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May 19, 1949 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-19

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Coeds Continue
IFC Sing Plans
Sorority Women Review Cheers, Songs
To Be Given in Support of Fraternities

Although an ill-timed Ann Ar-
bor dew forced the postponement
of the IFC Sing, it did not dampen
the enthusiasm of the sororities
which had pledged their aid.
The several hundred helpful
coeds beat their muddy paths
home for further practice on their
supporting parts, still confident
boys Attends
Huron Caimp
Huron Day Camp was founded
three years ago by two University
dental students, Wallace B. May-
nard, '50, and Jack W. Leitner, '50,
to provide camping actixities for
young boys who are unable to
attend more expensive summerj
The camp was the first privately
owned day camp to be registered
with the State Department of So-
cial Welfare. It now offers games,
hikes, handicraft work, swimming
and occasional overnight camps to
22 boys who might otherwise be
deprived of these outdoor experi-
This summer Robert B. Cham-
berlain, '50D, will be co-director of
Huron Day Camp, along with
Maynard. Chamberlain has had
experience as a life guard,
swimming instructor and play-
ground director in Grand Rapids.
Maynard was director of the Riv-
erside Park playground in Ann
Arbor before entering the service.
The camp is located near Huron
Hills Golf Course. It will run from
June 20 to August 19. Each boy
will attend camp for at least a
two-week period, though many
will stay longer. Expenses for two
weeks will be $15.
Business SUccess for college
women starts with Gibbs secretarial
training. Write College Course Dean
today for opportunity booklet,
"Gibbs Girls at Work."
230 Park Ave., NEW YORK 17 90 Marlborough St. BOSTON 16
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that this time their fraternity
would win.
These helpful coeds were among
the select few who had won in a
drawing of lots to see which so-
rority would support each of the
eleven fraternities participating.
NEXT YEAR a new system will
be put into effect which will give
each sorority a chance to support
some fraternity every other year.
This year the festivities start-
ed early. The Delta Zetas were
given a sneak preview of the
Zeta Psi arrangement during a
Monday night serenade.
Co-operation between these
two groups has continued all week
and will reach a climax in a party
following the Sing.
- * * *
THE CHI PHI's insured pleas-
ant relations with their sponsors,
the Alpha Delta Pis, by sending
them a bouquet of flowers.
A spirit of co-operation has
prevailed throughout the week
between the fraternities and
their sponsoring sororities.
Each of the supporting groups
has worked to perfect songs and
cheers to spur on. their favored
* * *
THE GAMMA PHI Betas, who
are supporting Sigma Phi, plan to
open the program with a march
across the Diag. The Zeta Tau Al-
phas will be led in cheer by two
spirited coeds dressed in Alpha
Delta Phi colors.
Cheers also will be given for
Sigma Phi Epsilon by the Sigma
Delta Taus,' for the Phi Psis by
the Collegiate Soroci and for
Sigma Alpha Epsilon by the Tri-
' Alpha Gamma Delta will spon-
sor Lambda Chi Alpha. The Al-
pha Chi Omegas will support their
neighbors, the Alpha Tau Omegas.
Kappa Sigma will be sponsored by
Alpha Phi and Phi Kappa Psi by
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Wouldn't you
rather store
your furs . . . at
Phone 6938
for pick-up service

Ticket Sales
To Be Limited
For Senior Ball
Ticket sales for "Senior Swing ,
Dut" will continue from 9 a.m.
o noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. to-
morrow on the Diag and in the
Administration Building.
Tickets will also be sold at the
same places from 9 a.m. to noon
Saturday. According to George
Whitehorne, publicity chairman,
Sales will be limited to a thousand
couples to keep dancing conditions
Senior Ball will be held from
a p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday in
the Intramural Building. Ray Mc-
Kinley and his orchestra will pro-
vide music for the dance.
The band's nation-wide popu-
larity is usually attributed to its
versatility. According to critics,
McKinley's orchestra is capable of
playing all types of music, sweet or
Tickets for "Senior Swing Out"
may also be on sale at the door
depending on the extent of pres-
ent sales. The control committee
will announce more definite plans
in the future.
Doors leading from the dance
floor outside will be opened to
allow couples to enjoy starlight
dancing. Tables will be provided n >
out in the open where dancers may
rest and enjoy refreshments. " .n
Decorations for the semi-formal --Daily--wally Barth
will be enhanced by special light- "NAKU PUEO"-That is the
ing effects. The walls of the IM name of the hula Netta Ala-
Building Ballroom will be adorned meida, Hawaiian student, is
with large sketches of Michigan shown here performing at the
traditions, past and present. The International Center's show
murals have been specially or- given recently in Pattengill Au-
dered from a New York firm. ditorium.
Three Fraternities To Celebrate
Founding at Annual Triad Dance



Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi and
Phi Delta Theta composing the
"Miami Triad" will join forces
Saturday when they present a
dinner and dance at the Latin
Quarter in Detroit.
The dance was originated at
Miami University in Oxford, Ohio,
Graduates Plan
Pre-Finals Fling
A pre-finals fling in the form
of a mixer dance will hold the'
attention' of graduate students
from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Saturday in
the Rackham Ballroom.
Sponsored by the Graduate Stu-
dent Council, the last social event
of graduates this semester will in-
clude bridge, dancing and refresh-

where the three fraternities were
founded. The Betas were estab-
lished in 1839, the Phi Deltas in
1848 and the Sigma Chis in 1855.
campuses where the fraternities
have chapters, the dance was orig-
inally designed to bring about a
closer unity and friendship be-
tween the three fraternities.
Members and their dates will
leave Ann Arbor by bus at5
p.m. Upon arriving at the Latin
Quarter they will dine and af-
terwards dance to the music of
Freddie Warren. The homeward
trek will begin at 11 p.m.
Coeds attending the dance will
receive novel surprise favors.
* * *
SO THAT GUESTS may become
acquainted with each other;
dinner places have been arranged
in such a way that a member of
one fraternity and his date will be
seated between members of the
ather two fraternities.
General chairmen of the dance
are Bob MacGregor from Sigma
Chi, Butch Skou from Phi Delt
and Bill Kerr from Beta.

:<} a
, :







Entire Stock of MEN'S SHOES




Limited Time Only

Petitions for Michigan League
Summer School positions will still
be accepted tomorrow in the Un-
dergraduate Office of the League.
Positions which are open are as
follows: president of the League,
chairman of the Judiciary Coun-
cil, two Judiciary Council mem-
bers, social chairman, publicity
chairman, dance class chairman,
and ballroom chairman.
The experience gained in these
summer positions will be valuable
to those women who plan to peti-
tion next fall.
Interviewing will be held from
3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow. The Inter-
viewing Committee asks that wom-
en students who are interested
sign up for interviews in the Un-
dergraduate Office and bring their
eligibility cards to the interviews.
All eligible women are urged to
petition, accordling to Pat Reid,
interviewing chairman.
Camp Counselors
Members will meet at 7:15
p.m. today in the small lounge
of the WAB.

We offer you our entire new
stock of nationally advertised
shoes at this great saving so
that you may become better
acquainted with our store and
high grade shoes.



In our complete new stock we have styles for all of your needs-
your choice of soles-crepe, rubber or leather.


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