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May 12, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-12

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Ultimate Goal

A LTHOUGH STUDENTS are gradually be-
~ ing given greater jurisdiction over the
conduct of their own affairs, the University
can still place even more faith in their abil-
ity to govern themselves.
The latest step towards increased stu-
dent authority is the Student Affairs Com-
mittee's ruling empowering a combined
men and, women's Judiciary Council to try
infractions of University regulations by
student organizations.
Under the new regulations charges may be
brought by either the SAC or the Judiciary
Council for infrations of rules as set forth
in "University Regulations Concerning Stu-
dent Affairs, Conduct and Discipline."
The ruling, however, enables the SAC and
the Judiciary Council to act only on regula-
tions pertaining to such matters as arrang-
ing events, speakers and meetings.
In other words, the power to rule on in-
fractions of University conduct rules such,
as the drinking regulations still resides in
the University Committee on Student Con-
This committee is empowered to "prescribe
standards, principles and rules of conduct
for students and student organizations such
as to promote the welfare of the student
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
.re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

body and to protect the University from un-
warranted criticism."
To enforce its regulations, the Conduct
Committee has set up a Subcommittee on
Discipline which has power "to take action
which shall be conclusive in all cases of
misconduct falling within its jurisdiction."
Although two members of the men's and
women's Judiciary Councils are occasionally
invited to attend meetings, the subcommittee
has no voting student members.
It would seem only just that students
should be given at least some voting rep-
resentation on the disciplinary committee,
since it vitally effects the lives of nearly
every student on campus. Certainly the
Men's Judiciary Council has proven that
it can be objective in its decisions and
that it, too, is working actively "to pro-
mote the welfare of the student body and
to protect the University from unwar-
ranted criticism.
The ultimate goal would be the complete
jurisdiction of the Judiciary Council over
'all infractions of conduct regulations, sub-
ject to the approval of the University Con-
duct Committee.
Not only would the University officials
be placing faith in the students if they
adopted such a plan, but they would also
remove much of the antagonism which now
results from the Conduct Committee's deci-
sions. Students would realize that their own
judicial body would be judging them-not a
somewhat aloof faculty body.
-Jim Brown.

Direct Aid

THOUSANDS of Chinese students, a few
hundred of them at the University, are
stranded in this country without means of
support, visible or invisible.
They are students whose homes are in
occupied China and can expect no finan-
cial aid from the Nationalist, or Com-
munist government, nor from their fam-
ilies. What is worse, few of them can
look forward to any help in the near future
from our own government.
The government made a step in the right
direction by allocating $500,000 of unused
ECA funds for the use of Chinese students
in the U.S. However, the money was orig-
inally slated for the physical rehabilitation
of China, and the government therefore
stipulated that the funds were only for
scientific and technological students. This

on the assumption that they would be most
instrumental in rehabilitating China when
they returned home after their studies.
In a sense this is true. But the govern-
ment seems to have neglected the fact
that in post-war years, students in cul-
tural fields will likewise have a sizeable
contribution to make to the growth and
development of their country. So far no
provision has been made by the govern-
ment for Chinese students in the humani-
ties or social sciences.
At present, the only means these students
have of maintaining themselves is through
private donations. The International Center
is acting as the clearing-house on campus
for these private gifts. Direct student-to-
student aid could do a great deal.
-Fredrica Winters.

New Approach
WASH1NGTON-After interviews with a
number of interested parties here, it
seems to me the only way the Taft-Hartley
issue can be settled is not by "compromise"
but by a new approach.
The sticking-point is injunctions. Labor
hates anti-strike injunctions, and quite prop-
erly so; they are a throwback to the period
of our immaturity. We got along without
them during a troubled decade, and to go
back to injunctions now is like leafing fran-
tically through a faded 1929 calendar in
search of fresh, vibrant, thrilling ideas with
which to solve the problems of 1949.
BUT MOST of the "compromise" proposals
on Taft-Hartley act repeal would allow
injunctions-not a lot of injunctions, you
understand, just a few little special ones
in the field of "national emergency" strikes.
Such compromise attempts will create more
difficulties than they will solve-as was
shown in the House last week when a com-
promise proposal, embodying "national
emergency" injunctions, failed completely to
split the right-but did split the left.
And, in the end, a strategy that was
supposed to win right-wingers- over to
moderate liberalism, ended by leading
some liberals over to labor injunctions;
however reluctantly, and with whatever
good motives, it was they who moved, not
the other side. Many voted as they did,
of course, only for strategic reasons, to
get as much as they could, or to stall off
and kill the Wood bill, and without be-
lieving in injunctions at all.
But in the continuing talk now being
heard among Congressional Democrats to the
effect that any successful Taft-Hartley act
compromise must include "national emer-
gency" injunctions, there is danger that it
is liberalism which may be shifting its sights,
not conservatism.
* * *
IN THIS SITUATION, it seems to me we
should go back to the idea offered three
months ago by Mr. William Davis, former
chairman of the War Labor Board. Mr.
Davis suggested that "national emergency"
strikes be handled, not by injunction, but by
temporary seizure of the plants involved.
This was, if you will pardon the allusion, the
method Roosevelt used, and he knew at
least as much about handling labor prob-
lems as anybody who has been orating
IT IS THE grown-up way. Mr. Davis point-
ed out that injunctions, after all, don't
settle issues, and that it is important to get
issues settled, which seems like a reasonable
approach. Plant seizure puts pressure on
employers as well as employees in any "'na-
tional emergency" strike situation, which
injurctions certainly don't do; an em-
ployer confident of obtaining an injunction
is under no particular compulsion to be
reasonable. Under Mr. Davis' idea, an im-
partial board would determine wages and
profits during the seizure period. The public
would be protected, without any need for
forcing men, by court order, to work for
somebody's private and perhaps unreason-
able profit.
* * *
ONCE THIS POINT were settled, I don't
think there would be much trouble about
disposing of other Taft-Hartley act features.
The non-Communist oath business is a fad-
ing notion; even strongly anti-Communist
labor leaders don't think it is very effec-
The idea of balancing the non-Commu-
nist labor official oath with an oath by
employers to the effect that they, too, are
not Communists or fascists, or whatever
you like, is merely amusing. What's the

penalty in case an employer refuses to
sign an oath that he is not, say, a car-
He'd be denied the right of collective
bargaining, which might not make him
sore. One can hear an employer, telling
his men, regretfully: "Sorry, boys, I can't
bargain with you, through any Federal
agency, because I didn't sign the oath."
* * *
IF THE IDEA is to protect the public
against "national emergency" strikes, Mr.
Davies has shown us a way. The only argu-
ment the opposition could bring up would be
to work on fears that seizure might lead to
socialism. The answer is that Roosevelt used
this method, and the amount of socialism
thereby produced is still too small to be
measured by any instrument however pre-
cise and refined.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)
A new sidewalk was built from the Law
Building to State Street and across the
campus to North University.
Spanish-speaking graduates were given
opportunities to teach in Puerto Rico at
$1,200 a year.
'Pane wa ,. r an za n m lr q1 o n -.

-Daily-A. Jackson, D. Thomas

Letters to the Editor-

The Old Ruts

HERE HAVE BEEN blasts and counter-
blasts on the Student Affairs Commit-
tee's new rule which aims to cut down oni
discrimination in student groups-it's time
to examine what the University has done on
its part.
For example, there are only a few
schools and colleges here that still require
information on application blanks about
race, religion or national origin.
"'The business administration school wants
to know the ancestry and place of birth
of the applicant's father and mother. The
public health school requires the applicant
to state his race. And the Medical School
wants to know his religion. Six schools re-
quest photographs.
This is not to imply that the schools that

request information about race or religion
necessarily discriminate in admissions. But
it seems to me that they should explain on
their application forms what they use the in-
formation for, or else eliminate those ques-
I do not mean to suggest, either, that
getting rid of such questions would elim-
inate discrimination. Surely it is clear by
now that changing procedures and meth-
ods will not by itself change irrational
But it is also clear that, if the old ruts
in which organized intolerance moves are
not flattened out, it will continue to run
its course with unchanged or deepened ef-
-Phil Dawson.

(Continued from Page 2)
Dr. George Gamow, Professor of
Physics, George Washington Uni-
versity; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Astronomy. 8 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is
University Lecture (in Spanish).
"Sentido y forma del Barroco como
pericdo historico." Professor Joa-
quin Casalduero, New York Uni-
versity; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages and
Sociedad Hispanica. 8 p.m., Fri.,
May 13, Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Perry
Max Johnston, Zoology; thesis:
"Early Development of the Large-
mouth Black Bass, Micropterus
salmoides salmoides (Lacepede)
and the History of the Germ Cells
through the Period of Sex Differ-
entiation." 9 a.m. Thurs., May 12,
3091 Natural Science Bldg. Chair-
man, Peter Okkelberg.
Doctoral Examination for Wim-
burn Leroy Wallace, Psychology;
thesis: "The Relationship of Cer-
tain Variables to Discrepancy be-
tween Expressed and Inventoried
Vocational Interest." 9:30 a.m.,
Thurs., May 12, 3121 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Chairman, G. A. Sat-
Doctoral Examination for Albert
William Saenz, Physics; thesis:
"On Integrals of Motion of the
Runge Type in Classical and
Quantum Mechanics." 2 p.m.,
Thurs., May 12, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman,
Otto Laporte.
Doctoral Examination for Henry
Clay Bryant, Pathology; thesis:
"Some Humoral Aspects of Hep-
atic Cirrhosis in the Male. A Mor-
phologic Study." 7 p.m. Thurs.,
May 12, 1562 E. Medical Bldg.
Chairman, C. V. Weller.
Doctoral Examination for Ed-
ward Eugene Irish, Education;
thesis: "A Determination of Mate-
rials Dealing with Soil Conserva-
tion and Suitable for Integration
into Courses of High School Sci-
ence for General Education." 10:30
a.m., Fri., May 13, 4015 University
High School.
Doctoral Examination for For-
rest Glenn Averill, Education; the-
sis: "The Development of Public
Education in Grand Rapids, 1826-
1906." 2 p.m., Fri., May 13, 4019
University High School. Chair-
man, A. B. Moehlman.
Doctoral Examination for Paul
Franklin Chenea, Engineering Me-
chanics; thesis: "The General
Theory of a Continuous Mediur;."
4 p.m., Fri., May 13, 411A W. En-
gineering Bldg. Chairman, H. M.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying
Examination: All students expect-
ing to do directed teaching in the
fall term are required to pass a
qualifying examination in the
subject in which they expect to
teach. This examination, for all
fields other than science, will be
held on Sat., Mary 14, 8:30 a.m.
Students will meet in the library
of the University High School,
Rm. 2200. The examination will
consume about four hours' time;

promptness is essential. Please
bring bluebooks.
Students who expect to do their
directed teaching in science '(biol-
ogy, chemistry, physics, general
science) will take the examination
at 1 p.m. on Sat., May 14, in
Room 1011 of the University High
College Honors Program: Ap-
plications for the Degree Program
in Honors in Liberal Arts should be
made before May 15 at the office
of Professor Dodge, Professor Ar-
thos, or Dean Peake. Applications
are being received from second-
semester Sophomores with a B
average or better for a course in
Politics and Ethics, an interde-
partmental program continuing
through the Junior and Senior
years. Students in the program
will study in seminars certain ma-
jor works of Plato, Aristotle, Au-
gustine, Hobbes, Hume, and
Dewey. The seminar course carries
five hours credit. Courses carrying
five or six additional hours are re-
quired each semester. These in-
clude courses in the Bible, Basic
Greek Ideas, the Intellectual His-
tory of Europe, Political Theory,
and Shakespeace. An honors es-
say is required in the second term
of the Senior year.
The Collegium Musicum, under
the direction of Louise Cuyler, will
present a program at 8 p.m.,
Thurs., May 12, Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. It will include music for
a brass ensemble, music for voice
and instruments of the 14th, 15th
and 16th centuries, a group of
madrigals, two fantasies for
strings and excerpts from Il pomo
d'oro by Cesti played by a special
Chamber Music Orchestra con-
ducted by Andrew Minor, and sung
by Norma Heyde, soprano, and
Evelyn Wohlgemuth, mezzo-so-
prano. This is the final program to
be given this semester. The general
public is invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will play
another program in his current se-
ries of recitals at 7:15 p.m., Thurs.,
May 12. Program: Spanish, Ger-
man and Mexican airs, Fantaisie
6 by Professor Price, and the aria
"Caro nome," from Verdi's Rigo-
Student Recital: Mary Lown,
organist, will present a program at
8 p.m., Fri., May 13, Hill Audito-
rium. Compositions: Buxtehude,
Bach, Mozart, Bingham, and Du-
pre. Miss Lown is a pupil of Fred-
erick Marriott; given in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree, the
program will be open to the pub-
Events Today
Arts Chorale: No meeting to-
nigt. Regular meetings will con-
tinue next week.
NSA Travel Bureau will be open
from 4 to 4:45 p.m., Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society pre-
sents "Patience," Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, 8 p.m., Pattengill
Auditorium, Ann Arbor High
Student-Faculty Hour: 4-5 p.m.,
Grand Rapids Room, League.
(Continued on Page 5)

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication In this column. subject
to space limitations, the general pol
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letterseexceeding 300 words, repet-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Fresh Air Camp . ..
To the Editor:
ON BEHALF of the Fresh Air
Camp Committee, I should like
to express appreciation for the ex-
cellent work done on Tag Day.
The 700 students who took active
part in this campaign made it pos-
sible for the generosity of the cam-
pus to be expressed. It was fre-
quently remarked: "Everyone has
a tag."
This Tag Day is truly an all-
campus project. Also, students are
members f the Fresh Air Camp
Executive Committee which is re-
sponsible for planning the camp
program. Some 40 to 50 students
will be actually working as coun-
selors this summer. We extend to
University. students an invitation
to visit the camp while it is in
operation this summer. Seeing the
campers will repay you for the
help you have given.
-W. C. Morse,
* ,.*
Shame ...
To the Editor:
SHAME ON YOU for allowing
Arthur Kennett's solecism with
the word "fulsome" to appear in
Tuesday's May Festival criticism.
"Fulsome," which was used to de-
scribe contralto Tann Willaims'
singing, happens not to mean full
and voluptuously rounded, but
foul, noisome and disgusting!
Go look the word up and sin no
-Bradley Stevens
(EDITOR'S NOTE: It also means
"lustrous or wanton," according to
Webster. Kennett had thought of
using "meretricious," but decided
against it.)
* * *
Improve .. .
To the Editor:
I DO NOT WISH at this time to
talk about intangibles and cam-
pus conservative and liberal ideas,
but I would like to reply to Miss
Friedman's listing of the Union
and Student Legislature projects
carried out this year.
Miss Friedman, in Editor's Note
in Saturday's Dail, tried by list-
ing the-SL and Union activities'to
say that the Union accomplished
next to nothing when the SL did
many deeds of great benefit to the
students.... The obvious mistake
she has made in her listings is. she
has singled out each SL accom-
plishment and grouped or left out
the Union activities. She lists the
homecoming dance as on accom-
plishment for the SL and as one
activity for the Union she lists
"weekly membership dances." This
title includes approximately 50
weekend dances, six specialty dan-
ces, one Union Formal, and co-
sponsorship of the forth-coming
Tennis Ball: . . . But equally as
bad, she leaves out Union activi-
ties, such as: publishing of a text-
book list, publishing the M-Hand-
book, a course on parliamentary
procedure, mixer dances, Winter
Carnival, travel service, campus
talent files working with the Alum-
ni Association in listing alumni in
town during football weekends,
and handilig the men's orienta-
tion program.
Many other activities can be

listed in the Union's favor, but
from this relisting, Miss Friedman,
I ask you and other students to
weigh these projects and in your
own words "draw your own con-
One last question to Miss Fried-
man: Why cannot these two or-
ganizations work together for the
common betterment of the stu-
dents, and let the SL coordinate
the students' activities instead of
trying to destroy and pry into
worthwhile projects of organiza-
tions as you suggested in your edi-
The whole idea of listing the
projects is in error; both groups
have their place on the campus. I
Guests: Chemistry and Physics
departments. Co-sponsored by As-
sembly and Panhel.
International Center weekly tea
for all foreign students and Ameri-
can friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Interna-
tional Center.

don't believe Bob Holland called
for the outright abolishment of
the SL. but he is fighting for hon-
est student government not inter-
mingled with liberal and political
policies. We should strive for the
betterment of these organizations
and not list what one or the other
has done in an effort to show thrt
one is worthless. Our watchword
should be "improve," not "destroy."
. --Dick Allen
Past Union Exec.
Council Member
* * *
Aore from Ryan.**"
To the Editor:
MiR. WALSH concedes that Bob
Holland, as president of "a
small but substantial campus or-
ganization" has a certain amount
of prestige on campus. I would like
to ask Mr. Walsh if he considers
the Union nmbership of 16,000
students small, especially in com-
parison to the numbers which co-
prise those groups which receive
so much space in The Daily-AVC,
IRA, Young Progressives, and the
late lamented MYDA.
Why rom, ota doy, when some
of those groups got every one of
their members together they still
didn't have enough people to keep
me out of Dascola's barber shop-
even though they did rate head-
lines for two straight weeks in
The Michigan Daily.
Rothschild begs the student body
to ignore the old campus organiza-
tions which have become "feudal
castles" and to cast their lot with
those groups which are run by and
for the students-referring direct-
ly, I suppose, to NSA, The Daily,
and the Student Legislature. Well,
9 r. Rothschild, I've been on this
campus four years, I have a pretty
good idea of what is going on, and
I don't think the NSA is repre-
senting me because I don't even
know what NSA stands for,
I certainly rise to protest that
The Daily is acting for me in its
editorial policy at any time on any
subject, be it local, national, or in-
ternational. And if you claim that
the Student Legislature is acting
under a mandate from the student
body, then what happens to the
opinions of the 14,000 students who
did not even bother to vote In the
last elections?
Now just a word to Don McNeill
who covered Holland's speech for
The Daily. It just so happens that
I was present when McNeill dis-
cussed the speech with some of his
fellow "workers" at The Daily of-
fice the following day. I am in no
position to say, Mr. McNeill, whe-
ther your coverage was accurate.
However, I can feel somewhat safe
in saying that it must have been
terribly difficult for you to keep it
I still have more to say on this
-Potsy Ryan

End and Beginning

THE UNITED STATES, Britain, France
and Russia have ended their final
quibble on the lifting of the Berlin blockade.
The blockade itself is to be raised today; a
full-dress meeting of the foreign ministers
is to be held May 23. So after all the months
of tension the most amazing siege of history
IN THE ANNAUAL flurry of attention that
descended upon the May Festival, a
group of earnest young University musicians
-fondly referred to by their listeners as the
Two O'Clock Troubadours-was sadly over-
Motivated by a unique concept of the
proper concert hour, this band of male
revelers has assiduously refrained from in-
truding upon that time of day devoted
to studying and has confined its recitals
instead to the more propitious hours pre-
ceding the dawn.
It is no ordinary repertoire offered by the
Two O'Clock Troubadours. They may occa-
sionally stoop to "The Whiffenpoof Song"
or the unimaginative use of harmony. But
most of their selections are magnificently
dissonant eulogies of beer, flavored by an
indiscriminate choice of vocabulary.
Strange to say, these conscientious per-
formers have not always been pleasantly
received. Instead of enthusiastic applause,

-and the most stupendous counter-siege-
comesquietly to a close.
Future writers of textbooks-if there be
a future and textbooks-will set down the
details of the blockade and its western an-
swer in wonderment. They will exclaim, in
sharp italics, over the Russian attempt to
cut Berlin off from outside supplies. They
will exclaim even more sharply over the
logic-defying airlift that Kept Berlin alive
and set Soviet cloggings at nothing.
But the historians will have to go on from
their colorful accounts of the super-human
activity that defeated the blockade. It is to
their following chapters, rather than to
those of a dramatic present, that we ought
to be turning our attention.
An end to the Berlin blockade means, by
long-range calculation, almost nothing. The
blockade was set up because East and West
disagreed on the path to be blazed for
Germany. The blockade collapsed, most
probably, because the Russians found it use-
less and worse than useless. But the dis-
agreements that created the blockade con-
tinue, far from solution.
Is the American-British-French mark
of western Germany to be accepted for
the whole of the Reich? Is the Ruhr to be
segregated from Germany or slotted into
a German-renewal program? Is a new
and more-or-less self-reliant government
to be established for western Germany,
and is it to be extended eastward?
The questions multiply with amoeba-
splitting speed. And the end of the blockade,

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the 'Board In Control of
Student Publications.
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Soo lunks a oot o'gold

. . .Man O'War
bucks his jockey off

Yer fairy godfather is so excited, he
falls-PLOP- in Man O'War's saddle!



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