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April 21, 1949 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-21

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______________________________________ U________________________-___-

Social Key
Addressing a near capacity
crowd in Rackham Lecture Hall
yesterday, Prof. Andrew T. Weav-
er, chairman of the Department of
Speech at the University of Wis-
consin, cited speech as the key
to social adjustment and a means
of living with other people.
Speaking on "A Philosophy o.
Speech Education," Prof. Weaver
pointed to the economic value of
speech in selling ideas to other
people. "Speech is a central fac-
tor in the working-day method
of making a living," he said.
* *.*
STRESSING the contributions
speech makes in our intellectual
life, Prof. Weaver asserted that,
"Neurologically, man is what he
is because he speaks."
"No other learning comes
nearer to our higher mental
mechanisms than does speech,"
he added.
Asserting that most human
knowledge has resulted from the
efforts of a "creative minority,"
Prof. Weaver emphasized that
man alone wouldn't have develop-
ed as he has without an exchange
of ideas through speech.
"Leadership passes from a crea-
tive to a destructive minority
when men do not cultivate their
ability to persuade others," he
To BeGiven
Three $500 scholarships will be
made available to engineering stu-
dents next fall through a gift of
the John Morse foundation.'
The scholarships which are pre-
sented on the basis of outstanding
ability and promise will be award-
ed by the Engineering College fac-
ulty committee on scholarships.
Six fellowships will also be
available, three to juniors and
three to sophomores.
Child Psychology
BOSTON-The old saying "chil-
dren should be seen and not
heard" has finally been relegated
to the shelf. According to'modern
psychology the child who does not
have the opportunity to talk, will
be handicapped mentally and so-

Cute Clerk Besieged by
*Males Asking Questions

"Information" has become the
burning desire of dozens of Uni-
versity males in the last few
The reason for this phenom-
enon is not an inspired thirst for
knowledge but simply Mrs. Dor-
othy Legg, the pretty clerk at
the information desk in the main
lobby of the new Administration
MRS. LEGG, the wife of Prof.
Frank Legg of the Engineering
College has become almost a tra-
dition at the desk since the build-
ing was opened last semester.
Terming her work "extremely
fascinating," Mrs. Legg says she
is besieged by hundreds of ques-
tions daily-ranging from what
courses students should take,
to the location of the nearest
One of the most unusual ques-
tions came from a man }who asked
where he could buy some teeth.
Another student rushed up one
day in search of a place to get
his skis repaired.
SOME PEOPLE even revert to
poetry says Mrs. Legg. After tell-
ing one perfectly serious male that
there was no reason why his wife
couldn't attend a marriage lecture
with him, he said, "On this cam-
pus it's not ours to question why-
ours is but to do and die."
The most common comments
which she receives are made
upon the new building, says Mrs.
Legg. While the vast majority
of students, parents, faculty
and alumni all are warm in its
praises, one woman scornfully,
termed it "repulsively function-
Highly in favor of the building
herself, Mrs. Legg says, however,
that she is continually entertained
by students attempting to claw
their way through the glass panel
placed between the glass doors in
the center of the building.
* * *
POINTING OUT that she us-
ually learns something new every
day, Mrs. Legg says, "I think I
learn more from the people who
ask me questions than they learn
from me."
ATLANTA -Boll weevils every
year destroy $200,000,000 worth of

-Daily-Hank Tyson
. .. causes thirst for knowledge
Relations with
Canada To Be
New 'U'_Study
American - Canadian relations
will be the subject of a special
program of studies and lectures at
the University this'summer.
The aim of this Summer Session
program will be to unite students
and teachers from Canada and
the United States in a common
study of the civilization of these
neighboring countries, according
to University officials.
* * *
AMONG the courses will be a
Canada-United States workshop.
Teachers from both nations will
seek ways to improve instruction
given in each country about the
neighboring nation.
Other special courses will deal
with literature and civilization of
French Canada, geography of
Canada, history of Canada from
1763 to 1867, and Canadian gov-
ernment and politics. These
courses are designed for students
from the United States.
Officials said that the Univer-
sity's regular curricula offers a
suitable array of courses regard-
ing the history, literature, polit-
ical institutions and resources of
the United States for the Cana-
dian students.
'Lincoln' Play
To BeGiven
Robert E. Sherwood's Pulitzer
Prize play "Abe Lincoln in Illi-
nois" will be presented by the
speech department at 8 p.m.,
April 28 to 30 in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Prof. William P. Halstead will
direct the department's final ma-
jor dramatic production of the
semester, and Jack Bender, Grad.,
will handle the settings.
Portraying several incidents
from the life of the beloved hero,
the play was greeted with rave
notices from all critics when pro-
duced in New York in 1938.
Students are offered a special
price rate for the Thursday night
and Saturday matinee perform-
ances. Tickets are on sale in the
theatre box office and mail orders
are being taken.
Engineers Society
Pi Tau Sigma, honorary engi-
neering society, feted its 15 new
pledges at a banquet Tuesday
Henry S. Walker of Detroit Edi-
son was guest speaker and a spe-
cial award for outstanding schol-
arship, the Marks' handbook, was
presented to Alvin S. Weinstein.
Prof. Hugh E. Keeler and Prof.
Edward T. Vincent were made
honorary members of the society.

Sign Missing
The giant replica of a ther-
mometer, charting the progress
of the United Jewish Appeal
Drive on campus, is missing
from the Diag, Martin Kohlen-
berg, drive publicity chairman,
reported yesterday.
Kohlenberg appealed to the
pranksters who made off with
the sign to return it at once,
so that it may be brought up to
Guests May
Now S tay in
Dormit orTes
Men's and women's dorms are
now accommodating weekend
guests on Friday and Saturday
The policy, began in February
for women's dorms and this
month for men's, allows meals to
be served guests from Friday eve-
ning to Sunday noon. The com-
plete series of meals costs $3.95,
and there is a 75 cent bed fee per
REQUESTS to have guests
should be made to the house direc-
tor not later than Friday noon,
Francis C. Shiel, residence hall
business manager said. After the
request is approved, a guest slip
is issued to the resident, who then
pays the food and board bills.
Men's dorms will house their
guests in beds temporarily va-
cated for the weekend. Women's
corms will use rollaway cots
placed in the room of the host-
The number of guests allowed in
men's dorms will be based on
seven per cent of present house
enrollment, and in women's dorms
on the number of cots available.
Health Lobby
Seeks More Aid
To Local Units
LANSING-(AP)-More than 200
persons appeared to plead for
more state aid for local health
agencies yesterday at a joint legis-
lative hearing.
The group, headed by the Cit-
izens' Committee of 100, seeks to
increase state aid to local units to
about $1,500,000 annually.
* * *
THE HEALTH of Michigan is
in danger until local health de-
partments are able to pay salaries
in keeping with the education,
training and ability required for
local health department posi-
tions," State Health Commissioner
Albert E. Heustis told the House
and Senate Appropriations Com-
"Public health word with and
for the people is as weak or as
strong as the local health or-
ganizations," said Dr. Nathan
Sinai of the University of Mich-
igan School of Public Health.
Others endorsing increased state
aid included three representatives
of the Michigan Nursing Center
Association, the State Medical So-
ciety, the State Association of
Boards of Supervisors and the CIO
United Auto Workers.
U' Symphony

to Play Today
Two important musical works
will be given their premiere per-
formance in this country by the
University Little Symphony at 8
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Works to be heard for the first
time will be Joseph Haydn's
"Symphony in A Major, No. 87',
and "Concerto for Viola in D Ma-
jor" by Franz Anton Hoffmeister.
THE VIOLA concerto will be
performed by Paul Doktor, recent
addition to the University music
school faculty. Soloist in Haydn's
symphony will be Nathen Jones,
'49SM. Wayne Dunlap will con-
If you are touring Europe this
summer use a Whizzer Motor Bike.
All orders will be crated for ship-
ment. - * 4
424 So. Main St. Phone 7178

Buying Seen
Big Problem
In Economy
The major problem facing the
American economy today is find-
ing a way to induce consumers
to part with their dollars, accord-
ing to Prof. Paul W. McCracken,
of the business administration
McCracken discussed "The Out-
look for 1949" at the annual meet-
ing of the Detroit Controllers'
Group yesterday at Rackham.
* * *
"THIS IS NO time for tax in-
creases," he warned. "We must
watch that a broadened social se-
curity program, desirable and
necessary as it is, does not inad-
vertantly create a deflationary
The professor of business con-
ditions maintained that the
American export market will
not change much during 1949.
He said there would be some
decline in capital outlays, but
that the increase in government
expenditures will offset this.
McCracken said the fact that
business activity has held up so
well, in spite of the past six
months "readjustment period",
was remarkable.
* * *
HE GAVE as reasons for this,
the strong character of the United
States banking system and the
relatively low character of the to-
tal volume of public and private
debt in proportion to the volume
of business actviity.
"The extent to which we have
been able to count on Russia to
do the right thing for us is un-
canny," McCracken said, describ-
ing the almost disastrous condi-
tion of the American export mar-
ket before Russian expansion be-
came a threat. The result, the
European Recovery Plan, sustain-
ed business activity, he added.
It's coming (
Place: Michigan Union
Date: April 25-28
Time: 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Former Student Flies
Food to Blockaded Berlin'
A former University student is served as an enlisted man in the
one of the band of intrepid air- Caribbean area during the war.
men who have been keeping block- Later commissioned a naval avia-
tor, Bird flew in the Far East
before being assigned to the Berlin
He is now on leave at his home
in Saugatuck, after completing an
even 100 round-trip flights be-
tween Frankfurt and Berlin.
* * *
A MEMBER of crack Navy
Squadron VR-6, he says the air-
lift was a tour of duty he will al-
ways remember. He called it "The
best piece of air transportation
operation the world has ever
Now 29 years old, Bird was
enrolled in the School of Engi-
neering in 1938-39.
Rated near the top in efficiency,
his Navy squadron joined other air
units which have been consistent-
lycracking records in carrying
Ssuppliesin blockaded Berlin.

... aids in Berlin airlift
* * *
aded Berlin supplied by means of
"Operation Vittles."
He is Ensign Lincoln Bird, who
joined the Navy in 1942 and

WSSF To Elect
New Chairman
Chairmanship of the local World
Student Service Fund committee
will be filled at an election to-
day, according to retiring chair-
man Lew Towler.
Any eligible student may apply
for the post. Towler said inter-
ested students should contact him
at 4707 for details.

Sen. Morse
Will Address
U' Lawyers
Senator Wayne Morse, Repul
lican from Oregon, will addre;
the annual Lawyers Olub Found
ers' Banquet to be held at 8 p.t
tomorrow in the Union.
"Constitutional Questions in ti
Senate of the United States" wi
be the subject of his talk.
* * *
?ducated at the Universities c
Wisconsin and Minnesota, Se
Morse also received a law degri
from Columbia. In 1929 he joine
the faculty of the University c
Oregon and was dean of the La
School from 1931 to 1944.
A present member of the Sen
ate's Armed Services Committee
he held several government job
before he was elected to the
Senate in 1945.
At the start of the war, Se
Morse was chairman of the Pres
dent's Emergency Board and I
alternate public member of ti
National Mediation Board. F
two years during the war he servi
as a member of the National W
Labor Board.
Earlier this year Sen. Morse le
the fight for an anti-filibuster b
in Congress and was opposed
the Senate Coalition, declaring
as starting "a new de facto poli
ical party."


Here Are Some of the Latest

Important BOOKS

--Frank Yerby .........$3.00
KINFOLK-Pearl Buck .... 3.50
BEAU JAMES-Gene Fowler 4.00
(life and times of Jimmy Walker)

-Quentin Reynolds.....$3.50

-Kenneth Roberts ......
-John Marquand ......
-Fulton Sheen........




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