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February 09, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-09

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Lengthetnitng Shadow

N IS LECTURE Monday, Dr. David
Bradley, author of the bestseller,- "No
Place to Hide," continued his campaign to
educate the nation to the terrible import-
ance of the atomic bomb in another world
And his cold facts concerning atom
bomb damage grow more and more sig-
nificant as the sovereignties of the world
choose up sides for what looks like a
show-down fight to the finish.
The alternative he gave-and the only one
that has ever been considered plausible-is
world law and world union.
However most diplomats of the two great
nations feel that we are not yet ready for
world union. So they hesitate.
But whether or not the world is ready,
the problem is there. It must be faced.
A war fought with atomic bombs would
spread atomic radiation over areas great
enough to wipe out populations. The
plague would spread from one thing to
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

another by contact-carried on the touch
of a hand, bodies of animals, and even
clouds in the air. The entire world would
be quickly blighted.
We must face world union on the basis
of world peace and security from mass de-
struction-not as a long-range lever to pry
a hostile Russia into a government built on
an unfriendly framewark. The problem is
to develop a form of world government
which will give as much to Russia as is
asked of her. Dr. Bradley tentatively sug-
gested 1. Guaranteeing the security of her
borders and way of government, 2. Disarm-
ament on all levels of weapons with the ex-
ception of the international force and police,
and 3. Internationalization of strategic areas
that represent a threat to peace, i.e., mili-
tary installations, canals and vital ports,
and other areas.
The academic problem of democracy or
Communism-the world is evidently too
big for both of them, they agree-must
wait. Neither can gain by the war we face
The answer to th* ideological problem, if
it must be sought, will come later. It is cer-
tainly not as significant as today's problem
of world survival, under the shadow of the
atomic bomb.
-Craig H. Wilson.



Homelike' Hotels

THE UNIVERSITY'S announcement of
proposed plans to construct another
mammoth men's dormitory is conclusive
evidence of a continued attempt to turn
the campus into one big heterogeneous lam-
The University's reasons for construct-
ing this type of housing are fairly clear--
it provides a speedy method of accommo-
dating a large number of men who would
otherwise be forced into the crowded hous-
ing conditions of private homes, it helps
to alleviate the isolation of students living
in single and double rooms by themselves,
and the dormitories are the cheapest type
of housing and are in the long run, self-
Probably the last reason carries the most
weight, especially considering the high cost
of procuring land in Ann Arbor. It is true
that only with the introduction of mass pro-
duction, assembly line methods was an
industrial America able to develop. But is
there a place for assembly line methods in
a University which places great emphasis
on rich and cultural relationships 'among its
It is true that life in a dormitory is
cosmopolitan and there are continually
new people to meet and new friends to
share experiences with. But in dormitories
of the present size the turnover of stu-

dents is too great and the size too large
to promote any real comradeship or last-
ing group spirit.
There are already examples of housing on
this campus which - demonstrate what the
University could do if it so desired. The
strong feeling of loyalty found in the smaller
women's dorms such as Betsy Barbour and
Helen Newberry and the former Victor
Vaughan residents who lived in a University
owned home for the first time last semes-
ter should prove clearly what the students
want in the way of University housing.
It would be much more far-sighted of the
University to construct several smaller dor-
mitories built around a more family style
of living, than to build one huge and cold-
looking sky-scraper.
In this way the University would have
a concrete substitute for fraternity and
sorority housing, combining the same
warm, friendly style of living and group
pride with a system, without the stigma
of racial discrimination and financial seg-
It is true that such a program would in-
volve greater expenditures and a longer
time to complete, but it too, would even-
tually pay for itself. Certainly it would pro-
mote a more friendly campus atmosphere.
-Jim Brown.

City Editor's
THE HUNGARIAN "Peoples" Court has
just sentenced Cardinal Mindszenty to
life imprisonment for "treasonable" acts.
The conviction came after a strange
farce which the Commies are pleased to
call a trial. The so-called trial followed
the usual pattern in that the defendant
"confessed" to the charges against him.
During the trial the eyes of the world
were focused on this "Peoples" Court in a
kind of horrified fascination. There was al-
most universal condemnation of this latest
Communist move to stamp out opposition to
their program.
You'll notice that I say "almost" uni-
versal condemnation of the move. Strange
to say there are some people who have
been trying to justify it.
These phony liberals with their muddled
thinking drag out all sorts of arguments.
They holler about all the land owned by
the Catholic Church in Hungary. They al-
lege that the church has always aligned
itself with the "reactionary" elements. And
finally they try to compare the Mindszenty
trial to the current trial of 12 Communist
leaders in America.
Blinded by their so-called liberal ideology
these phonies can't seem to see that they
are sidestepping the whole issue.
The plain facts are that this churchman
has been speaking out in opposition to
the Communist regime. Because he is in a
prominent position, the Commies can't
simply arrange for him to disappear some
night. Instead they have trumped up
charges against him and brought him to
The cardinal knew he would end up in a
Commie court unless he stopped his opposi-
tion to the present government. He had
many chances to desert his post. But he
always returned to Hungary after a trip
to the outside world.
This is hardly the action of a conservative
who was anxious to preserve property hold-
The action of the Communists in silencing
this opposition is simply more evidence of
their unwillingness to let their philosophy
stand on its own merit. After Lenin and
company took over in Russia they per-
verted Marxian philosophy to fit their par-
ticular needs.
Ruthless suppression of all internal op-
position to the infant state was the line.
That particular line has been followed
ever since.
Mindszenty's suppression demonstrates
once again that individual freedom and the.
.economic "Utopia" promised by Commu-.
. nism are incompatible.
Newt Martyr
CURRENT VIEWS that Cardinal Minds-
zenty had been drugged or tortured into
confession by the Communist court seem to
be comparatively irrelevant considerations-
even if true.
The Cardinal has lived by a faith that,
naturally, has compelled him to oppose the
Hungarian Communist government, and
he has doubtless acted in defiance of the
anti-Christian despotism that rules his
country. Thus, his admission of guilt-in-
principle to the charges brought against
him was to be expected.
It should be noted, however, that Cardinal
Mindszenty consistently protested innocence
of plotting to overthrow the government or
of sabotaging its economic program. Such
basic treachery would be inipossible under

his assumption that "thanks to God, I was
not and am not an enemy of the Hungarian
He has, however, never denied that he is
an enemy of his nation's present govern-
His general plea of guilt-in-principle-
but his denial of the government's specific
charges-indicates that no forced con-
fessions were attempted. It is obvious that
such characteristic Communist treatment
could not result in the Cardinal's care-
fully prepared statements to the court.
It will be remembered that Mindszenty,
long before the trial began, urged the out-
side world to view with skepticism any- re-
ports that he had "confessed." It should
now be clear that he intended that the
world should discredit any specific admis-
sion of crimes against Hungary. In the final
analysis, the Cardinal made no such specific
admission. He simply stated the obvious fact
that "circumstances beyond my control (i.e.,
his faith) brought me into conflict . .."
Thus, it is probable that he received no
ill-treatment during the course of the trial
and that the court acted as might be
expected within the framework of laws it.
It is impossible to assay the possible real,
basic guilt of Cardinal Mindszenty. The
despotism rampant in Hungary today makes
any such judgment out of the question.
Above all else, we must realize that the
Cardinal's worse-than-death sentence makes
him a martyr, not only to the cause of the
Catholic Church, but also to the cause of
huir n freedom and dignity.

"Tick-Tack'fiek-Toc k"


Another hirl Please

DURING THE LAST eight or nine years
we have forgotten it is possible for an
American to be poor.
This, I think, was the underlying fallacy
in the Dewey campaign last year. That
campaign was pitched to attract the sup-
port of voters who had no problems-
certainly no pressing economic problems.
The Republicans oversold themselves on
the notion that everybody was too pros-
perous, or was feeling too prosperous, to
be much concerned about issues. The
party was playing to a stereotyped con-
ception of the average American voter
which; obviously, did not correspond to
reality. The fact that there were enough
voters who felt poor enough or who felt
threatened enough, to influence the elec-
tion decisively by turning to Mr. Truman
and reform came as a shattering surprise.
The election is over, but there is still a
tendency to make the same mistake.
The other day Raymond M. Foley, Federal
Finance Administrator, testified before a
Senate Banking subcommittee that we shall
need 1,050,000 new low-rent housing units
in the next seven years.
Mr. Foley couldn't have created a greater
sensation if he had remarked that the new
units were intended to house whooping
cranes and Great Auks.
The idea that there are Americans--
almost thirty per cent of all wage-earn-
ers, in fact--who receive less than $40 a
week seemed to startle at least one mem-
ber of the subcommittee. Senator Flanders
of Vermont, who feels that 600,000 hous-
ing units in the next six years should be
quite enough, commented sharply: "In-
comes as low as that are just incredible
to me. I want to know more about these
people and their earnings. I want to know
why they get that way, who they are, and
where they are."
Senator Flanders' sense of shock will, I
think, be shared by much of America ex-
cept, perhaps, that 30 per cent which will
wonder why anybody is surprised.
Our stereotypes need fixing. It is very
important that this nation know whether its
people, generally, feel rich or feel poor. Some
of the basic concepts of our foreign policy,
such as the notion that we must under-
write the present governments of a good

the stereotypes fine. I don't want to
change them; I just want to change real-
ity, so that it will more closely resemble
its portrait. In short, I think it is time
for some liberal reform, to make conserv-
ative speeches come true.
It wasn't until after four terms of the
New Deal that conservatives were in a posi-
tion to say Americans were too prosperous
to need reform. In the field of housing,
obviously, it is time to give that same pro-
cess another whirl.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)
At Architect. Auditorium
Blanchar and Harry Baur.
MARRED BY A musical score of the
kind that used to accompany silent
movies, this French version of "Crime and
Punishment" is redeemed only by the fine
performances of Pierre Blanchar as the
tortured Raskolnikov and Harry Baur as
the Inspector.
Because of the tremend'ous amount of
detail Dostoyevsky used in describing his
character's emotions, reactions, and thought
processes, the book is hardly suited for
screen adaptation.
Psychological motivation, which is an
integral part of Dosioyevsky's classic is
notably lacking in the film. One is never
quite sure why Raskolnikov murders
Aliona, or indeed that he even contem-
plates murder until lie slips an axe in his
coat and steals out.
Equally vague is his relation to Sonia, tlib
unwilling prostitute, and to his long suf-
fering and brief appearing mother and
Lack of continuity is heightened by the
scarcity of English subtitles. Scenes which
are of the utmost importance to the de-
velopment of the plot are accompanied
by one or two lines of un-Dostoyevskian
Whereas a novel does not need fast paced

(Continued from Page 3)
the General Secondary School
Further information may be
obtained in the Office of the Dean
of Women.
Indiana University announces
graduate assistantships in per-
sonnel. They are equivalent in
value to a grant of $800 to $1,000
per year. In addition to person-
nel responsibilities in the halls,
the Assistants carry a part-time
academic program limited to a
maximum of 10 hours each semes-
ter. The .Master's degree may be
completed under this plan in four
semesters. The program is espe-
cially pointed toward positions in
the education field such as Deans
and Counselors of Women, Coun-
selors in Residence Halls, Deans
of Girls in High Schools, Direc-
tors of Social Programs, and
GuidancenWorkers in High
Schools and Colleges.
Further information may be ob-
tained at the Office of the Dean
of Women.
Fellowship and Scholarship ap-
plications for the year 1949-50 in
the Horace H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies will be accepted
through Feb. 15. Students now
holding appointments must file
renewal forms if they wish con-
sideration for reappointment be-
fore Feb. 15. Supporting letters
and papers must be in the Gradu-
ate School Office on that date.
Research Fellowships: Women
students are informed that in-
formation on research fellowships
announced by the National Re-
search Council is now available in
the Office of the Dean of Women.
Summer Jobs:
Detroit Civil Service announces
examinations for playleaders
(male and female) for summer
playground work. Filing period
through February 18. Residence
required. For further information
call at 3528 Administration Build-
Representative from Camp
Daggett (Organizational), Petos-
key, Michigan will be here Sat-
urday morning, February 12 to in-
terview men and women for gen-
eral counselor positions. Split ses-
sion-boys four weeks, girls four
weeks. For further information
and appointment, call at 3528
Administration Building.
Mr. C. 0. Nimtz, Deputy Re-
gional Scout Executive, Chicago,
Illinois and Mr. J. Juncker, Ann
Arbor Executive of The Boy
Scouts of America will be at the
Bureau of Appointments, Febru-
ary 10, to interview men interest-
ed in Scouting as a profession.
For appointment, call Extension
Academic Notices
Freshmen Health Lectures for
Men. Second Semester 1948-49:
It is a University requirement
that all entering Freshmen take
a series of lectures on Personal
and Community Health and to
pass an examination on the con-
tent of these lectures. Transfer
students with freshman standing
are also required to take the
course unless they have had a
similar course elsewhere, which
has been accredited here.

at 7:30 as

pait arf allng epcea
per the fallowing sched-

Lecture 3, Wed., Feb. 9
Lecture 4, Thurs., Feb. 10
Lecture 5, Mon., Feb. 14
Lecture 6, Tues., Feb. 15
Lecture 7 (final exam), Wed.,
Feb. 16
You may attend at any of the
above hours. Enrollment will take
place at the first lecture. Please
note that attendance is required
and roll will be taken.
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert Creighton Crooks, Chemical
Engineering; thesis: "Reaction
Rates in Sulfonation of Benzene
by Sulfuric Acid," 4 p.m., Thurs.,
Feb.10,f3201 E. Engineering Bldg.
Chairman: R. R. White.
Aerodynamics Seminar, Ae 160:
4-6 p.m., Wed., Feb. 9, 1508 E.
Engineering Bldg. Topic: Evvard's
method of source distribution in
superconic flow near subsonic
leading edge.
Anthropology (Sociology) 181,
Latin-American Social Systems
(Miner), will be given at 11, MWF,
4082 N.S., and not at 10, 307 H H,
as is indicated on page 4 of the
Time Schedule.
Chemistry Colloquium: 4:15
p.m., Wed., Feb. 9, 1300 Chemistry
Bldg. Dr. Lev Akobjanoff will
speak on "The Use of Molecular
Models in the' Study of Sulfur
Education C20: 4 p.m., Wed.,
Feb. 9, 2435 University Elemen-
tary School.
Section 4, English 60 will meet
MWF at 10 a.m., 2225 Angell Hall
and will be taught by Prof. Rowe,
Students transferred from other
sections of English 60 will find
their names posted on the English
Department bulletin board, on
the door of Room 2225 Angell
Hall and on the door of Room 25
Angell Hall.
Students of French 296 (Den-
kinger) are requested to turn in
their schedules to 112 Romance
Languages Building so that the
class time con be arranged.
Change in room number for
Philosophy 188 (Prof. Burks'
Philosophy of Science). To be
held in 18 Angell Hall, not Haven
Psychology 151 (Theory of per-
sonality development), MWF 11,
will meet in 231 Angell Hall.' '
Sports Instruction'for Women:
Women students who have dom-
pleted their physical education
requirement may register as elec-
tives on Tuesday and Wednesday
mornings (Feb. 8 and 9) in Office
15, Barbour Gymnasium.
C oncerts
Organ Recital Postponed: The
organ recital by Marilyn Mason,
originally announced for Wed.,

Upperclassmen who were here
as freshmen and who did not ful-
fill the requirement are request-
ed to do so this term.
These lectures are also required
of veterans with freshmen stand-
The lectures will be given in
9S A l H Nll ntRmd t d

Feb. 9, has been postponed until
Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 16.
Concert: Vladimir Horowitz
will gzive the eighth concert in
the Choral Union Series, Fri.. Feb.
11, 8:30 p.m.. Mill Auditorium.
Mr. Horowitz has arranged the
following program for this occa-
sion: Impromptu, G major (Schu-
bert); Sonata No. 5 in D major
(Beethoven): Moussorgsky's "Pic-
tures at an Exhibition": a Chopin
group consisting of Ballade No. 3,
Nocturnes in E minor and F-sharp
major. Etude in C-sharp minor
and Mazurka in F minor; and his
own arrangement of Liszt's Rak-
oczy March.
Student Recital: A program by
the String Quartet Class, pupils
of Paul Doktor and Oliver Edel,
will be presented at 8 p.m., Wed..
Feb. 9, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. Open to the general public,
it will include Schubert's Quar-
tet in E flat, Op. 125, No. 1,
Haydn's Quartet in G minor, Op.
74, No, 3, and Mozart's Quintet in
E flat, K 614.
Student Recital by Patricia
Pierce, pianist, at 8 p.m., Thurs.,
in the Rackham Assembly Hall,
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quircments for the degree of
Master, of Music. Her program
will include compositions by B'h,
Beethoven, Aaron Copland, and
Maurice Ravel, and will be open
to the general public. Miss Pierce
is a pupil of Joseh Brinkman.
Events Today
Student Legislature Meeting:
7:30 p.m., Room 3B, Michigan Un-
I Cabinet report:
1) Report on Regents and Po-
litical Speaker's Ban.
2) Cabinet proposals for new
committee chairmen.
3) Cabinet proposal for spon-
soring Norman Granz.
4) Treasurer's report.
5) New Events Committee set
II. Committee reports.
III. Old Business.
IV. New Business.
American Society for Public Ad-
ministration: Social seminar 7:30
p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Mr. George E.
Bean, City Manager in Pontiac,
Michigan, will be the guest speak-
Sigma Xi: Rackham Amphi-
theatre, 8 p.m. Speaker: Prof. Leo
Goldberg, Dept. of Astronomy.
THE SUN AND EARTH illustrat-
ed with slides and 16mm movies.
Open to the public.
Vaisity Debate: Origanizational
meeting, 7:30 p.m., 4203 Angell
Hall. All students in good standing
are eligible for second semester
intercollegiate debating except
first-serneter freshmen.
Institute of the Aeronautical
Sciences: Organizational Meeting,
Room 3G, Michigan Union, 7:30
p.m., Feb. 9. Movie: "High Speed
Refueling of Aircraft."
United Nations Council for Stu-
dents: In formal discussion, 4
p.m., Michigan League Soda bar.
All are invited.
Michigan Singers: 7:10 p.m.,
506 Burton Tower.
Ulir Ski Club: Meeting, Room
3R, Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m.

Young Democrats: Election of
officers, Tliurs., Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m.,
Garden Room, Michigan League.
Members only.

I.Z.F.A.: Song and Dance group
7:45 p.m., Hillel Foundation. In-
struction in Hebrew songs and
Westminster Guild of the Pres-
byterian Church: Informal tea,
4-6 p.m.. Russell parlor, third
floor Church. Everyone is invited.
Roger Williams Guild-weekly
"chat" and tea at the Guild
House. 4:30-6 p.m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Mid-week Bible Study: Rev. Leon-
ard Verduin will introduce the
Book of Acts, 8 p.m., Upper Room,
Lane Hall.
Art Cinema League presents
"Crime and Punishment" by Fio-
dor Dostoyevsky. French film,
English titles. 8:30 p.m., Architec-
ture Auditorium.
Comin Events
International Center weekly
tea for all foreign students and
American friends, and get-ac-
quainted tea for all new students,
4:30-6 p.m. International Center.
Hostesses: Mrs. Robert P. Briggs
and Mrs. Esson M. Gale.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Organizational meeting, 7 p.m.,
Thurs., Michigan League, for all
persons interested in working on
the forthcoming production of
"Patience." Singers, actors, mu-
sicians, stagehands, technicians of
all sorts are needed. Principal try-
outs will begin.
Alpha Kappa Psi, Professional
business administration frater-
nity: Open house, Sun., Feb. 13,
2-4 p.m., Chapter House, 1325
Washtenaw. All interested Busi-
ness Administration and Econom-
ics students are welcome.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Meeting, 7
p.m., Thurs., Feb. 10, ROTC range.
New members welcome.
Alpha Phi Omega: First meet-
ing of the semester, 7 p.m. Thurs.,
Feb. 10, Michigan Union. At-
tendance of all old members is
urged. Prospective pledges invit-
ed at 7:45 p.m.
I.Z.F.A..: Conducted tour ex-
plaining the "Know Your Israel
Week" display at Hillel Founda-
tion, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 10.
Everybody welcome.

1ALid 4 r
t. tgaI

Rm. 3M,

Committee of Hillel:
4 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 10,
Michigan Union.

7:30 p.m.,

and Blade: Meeting,
100 Army ROTC

Modern Poetry Club: 7:30 p.m.,
Russian Tearoom, Michigan
League. All interested in discuss-
ing modern poetry are invited.
Discussion of T. S. Eliot's
"Sweeney Agonistes."
West Quad Radio Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Radio Room, fifth floor,


House. Officers will be
Sigma Pi, Professional!
Fraternity: Business'
7:30 p.m., Chapter'

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Eidtor
Dick Maloy ...............City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blunmrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown........... Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Ed'itor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
B'ess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Meaber of The Associated Press
T1he Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann,
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail

Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet-
ing, 12:15 p.m., 3056 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Report on "Vector
Hardness Properties in the Dia-
mond and other Minerals."
Women of the University Fac-
ulty: Supper meeting, 6:16 p.m.,
Hussey Room, Michigan League.
Dr. Wilma T. Donahue will speak
on the work of the Bureau of
tion to the rest of the University
Psychological Services in rela-
There will not be an afternoon tea
this week.


World Federalists: First
of the semester, 7:30


Dr, Brown says Barnaby's tonsils should
come out. Hospitals are so frightening
I just don't know how to tell him about it.

Son, Sometimes iven peope are sick
they can get better quicker it they
go to a special place. ts a nice

+gbr, 1444, New York fp j

BO T. e VI



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