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April 14, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-14

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College Dis crimination

OPPONENTS of racial and religious dis-
crimination are extending their attack
to include educational institutions.
A witness at a hearing of a Massachu-
setts legislature committee testified that 80
per cent of the 143 educational institutions
in the state have application blanks which
tend to discriminate by asking questions
about race, religion, or national origin.
And a bill in the Michigan State Sen-
ate would work against "unfair prac-
tices" by educational institutions through
a Commission Against Discrimination in
The bill wisely does not empower the
commission to prescribe criminal penalties,
but leaves this function to the courts.
Like the Fair Employment Practices Com-
mission to prescribe criminal penalties, but
leaves this function to the courts.
Like the Fair Employment Practices Com-
mission in New York, this commission
would work mainly through mediation and
educational programs.
It would seek to eliminate such practices
as: admission quotas for a race, religion or
ancestry; requirement of a photograph "or
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

other information concerning race, religion,
etc., from any person applying for admis-
sion; discrimination in housing or other fa-
It seems to us that educational insti-
tutions should not wait for this bill to
become law. Discrimination through offi-
cial channels is easier to eliminate than
private prejudice.
The University's record is fairly good,
but it can be improved. Entering freshmen
are not questioned about race or religion
on their application blanks. Photographs are
requested-but not required.
University officials have said no quota
systems are used in admitting students.
But some of the professional schools still
cling to the benighted practice of re-
quiring information about applicants'
race or religion.
Information of this sort may be useful
after a student is admitted. But to require
it before admission gives the appearance
of discrimination.
It is often charged that legislation on dis-
criminatory practices intensifies prejudice.
This can be avoided if educational institu-
tions will close possible avenues for discrim-
ination before the Senate bill is passed.
By avoiding both the appearance and the
practice of discrimination, the University
could prevent controversy and fulfill its
obligations as a democratic public institu-
-Phil Dawson.

Not Long Ago

Schoolmarm Charm
A KEEN-EYED observer in Seattle has
raised quite a furor over his reflection
that teaching is a matrimonial blind alley.
The so-called crackpot or Communist who
penned warnings to unsuspecting school-
marms in 16 states under the nomme de
plume "One Who Has Observed" may not
be completely off the beam.
Certainly some school teachers must
exist who could be labelled bachelor-girls
-maybe even spinsters.
Educators with a deep insight into human
nature and a good quantity of foresight have
undoubtedly come across the obvious solu-
tion to this situation. But the thought of
the ready turn-over of teachers, the swift
depletion of their ranks and the added
expense the plan entails has prevented then
from bringing instant salvation to old maid
school teachers.
Although somewhat Utopian, the scheme
would really operate quite practically. Local
school boards-or special all-male juries-
would hold faculty evaluation at regular in-
Schoolmarms who passed the pulchri-
tude test with flying colors would remain
in office. But those who were washed
out would not fall by the way-side-the
pitiful victims of one of the most dan-
gerous occupational hazards.
Instead they'd be packed off to charm
school for a remodeling job. The school
board would naturally foot the bills. After
all, teaching stole their beauty. The moms
and pops who profit from their sacrifice
should be willing to finance the restoration.
And who knows? Junior may bring home
his bride-to-be from the English depart-
-JoAnne Misner.
MANY TIMES great battles are won
through a series of small but successful
forays which continually weaken the enemy
and cut down his number until he exists no
Such appears to be the case in the struggle
to wipe out the vicious caste system that
divides white from black in the United
States. Three such forays were reported
this week:
The Amherst chapter of Phi Kappa Psi
was awarded the Henry Smith Oswell Award
for Tolerance by the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People.
The fraternity recently pledged a Negro
and was kicked out of its national group.
In strange contrast, Howard University's
Chi Delta Mu fraternity recently broke a.
33 year tradition and pledged its first
white student. Of the University's 7,000
enrollment, only 10 are white.
And in Detroit, Mrs. Rosa L. Gragg, was
named president of the Detroit Welfare
Commission. She is the first Negro to even
serve on the group. She is president emer-
itus of the Detroit Association of Women's
Clubs, founder of the association's center
in a predominantly-Negro area of the city
and is active in religious work.
For one week: a very nice record.
-Craig H. Wilson.

"I'd Like To Get Something To Take Back"
I -
re g
-ArL 0,"T

IT HAS BECOME a truism that the atti-
tude of the American people toward the
Russian people has changed markedly in the
past three years, but we never realize how
much until a relic from the dim dark past
reminds us.
In this case the relic was of all things
a Fitzgerald travelogue of Russia, which
mistakenly found its way intoa political,
science class. The film, which was shown
around 1942, was full of unbounded praise
and admiration for the wonders that the
Russian people had achieved since the Rev-
olution, and was tinged with just a bit of
wistful maybe-there-are-a-few-things-here-
It wasn't the kind of film that probes
very deeply. Scenes of Russian industry and
modern farming techniques were sandwiched

Letters to the Editor-

in between extensive shots of Russian street
scenes and a tremendous parade. The parade
was apparently in honor of a holiday and
included floats, athletes and battalions of
farmers and industrial workers. They formed
quite an impressive spectacle.
Thousands of banners bearing Stalin's
picture floated in the air above the march-
ers. The film ended with a close-up of
one of the banners and these words by the
sirupy-voiced narrator: "Here we see the
face of a man honored and respected by the
whole world for what he has done for the
Russian people-Josef Stalin."
The student audience greeted this re-
mark, as others in the film, with nothing
but laughter.
-Fredrica Winters.

State Education Board.

THE PROPOSAL to add Ferris Institute to
the list of Michigan state supported in-
stitutions of education points up the need
for a central state government board to for-
mulate policies and supervise the state's en-
tirmeducational system.
Much confusion and competition results
from the separate schools or groups of
schools asking the legislature for money
each year. Unnecessary duplication of
equipment and instructional and regeareh
facilities result. With the coming of MSG
into the family of largest schools more of
this competition and duplication can be
Ferris Institute has a pharmacy depart-
ment of good repute and there should be
close cooperation between it and the Uni-
versity's department of pharmacy. Operat-
ing as totally independent schools this co-
operation is not assured.
Students transferring from the various
- smaller schools about the state have often
complained about loss of credit hours when
entering the University. By setting up a cen-
tral state board of education basic educa-
tional requirements could be established and
standardized throughout the state for pri-
vate as well as public institutions.
Present arbitrary standards established
by the University and other educational
associations are too numerous and repre-
sent the'attitude of these associations in-
stead of emphasizing only general public
educational welfare.

With the establishment of standard
which assure students no loss of credit whe
coming to the University from smalle
schools a greater number, of them woul
feel free to take their first two years else
where, coming to the University for thei
last two years of specialization.
In this way there could be better utiliza
tion of the University's expensive equipmen
and outstanding professors, not availabl
to the smaller schools. As the first two year
are only basic background and theory, thes
could be adequately taught in the smalle
Each year the State Board of Higher
Education could submit a complete budget
for all the state owned schools to the
legislature according to the needs ex-
pressed by the separate institutions.
Much opposition, perhaps with justifica
tion, meets any attempt to centralize o
standardize education because of fear o
political control. It must be recognized tha
such control already exists to some degreE
Rather than bring greater due to centrali
zation, it would probably receive wider pub
Certainly the above outlined advantage
gained by bringing Ferris, the namerou
Normal Colleges, the College of Minin
MSC, and the University under one Board c
Education would outweigh the risk c
greater political control.
-Denton Fitzgerald.


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 255
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LIX, No. 133
Applicants for Combined Cur-
ricula: Application for admission
to a combined curriculum must
be made before April 20 of the
final preprofessional year. Appli-
cation forms may be obtained
new at 1220 Angell Hall and
should be filed with the Secretary
of the Committees at that office.
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: Students who plan
to attend summer school away
from the University of Michigan
nust call at the Office of Ad-
vanced Standing, 1209 Angell Hall
to have their courses approved.
The University Personnel Office
has received calls for students in-
terested in part-time employment.
Men who have had soda fountain
experience and who have the
hours 11 a.m. through 2 p.m. and
6 to 11 p.m. free are neded. There
are also several calls for students
who are interested in household
and garden work.
Display of Signs on Diagonal:
Signs to be displayed should not
exceed the following dimensions:
34"x46". This limitation is im-
posed in order to have the signs
fit the new display boards. Signs
and the time of their display
should be cleared with the Office
of Student Affairs.
Froggy Bottom Records: Orders
for the musical numbers will be
taken Thursday afternoon, April
14, 3-5-30 p.m., at the ticket
booth, Union lobby. The cast and
general student body may order at
that time.
NSA Travel Bureau will be open
Thursday, 4-5 p.m., Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
Bureau of Apointments:
The Western Cartridge Com-
pany has openings for mechanical,
industrial, and general mining en-
gineers for an intensive training
program for positions open to
June graduates in their organiza-
The Foster Wheeler Corp. has
openings in their training pro-
gram for graduate mechanical
and chemical engineers.
The Citizens Utility Co. of
Greenwich, Conn., have openings
in their training course which
would lead to assistant manager-
ships in one of their utility prop-
erties. Candidates should have an
engineering degree, with a basic
understanding of the fundamental
business subjects.
For information concerning the
above, contact J. C. Brennan, 3528
Administration Bldg.
Summer Jobs:
Representative of Camp Arbu-
tus near Traverse City will be at
the Bureau of Appointments Fri.,
April 15, to interview girls for po-
sitions as head counselor, riflery
instructor, nature counselor. Pre-
fer over age 20. For appointment

call at 3528 Administration Bldg..1
or call ext. 2614.
Bureau of Appointments:
Monday and Tuesday, April 18-
19 - The Lumbermen's Mutual
Casualty Company will have a rep-'
resentative here to interview men
for their college graduate training
The Minneapolis Honeywell
Regulator Co. will have a repre-
sentative here to interview engi-
neers for production and sales.
Tuesday and Wednesday, April
19-20-The New York Life Insur-
ance Co. will have a representa-
tive here to interview men for
sales training.
Tuesday, April 19-The J. L.
Hudson Co. will have a represen-
tative here to interview students
in merchandising, accounting, and
advertising. They are particularly
interested in women for merchan-
The Revere Copper and Brass
Co. will have a representative here
to interview mechanical engineers.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs-
day, April 19, 20, 21-A represen-
tative from the Office of Naval
Procurement will be here to inter-
view applicants for Regular Navy
or Naval Reserve commissions.
Commissions are available in the
aviation, engineering, supply,
medical and dental branches. Par-
ticular emphasis is placed on the
opportunities for pay and ad-
vancement in the flight training
program, which is open to persons
with any college major. Other pro-
grams require degrees in Business
Administration, accounting, engi-
neering or arts.
A Wave officer will be present
on Tuesday to discuss commissions
for women. Women completing
their senior year are preferred.
Further information and o-
pointments may be obtained I y
calling Ext. 371, or by stopping in
the office, 3528 Administration
Prof. William A. Robson, Lon-
don School of Economics and Po-
litical Science, will speak on "Re-
cent Developments in English Ad-
ministrative Law." Thurs., April
14, "Supremacy of the Law and
Ministers' Powers." Fri., April 15,
"Post War Socialism and Ad-
ministrative Discretion." 4:15 p.m.
120 Hutchins Hall; auspices of the
Law School. The public is invited.
University Lecture: "Master-
pieces of Egyptian Painting."
(Continued on Page 7)
"COLD WAR" with Russia, in
the year that will start July
1, is scheduled to cost U.S. tax-
payers approximately $11,000,000,-
000. Actual cost before the year
is over is more likely to be higher
than this figure, rather than low-
The cold war will be three years
old by mid-1950. In those three
years, on the basis of plans ap-
proved and those projected, cost
to this country will total about
$24,000,000,000. That's a total of
about $1 for each $14 spent in
World War II during the four
years the U.S. was active in the
Trend of cold war costs ni this
period is sharply upward, rather
than downward.
-U.S. News.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication In this column. subject1
to space limitations, the general pol-1
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters whicht
for any other reason are not In goodj
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
'Bloc Voting'
To the Editor:
FEEL THAT The Daily's pres-
entation of the "return of bloc
voting" was decidedly unfair and
quite possibly prejudiced. Just to
refresh The Daily's as well as
other students' minds, allow me to
present a brief recapitulation of
some recent events.
About two weeks before Spring
Vacation, the West and East Quad
Councils decided that they would
not sponsor slates of candidates
for the SL election. Everyone, in-
cluding fraternity men, indepen-
dents, and The Daily agreed that
was a step inthe right direction.
That was a definite action.
At about that same time, the
matter was brought up before IFC,
but as far as was made known,
the only action taken was a rec-
ommendation that fraternities
hold open houses for all the can-
So far, no definite action has
been taken by IFC to stop bloc
voting, but as soon as the AIM
and the West Quad Council de-
cide to publish newsletters about
the independent candidates, in-
cidentally, a good way to find
out what the candidates stand
for and what their qualifications
are), The Daily explodes with,
"bloc voting returns" because of
AIM and West Quad.
Sirs: I ask you, man to man,
"How can you claim that it is
returning if the IFC has never
made a move to get rid of it?
In the future, let's try to be
fair about this.
-Don Fiekowsky.
* * *
No Shortage?
To the Editor:
McCreary's letter of April 1.
His whole argument is based on
the contention that there is no
real housing shortage. The argu-
ment depends on assertions that
are not supported by the smallest
shred of evidence. Against these
assertions, I submit the following
In Law and Contemporary
Problems, Duke University, Vol.
XII, No. 1, Winter, 1947, p. 3-15,
,here is an article on our housing
shortage. I quote from that ar-
. . . we are experiencing a
grave housing shortage." (p. 15).
". ..it is a reasonable statement
to describe the social need for
housing as ranging from 8 to 12
million units (in 1945)." (p. 13).
". . 1.2 million units (are)
scheduled for initiation in 1946
and 1.5 millions in 1947. At this
rate, it will require from five to
ten years to eradicate the hous-
ing shortage of 1945 . . ." (p. 13).
" . ..in 1945 of the 38.4 million
units available for habitation, 7.5
or 20 per cent were substandard."
(p. 10-11).
" . . the need for housing by
1960 can be stated as ranging from
18 to 22 million units." (p. 14).
In the World Almanac for 1949,
p. 214, we learn that the number
of non-farm dwelling units built
during the three-year period of
1945-47 was 1,728,800. Of these,
only 12,708 were built from public
funds. The gap between perform-
ance and need is wide. To sum-
marize, the shortage amounted in

1945 to 8 to 12 million units need-
ed plus 7.5 million substandard
units. This was a total shortage
of 15.5 to 19.5 millions as of 1945.
By Dec. 31, 1947 (the latest date
when reliable figures seem to be
available) this had been reduced
by 1.7 millions, leaving a shortage
of 13.8 to 17.8 millions as of Jan.
1, 1948. Is anyone foolish enough
to imagine that this huge short-
age, amounting to approximately
one-third of the total available
housing in 1947, has been wiped
out in the last fifteen months?
SCIENTISTS are looking toward
the ocean to get additional
fresh water to meet increasing
demands made by homes, industry
and agriculture. Congress is now
considering an appropriation to
investigate possible commercial
methods of getting drinkable water
from the ocean brine.
The supply of fresh water from
the usual sources is not inexhaust-
ible, as many suppose.
-Science News Letter.

The pitiful beginnings that have
been made show the inability of
private enterprise to supply our
housing needs, even when new
units are not under rent control,
as has been the case since 1946.
The above evidence shows that
there is a serious housing short-
age in spite of Mr. MCreary's im-
passioned and inept insistence
that there is not. I have dignified
his letter with an answer because
it affords an excellent opportunity
to expose to public view the men-
tal processes of the reactionary,
who, being short on evidence and
logic, tries to bluff his way
through on assertion and vituper-
at ion.
-Darnell Roaten.
e , *
To the Editor:
HAD OFTEN BEEN told that a
frontal attack was rarely su-
cessful. Perhaps that explains the
attempt of Mr. Richard Shults to
circumvent the fact on the Minds-
zenty case that I presented in
part in a recent letter. Deliberate-
ly ignoring the salient points in
the case, Mr. Shults has fastened
upon a picayune "contradiction."
The importance of the documen-
tary evidence from the N.Y. Times
and Encyclopedia Britannica was
brushed aside with magnificent
insolence. Instead, Mr. Shults is
interested in proving George
Seldes a "distortionist."
First, a quote from the N.Y.
Times is presented to the effect
that Cardinal Seredi "protected"
(this probably was meant to be
protested) fascist programs at one
particular period. Then, from
Seldes' interview the Hungarian
Undersecretary Boldizar is quoted
as saying ". . . Cardinal Seredi
is a fascist and an anti-semite."
On thebasis of this evidence, Mr.
Shults astonishingly concludes
that George Seldes is a distortion-
ist and liar! But Seldes is the re-
porter of the conversation not the
originator! However, Mr. Shults
draws no distinction. Thus, a Daily
reporter interviewing Prof. Slos-
son is automatically for the view
points held by the professor .
that is, if we hold to Mr. Shults'
As for the Cardinal, Seredi's
history is evident to anyone read-
ing the "Ten Eventful Years" in
the Encyclopedia Britannica. Be-
side this reference, there are the
statements by the Hungarian sec-
tion of the World Jewish Congress
and the Yearbook published by
them which plainly indict the
Cardinal as an anti-Semite. Mr.
Shults can find the complete facts
in the general University library
. if he really cares to look.
I'm still not sure that Mr,
Shults was serious; after all, his
letter did appear on April Fools
-Ily Bershad.
A *i *u ai~

9 And It's Spring!

)r ALMOST ANY Washington official, if
f pinched gently, will say in a firm, clear
t voice these days that we are well on the
e road to peace. He will base this feeling of
i. confidence on the Marshall Plan, the Greek-
Turkish program, the Atlantic Pact, etc.
What one would like to hear these Washing-
ton voices say, of course, is that they feel
s confident of peace because the United Na-
tions is alive and functioning. But this is
g, not said very often.
:)f I wonder if it is possible. I wonder if we
f really see good things ahead, or if we are
not, rather, conditioning ourselves to look
on the good side of things, which is a very
- different matter.
And I think it is significant that the best
we can hope for, in a period of U.N. stale-
mate, is an economical large army, rather
than an inexpensive small one. That is the
kind of second best you find yourself set-
tling for, in a period of U.N. feebleness;
that is the comparatively narrow meaning
er that progress comes to have.
And if I were to choose one phrase to
S describe this whole period, I would say
o- that it is the period in which we try to
ie make do with second best, the period in
which we resolutely look upon the best side
of second best. There is Germany, for ex-
ample. We know that a revived Germany
is a danger of some sort to the world; you
I need only look in the form book to see
that. But we feel we need her, so we decide
that we shall build her up while holding
her down.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dici Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed,
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hatt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusi ve
entitled to the use for republioa&tion
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,

Who Had It First?
A FILM, describing difficult
in Soviet Russia caused
among some members of the

ethnic groups
quite a stir
poli sci class

in which it was shown.
Seems that part of the Russian back-
ground music was the tune for their tra-
ditional sorority alma mater.
How 'Heights' the Moon?
A DEAR DEPARTED-from-the-University
friend of ours is now earnir.g her bread
at a nursery school and keeps us informed
of the latest junior malapropisms.
Seems one of the darlings, aged five,
bounced up to her one day last week and
said, "Teacher, know what's happening April
12th? We're going to have a Heathcliffe!"
She inquired if he meant that he was

the other day, and rode to school on h
As she walked into class a buzz of whis
pers greeted her. "Teacher rode to scho
on a bike." Finally one tyke got up the
nerve to voice the question that seemed t
be troubling them all.
"Teacher, are you a girl?"
"Why, yes, Johnny. What did you think
"Oh, we thought you were a lady."
* * *
Practical Education
USE HAS FINALLY been found for th
foreign language requirement, asid
from filling out the degree programs-evad
ing the liquor ban.
Comes to our attention that a certai
cagey campus cop was watching an eve
cagier young man coming out of a fra
ternity house with a girl on one arm an


A strong Germany could be a good thing
in an organized world; in an unorganized
world a strong Germany must come to
have enormous trading power for her own
ends. But we find ourselves settling for a
strong, partly-controlled Germany.
Some of the things we have had to do,
such as set up the Marshall Plan, were ab-
solutely necessary, and we would have been
awfi fools not to do them. That is not the


What's so funny? Here you
are perpetuating the myth

f - ., mmmi , , - 1 -1.1


Now, play it fair, and don't eat Mr.
O'Ma/ley's sandwich! After all, you are
n_ _ F I nna & ,,,rn

L_- _ L . . . ..'_.

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