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February 08, 1949 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-08

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h.D sFea tives A rtist's Case

lHav,,e yol] ever\Vonderecdwh I
it was like to dcnd on an iroli
lung for ever-ything you dog--o"een
breathing life-giving irir?
Roger UclielnbP(-k, former IVni-
versity art plrofessor, is among,
thtose Who0 tholugi lioityelitJ5sa
remote disease,,, ont which at-
t'ck('d onlly ol.}rs. 1Rcec~;nt nLvW-
goers 1haIve seer n frL (nS1Y
~hovr, tha',tlwthe i~crampt po li
vir-us Ccndeflnnc i ullenibeck toa
the iron lung2, ibringting hoi11011ilw
dread blow to the 'U' proper.
beck, with his wife and three
small children, moved to Los An-
geles, Calif., in order to take a
teaching position at Jepso-n Art
TInsti ute thc rc.
In October, lie became strickenIi
with polio and was removed to
Los Angeles General Hospital.
After 4lollenbeeli's cornpie-
lion ,of several display murals
for the Polio Fund exhibit in
New York City lest spring,
Mvdro-(Gdldwyna- Mayer Movie
S;tudius catled the University
for further informnatio).
Later inquiries following the
29-year-old artists illness paved
the way for the March of Dimes
thea-ter short, in which Hollen-
Lck's ca:,e( is featured.
WHEI.N FhL8T ar dntoitluto 11w,
1hosita-4u 1.itwasbclieved 1{ollen -
beck wvas paralyzed from the neck
dlownz. Now, it seems certain hie
will eventually regain complete
use of his limbs, according to re-
E ducation'Group
Will IForin Chorus
AE< special chorus for students
taking education courses will .meet
for the first ime at 8:15 pa.
Thursday in Rm. 506 Burton
Prof. Maynard Klein will di-
rect weekly meetings of the chor-
us. The group is being formed at
the request of over 150 students in
education courses.
Thec chorus i*s opcin to r11 stu-
dlents in such courses, whether or
not they have had cljral experi-
ence. Plans are underway for a
concert program by the group late
in the semester.

.ports rcc(xived by the architecture
And1 desib"n department here.
Prof. Grover D. Cole, of the
architectural school, former col-
league of Iiollenbeck, got word
lately that hie has been allowed#
short pelods outside his iron
lungs, that he is "definitely imi-
llclleiibeck's artistic career gotl
an early impetus when Paramount
Pictures, Inc., signed him for
miovic set work upon his gradu-
ation from University of' Southern
SCalifornia in 1939.
PROF. COLE emphasized that
all letters and telegrams from
friends and admirers will b~e
,neatly appreciated by Hollen-
beck at the Los Angeles Hospital.
Letters should be addressed care
f Roger Hollenbeck, Los Angeles
General lfibspital, Los Angeles,
Veteran Bontus
Deaditne Set
For March. 19
Waslitenaw County war vet-er-
.ns have until March 19 to file
claims for the Michigan state'
b~on us.
Only exception is extended to
dependents of veterans who died
of service-connected disabilities!
subsequent to receiving their. bon-
The American Red Cross,
WraShtenaw County chapter, has
applications available in the of-
flce at 211 Nickels Arcade, Ann
Arbor and the branch office at
209 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti. j
To make applications, vets
must bring in their original dis-
charge. certificate or certificate of
service. If lost or destroyed, an
original paper in lieu of the mis-
placed' certificate must be pre-
sen ted.
Red Cross Home Service work-
ers. may aid veterans in filing ap-
plications for certificates in lieu.'
However, V.A officials stress
prompt action, since some time is
involved in obtaining such dlocu-
mentIs from the proper autbori-

Oli*.velk Kettle Continues -to Simer1I./1
BYZ.6The kettlo thiat lhas b nmic(I overa
twice at Olivet College is sinuue11r-
ing again,
A group of Olivet faculty uIt~In-
bers and students have <dvcrtiscd b
for "situation wanted," in the
Lansing State Jomirfllarnd for-
mer president Malcolm Boyd
Dana Stied the colleg e for $22,078,
which lhe loaned Wh schxool inl
1946.' M
ps a Unit," the advertisement

It was inserted by 'Tucker P.
Smith, vice-presidential candi-
date on the Socialist ticket, and
one of five ousted in the school's
second firing session. He offered
to prospective takers :
"At least a dozen Olivet Col-
lege instructors; at least 50
cocd& and an undetermined
number of male students; from
175 to 200 ready-made alumni
of Olivet who are ready to
transfer their allegiance and.
:support to a new college."
Two New England colleges and
one in Pennsylvania answered the
MEANWILE, Olivet President
Aubrey L. Ashby took action to
release the college's funds which
were tied up by the Dana suit and
refused to answer demands for his
resignation by a 'rump' alumni
The suit declared that D~ana,
who left the college last *Tune
and who now heads Tralyuco
College in California, holds
promissory notes for money he
lent the school to pay debts and
meet salaries, and that he has

Acadlemic Advisors
'r' semelfst er had jtist, ended
for the s.tudenlt Legislature's Stu-
del-t Exprt.
Dutring oi'iellfal iOO week, 41e
l'xpe'rt", who are JuntIic)rs slid Son -
joys wit h at, least a B avrage ,cin
tlheir flcld (;f'concentration, voull-
seledI inuore than half of. incoming
students, according; to SL Expe1rts
('llairina il, Bill CGripinai, '.10E,.
content and prog ramn information'
to more than 200 literary college
freshmen and transfer students
and advised more than 150 in the
engineefing school, Gripinan re-potd
Te im rogram was designed to
su-p)leat tthe worIk twingcdone
by the I nivorsity's Academic
('ounselors Office, he said.
tider I heleadetr;Fship of Makew
.Jacobson, fcrfltelit erary college
and StIan W iggin inthe en-igineer-
iw~se ci~o, the l petsoperated
Wcliisday througith Friday.
ThE YJIXEIVJ) D the sane
piii~gr as regular' orienta tion
Iadivisor's. inelutding early regist ra-
tion land imels.
'tasks i1at1ert akeni by the ex-
plsnll a.led cexplain ins ,Ja p)UU-
lan'u wvereci Ivsts, d iscuissins
t ill' 11l1' 115 oficoilms sill scalda-
I \ia 11 i ~ 1iiita' 11a i uvisilw, ogle
fer1liuai<I l \vrl heiitly -1;1_iied
tretih a N, w York Regen.'!'ts high
.vhioil examination at an age
uwhich experts estimnated at "about
l'(y'neF 01lf111:' iofrtes CI
i;,lit 4a-1 inc a ic oinvited to al -
ic11(1 a mee ti ilg a I 7 :30 pm. to-
(a iii the Unionl.
J Illr1pose of the 1meet big!. is to
plan a pirotest of thle draf t bill
! 1luise thalt msakes ex--merchant
seamen eligiable for the dr-aft.

NeiStdons Freshmen Groups T ak
tQ~li$leI Over. Common Problems
SL 'Lxiwrt Is <___ __

Vor - aS(t'p0il1(ltunie, smalll
groups of freshmen~t are scherdutled
to meeft weekly throughoultithe
springsemete to discuss com-
men problems uniderc the sponsor -
ship of the psycholo-,y and sociol-
ogy departmenits.
The planning conunittcc. ]head-
edl by Prof. Donald C T. Ma rq uis, of
the psychtoloigydepart lmnent, has
prepared facilities fo)r the "ex-
ploraitlin"or LaX" groups iwhitch
will incluide no more than 12 stu-
c(hology and sociology are very
much interested in any way by
which students, can take fullest
advantage of their college experi-
enice," Prof. Marquis said.
Formedl to alleviate the "lo't"
feeling of new students in, a
large university, the g roups
were successful enough last se-
nmester to support the idea that
gr oup experience helps smooth
the way for' frst year students.
'1h usin cniee r
de(Iterminxed by members of the
individual groups, ;according to
Prof. Theodore Newcomb, of the
psychology and sociology depart-
jIND)IVIDUIAA tests and other
Ikinei ; of self'-;avaluation will be
,i vaila~ble and useful readings sug;-
I sited. but no credit will be
V,,deiits M(ay Bill
Student loan prints will be'
available for selection from 8 a.m.
to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. un-
til noon Thursday in the North
Gallery of Alumni Memorial ;Hall.
Students who apply must show
ID car'ds or cashicA.'s receipts,
I Rental fces are x,50 a semester.


earInd1by participating students,
Prof. Newcomnb explained.
Interested freshimen may con-.
tact Mr. Hloffmani, executive sec-
retary of the planning commit-
tee, 4127 Natural Science Build-
ing, Extension 2237.


F"ACULTY FOR ItIIRE-Mtiss Flola Sheparid, lailguate priofessor
at Olivet College, luooks over the classified ads in the Lansing'
State Journl that offcre4 . group of inlstructors at Olivet College
for hire as a umit. Itjs s helpard is a mnember of thle "liberal"
group at the Collere tMa L has to re lte'Jed to stag~e a. walIkoutt ini
protest over recent fiirti.

We will be pleased to test your
watch in just 30 seconds and
show you a printed record.,
telling its true condition -- all
in 30 seconds.
We make this offer to acquaint
you with our advanced, scien-
tific watch repair service in
which all of our work is checked
electronically on our
Dick "Doc"' Gainey
1319 S. University
Phone 9533


been utnIable to coillect the
amounts dlue on these notes.
No settlement; h a been made of
count action taken so far.
REt;OJ ULSS for the I-esigliat iow i
of President As]hby (ram(,Ifromn

the ki('''it frtings had broughlt
unfav'orable publicity to the in-
There ,;gas notlimn11hec,-a ild (do
tosave Olivot CoPllcg buit y-
:i1 2,"'' she s" id.

[~ext-Lending z
Library Runs
Short of Books
Used books in all cour ses aie
needed urgently by the text book
lending library.
Thelz library, which wvas founded
throujgh student gifts and the fi-
Inancial helpx of alumnii, for close
to 12 years has been lending text
Books to needy students.
NO OUTSIDE source sulalports
the library funds. It must be aided
entirely by student contributions,
of used boobs, according to As-
Jlstan(t Dean C. H. Peake, of ther
literary college.
The library, loca ted in the
Study Hall of Anzgell Hall. has a.i
stock of about 325 text books from
every college at the Un Wivesil y.
Students working their waty
through the. Univcrsit, may lxr
row text books for thie sfeniuistcr
by oibtainin g peri ision froln
their academuic advisors or t he
dean of their college.


Lelia OCxue Cover., Detro'it hig,'!
sehl al 4t a 3 , illi11 aim O)(i hi1i+ '!",'l'E V, 1N rs:;c
lace I Oew t% 1(115(lay, Mis
Sheg disclosed tItathr u-ee() ''nmr e
tustees were '('lttidlinein 'Y1 tt"P l'' at11<i s
tlo81] civotiiiiicoiit ot ciipbe't:
"In ta like ma ii nr, You are nt Just Di'. dAshhy's arriwo
driving the [nest stueternts away," sornethinu Ihat has been de
the letter' said, claiming i hat ' i-,,( or the yea':s.'

.( 4r
d. It, is
al, but.


1 1 1

A large number of Prints were
grabbed off yesterday when the
galleries opened, but mxany fine
lpaintings still remain, according
to Mrs. Eloise Wilkenson, who is
in charge of the collection.


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