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February 09, 1949 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-09

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I*q P"


by b. s. brown, sports editor
HE RECENT ANNOUNCEMENT that Ivan Williamson will replace
Harry Stuhldreher as head football coach at Wisconsin brings
to mind that there are now four-five, if you put Whitman College
out in Walla Walla, Wash., in the big time-formner Wolverine gridders
piloting major collegiate football squads.
Williamson, who is not new to the coaching game, Michigan's
Bennie Oosterbaan, Harvard's Art Valpey, Wesleyan's Norm Daniels,
who was a teammate of Williamson, and Dave Strong, Whitman,
make up the big five who once wore the Maize and Blue and are
now showing their charges how they did it back in the old days.
Stuhldreher, who will remain at Wisconsin as athletic direc-
tor, was given the heave-ho because the Badger students felt his
coaching was not what it should be. It seemed like a raw deal
since Stuhldreher had some pretty good years at Madison, includ-
ing the 1947 season when the Badgers fell only to the attacks
of top-heavy Michigan, Minnesota and California,
Be that as it may, the choice of Ivy Williamson, who leaves
Lafayette to take the job, seems sound, even though it was made
after Bud Wilkinson, highly successful Oklahoma boss, turned down
an offer by Wisconsin.
The former Michigan star, who captained Michigan's National
Championship club in 1932, winning posts on several all-Conference
and All-America teams in the process, led Lafayette through a
successful campaign in '48. His Leopards lost only two games-to
powerful Army and Rutgers-while winning seven, and led all Pehn-
sylvania colleges in scoring.
Incidentally, in his three year stint at Michigan, which began
in 1930, Williamson played in 27 games, breaking into the line-up
in the first contest of the 1930 season when end Bill Ilewitt broke
his ankle. In those three years, the Wolverines lost only one game
(to Ohio State, 20-7, in '31) and tied two. With 24 victories under
his belt in those years, Williamson is another Michigander
brought up in the winning tradition. It will be interesting to watch
his Badgers next year as they attempt to get back into winning
In 1932, when Michigan was undefeated in eight games, William-
son was known as a "Saturday player." Only three or four times
during the season did the captain run through scrimmage during the
regular practice sessions. It was revealed at the close of the season
that he had sustained a serious leg injury early in the campaign and
shunned practice in an attempt to avoid further injury.
In spite of the lack of practice, the Michigan flanker did all right
for himself. In a hard-fought contest wiht Princeton, Ivy blocked a
Tiger punt which center Charlie Bernard scooped up and carried
over for one of the two Wolverine TD's. The final score was 14-0,
Michigan. Williamson called that play the biggest thrill of his playing
Talking about Michigan grads who are now in the coaching
game, Minnesota and Notre Dame deserve some sort of recognition
Twelve Irish alums and nine Gopher formers are now toting whistles
for colleges from coast to coast, to set the pace in that division.
The Irish grads who are now coaching include Brown, Auburn;
Walsh, Bowdoin; Gavin, Dayton; Anderson, Iowa; Sheeketski,
Nevada; Mullins, St. Ambrose (Iowa); Devore, St. Bonaventure
(N.Y.); Kuharich, San Francisco; Smith, Lafayette; Enright,
South Carolina; Schwartz, Stanford; and, of course, Leahy.
The Minnesotans are Fitch, Augustana (South Dakota); Hass
Carleton College; Svendsen, Hamilton College (N.Y.); Wells, Jame
Milliken (Ill.); Munn, Michigan State; Kostka, North Dakota State;
Wilkinson, Oklahoma; Solem, Springfield College; and the old Gopher
himself, Bernie Bierman..
Though Stuhldreher is a graduate of Notre Dame (he 'quarter-
backed Kn\ite Rockne's famous Four Horsemen back in the twenties)
and is now athletic director at Wisconsin, Harry Junior is coming
to Michigan. And reports from Kiski Prep (the same school Bob
Mathias, Olympic decathlon champion, attends) say Stuhldreher is a
fine football prospect. At five foot ten and 185 pounds, Junior is'bigge
than Pop was when he was toting for the Green.






'M' Grid Host Olympic Swimming Ace WELL, IT WINS GAMES:
In Four Yeai' Th Batle Sohl Tonight McCoy Defends Use of Stalling Tactics

MSC Series
.ichigan Stadium will be the
site for the next four football
games between Michigan State
and the Wolverines according to
an agreement confirmed yester-
day by officials of both schools.
The Maize and Blue gridmen
will then journey to East Lansing
to meet the Spartans in Macklin
Field in 1953.
H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler stated that
games played after 1953 between
the two traditional rivals would
have to be worked out at Western
Conference meetings.
THE MICHIGAN Athletic Dir-
ector labeled as "absolutely un-
Track Coach Don Canham
announced that Herb Barten
wiU not compete in the first
indoor dual meet of the season
this Saturday with Cornell. The
ace middle distance runner will
rest up for a week because of
strained ligaments in his ankle,
and probably will be ready
when the squad meets Illinois.
true" a report that the Wolverines
would play a home-and-home ser-
ies with Michigan State in 1954-
This report became . knownI
following the Monday meeting
at East Lansing. The reportI
leaked out at that time.I
After Crisler had complained1
about the leak, Dean Lloyd C.
Emmons denied that it had come
from his office.
Crisler's proposal, termed an "ul-
timatum" by Emmons, Chairman
of the MSC Athletic Council.
"It was either that or have
no games at all," said Emmons.
"We accepted the proposal in
its entirety for the sake of the
two student bodies, the public
and our supporters in general.''
"We did so under protest," he
The proposal was agreed to
"very reluctantly" after the Mich--.
igan State suggestion that one of
the 1950-51-52 series be played,
at East Lansing was turned down. I
The Spartan officials also pro-
posed that if games were arrang-
ed on a home-and-home basis
Michigan could keep all the gate
receipts from the bigger Michi-
gan Stadium and MSC would keep
all the proceeds from games play-,
ed at East Lansing.
Michigan Reveals
Grid Duhcat Prices
H. O. "Fritz" Crisler announced
yesterday the completed ticket
price schedule for the six game
football card in Michigan Sta-
:ium next fall.
Tickets will be on the same
basis as last year-$3.60, tax in-
,luded-for every game except
the Army game. Tickets for that
game will cost $4.80 and the sea-
son tickets are priced at $22.80.
The boost in price of tickets
for the Army game will help to
defray the cost of bringing a
cadet group to Ann Arbor.
Colgate 74, Holy Cross 66
Heidelberg 73, Ashland (O.) 58
Kentucky 71, Tennessee 56

2 for 29c
Along with other Bargains on
Sale Today

Kahn, Eyster Make Debuts for Wolverines;
Devlin,_Reagan Spell Trouble for Michigan
Swimming's Mr. Big comes to
Michigan tonight.
Joe Verdeur, Swimmer-of-the-
Year, Olympic champion and.
world record holder in just abuut3
every breaststroke event extant

By PRES HOLMES men on the floor to Michigan's
"Two years from now people one, and the Wolverines were too
will look at the record book and tired to do any serious rebounding.
see that our basketball team ocat Don Rehfeldt, Bob Haarlow, and
Wisconsin's 40-38, February 7. Fred Schneider, who range from
and that will be that. six-feet-three and up, made
"They won't ask how or why, things veritably impossible for
they'll just say that it was an- Michigan's lengthy Leo Vander-
other win under the belt. for the Kuy.
Wolverines.' in the nine-minute period pre-
ceding the freew' Michigan had
THiAT, BRWEF', . is what SCoIe(d onl y Six in)oits tO 18 for
Coach Ernie McCoy had to say in Wisconsin.
reply to the verbal daggers which Pete Elliott, Bob Harrison, and
have been hurled at him for the Mack Suprunowicz had played the
last -oupleof dtys. entire game and no longer had1

what it would take to compete
with Wisconsin's height.
The obvious thing to do was to
give the ball to the quarterback
and have him hang on to it. In
the persons of Harrison and El-
liott Michigan has two past mas-
ters at the tantalizing art of freez-
ing the ball.
These tactics resulted in the
chalking up of another win for the
Coach Bud Foster of Wisconsin
sums the situation up excellently,
"I'd do the same thing, if I had a
lead to protect."

w ill lead a betteri

Uhan average1

LaSalle College squad against
Michigan in a dual meet at 8 p.m.
in the 1-M pool.
''I lMICHIGAN pool will bring
back stirring memories to the big
blond natator who was afraid of
water as a kid.
It was just a little less than a
year ago that he splashed his
way to a world's record during
the NCAA tournament here,
turning in an amazing 2:14.7
timing in the 200-'yd breast-
And when he hauled himself
out of the pool, Dr. Edward Mar-
riam, representing the College
Swimming Coaches Associattion,
was waiting to present him with
the 'Outstanding Swimmer of
1948" award.
* *
IT WAS THE second time in
two months that Verdeur had
broken the world's record in his
specialty and it was no coinci-
dence that the man who chased
him to the record both times was
Michigan's Bob Sohl.
Sohl, who co-captains this
year's Wolverine squad, was
good enougth to place third in
the Olympic breaststroke and in
a 25-yard pool such as Michi-
gan's he ranks as Verdeur's
most potent opposition.

In answer to, the multitudi-
nous comments concerning the
techniques Michigan used in
winning Monday's contest with
Wisconsin, McCoy maintained
that the stall the Wolverines
put on in the latter stages of
the game was very much a ,part
of basketball.
"What's the difference be-
tween doing it at the end of the
game with Harry and Pete, and
having Supey do the same thing
all through the game? When he
beats his man the crowvd goes
wild, when we do it at the end of
the game they boo."
McCOY shrugged his shoulders
and shook his head. lie contin-
ued with, "when a football team
has a slim lead, they get up slow-
ly from the last play, use the full
25 seconds to get the next play
started, and then the quarterback
just plows into the line."
Regardless of the validity or
the spectator interest in the
type of ball displayed by IMichi-
gan, it was a definite necessity
in the Wisconsin contest.
* e

J.Paul Sheed) 4 Swt'ched to Wildroot Crealil-Oji
IlecauseIlie Flu nked lhue Findger-N ail T~est


-Courtesy Ann Arbor
.... world's best
* * *

Georgie Hoogerhyde Monday
night will come up against Matt
Mann III and Gus 'Stageror
Charlie Moss in the 220-freestyle.
two of five meets this season,
whipping North Carolina State
I and Pennsylvania while losing to

Yale, North Carolina and Michi-
There is no guarantee that ga tttreo'tento'
Verdeur will set another world gan State, three of the nation's
record tonight but the scene is best..
set gfor the man who broke the Two very important newcom-
200-meter record four times last ers will make their varsity de-
year, the 200-yd. record twice and buts for Michigan.

THE BADGERS had three tall


(Continued from Page 2)
available in the Office of the Dean
of Women.
Mademoiselle's College Fiction
Contest: Information has been
received regarding Mademoiselle's
college fiction contest offering
$1,000 in prizes to women under-
graduates. Details may be secured
in the Office of the Dean of Wom-
Women students wishing to do
baby-sitting may put their names
on the baby-sitters' list in the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women.
Householders wishing the serv-
ices of baby-sitters may call the
Office of the Dean of Women.
Office hours are Monday through
Friday, 8 to 12 and 1 to 5; Satur-
day, 8:30 to 12.
Freshman and Sophomore
women interested in living in
Martha Cook Building for the fall
term 1949-1950 may call Ms-s.
Diekema, 2-3225, for appoint-
ments regarding applications.

Kappa Kappa Gamma Graduate
Fellowship Award:
Women students are informed
that information on Kappa Kappa
Gamma Graduate Fellowship
Award of $500.00 is available in
the Office of the Dean of Women.
It is available to any women stu-
dent not over 30 years of age whc
has received her bachelor's degree.
or will obtain it prior to July 1 of
where a chapter of this fratternity
is located. Awards are announced
as soon as possible after May 1.
Graduate Fellowships for Women,
Mills College, 1949-50:
These fellowships cover resi.
dence and tuition for the year.
Fellowships in counseling and
guidance are available to students
who serve as assistants in resi-
dence halls. In addition trustee
fellows will be appointed to serve
as departmental readers and lab-
oratory assistants, in American
studies . (history, literature or
philosophy); art; botany; chem-
istry; child development; dance;
education; English; health, physi-
cal education and recreation;
home economics; music; psychol-
ogy; zoology.
Fellowships and assistantships
are open to women graduates of
accredited colleges and universi-
ties who present evidence of fit-
ness for graduate work. Fellow-
ships are granted only to candi-
dates for the degree of Master of
Arts or Master of Education, or
(Continued on Page 4)

the lymplrc recor ctdust once. Bernie Kahn rated as the
verine's top replacement
LA SAL.LE'S Explorers are not backstroker Harry Holiday
without other talent either. Soph- George Eyster, a promisingt
omores Bob Reagan and Tom will make their first appear
Devlin are expected to give the since becoming eligible last
Wolverines plenty of trouble in - -
the freestyle events.
Reagen, a graduate of LaSalle
high was a member of the All-
American Interscholastic team
and has been doing under 24
seconds in the 50-yd. freestyle
this year. Ile will face Dick
Weinberg and either Bill Kogen
or have Tittle.
Junior Ed Richards figures to
give Weinberg a good race in the
100 while Devlin, who whipped Luckies' fine to
Michigan State's All-American
up when You'r
All-Campus tournaments in
seven sports will swing into ac- 'you down Whe
tion Sunday at the Intramural
Building, IM officials an-
nounced yesterday.
The tourney competition in-
eludes bowling, codeball, tennis
(indoor singles), paddlesball
(singles and doubles), handball y ' '; T
(doubles), table tennis (singles), !
badminton (singles and
doubles). Entries close at noon
Friday with the first 32 names ;
received eligible to compete.
Finals in most of the divisions -
will be staged the night of the
Intramural open house.



S ,a#orsLU/CKY
i LEEL eo;if'

Preliminaries for the IM open
house boxing show will be con-
ducted on March 12. All those
interested in competing in the
preliminaries. should .begin
training at the IM building im-
mediately. Lee Setomer and Hal
Martel will be there to instruct
the aspirants.

WHEN a camel's hair coat company refused Sheedy sas a gift
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bottle of Wildroot Cream-Oil. Now you wouldn't know the
old boy! His hair has a snappy, well-groomed look. No more
of that old dryness and loose, ugly dandruff! He's the hit of
every caravan!
Even if you're not a camel-you, too, should be using non-
alcoholic Wildroot Cream-Oil containing Lanolin. You needn't
walk a mile for it---your nearest drug store has it in bottles
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Sof 37 Burro,.ghsD r., Snyder, N. .
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