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April 17, 1949 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-17

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LY, APRIL 17, 1949


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with Bud Weidenthal
associate sports editor

Tartars Bring Veteran
Squad Mere T omorrow

Well, we've done it again and we're glad.
With a few misgivings and a trace of hesitation we once again
crawl out on that precarious limb and return nervously with a
selection of the American League pennant winner for the year
GRANTING THAT anyone can be wrong once (as we were last
year) we're taking the opportunity to redeem ourselves and come up
with a winner this time.

And believe it or not, we've got another fin riding on the
from Beantown, the Boston Red Sox. Hometown loyalty?
have to be overlooked for now, we've got to stick with the
of McCarthy.


It looks like a whale of a race again, perhaps as close as last
year's fiasco, but probably not.
" IT'S GONNA BE A TWO TEAM affair, little question about that
. . . the Indians and the Red Sox are the class of the league with
the Yankees, minus DiMaggio unable to keep the pace and the Ath-
letics who faded fast last year, a distant fourth.
We'd like to see the Indians win it, naturally, but we can't
help thinking that their pennant last year was won on a
couple of lucky tosses by Bob Kennedy from right field one night
in a close contest with Washington, and a few overaged infielders
playing well over their heads ...
We don't think we're being too hard on Boudreau and Co.
They're basing their hopes first of all on another 20 game perform-
ance by rookie Gene Bearden, the return to form of Bob Feller, a
repeat performance by Keltner and Gordon (who become 'the home-
run twins of last year's Tribe) 4and another phenomenal year by
that wonder Lou Boudreau.
* * * *
ADD TO THIS a couple of auestion marks in the outfield named
Doby and Kennedy and you find the Indians' hopes riding on a
rather flimsy foundation.
As for the Red Sox the situation is quite reversed
They never really got going last year until the season was more
than half over. Hadn't they been in seventh place as late as the
Fourth of July, the race wouldn't have been even close. We kinda
think the Bosox are going to pick up where they left off at the
end of last season and keep right An coming.
WITH THE APPARENT return to form of Tex Hughson and
even only fair performances by the other members of the Boston
mound staff the beantowners should be right on their late 1948 pace.
And to back 'em up is the modern edition of murderer's row
DiMaggio, Pesky, Doerr, Williams, and Stephens . . . what man-
ager could ask for more . . . these guys should burn up the
league . .. they can't miss . .. they're just too much potential
power in those five bats . . . if one of them falls down the
other four will cover up for him. It's a natural ...
But just like poker,' someone always comes up with three of a
kind when you're holding two pair . .. who knows, the Indians might
pull another fast one . . . all we can do is keep our fingers crossed
and hope for the best . . . you can't keep losing five dollars year after
year and remain financially solvent . . . it just isn't good economics.
So we're casting our lot with ole' Marse Joe and Terrible Ted,
hoping that when October rolls around this year we can -look a
Clevelander in the face and say, "I told you so."
Griddr F-el PlyAis
NVot Hurts, Their Marks,

Michigan's baseball team returns
from their disappointing series at
Purdue to open their 1949 home
season tomorrow with the Wayne
University Tartars at Ferry Field
at 3:30 p.m.
Tt will be the first game of a
Dore and home series with the
Detroit school.
THE Tartars were to have open-
ed their season yesterday against
Hillsdale College but the contest
was called off due to wet grounds.
Wayne Coach Joseph E. Trus-
kowski has a veteran team re-
turning this year, practically the
same aggregation that compiled
a 9-6 record last year.
Heading the Tartar mound staff
is Roy Stevens who has been the
Wayne ace for the past two sea-
sons. Last year the 175-pound
M 9 Venth
iief oi
When Ed Miellef enters the
lists in the two sword meets be-
iug held in the coming week, the
Wolverine fencing ace will be gun-
ning for his eleventh champion-
ship title in a little more than a
year's time.
Since matriculating at Michi-
gan, the Detroit born but Brook-
lyn bred fencer has taken 9 titles
and hopes to make it ten and
eleven in this week's matches.
* * *
NUMBER TEN will be his if
he succeeds in defending his all
campus crown in Epee, Foil and
Sabre, in the tourney being held
on Wednesday and Friday of this
Number eleven is a big one,
however. Micllef will attempt
to achieve it on Saturday when
he battles in the state open
championships, being held in
Detroit at the Book-Cadillac
string early in 1948, when he
captured the state Junior Foil
Crown. He immediately added to
the then short streak by taking
the Junior Epee title.
Invading the Intercollegiate
ranks, big Ed took the Michigan
Intercollegiate foil title.
Sensing it was time for a try
at the next highest rank of sword
competition, he entered and cap-
tured the state intermediate foil]
* * *
campus, he took the all campus
tourney in all three divisions,
titles which he will defend this
The start of the new school
year did nothing to stop Micllef.
Together with Andy Turner and
Norm Barnet, he captured the
state three crown.
During the month of March,
Miellef capped his streak by de-
fending his Intercollegiate and
Intermediate foil crowns in addi-
tion to taking the state interme-
diate epee title.

righthander won both of his two
starts and did not suffer a defeat.
Frankel should be a big help to
the Wayne mentor. Last year he
threw a no-hitter and finished the
campaign with two wins against
one setback. Other chuckers boast-
ing of previous experience with the
Tartars are Fred Holdsworth and
Jack Salvadore.
Big first baseman George Shuk
will probably bear the brunt of
the offensive chores. He was
the leading hitter last year with
a tremendous .462 average. In
1947 he belted the apple at a
.428 clip.
The outfield will probably be
composed of Ronnie Bell, Gene
D'Ambrosio, and Harry Rabino-
witz. In 1948 D'Ambrosio and Ra-
binowitz hit .345 and .317 respec-
* * *
ROUNDING OUT the infield
with the dependable Shuk will be
Joe Rzepka at second, John Hazely
at short and Bob Pearson or Bob
Bolland at the hot corner.
Coach Truskowski has three men
scrapping for the catching job. At
the present, Steve Tarczy, Alex
Zsenyuk, and Ciro Minnella are all
battling for the sot with the edge
conceded to Tarczy who played in
twelve games last year and batted
0t°Rod R aces
To0Be Held
Near Ypsilanti
"Hot-rod" racing returns to the
Michigan scene April 23 and 24
after the long winter lay-off.
Under the sponsorship of the
Coastal Racing Association, mem-
bers of the Michigan Modified
Stock-Car Racing Association are
preparing for the series of races
scheduled at the track located one
mile south of the McKinnon Air-
port near Ypsilanti on the Hitch-
ingham Road.
* * *
the preliminary qualifying heats
in which pole positions for Sun-
day's finals will be decided. The
timing is slated between 4 and 6
p.m. with $25 going to the fastest
Starting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday,
the drivers will begin the grind
to determine the winner of the
spring's first "hot-rod" race.
Co-sponsors Irvin Davis and
Johnnie Johnson have termed the
forthcoming races as promising
to be very exciting since most of
the cars, all capable of doing over
100 mph, are far superior to for-
mer models insofar as speed and
performance are concerned. Coup-
ling these factors with the drivers
being rusty from the winter vaca-
tion, the promotors look forward
to fast, breath-taking events.
If you are touring Europe this
summer use a Whizzer Motor Bike.
All orders will be crated for ship-
424 So. Main St. Phone 7178

F 0 0 T C U 1 0 E - Andre Pousse guides-ihs bicycle with his
foot as he rides with Pierre Gousset in the Paris six-day race.

S H E R O S k Q W I N-Nell Stewart goes down under
a drive by Helen Lind in their professional wrestling match at
Minneapolis. She rose from the floor towin in seen teen minutes.1

' L A I L L' IN JA P A NLedbyaasotbear-
ing name of the team, Japanese baseball players parade on open-
ing day in Tokyo. Third in line is Victor Stalfin, White Russian.

S T R I P E S - Peter Russell, designer, shows a sage green cloth
suit with candy-striped hat, gloves, blouse and sunshade at a tele-
vision show staged by London designers in Alexandra Palace.

The question of the academic
advantages or disadvantages of
football are bandied about every
time a player is declared ineligible
for competition because of failure
to make his grades.
For many people it is hard to
conceive how a man can spend
three hours every weekday after-
noon practicing on the football
fielq and still keep up with his
studies and maintain even a pass-
ing grade-point average.
THEY FEEL THAT since the!
player spends practically every
morning in class, it makes it rath-
er impossible to do any book work
After a strenuous session on
the gridiron the players are too
tired to concentrate very in-
tently on their studies, wishing
only to relax or hit the sack.
They feel the only saving fac-
,tor is that when the regular sea-
son is over about half the semes-
ter is still left to catch up. In the
spring the players can get a good
foundation during the first half
of the semester which they can
fall back on during the six weeks
of spring drills.
the situation ust about exactly the
opposite from these ideas.,
As one player expressed it, "I
feel so 'much better when I'm
playing. I'm doing what I like
to do and as a result can get
my other work done too.
"When I'm not playing ball I've
got a lot of time, but I just can't
get down to business. I sit around
and talk, play cards or listen to
the radio-I just can't concen-

trate. But when the time I have
to do my work in is limited, I can
settle down and get it done."
* * *
THIS GRIDDER'S statements
are definitely demonstrated in his
marks. In his freshman year,
starting in the spring term, before
practice began he had three D's,
an E, and a two-hour B. He fin-
ished the semester with a 2.85
The following fall he had a
2.75 average, but only because
of the work he did while the
football season was in progress,
"I felt let down when play was
over, but didn't like losing what
I had already started so I kept
my grades up as best I could."
As far as this player was con-
cerned, and he seemed to feel that
the other players felt the same
way, he accomplished more while
he was playing ball than when he
had all his afternoons free.
If this is the case, then it looks
like some other explanation for
the loss of academic eligibility will
have to be sought other than the
one which claims that the game
takes too much time and makes
the mhen too tired to study and
make their grades.
DO YOU KNOW . . . English
workmen of the middle 11th Cen-
tury appear to have originated the
football idea by kicking around
skulls of warriors of the Danish
army that invaded England about
1017 A.D.?

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P L A N S 1 IH 1S W N K A N C I1 - John Mercer, a barber in North Hollywood, Calif.,
places two burros in the miniature ranch lie built in his spare time. Mercer carves each rpiece by hand
and has been working on the project since 1934. The model shows an early western ranch scene.

-Nella .Zannier, 17, was elected
queen of the 1949 crop of be.
ginner mannequins in Paris. V


Robert E. Sherwood's Pulitzer Prize Play

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