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April 21, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-21

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Need for Revision

THE UNIVERSITY'S financial situation is
perilous enough in itself; one of the
reasons for it is even more serious: the
need for constitutional revision in the State
Money for the University has to come
from a State administration already ham-
trung by the diversion of sales tax funds
o local units. And this diversion is due not
o much to local avarice as to real need for
The sales tax is not an equitable tax in
he first place; it is aimed indiscriminately
it the consumer, with minimum regard to
his ability to pay. But the tax is written into
he State Constitution in the form of an
amendment, and it has been the main source
>f funds for the State.
Now that the tax has lost much of its
usefulness to the government in Lansing,
it is clear that the tax system of the State
needs to be completely re-examined, not
3ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

just bolstered here and there. The schools
and colleges will continue to suffer under
the present system of taxation.
They also suffer from lack of coordination.
Three major institutions-Michigan State,
Wayne, and this University - are forced
to compete for prestige and money.
All three are losers in the competition.
Public education in the state also suffers.
It is one reason Michigan has not developed
small colleges and junior colleges as much
as it might, or as much as it needs.
Real coordination is an obvious need
in the state educational system. It must
be accomplished by constitutional revision,
for the governing boards of the state in-
stitutions are constitutional bodies.
Possibly a single Board of Education for
the whole state would meet the need. There
are disadvantages to this idea, but it would
have the major advantage of keeping
squabbles within the educational system and
not allowing them to spill over into state
Constitutional revision, like any other
legislation, is not a panacea. But it is ap-
parently the only way to provide more
than a palliative for the ills that now infect
state education in Michigan.
-Phil Dawson.

. ...





r Irk!

X VISIT to the North Gallery of Alumni
Memorial Hall should provide any stu-
lent with enough supernatural power to get
aim through finals.
On display is part of the Alexander Col-
ection of Masks, a recent gift to the Mu-
eum of Anthropology from Dr. John Alex-
.nder, a surgeon at University Hospital.
Representing the Far East, Africa, Cen-
tral and North America, and Europe, the
masks and effigies show considerable var-
iation in 'style and material. "Each group
of masks mirrors the cultural standings
and creative abilities of the peoples who
made them," Prof. Agla-Oglu of the an-
thropology department explains in a post-
ed summary of the exhibit.
However, despite explanations which ac-
ompany each mask, the show is more im-
)ortant for an artistic appreciation than a
ultural one. The .masks have been hung
'ery effectively against gaily colored card-
oard rectangles, which certainly enhances
he aesthetic enjoyment of the show. How-
ver, in this end, masks of a similar nature
r similar origin have been separated, so
hat one must study each work separately
nd mentally tie things together.

Of particular interest from an artistic
standpoint are the African masks and
effigies. One in the form of a male figure,
constructed in metal and wood, is typical
of the primitive art which has inspired
many modern artists.
African king and queen masks carved in
black wood and painted with red and white
designs are very effective, as is the symmet-
rical representation of a goat's head with
its curved horns and diamond-shaped eyes.
The most technically expert of the African
pieces, however, is a smoothly finished, deft-
ly carved mask encased with a fine modern
American copper mask by the sculptor, Sar-
gent Johnson.
Among masks used in the drama, a Bal-
inese "buffoon" type and a Japanese demoh
effigy are highly expressive. Both are ex-
quisitely carved in wood.
Interesting also are a number of works
from Ceylon. These are elaborately carved
and painted with serpent and flower de-
signs. A Mexican mask representing a wild
boar with tufts of the animal's hair like-
wise increases the very decorative air of the

SENATOR FLANDERS, of Vermont, has
come up with two, count them, two.
gadgets for saving the Western World from
Communism. One of them, which has been
proposed in various forms before, is that
the twelve nations of the Atlantic Pact shall
constitute themselves into what might be
called "a little UN" inside the big UN. It
would be a very cozy sort of little UN,
without a veto. And here, I think, the gadget
approach to foreign affairs reaches its zen-
ith. If the world disagrees, the answer is
simple: cut up the world. Slice the orange.
It is easy to have a UN without a veto: all
you have to do is set up a UN without a
But the proposal also has a serious and
dangerous side, not to be countered with
mere gagging. Such an organization would
be, in effect, a Western court, rendering
judgment on non-members; and of this
court the Atlantic Pact would tend to be-
come the military arm. The coloration of
the Atlantic Pact, as a regional organiza-
tion within the UN, would be completely
washed out. The veto may be injurious to
the UN, but the effort to veto the veto
really destroys the UN. That's the trouble
with so many new gadgets; you kick one
up and try to use it, and it nips your
Senator Flanders' second gadget is a pro-
posal that "private agencies" shall organize
airplane flights over Russia, to drop propa-
ganda leaflets-"thought bombs." The Sen-
ator believes that such planes would prob-
ably be shot down, hundreds of volunteer
fliers could be found from among fugitives
from the Soviet orbit. But somehow I don't
believe that waves of unscheduled airplane
flights over Russia at this time would add
much to the world's chances of solving its
immediate problems.
The trouble is that Senator Flanders is
trying too hard. He is, like so many others,
hunting for a gadget that will magically
resolve our difficulties; he seeks the bril-
liant stroke, the novel move. But sometimes
it -isn't necessary to be too brilliant to do
pretty well in life; it isn't really essential
to invent a brand-new mousetrap to make
a success. Sometimes just running a pretty
good sort of grocery store will do it, too.
I think, for example, that the Atlantic
Pact nations could develop their relation-
ship further. They might, in a body, and
without forming a fractional organization
within the UN, propose a conference wtih
Russia for the settlement of some of the
stickier outstanding problems. Such a
move would not at all conflict with the
Charter of the UN, which simply dotes
on negotiation. Another advantage is that
news of this move would come very quickly
to the ears of all the Russian people with-
out the need for suicide flights.
This suggestion is not at all ingenious.
But it is none the less valid for lacking in
brilliance. Another suggestion for the At-
lantic Pact nations, and one which also is
not in the least inspired, would be for them
to set up a political bureau to take note
of fascist developments in our world.
It is not necessary, as I say, to advance
ideas that nobody has ever thought of be-
fore. Just simple, even trite notions that
trend toward peace and liberty, will do. In
politics one does not have to be original;
one just has to be for meritorious and
promising things, and it is enough. I urge
this approach upon those who are, perhaps,
making the problem harder than it really
is, in their quest for ingenious solutions.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)


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-Joan Katz.

Wire W ame In

Letters to the Editor-

WASHINGTON-It was only a little more
than three years ago, in the winter of
1946, that Secretary of State James F.
Byrnes made his monientous decision. Main-
ly because the Soviets were threatening to
take by force the Iranian province of Azer-
baijan, Byrnes abandoned conciliation and
adopted his famous policy of "patience and
firmness." From that decision flowed all
the great events of the intervening period.
Now, three years later, it is reliably un-
derstood that the American ambassador at
Teheran, the able John Wiley, has for
some time been reporting renewed danger
of Soviet aggression against Iran. The
Kremlin still wants the same province of
Having watched the successive death
throes of two of the Baltic states, Wiley
may permit his all too vivid memories of the
past to color his estimate of the present.
Here in Washington, at least, there is rela-
tively little fear of extreme Soviet measures
at the moment. Yet the background situa-
tion is none the less instructive and signifi-
Very briefly, an American mission has
been helping to train the Iranian army for
some time; and on February 1 this year,
American arms purchased under an Amer-
ican credit also began to arrive in Teheran.
This American assistance to the Iranians
has long been the subject of a thunderous
Soviet campaign of propaganda and diplo-
matic threats.
Two main themes have been stressed by
the Soviets. First, the American aid to
the Iranian army has been ludicrously
said to transform Iran into an "American
base." Second, many references have been
made to clause 6 of the Russo-Iranian
treaty of 1921. This provides that the So-
viets may invade Iran, if a third power
attempts to use Iran as a base against
Russia. Thus, by implication, the Soviets
have openly menaced the aggression that
Wiley fears.
The Soviet Ambassador at Teheran, Sad-
chikov, is pretty good at menaces, his chief
diplomatic talent being to simulate apop-
lexy. He has gone so far as to state that
the presence of the Americans in Iran was
a "dishonor," and to add that the Iranians'
refusal to give the Soviets oil rights in
Northern Iran was "intolerable."
Concurrently the Red Army has also been
atively a e in eating incidents along

the Tudeh party the chance for a coup
d'etat, before American arms could put
the Iranian army on a footing of displeas-
ing efficiency. The same motive appears
to lie behind the subsequent intensifica-
tion of threats and provocations on the
border and elsewhere.
All this must be contrasted, of course,
with the possibility that the Russians may
lift the Berlin blockade, long ago reported in
this space. What is happening in Berlin
and in Europe is happening of course only
because Russian aggression has been met
there with firmness. What is happening in
Iran is happening, equally of course, only
because the Soviets feel there is less re-
sistance at this point.
We can expect threats and dangers of
aggression in Europe to begin again, when-
ever the re-arming Soviets feel stronger
than the West. There is no safety in weak-
ness, even collective weakness.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
Looking Back
Five May Festival concerts in the spring
will be held in University for three dollars.
Single admissions are one dollar and res-
ervations are 25 cents extra.
A woman in Detroit who withheld her
name donated a $10,000 gift to the Univer-
sity to be added to other gifts until $35,000
was raised to finance a female professor-
ship provided she didn't teach athletics.
Seniors in all the regalia of graduation
turned out on the campus in the first senior
exercises for the class of '19.
Though the city water had cleared slightly
since the storm last week, Ann Arbor health
officials said that it was still contaminated
and should be boiled before using.
Richard Haliburton, famed explorer and
author, told The Daily that before he writes
his next book he plans to spend two months
as a full-fledged prisoner at famed Devil's
Island, French Penal Colony in the Carib-
bean Sea; and would spend several more
months on the Island of Tobago, where Rob-
inson Crusoe stayed, armed with a man
Friday, a dog and a keg of nails.

(Continued from Page 2)
Speed of Reading Course: There
will be two sections. The first 100
students to attend at 3:00 will be
in the first section; any additional
students will attend the 4:00 ses-
sion. Both sections will meet on
Tuesday and Thursday in Room
140 Bus. Admin. Bldg. Any student
that did not take a test Tuesday
can arrange to take one Thursday.
Doctoral Examination for Ly-
man Walton Orr, Electrical Engi-
neering; thesis: "A Study of the
High Frequency Structure of
Spectral Light Intensity Produced
by Spark Excitation Using Elec-
tron Multiplier Phototubes," Fri-
day, April 22, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., at 2:15 p.m.
Chairman, L. N. Holland.
Student Recital: Wallace Behn-
ke, Organist, will present a pro-
gram of compositions by Bach,
Samuel Wesley, Mendelssohn,
Leach, James, and Vierne, at 8
Friday evening, April 22, in Hill
Auditrium. Mr. Behnke is a pupil
of Marilyn Mason, and presents
the recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Music. The general
public is invited.
MAY FESTIVAL: The fifty-'
sixth annual May Festival of six
concerts will take place in Hill
Auditorium as follows:
Thursday, May 5, 8:30; Friday,
May 6,8:30; Saturday, May 7, 2:30
and 8:30; Sunday, May 8, at 2:30
and 8:30.
the Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate in all concerts. The
University Choral Union will take
part in two concerts, and the Fes-
tival Youth Chorus is one pro-
Conductors will be Eugene Or-
mandy, Alexander Hilsberg, Thor
Johnson, and Marguerite Hood.
Soloists will include Pia Tassi-
nari and Shirley Russell, so-
pranos; Gladys Swarthout, mez-
zo-soprano; Tann Williams, con-
tralto; Set Svanholm and Harold
Haugh, tenors; Martial Singher,
baritone; Erica Morini, violinist;
Gregor Piatigorsky, Violoncellist;
and Benno Moiseiwitsch, pianist.
Prospectus giving detailed pro-
grams and tickets for individual
concerts may be obtained at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.'
Events Today
American Ordnance Association
Industrial Preparedness Meeting:
The problems involved in convert-
ing from peacetime to war produc-
tion will be discussed by Mr. Clin-
ton H. Harris, Vice President in
charge of manufacturing and en-
gineering for Argus Incorporated.
The meeting will be held tonight
in Room 301, West Engineering
Annex, at 7:30 p.m. Members and
their guests are invited. The meet-
ing will be particularly interesting
to those who intend to go on the
field trip to Argus's plant the af-
ternoon of April 26.
Last day for A.S.M.E. Field
Trip. For information, see Bulletin

open today from 4:00 to 4:45 in
the Office of Student Affairs. Miss
Nancy Richardson of American
Friends Service Committee will be
La p'tite causette meets today
at 3:30 p.m. in the Michigan
Graduate Student Council Meet-
ing: tonight at 7:30, West Lecture
Room, Rackham Bldg.; Dr. Trav-
ers and Dr. Angell will discuss the
Graduate Examination Program.
Motion Picture: "The Baker's
Wife," French film, presented by
Art Cinema League, at 8:30 to-
night, Fri., and Sat, at Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Box office opens
at 2:00 p.m. today; phone 6300.
American Ordnance Association:
Meeting, tonight at 7:30, 301 W.
Engineering Annex. Mr. Harris,
Vice-President of Argus (Cam-
eras), Inc., will speak on "Optical
Fire Control Instruments and
Conversion from Peace to War."
Field trip, Tues., April 26, Tour of
Argus plant. All persons must be
at Argus main gate by 1:15 p.m.
Student-Faculty hour: Today,
4-5 p.m., Grand Rapids Room,
League, Germanic languages de-
partment will be guests. Co-spon-
sored by Assembly and Panhel as-
International Center weekly tea
for all foreign students and Ameri-
can friends, 4:30-6 p.m., today.
International Center.
The Political Science Round
Table will meet as scheduled to-
night 7:30, Rackham Bldg. Gradu-
ate students in the Department
are expected to attend. Wives are
U. of M. Dames Drama Group:
Final dress rehearsal for the sit,
which will be presented at the
Spring Dance by the U. of M.
Dames Drama Group tonight at
8:00, Basement, 1472 University
Terrace Apartments.
Deutscher Verein: Meeting,
tonight at 8:00, Union. Student
participation program and popular
German recordings.
I.R.A.: General - membership
meeting, tonight at 7:30, Union.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full chorus and principals re-
hearsal today, League.
Committee for Displaced Stu-
dents: Meeting tonight at 7:30,
Russian Tea Room, League. Spon-
sorship and scholarship reports.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Big Ten
postal match, tonight at 7:00,
ROTC range.
Phi Eta Sigma: Meeting of all
January initiates today at 4:30
p.m., Union.
Coming Events
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy-Friday, April 22, 8 to
10 p.m., in Angell Hall (fifth
floor), for observation of Saturn
and double stars. Dr. Dean B. Mc-
Laughlin will give an illustrated
talk on planets in Room 3017 An-
gell Hall even though a cloudy
sky may prevent observations with
the telescope. Children must be

The Daily accords its readers the
Privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
What Type-Crusade?
To the Editor:
once again we are to be treated
to a demonstration. Yesterday a
crusade left for Michigan State
Capitol. It will "present it's
views" on pending fair educational
and employment practices legis-
lation, plus a lick in opposition to
the recently- introduced, single
sentence, Detroit Free Press in-
spired bill banning Communists as
school teachers in Michigan.
I had hoped that we on this
campus had learned the folly of
such escapades, and had come to
the realization that effectiveness
must be a large determinant in
considering action. For recent edi-
fication, we need only look to
Illinois where a studenthmarch on
Springfield to protest the Broyles
anti-conformist bills resulted in
an "investigation" of communist
influence on the University of Chi-
cago and Roosevelt College cam-
Can anyone suppose that this
"Lansing Lobby" will achieve any
more positive results? I can see
no other merit than the simple
duality of an alliterative.title, and
this hardly sustains the venture.
What this "march" will do is to
provide rural Republicans with an
opportunity to show their misin-
formed constituents how they
"courageously" resist pressures, es-
pecially that of an "alien-minded
student group." Perhaps if the
half-dozen Communists on this
canipus are lucky they'll even get
an investigation. This will give
them the limelight they desire,
becloud other issues, and perhaps
result in another Academic Free-
dom Committee farce.
There is no argument on the
merits of the anti-discrimination
measures. That should go without
saying. But you just don't get ef-
fective action this way. You get
it, among other ways, by making
your weight felt in elections, and
where were many of the present
lobbyists two weeks ago when
there was a chance to impress
the Republicans by giving Gover-
nor Williams control of the ad-
ministrative board, and by elect-
ing a couple' of Regents. Now ask
Martha Griffiths, Detroit Demo-
crat and co-sponsor of the FEPC
Bill, what some previously con-
curring Republicans told her the
day after election: "Martha, you
might as well forget your bill, we
saw the election returns." Finally
do you think that the pseudo-
liberals among these "lobbyists"
want these bills passed? I doubt
it. It would rob them of one of
their points of agitation.
-Robert Greene.
To the Editor:
t AM REFERRING again to Mr.
Darnell Roaten's "evidence" of
the existence of a housing short-
age. He says, "The pitiful be-
ginnings that have been made
show the inability of private enter-
prise to supply our housing needs,
even when new units are not un-
der rent control . .."

accompanied by adults. (Other
Visitors' Nights during the second
semester will be held May 6 and
May 20.)
German Coffee Hour: Fri., April
22, 3:00-4:30 p.m., Russian Tea
Room, League. All students and
faculty members invited.
Wesleyan Guild Record Dance:
Bring a dance record to the Wes-
ley Lounge, 8:30 p.m., Fri., April
22. Reserve, for Senior Banquet on
Mon., April 25, by calling 6881.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday evening services at 7:45 to
be sponsored by Alpha Epsilon
Phi Sorority. Fireside speaker will
be Professor Charles L. Stevenson
of the Philosophy Department.
Barbour Scholarship Party on
Friday, April 29, at 8:00 p.m. in
East Conf. Room, Rackham Bldg.

The only inability shown here
is the inability of housing to com-
pete with automobiles, washing
machines and television sets on a
free market. The American con-
sumer is not willing to pay twice
as much rent now as he did in
1939, BUT he is quite willing to
lay out three or four times the
cost of a 1939 radio for the cost of
one of today's television sets. He
is even willing to pay 10 cents for
a nickel glass of beer. He is will-
ing, in other words, to postpone
the purchase of better (and more
expensive) housing in #order that
he may enjoy some of these other
components of the "good life." To
be brutally frank, the American
consumer doesn't want better
housing if it means giving up his
new car and/or television set. Here
is the greatest benefit which
comes from living under a system
of FREE enterprise: namely, the
fact that if the consumer would
rather have a car than a new
apartment, then he is going to
get his car, and the construction
of apartments will Just have to
wait until he gets around to want-
ing new apartments. He is not
forced to spend his money on
better housing just because that's
the only thing avaiable for him
to spend it on, In other words,
he spends his income more or less
wherever he darn well pleases, and
if the guy next door doesn't like,
that's his tough luck.
Now if all the people in this
country who are cramped for
housing space really wanted hous-
ing worse than they want any
other thing, the apartments and
private homes would be going up
so fast it would make your head
swim. But evidently they don't
want housing worse than any
other thing.
This is not to say that We
wouldn't all like to live in better
homes, or that there is no need
at all for better housing. That
would be folly. It merely says that
when we are faced with the nec-
essity of deciding between housing
and automobiles, the majority of
us right now are choosing auto-
I'm not opposed to public hous-
ing per se, but I believe that is a
matter for the individual states
to control. If part of the money
for the poorer states has to come
from the richer states (via the
federal government), all well and
good; but let the states administer'
the program to suit their own re-
spective (and differing) needs.
This country was founded on the
principle that a central govern-
ment is a necessary evil, and that
principle is truer today than it
was in 1789.
--Harry McCreary.


® It's the Weather

Was It Pointed? ..
A FRIEND of ours has been keeping a
pretty close eye on her housemother the
past few days. Seems she walked into the
housemother's office the other day and be-
fore she had a chance to even say hello,
her housemother glared at her and burst
"What's the penalty for third degree mur-
* * *
W HAT WITH ALL the ballots to fill
out, the current election has con-
fused a good share of the electorate. But
the best one we've heard-and we vouch
for its truth-is about the coed who calm-
ly presented the ballot puncher with her
liquor card.
* * * *
Misunderstanding . .
ONE OF OUR professors got quite a scare
the other day about the contents of
modern Sunday school curricula.
His young son informed him that the
class had been warned they'd be thrown in
the furnace if they missed two Sundays in
a row.
Upon investigation, he found that the
statement about attendance had been, "Any

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of ,
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy...............City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Ailegra Pasqualetti...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen........Associate Editot
Leon Jaroff..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown........... Sports Editor
Bud Weldenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes .................. Librarian
Business Staff
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Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
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Entered at the Past Office at Ann
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UWF: Meeting, 4:15
today, Union.


The NSA Travel Bureau will beI


I have no choice but to authorize my
biography... I can't stand in the

If I refused, I'd be doing you 1

Therefore, after considerable
thought, and weighing of theI

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