Sponsor Frosh
Weekend Dances
'Ocean Commotion'
"Commotion in the Ocean,"
will be the theme of the Frosh
Weekend dance, to be sponsored
by the Maize team from 9 p.m.
'o midnightSaturday, April 30, in
he League Ballroom.
This underwater dance will fea-
are door prizes, giant sea shells
and even mermaids. The intermis-
3ion floorshow will display the
hidden talents of many campus
TICKETS for the Maize team
dance will be sold all of this week
in the League Undergraduate Of-
fice. Sales will begin Friday at
campus high spots..
This will be an all campus
dance, and' even though spon-
sored by freshmen women, is
not to be a coed-bid party.
Lois Eisele is general chairman
of the dance. Other team members
helping things "swim along" are
Barbara Elliott, floorshow chair-
man; Jane Kirch, assistant floor-
show chairman; Beverly Myas,
ticket chairman; and Jackie Horn-
ing, decorations chairman.
* * * .
ELAINE MADDEN is in charge
of patrons, Tulane Itkoff is tak-
ing care of programs, Emily Blair
is in charge of awards and judges,
and Janice James is handling pub-
Dames Handicraft
Group Will Meet'
Michigan Dames Handicraft
Group will hold its regular month-'
ly meeting at 8 p.m. today at the
home of Mrs. Edward Crippen,
1614 Packard.
Discussion of ideas and forma-
tion of plans for the annual May
banquet will constitute the eve-
ning program. Hostesses for the
meeting will be Mrs. Hobart
Klaaren and Mrs. Alva Stein.
'Deuces Wild'
Blue team of Frosh Weekend
is planing a draw a "full house"
from 9 p.m. to midnight, Friday,
April 29 in the League Ballroom
at their dance, "Deuces Wild."
The floorshow, to be presented
during intermission, will feature
the life and loves of a deck of
cards. Freshmen women have been
cast in a novel chorus line of a
shuffle dance. A Joker will serve
as master of ceremonies.
* * *
TO CARRY OUT the theme of
the dance, there will be puns on
card games, card expressions and
deuces around the Ballroom.
Tickets, which will also be in
keeping with the card theme, are
now on sale from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. in the Union, the League,
the Engine Arch and on the
Although the dance is presented
by freshmen women, all students
are welcome to' attend.
JOYCE HOWARD is general
chairman of the Blue team. Other
committee members include: Mary
Muller, assistant chairman; Tracy
Redfield, floorshow chairman;
Helen Yeager, assistant floorshow
cjhairman; Sue Sears, publicity
chairman; and Sally Fish, ticket
Nancy Watkins is handling dec-
orations, and Margaret Ryburn,
programs. Nancy Porter is in
charge of patrons and Beverly
Young is taking care of judges
and awards.
Gulantics' Tickets ,
Tickets for the Gulanties Re-
view, competitive student tal-
ent show, will be on sale from 1
3 to 5 p.m. in the League and
the Union today through Fri-
Modern Dance
To Be Qiven I
With Qlee Club
The Dance Workshop will per-
form with the Women's Glee Club
Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre of the Wom-
en's League.
The workshop consists of a small
group of dancers originally belong-
ing to the Modern Dance Club. On
the same evening that the dancers
perform, the Glee Club is plan-
ning to present their annual spring
* * *
THE DANCES that the group
will perform are part of a com-
plete program which was given
previously on March 17 at Grand
Rapids. The dances "Contract," by
Wilkins, the "Palestine Song," and
"Incantation," were received there
with much enthusiasm, according
to Edith Daniels.
There will be self accompani-
ment with the "Palestine Song."
The "Incantation" by Bradley
will be danced by Dr. Juana de
Laban, Edith Daniels, Murray
Gitlin, Virginia Seput, Bernie
and Melva Weinberger.
The Dance Workshop will pre-
sent their program following the
intermission of the Glee Club sing-
* * *
THE DANCES were composed
and arranged by Dr. Laban, who is
a member of the Women's Phyci-
cal Staff, and instructs dancing at
Barbour Gym.
Wives Club To Meet
Wives of air force officers on
the campus, who last fall organ-
ized the Air Force Officers Wom-
en's Club, will meet at 8 p.m. to-
day in the Henderson Room of the
Mrs. Jack Dewitt will act as
hostess. Mrs. Candace Clouser will
discuss interior decorating.
Meetings are held the first and
third Tuesdays of each month.
At one* gathering bridge is
played; at the other a business
meeting is held and outside enter-
tainment presented.
WAA EXECUTIVES-Left to right; Betsy Bousfield, secretary;
Gwen Sperlich, president; and Rose Marie Schoetz, vice-president
of the Women's Athletic Association Board, make plans to reopen
petitioning for three Board positions. Those open are: League
House Manager, Archery Club manager and the Folk and Square
Dancing Club manager. New Board members will take office
following Installation Night, May 9.
Athletic Donations Needed
Three WAA
hosts Reopen
To Petitioners
The Women's Athletic Aoosoci-
Aion is reopening petitioning for
league House manager, Archery
Flub manager and Folk and
square Dancing Club Manager.
All eligible women who have pe-
itioned for any WAA position this
spring will not need to rewrite a
)etition. Only those coeds who
ave not petitioned for WAA
Board this spring should write one
and bring it to their interview.
from 3 to 5:30 p.m. in WAB. Coeds
may sign up for these interviews
any day this week in the under-
graduate office of the League.
There are reports of the posi-
tions on file in the offices of the
WAB for anyone who is interest-
ed in petitioning.
Petitioners may also contact
those women who are holding the
positions now. Margaret Mac-
Dougall, 7992, is the present
League House manager. Beverly
Hawes 2-5579, heads the Archery
Club and Justine Bessman, 24471,
in manager of the Folk and
Square Dancing Club.
* * *
is in charge of all relations be-
tween coeds in league houses and
the WAA Board. It is not neces-
sary that she have had any expe-
rience with this type of work, nor
that she be a resident of a league
The Archery Club mangare
will not be called upon to in-
struct as this is supplied by a
member of the Women's Physi-
cal Education faculty. Some
knowledge of drawing up tour-
naments would be helpful as
the club holds a tournament for
the campus.
The Folksand Square Dancing
Club is both educational and one
of the newest additions to the
WAA Spoarts Club. Again, no ex-
perience is necessary, but rather
an interest in square dancing.
Spring House Cleaning Will Be
Starred at Union Dance Saturda:
It's spring house cleaning time
at the Michigan Union.
In keeping with the spring
cleamning theme, the Michigan
Union will sponsor "The Clean
Sweep Dance" from 9 to 12 p.m.,
on Saturday, April 23 in the main
DALE COENEN announced that
the dance is to be strictly infor-
mal. Girls attending the dance will
be wearing sweaters and skirts.
GGeneral chairman, Bob Greag-
or, promises surprises in enter-
tainment. He warns those attend-
ing the dance to prepare for an
eventful evening. Acts of house
Save on our
cleaning have been prepared as
part of the dance entertainment,
Other committee members are
Paul Smith, decorations chairman
and Ned Miles, publicity chair-
Tickets are one sale in the Un-
ion lobby for $1.25.
Softball Club
The second meeting time for
members of the Softball Club is
5 p.m. today in the WAB. Mem-
bership will be closed after this
meeting. Members are to come
rain or shine, according to man-
ager Marilyn Sheldon.
All clothing laundered, fluff dried, and neatly folded.
4 LBS. MINIMUM ......50c
Each Additional Pound.. .12c
The following articles are finished at low extra charges
as follows---
SHIRTS, additional...... 15c
WAA, under the auspices of the
has begun a drive to collect ath-
letic equipment for foreign stu-
Athletic and recreational mis-
cellany such as ping pong paddles,
balls, tennis shoes, rackets, foot-
balls, table games, skis, bats, gym
suits 'and bathing attire in usable
condition will be accepted.
Donations may be placed in the
Barbour Gym Fencing Room. The
final deadline for collection will
be Friday, April 29.
The equipment is desperately
needed in the war struck European
countries whose economies are
being rebuilt in other lines, but
whose athletics have had to take
a back seat behind other needed
rehabilitation, according to Gwen
Sperlich, WAA president.
"Students can easily cooperate
by digging out their little used
sports equipment from the closet
and bringing it over to Barbour,"
said Nancy Somers, chairman of
the drive.
With spring in the air, Michi-
gan co-eds are scouting the dress
shops to get the first glimpse of
what spring fashions have to offer.
Surprisingly, the dress lengths are
to be shorter than the fall and
winter fashions.
" 0. . 3c
(Continued from Page 2) ance Company of Iowa will inter- training as store managers. Stores
view men for sales training pro- are located all over the country.
for World Student Service Fund gram. For further information and ap-
Chairmanship for next year are Wed,, April 20-Firestone Tire pointments, call Extension 371 or
being received through Wednesday &Rstop at the office, 3528 Adminis-
evening, April 20. Those interest- & Rubber Company will interview tration Bldg. Hours 9-12, 2-4.
ed may contact Miss Barbara Yale, men for training as store mana- '_
Lane Hall, or Mr. Lewis Towler, gers in Michigan.
426 N. Ingalls. Thurs., April 21-American Seat- BA resentative of the Depart-
ing Company of Grand Rapids will ment of State will be at the Bu-
Bureau of Appointments: interview men for Industrial Engi- reau of Appointments on Wed.
Interviews: neering, Personnel Administration, April 20, to interview experienced
Wed. and Thurs., April 20-21- Accounting and Sales. teachers (preferably those with
A representative from the home Fri., April 22-The J. C. Penny experience in language teaching)
office of the Equitable Life Insur- Company will interview men for for positions as teachers and ad-
ministrators in American Cultural
Centers in the Latin American re-
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces an exami-
nation for a librarian for college
Your students with either a college de-
sPrinting Needs gree or equivalent training.
RPINTINGwithThe Connecticut State Person-
24-Hour Service nel Department announces an ex-
amination for Psychiatric Social
Further information may be ob-
tained at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg.
(Continued on Page 4)
SOX, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c
Dress shirts and silk or wool sport shirts slightly higher.
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