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May 10, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-05-10

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Rent Increases
L ANDLORDS HAVE something to be happy
about as a result of the rent hike for-
mula promising them an extra 30 per cent on
their operating income, but students in gen-
eral seem to have an opposite reaction.
Especially in Ann Arbor, where an over-
flowing population and a shortage of rent
housing combine to make a seller's para-
dise, should students have a cause to
complain. And many have complained, in
effect, that current room rates are high
enough as they stand.
Any further increase, which will probably
come about as an end product of Housing
Expediter Wood's formula, would definitely
wreak havoc with that monthly check from
Looking at one side of the problem, land-
lords will find it a great relief to be able to
determine whether or not they are running
at a loss.
This will be done by means of/ petitions,
drawn up by the government, on which
landlords must list their operating expenses
for the past year. As a result, Federal and
local rent representatives hope to decide on
a "fair net operating income," to be applied
to landlords with both large and small
Owners of small structures, one to four
homes, may raise rents to boost their net
operating income 30 per cent. Landlords
of large structures, or more than four homes,
are allowed 5 per cent less.
Now despite the ardor with which land-
lords have responded to this latest develop-
ment-shown by recent rent office reports
of landlords swarming in by the hundreds
to get petition blanks-their student room-
ers should find themselves in a much less
fortunate position.hThey are the ones who
N will have to do the actual kicking in in
order to substantiate their landlords' "fair
net" income.
f In this case, we can assume that one
man's meat is another man's poison. Land-
lords stand to gain-considerably-while
student roomers will probably suffer.
Unless landlords suddenly decide that
their promised rent increases do not appeal
to them, the students will be getting the
raw end of the deal.

Congress Outlook

I'd Rather Be Right
WASHINGTON-I've spent a couple of
hot days in Washington, trying to de-
cide whether it's hot for liberals or hot for
conservatives. On the whole, I think it's hot
for conservatives.
You may, if you voted for Truman, feel
like like moaning low because this Congress
hasn't put through a comprehensive program
of social legislation during the first four
months. But you have to remember that no
social legislation has been passed by Con-
gress since 1938. The wage-hour law, now
eleven years old, was the last substantial
social reform put on the books. Ever since
then it has been a case of holding on, tinker-
ing, repairing, or more often, wrecking.
But this year the Senate has already
passed a good housing bill and a Federal
aid to education bill, and Congress has
given the Tennessee Valley Authority its
controversial steam power plant. For the
first time since the long drought started
in '38, the issue is how much social legis-
lation we're going to add, not how much is
going to be destroyed.
Conservatives know it, and that is why
they are sweating two drops to the liberals'
one on these steaming streets.
* * *
IF YOU WANT a measure of the gains that
liberal sentiment is making in this coun-
try, note that Senator Taft has sponsored
and supported both the housing bill and the
Federal aid to education bill. Taft's voting
record is a better barometer of the changes
that are taking place in this country than
are the editorial pages of the papers that
support him.
This is a transition Congress, still uncertain
as to whether it is the last conservative
Congress or the first liberal Congress in more
than a decade. Neither interpretation gives
much comfort to the rightwingers. Even on
the Taft-Hartley issue the record isn't as
bad as it can be made to appear.
* * *
WE CAN EXPECT a transition Congress
to be a slow Congress. As a matter of
fact this one hasn't been as slow as it some-
times looks.
The two chambers have been working in
different fields, the Senate on social leg-
islation, the House on the major appro-
priations bills.
Actually, the House has passed these in
record time; last year it was still struggling
with appropriations deep into the summer.
The House now has plenty of time to take
up social legislation, without running into
the "automatic filibuster" of a last-minute
log-jam of necessary measures.
I did hear complaints in labor quarters
that the liberals, who took over the Demo-
cratic convention and platform last
summer, don't fight hard enough within
the party; that they are content to draw
up good bills and accumulate good voting
records, without striving sufficiently to
avoid such confusing and even shattering
surprises as the sudden attempt to swing
the party behind the weak Sims. com-
promise in place of the Lesinski repealer
of the Taft-Hartley Act.
All this is part of the stewing that's going
on here. The important point is that the long
drought is over, the thing is fluid again.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)

Matter of Fact
WASHINGTON-The crowing over Pres-
ident Truman's troubles with labor leg-
islation is singularly premature. The Pres-
ident is certainly not going to induce the
Congress to bring back the old Wagner
Act days, as he ratier unconvincingly says
he desires. But the chances are now excellent
that he will get a new labor law severely
diluting the Taft-Hartley Act, and probably
expunging that controversial name from the
statute books. His victory will not be total,
but he has good hopes of victory.
One sign was the recent defeat of the
Republican-Southern Democratic coalition,
and the humiliating recommitment of their
just-passed Wood Bill to the House Labor
Committee. This means there is far more
support for moderate labor legislation in the
House than most observers had supposed.
This is looking far into the future, con-
sidering that neither House nor Senate
has taken final action as yet. But the
House outlook, after recommital of the
Woods Bill, is for compromise. And in the
Senate, a curious, complex and hard to
disentangle situation has arisen which,
despite all its confusions, also seems to
promise an exceedingly moderate labor
Very briefly, the whole-hog, Truman-
sponsored Thomas Bill, repealing the Taft-
Hartley Act outright, is now before the
Senate, having been reported by a majority
of the Senate Labor Committee. Also be-
fore the Senate is the recently presented
report of the Labor Committee minority,
headed by Senator Robert A. Taft. This
recommends a middle ground between the
Taft-Hartley Act and the Thomas Bill. But
even this middle ground represents a long
retreat from Senator Taft's former posi-
The plain fact is that Senator Taft wanted
few things more than to have the progres-
sive Republicans marching side by side with
him in this struggle over labor policy. His
real objective, in fact, was to prepare a
Taft-Ives bill; and the minoirity report
he has now presented is his substitute for
the bill he wanted to offer. Another plain
fact is that the progressive Republican Sen-
ators did not want to be Senator Taft's com-
rades-in-arms. Hence the present oddly
complicated legislative picture.
If you analyze the picture's compound
elements, however, several striking points
emerge. First, if Senator Taft so much
wanted the company of the progressives,
he will not fight them very desperately
on the floor. Second, Senator Ives, Morse
and Aiken have still retained their free-
dom of action. Third, the whole apparent
trend is favorable to the labor groups.
Meanwhile, there is a political moral in
this situation. Only two years ago, the
republic was supposed to be in danger if a
statute less strong than the Taft-Hartley
Act by one jot or one tittle was even con-
sidered for a moment. The act had a great
deal to do with the Republican defeat, which
surely brought no happiness to the business
community that demanded such strong labor
legislation. And now the Taft-Hartley Act
is going down the drain. The moral is: "Be
moderate, even when you're on top, be-
cause some day, you won't be."-
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

"You Guys Order One of These?"
+ O 't- po( 1-. "&"'

Letters to the Editor-

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
pubication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
On Mleacham,...

liberal, pink-tinted, reformers
who have never seen the inside
of a fraternity house trying to
tell them how, where, and why
they can exist.
More to come.
-*otsy Ryan,

Jazz Critic . .
To the Editor:

-Don Kotite.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Current ove
At the Michigan . .
ENCHANTMENT, with David Niven, Ter-
esa Wright, Farley Granger, and Evelyn
IF WE DID NOT KNOW that this was by
Samuel Goldwyn, we might have believed
it was a J. Arthur Rank production.
This is not to say that it is entirely good,
or entirely bad. It is simply a rather im-
passioned duel love story of the most senti-
mental sort-definitely smacking of English
The picture's primary point of excel-
lence - the parallel telling of two love
stories-also becomes its main weakness.
There are so many flashbacks to the ill-
fated turn-of the century romance of
David Niven and Teresa Wright, and so
many flash-forwards to the modern war-
time romance of Farley Granger and
Evelyn Keyes, that both stories suffer.
Niven appears alternately as young army
officer and an elderly gentleman, and in
either role is his usual excellent self-al-
though somewhat Mr. Chipsish when he dons
the white wig.
The rest of the cast is adequately emo-
tional, and Farley Granger does especially
well in his first starring role.
--Bob White.


(Continued from Page 3)
cil Room, Rackham Building, 4
p.m. Chairman, G. A. Satter.
Doctoral Examination for Wil-
bert James McKeachie, Psychol-
ogy; thesis: "Individual Conform-
ity to Attitudes of Face-to-Face
Groups", Tues., May 10, 2125 Nat-
ural Science Bldg., 4 p.m. Chair-
man, D. G. Marquis.
Chemistry, Colloquium: 4 p.m.,
Wed., May 11, 1400 Chemistry
Bldg. Speaker: Mr. B. B. Brown;
Topic: "The Decomposition of
Student Recital: Estelle Hose,
Soprano, will present a program
at 8 p.m., Wed., May 11, Kellogg
Auditorium, instead of the Hussey
Room of the League, is previously
announced. A pupil of Harold
Haugh, Miss Hose will sing com-
positions by Paisiello, Jommelli,
Bach, Handel, Debussy, Verdi,
Schubert, and Rachmaninoff. The
program is presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of
Music. Open to the public.
Student Recital: Ruth Kluck-
holm, Contralto, will present a
program at 8 p.m. Tues., May 10,
in the Rackham Assembly Hall, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master
of Music in Music Education. Miss
Kluckhohn is a pupil of Leslie
Eitzen. Her program, open to the
public, will include compositions
by Hendel, Legrenzi, Torelli, Ca-
valli, Dvorak, Bach, Brahms, Wolf,
Rimsky-Korsakoff, ad Gretchan-
Events Today
Mr. H. C. Bigler, G.M.C., De-
troit Office of College Relations,
will speak on "What General Mo-
tors Expects of College Gradu-
ates." 8 p.m. 130 Bus. Ad. Public
invited. Sponsored by Delta Sig-
IFC Glee Club will not meet to-
Wolverine Club Flash Card
Committee: Meet at 7:15 p.m.,
UNESCO: Organizational meet-
ing of UNESCO Counci. Commit-
tee reports and election of summer
officers. 7 p.m., Student Lounge,
School of Education. Students in-
terested in a campus UNESCO
group are invited to attend.
Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speak-
er's Society, Meeting, 7 p.m., 2084
E. Eng. Bldg. Program: The regu-
lar circles will workout, also fur-
ther preparations for our forth-
coming Tung Oil Banquet.
ADA: Meeting. Charles Holzing-
er mid-western organizer, will be
guest. 7 p.m. at L. Berman, 324
John St., phone 5252. Members are
urged to attend.
Polonia Club: General Meeting,
7:30 p.m., International Center.
Plans for membership drive and
forthcoming picnic.

IFC House President's Meetifg,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-C,Union.
Committee on Student Affairs:
Meeting, 3 p.m., 1011 Angell Hall.
Michigan Dames: Annual Spring
installation banquet, 6:30 p.m.,
Allenel Hotel.
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Coming Events
American Society for Public
Administration: Social Seminar,
Wed., May 11, 7:30 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Speaker: Walter H. Blucher, Ex-
ecutive Director of the American
Society of Planning Officials.
Topic: "Practical Aspects of Pres-
ent-Day Planning." Open meet-
Sigma XI: Annual initiation
program, Rackham Lecture Hall,
May 11, 7:30 p.m. Dr. Emil Artin,
Professor of Mathematics at
Princeton University, will speak on
the subject "The Theory of
Braids," at 8:15 p.m. Lecture open
to the public.
A.S.M.E.: Meeting, Wed., May
11, 7:30 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering
Bldg. Speaker: T. A. Boyd, Techni-
cal director of the General Motor
Corp. Research Dept.
AIEE-IRE: Final meeting of the
semester, May 11, 7:30 p.m., 348 W.
Engineering Bldg. Mr. Donald
Courter, Chief Electrical Engineer
and Lear Incorporated will speak
on "Aircraft Electronic Control
Democratic Socialist Club: 4:15
p.m., Wed., May 11, Union. Mr.
Tucker Smith of Olivet College,
will discuss "Academic Freedom at
Olivet." At 8 p.m., Mr. Smith will
speak on "Democracy Must Be So-
cial " Architect Auditorium. Every-
one is invited.
U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting
of all members, Wed., May 11, 7
p.m., 311 W. Englineering Bldg.
Election of officers.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Mr.
Branch, Mr. Bradley, and Mr.
Lemish will lead a discussion on
employment in geology, Wed.,
12:15 p.m.
Flying Club: Meeting, Wed., May
11, 7:30 p.m., 1215 E. Engineering
Jazz Concert Ushers come to the
box office at Hill Auditorium Wed.,
May 11, from 5 to 6 p.m. to pick up
your tickets for the Dixieland Jazz
Concert, Sun., May 15, 8 p.m. Ush-
ers who have received their tickets
should be at Hill Auditorium, Sun.,
7 p.m. for the concert.
Coed Folk and Square Dancing
Club: 7:30 p.m., Wed., Barbour
Gym (instead of WAB).
Canterbury Club: Wed., 7:15 a.m.,
Holy Communion followed by Stu-
dent Breakfast.
Westminster Guild, First Pres-
terian Church: Informal tea and
talk, 4 to 6 p.m., Wed., May 11,
Russel parlor, Church Building.

To the Editor:
I HAVE, in late years, watched
with increasing apprehension
the growing tendency toward what
Mr. Meacham so aptly defines as
"the unwarranted criticism of se-
rial stories and commercials." It
strikes me that Meacham has put
his finger precisely upon the spot:
such "thinly-veiled attacks on the
free enterprise system" as are dem-
onstrated in the recent "Letter To
Three Wives" ought to be dragged
out into the light and exposed as
the subversive and essentially un-
American sort of thing they are.
Next to television and movies,
radio is our most highly-regarded
disseminator of Culture and The
American Way of Life. I agree
heartily with Meacham's opinion
that radio is not yet perfect, but
I insist that if criticism is to be
made it be done without the usual
snide and irrelevant comparisons
to what is loosely termed "the
classics." It takes tremendous sen-
sitivity and understanding to write
today's commercials and serials-
you can just bet that Shakespeare
would be hard put to if he were re-
quired to write "Stella Dallas" or
"The Heart of Julia Blake." I
know; I've heard them.
In conclusion I should like to
reaffirm my faith in this most
promising of American art forms,
and to place myselfsfour-square
behind such understanding sup-
porters of radio as Mr. Meacham
has shown himself to be.
-W. J. Hampton
* * *
To the Editor:
A FRIEND of mine, Stan S., has
said that he would eat Willie
C. Meacham's letter as printed in
The Daily of May 6 if the letter
was serious. Could you tell us whe-
ther or not this letter was a gag?
-Kurt Back
To the Editor:
MEACHAM'S speecheum
Causeum Nauseum
--Marvin Cassell
** * *
The Daily's Crusade .. .
To the Editor:
O TOM WALSH and John
Campbell, members of the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, to Dick Maloy, city edi-
tor of The Michigan Daily. To
Don McNeil, leg man for the
same publication. To Harriett
Friedman, managing editor of The
Daily; and to Don Rothschild, who
ce tainly must be somethin' or
I am writing to comment on
The Daily's recent attack on fra-
ternities and sororities on campus,
an attack which has grown into
a crusade against these groups
which gobble up poor little pledges
and lead them down the primrose
path to un-Americanism, which, in
turn, can lead to nothing but dirty
capitalism. And I also have a few
choice remarks to make about the
recent battle of words between
The Daily and Bob Holland, for-
mer President of the Michigan
First of all, to Mr. Campbell,
Mr. Walsh, and Mr. Rothschild.
In your all-out attack against
Holland in Saturday's issue of Mr.
Campbell's "favorite newspaper"
you have made several statements
whichadeserve comment and may-
be even a snicker or two.
Campbell leads the parade by
stepping right up to the line and
calling Holland, of all things, a
Head Turtle (and from the scorn
in his voice, I gather that a Head
Turtle must be something nasty
like a Republican) for the fra-
ternities, which he implies, ain't
got any right to have a Head
Turtle because they are nothing

but a minority group anyway.
(And after all the good things The
Daily has had to say for mniority
groups too, John. You should be
ashamed of yourself.) And besides
that, Campbell says who do Greek
letter groups think they are any-
way, to think that they are priv-
ileged. I would like to ask Mr.
Campbell just what privileges the
fraternities have asked for on this
campus except the privilege to go
ahead and mind their own bus-
iness without a group of ultra-

'WE'VE NEVER heard Louis
play better . . ." So goes a
portion of a recent review of Louis
Armstrong's performance at the
Michigan Theatre earlier this
week. In my opinion, the quote
reveals one of two things; either
the reviewer is not too familiar
with the subject on which he
writes or he has unfortunately
never heard "Satch" on a good
day. Unless any further evidence
reaches me, I'll discard the first
After hearing Louis ha _ver a
dozen occasions and in at least
a half-dozen settings, I feel quite
safe in saying that Monday's per-
formance was excelled on more
than half these occasions. It seems
evident that the best jazz will
not be heard in the environment
afforded by a theatre engagement.
It may possibly be that the review-
er has only seen and heard Louis
at such theatre performances. If
so-a little advice. Catch Satch-
mo at an informal session, or, if
that isn't feasible,, at a midnight
concert, John! Perhaps then, the
next time you write "We've never
heard Louis play better," you'll
have a substantial basis for your
-Chuck Kalflan.
* * *
Weird Fantasy. . .
To the Editor:
IT'S VERY thankful I am to
the movies for the delineation
of Hamlet - a play I've never
been able to understand simply
from reading the script.
The criticism also came for my
perusal. Omissions here and there
etc. But black and white is right.
I watched the film approving now
the man and then in doubt.
When Hamlet flung Ophelia
down on the stone so hard her
guts came out I rebelled. And
so I think would Will himself
have done. For it's not in the
vacillation of the mandbut in the
indecision of the audience that
the balance must be preserved. So
out upon the fiend would make
our man a brute!
And what of color? Have they
never heard of tinting films to
make their timing clear? Gold for
sunlight and a tint of pink or blue
to clear monotony of its jogged
hue. There's plenty room for im-
provement in that weird fan-
-Thure Rosene.


AH, WILDERNESS! at the Mendelssohn.
WHEN Valentine Windt directs a show,
that show is invariably worth seeing.
Certainly we all spent a happy evening wel-
coming the return of the Drama Season to
Ann Arbor.
In what I see will be a rather limited
space, RI will say that about the middle of
the second act Ernest Truex began giving
us what we had been led to expect, and
continued to improve the sensitivity of his
performance until at the conclusion he had
truly become the star of the play. I feel, how-
ever, that Mr. Truex is sometimes uncom-
fortable when his lines call for hip to be
angry. He would much rather be pleasant
and undemanding,
It is to the women that most credit should
be given for flawless characterizations. Both
Jylvia Field and Frieda Altman were superb
Aroughout. The same may be said for stu-

tival, which took place Sund ay after-
noon brought to the stage Gregor Piati-
gorsky whose playing of the Dvorak con-
certo in B minor for 'cello and orchestra
reached the highest artistic and most mu-
sical level of performance in the program.
Flawless technique, rich and vibrant tone,
good intonation, and a spirited, romantic
interpretation added up to a memorable
musical experience,
Thor Johnson and the Philadelphia
Symphony orchestra seemed at all times
to understand each other, to wit: the
quick response of tricky accompaniment
parts in the Dvorak; the lively and rapidly
paced rendering of the Prometheus Over-
ture by Beethoven, which opened the
program. Mr. Johnson's direction was in-
cisive rhythmically and he maintained
good dynamic control of the orchestra,
both in a softened background to the
cello and in the light and shadow play
of the Beethoven.
The second half of the program was
devoted to two works for chorus, solo voices,
organ and orchestra. The University Choral
Union displayed clarity of sections and acute
timing in the syncopated Chorus No. 10
"Rasga O Coracoa" of Villa-Lobos. The
Villa-Lobos work is new and very interesting
The last work "Gloria in Excelsis" by
Llewlyn Gomer was given its world pre-
miere. Harold Haugh, baritone, sang his
solo part with a full tone, and wonderful
projection above the orchestra which had
a full score in back of him. The part
which Martial Singher, tenor, shared with
Shirley Russell, soprano, was hardly
enough to give us a real sample of his

WITH A FLOOD of beautiful music, the
Philadelphia Orchestra and their con-
ductor Eugene Ormandy concluded Sunday
night, this season's May Festival, leaving
their fortunate audience hungrily looking
forward to their return next year.
Samuel Barber's romantic "Adagio for
Strings" was caressed by a rarely heard
oneness of string tone characteristic of
this orchestra. With a wondrous pianissimo
tone, the strings rendered long phrase
and melodic lines expressively and skill-
Pia Tassinari, Metropolitan Opera so-
prano, whose fame seems incredibly not to
have reached, noticeable heights in the
Middle West, sang Mozart's "Deh vieni, non
tardar," from "The Marriage of Figaro,"
"O del mio dolce ardor," from "Paride ed
Elena" by Gluck, and "Stizzoso, o mio stiz-
zoso" from "La Serva Padrona" by Per-
golesi-all with a magnificence of vocal style
which awakened echoes of the great Amel-
ita Galli-Curcci and Lucrezia Bori, whose
Italian bel canto singing has almost faded
into the past. Miss Tassinari's warmth,
smoothness, and absolute control of vocal
tone should serve to refute any theories
that this style of vocal art no longer has
any place in the present musical world. In-
terpreting tragedy, humor, coyness, and pure
lyricism, the soprano left her overwhelmed
audience (who cared little that her count-
ing was inaccurate in places) with "L'Altra
notte in fondo al mare" from "Mefistofele"
by Boito, "Io son l'umile ancella" from
"Adriana Lecouvreur" by Cilea, and, as an
encore, "Voi lo sapete" from "Cavalleria
Rusticana" by Mascagni.
As a grand climax to the evening, the

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Square Dance Group:
Lane Hall.

7 p.m.,I


Mc~nydBarnaby is working on

Gosh! WILL you help, McSnoydU

[You overtook the fact that " ' "'k ior



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