistj
(gener'al and techn'Iical ), fIorein
affairs oficer, andi social scienet'
analyst. Also meteorological aid.'
The )etmoit Civil Sevice Coin-!
mission announces examinationsl
Ifor various classes of nurses Su-t
(lent social worker, soial case!
worker, and medical social (cals
worker. Further in format ion andl
Iapplications for all of the above's'
examinations may be obtained tl
t he Bureau 01' Appoint mits,35.'28
Adi istrt iaon ide.
Leeture: M. 1I. F. N ixdiotl[ of thi'1
No-Sag Spring; Companiy of 1)-1
troit , will speak at 7 p.m.. Fe)'
24 (not Feb. 17, as previously aut -
nouncedl), WXest Lectuire Rllo,
Rackham Bldg.
Academirc NwICs.
Geography 135, Mlt(.,~-up E~-'
anumation: :3 pa., Fri_, Feb.I1, 'Z3
Angell Hall.
Seminar ini Applied Mathemt-
ics: 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 17, 247
W. Enineering Bldg. Prof. C. L.
Dolph will speak on "Egenvalue
problem for non-linear- St urm-
Liouville systems."
Zoology Seminar: 7:30 p.m.,
Thurs., Feb. 17, Racklam Amnpli-
theatre. Mr. Perry M. Johnston
will report on "The History of the
Germ Cells in the Lage-mouhe
Black Bass (micropters sal-
moides Lac)." Mi. Vernon Apple-
gate will report on "'The Life His-
tory and Economics of the Sea
Lamprey in Great Lakes Waers
of Michigan." Open meeting.
Mlathematics Colloqutium: Prof.'
K. Zarankiewicz of Poland Mx ll
address the Mathematics Colo-
quium at- 4:15 p.m.. Fi.. Feb. 184

lfursio thle 1Eit so.

.laseha 111-ifetz will give the
fourthk programr in the Extra Cn
(-ert Series uinder the auspices of
the University Musical Society,
Sat.. Feb. 19. 8:30 p.m., H-ill Audi-
xIVI r. I i feti will 1mily the Mozat
-orafara No. 8;: Vioie-odrps' Con -
('mt! 0 No. 5: Bachl pa i-Iit mu in E
ioajor Cm- Cprice No. 21) andl No. 13
Pagamrnn-Keisler: and Tigane
by Ravel.
A limited number of tickets are
still available at the offices of the
Ufniversity Musical Society in
Burtoen Memorial1 Tower.
('ointosers' Frum: A program
of composiions by students of
Michigan State College will be
presented at 8 p.m., Thurs., Feb.
17, in theic RaqkhA~i Assembly
Tha ii the first of several exchange
I Thogams planned to stimulate
ci21Sit ive work ilil music in the
state. On March 8 School of
MT iscstuidents will go to East
Lansing to preseint their works.
'' 'prog;ram on Thursday will be
open 1to the ;;eneral public.
Anmerian Ordnance Associa-
tion: "V1' Fuzes" given by Mr. K.
M. Kiel of King-Seeley Corpora-
tionl and Prof. I. R. Crane of the
l~eparient of Physics will be the
suhjett of the mneetin, 7:30 p.m.
Film : -vTr Fzes for Bombs and
Rodrtets." open meeting, Audito-
rium, Architect ure Bldg.
Cilbert and Sullivan Society:
Tr youtIs and reli'alS for' forth-
('ollielwproduct'ion o "Patience.''
Men's elior-u, 7 l).n., Michigan
kI"~~ ie. Voineiu's cubmi s, B p.mi
lsiclii',al i I ('a'',ll'. All pet12-005 in-
Ir l;-i S'sIt( in snlis~a.'.,l a t ii, tco n-
,ti-a-i tii wind iisheiiug alt' ivited
i! tsit cas.
'Talc Beta Ili : Dinnei' meet ing, G
Pi ''alt Sigmia: Meeting. 8 1).m.,
229 V. Engineing Bdg.
Ar-ts ('lorale: 7 p.mr., 506 Burtm-
on' iowcei. New singrs neded -
sopranos, alt os, tenors and basses.
litl'uiainal ( Cnter weekly tea
for all foreign student s and! Amer-
icani friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Inter-
national Center. Hostesses: Ms
Rober-t linuger andIMs. Donal
;nicrit':i ('hemical Society
: atuenit ,Affiliates: Organizationa]
mneet.ing. 2404 Chemistry Bldg.
-:30 pjm.
Scimitar (lub: Enisian-IM-Ac-
tiv'ity pictures Vvill be taken of
fencers at the Imta-Mural Bldg
at 5 p.mr.
A meeting of the Scimitar Club
open to all interestedl students
9:30 p~.,thirid floor, Michigan
Union. All Scimitar members ar
requested to attend.
La Witite causette: 3:30 p.m.
Gi'iii Room, Michigan League.

'the daily .'m'&'rds i s readers the
privilege of ',ubunkitting letters for
puiblicat ion in tIhis cioli in i. Subject
to space limiatlions(ie general po-
icy is to publish iini the order in whih
they are received all letters berin
I-he tv riter's signat ur' and address.
Lettr lextoceding 300 w~~ords, repet-
Hon hutettel-s and letters o ia defana-
Ior ci-haraicter or suh letters which
fior any~ other reason au-e not in godi
ta~ste iii not be' pubished. 'I in
e'ditor-s' re~eri e 'te pr-iviegefconi('1-.
,Iens-iltP letter'..
lTo tilt' Editor:
I 'ODA'S D)AILY indicates that
Dii'ect or Crisler' wants "for
Women a new swiming 1)00."
It has been on my conscience
lihat I may have deprived the
ladies of' a swimming pool. Bck
inl the dreadful thrties, a WPA
''Federal Writems Project'' essayed
a 4idlebook to Michiigan. (Later
it was actually published by the
lear-ned' Oxford Unive.sity Press)
T1hec proofs of the book had to
cr-oss my desk. I was delighted
to read that the Women's Ath-
letic Building had a splendid
swimming pool. However, Since I
haud nev-er been in the building I
had never seen it, and decided to
check with my fiend Dr. Marn-
garet Bell. In at few choice and
characteristic wods, Di. Bell
made me take out that swimming
pool. This morning I checked
again with Associate Dean Mary
Bromag;e. She avers that there is
iln enlar'ged bathi-tub, perhaps ten
by twelve, in which Michigan
women students ma~y swim. She'
doubts that it ought. to be called
a swimming pool.
"Then t'he question arises as to
Graduate Student Council: 7:30
p m., East TLec ture Hall,-Pa ckham
ii. of M. ile Club: hiring, 7-
:30 p.m., ROTC range. DCM
q ualification match fired at .8 p.m.
Young Republicans: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Pm. 3N, Michigan Un-
ion. Election of officers.
Meeting of all Gargoyle Busi-
ness Staff tryouts, 4 p.m.
I.R.A.: General membership
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michigan
League. Open meeting.
Executtive C'ouncil of the Ulit-
ed( World Federalists will meet
,it 4 :15pm, Michigan Union to
formulate plans for' World Gov-
ernment Week. All are welcome.
Youing Democrats: Due to the
inatbility to get a satisfactory
meeting room, there will be a work
mneeting starting fronm Wikel's
Drug Store at 7:30 p.m.
IT. itf M. hDames Dramut Groupy:
'Meeting, 8 p.m., home of Mrs
L. Hart Wright, 2583 Fern-
wood. Further work will be clone
On the play. Call Mrs. Laverne
Pitcher 2-7483 fomr transpor'tation.
Motion Picture, auspices of Art
Cinema League, "Before Him Al
Rome Trembled." 8:30 p.m.
Thur's.. Fi'i., and Sat., Lydia Men-
(delssolihn Theatre. Tickets on sae
Gaeologtic al-Mi necralogh ial JOUr-
nal Cltub. 12 noon, 3054 Natural
H cience Bldg., Pr'i., Feb. 18. Mr'
iR~bert, V. Kesling of the Depart-
merit of Geology, University 01
Illinois, will speak on "Inside the
Ostracod and Why." Open meet-

Dielta Sigma Pi, Professional
business administration frater-
n iity: Business Meeting, Fr'i., Feb.
18, 7:30 p-rm., Chapter Hotuse. 1212
h Fill.
German Coffee flour': Friday,
3-4:30 p).mn., Michigan League
1 Soda Bar. All students and fac-
ulty members invited.
Westminster Guild, First Pres-
-byterian Church: "Hatchet Par-~
,ty," .8 p.m., Fri., Feb. 18, Social
H~all, church btuilding.
B'nai B'ritli Ilillel Foundation:
fSabbath Evening Services, 7:4.r
p.m. Fri., Feb. 18. Rabbi H. Ly-
mon conducting, assisted by Eu-
gene Malitz. A talk on condition,
abr-oad, by Dr. William Haber, wil'
Lutheran Student Association
Box Social Party, 8 p.m., Fri., Feb
,18, Student Center, 1304 Hil

whether the wvomen students can
have a "new" swimming pool,
when t hey never hadic an "old"
-11andolph G. Adams.
Director, The Clemnents
:t~rr~ , rli4'
To the Editor:
AN ARTICLEL in The Daily for
Feb. 15 reports that local
iei'chants, will not lower thiri
p[i('es. inI spite of the countrywide
trcndI in that direction. At the
t ime thait article wvas printed. The
Daily had atlready had in its hands
for four cdays :a news item to the
effect that one( of the cooperative
Hmouses on c'ainpurs had found it
possible to lower its food rates
because of the decrease in costs.
The Daily had this news item for
four' days before it. bothered to
print it, aInd then ntrade no at-
tempt to correlate Hte two facts.
The fact that a Daily writer pr'e-
pam'ed an ar'ticle about prices
seems to indicate that The Daily,
and presumably' the rest of cam-
pus, is inter'ested in the cost of
living; if local merchants, and
even the "nonpr'ofit" Union and
League, ar'e unable to cope wvith
the situation, then it seems reas-
onable that The Daily and the
student body begin to interest
themselves in coopem'ative methods
of doing business. There has been
in the past a highly successful co-
operative ca-feter'ia on campus;
funds from that cooperative are
still left, and if there were pop-
ular' demand such a cafeteria
could be started again. Other
campuses have cooperative cloth-
ing stores, book stores, and even
laundries and dry cleaning plants.
All have proved to be successful
business ventures and have passect
onl substantial savings to students.
MVichigan can do the same if stu-
dents r'ealize that they have it
within their power to lick the cost
of living through their own ef-
for'ts, using cooperative tech-
niques, Incidentally, almost every
student legislative bookstore this
fall professed an interest in a co-
operative bookstore or cafeteria;
where is the interest -now?
If potential campus leaders are
thesitating to push for more stu-
dent cooper'atives because of lack
of information about cooperative
methods and organizational tech-
niques, or would like addresses of
campus coops all over the country
to write for more information, this
material is available in the files
of the Intercooperative Council.
--Jerry Rees.

,(M 4

JFilly-iNiial, Ycar
Edited andl iranaged nly stum'ents of
the thniversity of Michigan uinder the
atthoi'lty of the Board! in Control of
Sty idc'n UPublications.
Editorial Staff
Hlarriett Friedman ...Managing Eidtor
Dick Maloy ..............City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqiuetti ... Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen.......Associate Editor
Leon ,Jaroff.........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
13. S. Brown........... Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
13ev Butssey ....:Sports Featutre Writer
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-- --


When are you corning bock, Mr. O'AMalley?


There, you see? H-e's been j[
I ,- wojrndrftl e odtIIf ie.ncutn II

FIs your throat still sore,
ISon? Does it hurt a lot?

---Gus, the Ghost's. -
throat is AWFUL bad.




- .-J f


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