THE TFIICTGA'N P1A' TTSflAT, IVES IN IRON LUNG: h.D sFea tives A rtist's Case 11yv DON KOTITJ!F lHav,,e yol] ever\Vonderecdwh I it was like to dcnd on an iroli lung for ever-ything you dog--o"een breathing life-giving irir? Roger UclielnbP(-k, former IVni- versity art plrofessor, is among, thtose Who0 tholugi lioityelitJ5sa remote disease,,, ont which at- t'ck('d onlly ol.}rs. 1Rcec~;nt nLvW- goers 1haIve seer n frL (nS1Y ~hovr, tha',tlwthe i~crampt po li vir-us Ccndeflnnc i ullenibeck toa the iron lung2, ibringting hoi11011ilw dread blow to the 'U' proper. EARLY LAST FALL Jiollenx- beck, with his wife and three small children, moved to Los An- geles, Calif., in order to take a teaching position at Jepso-n Art TInsti ute thc rc. In October, lie became strickenIi with polio and was removed to Los Angeles General Hospital. After 4lollenbeeli's cornpie- lion ,of several display murals for the Polio Fund exhibit in New York City lest spring, Mvdro-(Gdldwyna- Mayer Movie S;tudius catled the University for further informnatio). Later inquiries following the 29-year-old artists illness paved the way for the March of Dimes thea-ter short, in which Hollen- Lck's ca:,e( is featured. WHEI.N FhL8T ar dntoitluto 11w, 1hosita-4u 1.itwasbclieved 1{ollen - beck wvas paralyzed from the neck dlownz. Now, it seems certain hie will eventually regain complete use of his limbs, according to re- E ducation'Group Will IForin Chorus AE< special chorus for students taking education courses will .meet for the first ime at 8:15 pa. Thursday in Rm. 506 Burton Tbower. Prof. Maynard Klein will di- rect weekly meetings of the chor- us. The group is being formed at the request of over 150 students in education courses. Thec chorus i*s opcin to r11 stu- dlents in such courses, whether or not they have had cljral experi- ence. Plans are underway for a concert program by the group late in the semester. .ports rcc(xived by the architecture And1 desib"n department here. Prof. Grover D. Cole, of the architectural school, former col- league of Iiollenbeck, got word lately that hie has been allowed# short pelods outside his iron lungs, that he is "definitely imi- proving." llclleiibeck's artistic career gotl an early impetus when Paramount Pictures, Inc., signed him for miovic set work upon his gradu- ation from University of' Southern SCalifornia in 1939. PROF. COLE emphasized that all letters and telegrams from friends and admirers will b~e ,neatly appreciated by Hollen- beck at the Los Angeles Hospital. Letters should be addressed care f Roger Hollenbeck, Los Angeles General lfibspital, Los Angeles, Calif. Veteran Bontus Deaditne Set For March. 19 Waslitenaw County war vet-er- .ns have until March 19 to file claims for the Michigan state' b~on us. Only exception is extended to dependents of veterans who died of service-connected disabilities! subsequent to receiving their. bon- iuses. The American Red Cross, WraShtenaw County chapter, has applications available in the of- flce at 211 Nickels Arcade, Ann Arbor and the branch office at 209 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti. j To make applications, vets must bring in their original dis- charge. certificate or certificate of service. If lost or destroyed, an original paper in lieu of the mis- placed' certificate must be pre- sen ted. Red Cross Home Service work- ers. may aid veterans in filing ap- plications for certificates in lieu.' However, V.A officials stress prompt action, since some time is involved in obtaining such dlocu- mentIs from the proper autbori- tics. COLLEGE RO)UND)UP: Oli*.velk Kettle Continues -to Simer1I./1 BYZ.6The kettlo thiat lhas b nmic(I overa twice at Olivet College is sinuue11r- ing again, A group of Olivet faculty uIt~In- bers and students have