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May 18, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-18

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ngry Improvisations

W'E'RE THE GREAT .research kids in this
country, and being faced with the big
question of what to do about Communism,
one might have supposed that we would
have hired experts, sifted out all the at-
tempted answers of the historic past, and
worked out something fresh, creative and
Instead we have improvised, and, on
the whole, we have improvised drearily
and ineptly. Take, for example, the matter
of loyalty investigations of federal per-
sonnel. These investigations require enor-
mous work and large expenditures. I won-
der if they have reduced by one man-
hour the amount of police activity that is
still needed to guard against real disloy-
alty, say, spying. I doubt it. It is my
feeling that Just ashmuch routine police
work is needed as before the investiga-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
TWELFTH NIGHT, by William Shake-
speare. With Arnold Moss, Frances Reid,
and Carl Benton Reid.
HE 1949 DRAMA SEASON hasn't run its
full course yet, but I'm willing to enter-
tain predictions that when it has, this week's
presentation of "Twelfth Night" will look as
good as any in comparison. This is because
of the fortunate combination of two things:
Mr. Shakespeare, and the present cast.
The performance, rendered for the most
part in good, round midwestern accents,
seemed to lose little in the translation.
Arnold Moss delivered the part of the
fatuous Malvolio with a happy synthesis of
dignity and absurdity, and with what
looked from the sixth row like near-per-
fection. As the incredible Sir Toby Belch,
Carl Benton Reid romped ponderously
about the stage, playing his part with
obvious gusto. He was abetted in this by
Philip Tonge as Sir Andrew Aguecheek,
whoi demonstrated remarkable restraint
by refusing to overwork an easily over-
workable role.
As Feste, the not-so-clownish clown, Harry
Townes ought to be accorded top honors1
with Moss. He did his stint with ease, pre-
ci ion, and the slightest taint of an Irish
brogue in his voice-apparently a holdover
from his leprechaun role in "Finian's Rain-
Frances Reid, who played Viola, and1
who was required by her part to appear1
disguised as a young man, didn't fool me
for a minute. She's a girl, and a veryt
charming one, too. Also completely pres-t
ent were Mary Jackson as Maria, NevaI
Patterson as Olivia, and Jon Dawson as
Apparently inspired by the company in
which they found themselves, the ten ort
twelve Play Production students who assisted
acquitted themselves with honor. Costumest
and art were under the direction of thet
Mellencamps, who are evidently unable to dot
a second-rate job. t
-W. J. Hampton. t

And if you look closely into the thing you
will see that these investigation, without in
any way solving the crisis in our relations
with Russia, have produced a new crisis of
their own-a civil liberties crisis.
* * *
S0 NOW we have two crises, Russia and
civil liberties. And the federal budget
crisis makes three-for the very sharp bud-
get crisis of the moment stems directly from
the fact that we feel we must spend 22
billions of dollars next year on arms and
foreign aid to head off Russia. Our at-
tempted solutions spawn new crises, crises
which stand at one or two removes from
the master crisis of our time, but which
are, perhaps, more imminently dangerous to
our national equilibrium than the big one,
the main one.
.9 * *
Russia, costly and dangerous as they
are, have been adopted without searching
and critical historical study. And our cen-
tury is rich in precedents tending to show
that the solutions we have worked up are
not, on the whole, very promising.
The history of our times is a history of
inept answers to the Russian problem,
most of them running along the line of
constructing armaments and engaging in
a bookkeeping of loyalty.
Perhaps there is something in the tidal
wave of anger that Communism arouses in
anti-Communists that is responsible, an
emotion so raging that it puts a check-rein
on thought itself, and forces action into
a ohcice among a very few, by now familiar,
* * *
WE NEED CONTROL, to solve our prob-
lems, and we know that anger is a
surrender of control; we know, or ought to
know, that it is quite impossible to build
anything in a blind rage.
We know enough from modern psychol-
ogy, also, to understand that a rage which
cannot find an outward expression is
very likely to turn inward, into self-de-
structiveness of one kind or another; and
the almost casual collapsing in our time
of important countries which have built
themselves around the single theme of
anti-Communism would seem to lend force
to this notion.
One feels also that Communism itself
depends to a degree on the hope that its
opponents will so entangle themselves in the
crises produced by their own attempted
angry solutions "that they will in the end
be able to solve nothing. One searches in
the tangle for answers that will have in
them something of coolness, precision, ac-
curacy, restraint, humor, understanding-
the kind of qualities that more or less go
with success.
a* *
HAVE NO SUCH ANSWERS, except that,
on the Eisler incident, I think we should
have waved the man on to Poland, turning
the thing to our advantage as a dlemonstra-
tion of almost intolerable forebearance, and
of our ease in our own minds-just as I feel
that a cool but direct American warning
to Russia against aggression would have
been more effective than the expensive, de-
fensive huddling of the Atlantic Pact. It is
along such lines that we must try to think.1
Our problem, four years after the war, is
not whether we are going to be as strong
as Russia, but whether we are going to be
the first nation in history that will be able
to think coolly, clearly, economically about
the Communist problem-and that's a
tougher test than merely being strong,
tougher and more trying.'
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)

T he
City Editor's
THE LIQUOR problem is back on campus.
According to a recent news story a fra-
ternity is being bounced from campus be-
cause a dozen of the boys got together
around a keg of beer in the basement to
celebrate some of the brothers' birthdays.
The campus cops walked in on the affair
and made a report to University authorities.
This incident, coupled with several other
violations of disciplinary regulations over
the past decade, resulted in a semester's
suspension of the fraternity.
This suspension raises a question con-
cerning the wisdom of the present dis-
ciplinary rules.
It has been two years since the disciplin-
ary rules were re-worded to absolutely for-
bid the presence of liquor in student quar-
ters. There was a great hue and cry when
the rule was first announced.
Fraternities, which were most directly af-
fected by the rule, went easy on drinking
at parties for a while. After the furor died
down, things went on pretty much as be-
fore. The rule wasn't rigidly enforced, and
everyone knew it.
At most parties the brew still flowed
freely. For a really big affair the student
groups just rented a spot off campus or
out of town where they could imbibe with-
out having to keep one eye out for the
After the initial announcement of the
liquor ban a student-faculty committee had
been named to study the question. After
one or two meetings they quietly passed
out of existence.
Well then, why do we have this sudden
rigid enforcement of the liquor ban again?
Several other groups have been nabbed
with liquor in the house-they got off
with nothing more than a slap on the
wrist. Why should this particular incident
precipitate the suspension of the group
It has been suggested that the authorities
are following the same policy they are sup-
posed to have followed in getting the polit-
ical speakers ban lifted. On that ban the
authorities followed such a strict interpreta-
tion of the rules that public opinion was
aroused and eventually enough pressure
was applied to have the political speakers
ban lifted.
This may be the reasoning in cracking
down on the liquor question. Certainly
something needs to be done to change the
present stupid rule.
Now we have a completely hypocritical
rule. Drinking is an acceptable social habit.
In the normal course of events a youth
grows up in an environment where this
habit is accepted. Then he comes to
college. Ie has to sneak his brew as if
it were a crime to drink.
He goes off to a joint-off-campus or out
of town and hurriedly downs a lot of beer,
then staggers back to the campus to his
party or dance. Or he sneaks a drink in his
house in an atmosphere of law-breaking.
This entire situation has been caused by
the present hypocritical liquor regulation
A change is needed.
There need be no conflict with state laws.
The members of the house certainly could be
counted on to police the activities of their
fellows. The liquor situation could be cleared
up if drinking were permitted in the healthy
atmosphere of a chaperoned party.
-Dick Maloy.

"It Doesn't Have Any Particular Significance"
N~ /


Letters to the Editor-


(Continued from Page 2)
Kellogg Auditorium. The public is
University Lecture: "Modern
Art, the Search for a Symbol" (il-
lustrated), Lincoln Kirstein, art
critic, author, and secretary of the
Ballet Society, Inc., of New York;
auspices of the School of Archi-
tect and Design. 4:15 p.m., Fri.,
May 20, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Dou-
rossoff Edmund Morley, Speech;
thesis: "An Analysis by Means of
the Sound Spectrograph of Intel-
ligibility Variations of Consonant
Sounds Spoken by Deaf Persons."
3 p.m., Wed., May 18 Room B7,
1007 East Huron Street. Chairman,
H. H. Bloomer.
Doctoral Examination for Jo-
seph James Hickey, Zoology; the-
sis: "Survival Studies of Banded
Birds." 2 p.m., Thurs, May 19,
3091 Natural Science Bldg. Chair-
man, J. Van Tyne.
Doctoral Examination for Jer-
ome Phillip Horwitz, Chemistry;
thesis: "The Effect of Structure
on the Course of the Schmidt Re-
action on Unsymmetrical Ke-
tones." 2 p.m., Thurs., May 19, 224
Chemistry Bldg. Chairman, P. A.
S. Smith.
Doctoral Examination for Dan-
iel B. Suits, Economics; thesis:
"The Relationship of Capital Ex-
penditure to Labor Productivity
as Shown by a Study of Selected
Industries, 1919-1939." 3 p.m.,
Thurs., May 19, 105 Economics
Bldg. Chairman, Gardner Ackley.
Doctoral Examination for Loyal
Ansel T. Gryting, Romance Lan-
guages: French; thesis: "The Old-
est Version of the Twelfth-Ce'-
tury Venjoce Nostre Seigneur."
4 p.m., Thurs., May 19, East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Bldg. Chair-
man, E. B. Ham.
Astronomical Colloquium: 4:15
p.m., Fri., May 20, Observatory.
Speaker:'Kenneth Yoss; Subject:
"The McCormick Proper Motion
Department of Botany: Semi-
nar, 4 p.m. Wed., May 18, 1139
N.S. An ecologic and taxonomic
analysis of the genus Opuntia in
the Big Bend Region of Texas. by
Margery Anthony. Open meeting.
Zoology Seminar: 7:30 p.m.,
Thurs., May 19, Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Miss Helen Arliss Denyes
will report on "An Ecological
Study of Brewster County, Texas,
with Special Reference to the
Habitat Restriction of Certain
Small Mammals." Mr. Joseph J.
Hickey will report on "Survival
Studies of Banded Birds." Open
University Symphony Orches-
tra, Wayne Dunlap, Conductor,
will play its final concert of the
school year at 8 p.m., Thurs., May]
19, Hill Auditorium. Program: Sin-

Student Recital: Thomas Ton-
neberger, organist, will present a
program in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree at 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
May 18, Hill Auditorium. Compo-
sitions by Handel, Bach, Widor,
Buxtehude and Dupre. Mr. Ton-
nebreger is a pupil of Frederick
Marriott. Open to the public.
Student Recital: Malcolm Fos-
ter, Baritone, will be heard in a
program at 8 p.m., Wed., May 18,
Kellogg Auditorium. Mr. Foster is
a pupil of Harold Haugh. Compo-
sitions by Arnold, Mozart, Wolf,
Faure, Ravel, Sibelius and Rach-
maninoff. The public is invited.
Events Today
Institute of the Aeronautical
Sciences: Mr. Lysle D. Cahill will
speak on "Latest Developments In
Gas Turbine Work In England."
Election of officers. 7:30 p.m.,
Rm. 3G, Union.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
business administration frater-
nity: Business meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Chapter House, 1212 Hill.
Coed Folk and Square Dancing
Club: 7:30 p.m., WAB. All mem-
bers please attend for last meet-
Modern Dance Club: First dress
rehearsal at 7:15 tonight for the
Saturday. Bring 50 cents and
money from ticket sales. All mem-
bers not in the concert should ap-
pear to receive tickets to sell.
Young Democrats: Meeting 7:30
tonight (insteald of Thursday),
Union. Elections.
West Quad Radio Club: 7:30;
p.m. .
Women of the University Facul-1
ty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., fourth floor
clubroom, League.
1950 Religion in Life Week Plan-
ning Committee: Meeting, 4:100
p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Roger Williams Guild: Weekly
"chat" and tea, 4:30-6 p.m., Guildt
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Bible Study, Book of Acts, Chap-
ter 13, 7:30 p.m. Upper Room,
Lane Hall.
Westminster Guild, First Pres-1
byterian Church: Informal teaI
and talk, 4 to 6 p.m., Russel par-
lor, church building.
U. of M. Dames Bridge Group:
8 p.m., Henderson Room.
Coming Events
Mr. John C. Beukema will talk
on "Opportunities in Chamber ofE
Commerce and Trade Association1
Work," Thurs., May 19, 7:30 p.m.,1
131 Business Administration Bldg.c
Students and faculty are invited.
Phi Kappa Phi Meeting: Thurs.,f
May 19, 4 p.m., East ConferenceE
Room, Rackham Bldg. Members

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
forsany other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Proper Fi nction
To the Editor:
cussion of the so called "Fair
Deal" proposals such as compul-
sory health insurance, attempts to
force private groups not to dis-
criminate, increases in taxes to
pay for things like public housing,
etc., it seems to me that the com-
mon basic issue in all such' pro-
posals gets back to the proper
function of government. It is easy
to proclaim the 'benefits to be
gained from some particular piece
of legislation, as most Daily writ-
ers do, but it requires more
thought to discover what the total
effect ofallsuch proposals wil be
on freedom and the individual's
incentive to progress.
There are two theories of the
proper function of government.
The first, and basically the Amer-
ican, is that he who is governed
best is governed least. As long as
a man does not violate another
man's freedom, the government
should not regulate him, and un-
less he is the victim of some im-
portant misfortune, the govern-
ment should not attempt to take
care of his every need, but should
leave him to work out his own
problems. Under this system of
government the maximum incen-
tive to individual responsibility
exists, and the freedom of a person
to try his own ideas promotes
maximum progress. The superior-
ity of our country is proof that
this system works.
The second theory, as held by
various Communists and socialists
here and abroad, is that the people
are incapable of taking care of
themselves, and thus should be
placed on a cradle-to-grave secur-
ity basis so as to give everyone a
"fair deal." To make this work, the
government tells you where and
how many hours to work, where to
live and how much rent to pay,
what to buy and how much to pay
for it, and all the rest including
at times even what to think. The
closest most of us have come to
this was life in the services. We
saw the irresponsible let-the-
other-fellow-do-it attitude that
developed, the loss of incentive to1
progress, and waste. No sane per-
son wants to live under such a
system, but these systems exist in
the world today because in some
countries one law after another1
"for the people's good" has been1
passed until all freedom was gone.
The course of history is the study
of how men have been enslavedt
and forced in the end to revolt by1
a growing government, which has
choked off freedom and the
chance for progress. Let's not let

this happen here in the guise of
social legislation "for the people's
-Stanley Dole.
* * *
Power Politics ..
To the Editor:
T PAINS ME to see so many
young liberals among us con-
fuse personal ethics with the pol-
icies of our State Department.
They seem to think that this
"war" we are waging against the
Soviet Union is based sheerly on
ideals. They even have the mis-
taken impression that the last war
was fought to preserve democracy
in the world. I think it is a rather
prevalent fallacy. It is the type
of opinion that our policy mak-
ers would wish us to hold. It is
truly the motive for which many
have suffered and died. Sadly
enough, this point of view has no
place in the scheme of interna-
tional politics
America, like all modern states,
takes the pragmatic approach to
politics. This is called Power Poli-
tics. It is the only kind of politics
active in the world today. The
sooner the citizen learns that se-'
curity comes before the public wel-
fare; strategy preceeds ethics and
the value of prestige is greater
than Christian ethics and humility
-the sooner he will be able to
understand his nation's policy.
There is no inconsistence in the
recognition of Spain. We have a
goal and we will adopt all the
means at our disposal to accom-
plish it.
If you ask me to draw a conclu-
sion concerning all this, then I
might agree with the liberal.
Knowing that one's country is
dealing in hypocrisy is not a
pleasant thought even if it is the
fashion. There is a great tempta-
tion to damn the whole mess.
When we do, however, we censure
reality. But there is nothing about
the reality of a situation that nec-
essitates approval. We, like all
nations, adhere to the adage that
"the means justify the ends." (Let
me hear no more about this term
as applied to the Russians). There
is somehow the feeling that we
may be strangled by these means.
This is what I am afraid of.
There is the possibility that we
may "pragmatically" blow each
other into fissionable particles.
There is another possibility that,
through increased informational
facilities, the people may know the
truth that lies behind the abstrac-
tions of national symbolism. It is
necessary that we realize, before
it is too late, that there are no
idealistics in the State Depart-
ment. We must be at least as in
touch with reality as they are.
Above all, it is imperative that We
remain moral creatures-but as
Dr. Conant put; we must be
"tough-minded idealists." Let us
not attribute qualities to affairs
that do not exist. This is the first
step toward "tough-minded" ideal-
ism." If we condemn the attitude
toward Spain then let us be equally
moral and condemn the entire pol-
icy for what it is: Power Politics.
-Arthur K. Buchbinder.

No thingTo Do
THERE'S NOTHING to do in Ann Arbor
except go to the movies.
Nothing, that is unless it happened to be
last weekend, when there were no less than
seven extra events scheduled to appease the
jaded student entertainment appetites. Con-
certs, plays, an operetta and an arts fes-
tival provided all the variety of "things to
do" found in a city five times the size of
Ann Arbor.
Most of these activities, if not partici-
pated in by students, were sponsored by
them. And yet four of the events went in
the red, and one reported only "adequate
Something is obviously wrong when en-
thusiastically - backed, widely - publicized,
solid entertainment values fail to recruit ca-
pacity audiences. Admission fees in most
cases were nominal, and in all cases lower
than those charged for comparable enter-
tainment in a large city.
The first reason for the lack of student
support is probably the superabundance of
events scheduled last .weekend. The Student
Legislature Social Committee, which is re-
sponsible for planning the University's so-
cial calendar, obviously overloaded the
agenda. Seven extra happenings, plus the
usual movies and dances is a lot on any
weekend. In addition this past weekend was
crowded with sorority and fraternity for-
'nals, and was a scant two weeks from
But there's a deeper reason than
crowded schedules. Even on quieter week-

Hong Kong Mobilization

HONG KONG-To the visitor arrived from
Shanghai, Hong Kong appears wonder-
fully calm and comfortable. The Shanghai
streets are like a carnival in a nightmare;
the streets of Hong Kong, like a bustling,
colorful country fair. On the Peak above
the city there are big, comfortable houses,
cool breezes, and that air of peaceful stuffi-
ness which is the hallmark of British colo-
nial existence.
But the real difference between Hong
Kong and Shanghai is quite of another,
more grim order. This city is sternly
mobilizing for its own defense. It is mo-
bilizing because there is a chance that
something as ugly as what is now happen-
ing in Shanghai may start here within a
few weeks or months. It is mobilizing be-
cause there is even a very remote chance
that China's civil war may become an in-
ternational war when it reaches Hong
Kong's bordrs.
Before too long (six weeks to three months
is the best guess), the Communist "Peoples'
Liberation Army" will arrive at the borders
of Hong Kong's leased territory on the main-
land. Mao Tse Tung's victorious troops will
then face a reinforced Hong Kong garrison
of some twelve thousand British troops-
hardly more than a corporal's guard. But
if the "Peoples' Liberation Army" then at-

attack on Hong Kong will mean war with
a major power.
There are other reasons why the British
do not expect to have to fight. The busi-
nessmen especially rather nervously hope
that the Communists have already decided
to allow Hong Kong to continue to func-
tion as a funnel for trade and a "window
to the West."
On the other side of the balance sheet, less
optimistic political observers point out that
Hong Kong is a rich prize, and that when
the Communists control the mainland, the
prize of this little island will be almost
within their grasp. Moreover, the Commu-
nists could hope to seize the prize, if they
were so minded, by a process of strangula-
tion, rather than by direct assault.
In this rather ominous situation, only
two points are clear.
First, the way the Chinese Communists
choose to deal with Hong Kong will be the
first decisive test of their policy toward the
Western world as a whole; if they adopt the
"window to the West" approach to the Hong
Kong problem, we can assume that for the
immediate future, they will wish to carry on
extensive trade. Second, if the Chinese
Communists attack Hong Kong, there will
be a fight; that fight will extend beyond
Hong Kong's borders. And there will even
be danger of a Far Eastern War.
(Convri"ht .199. Newvorke .ld Tr-ibune. -r,

Dept. of Near Eastern Studies will
speak on, "The Key to the Treas-
ure Chest of Ancient Languages."
Reception in Assembly Hall. Mem-
bers invited.
NSA Travel Bureau will be open
for the last time this semester,
Wednesday and Thursday, May 18
and 19, 4-4:45 p.m., in Office of
Student Affairs.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
General meeting, Thurs., May 19,
7 p.m., League. Agenda: Ordering
pictures, voting on the next show,
recordings of present production,
and arrangements for party.
SociedadHispanica: Final meet-
ing of the year; Hussey Room,
League, 8 p.m., Thurs., May 19.
Elections, announcement of schol-
arships to Mexico. Bring member-
ship card to vote.
Deutscher Verein: Meeting,
Thurs., May 19, 7:30 p.m., Union.
UFA film, "Prewar Germany."
Election of officers.
Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting for
elections, Thurs., May 19, 7:15
p.m., 1018 Angell Hall, (not the
Union). Every member is request-
ed to attend.
Club Europa: Business meeting
for election of new officers, Thurs.,
8 p.m., International Center.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy......... ..City Editor
Naomi Stern.....Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ... Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen........ Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ..Associate Editor
B. S. Brown............Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ..Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Mary AnnHarris ... Asso. Wor's Editor
Bess Hayes............. ...Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman ..Finance Manager
Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of aii news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at AnrT
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,

fonie Concertante, Op. 84, for Vio- invited. U. of M. Dames Drama Gro
lin, Cello, Oboe and Bassoon, by Meet at the home of Mrs. He
Hlaydn; Rapsodie Espagnole by Phi Kappa Phi Initiation: Arnold, Forest Court, 8 p
Ravel, and Brahms' Symphony No. Thurs., May 19, 8 p.m., Lecture Thurs., May 19. Mrs. Freeman
4 in E minor, Op. 98. The public is Hall, Rackham Bldg. Prof. George Miller will be guest and will en
invited. G. Cameron, Chairman of the tain with dramatic selections.




Soof! Nothing like a breath of fresh air!
- s a

How do you breathe underj
the water. Davy Jones? ,,

" 3

The Greeks, who set Davy up in business as King of
th Spa eali rze hhaAdn 1.1Ai - ls -;aanIIc-



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