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April 12, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-12

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Which Way?

A SERIES of parallel events have occurred
in the past- few weeks which post the
very pertinent question of whether or not
the world isn't eagerly anticipating the ad-
vent of the Third World War.
Congressional leaders have okayed a
military defense appropriation for the
United States even larger than the sur-
prising 15 billion asked by the executive
branch. There doesn't even seem to be a
whimper of protest against the sum.
At the same time a group of Senators,
headed by Taft of Ohio, have raised a cry
for a 10 per cent cut in the European Re-
covery Program appropriations. They give no
reasons for their cut, but they just want
a general cut for the sake of economy.
Now, the ERP has been constantly boomed
as our effort to get peace and prosperity for
Europe, while the Defense program is strict-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
'Id represent the views of the writers only.

ly a protective measure for war. Conse-
quently, the United States is in the position,
or at least its Senators are, of wanting to
boost appropriations for war and cut our
efforts to maintain peace through economic
Nor is this the only indication of the
odd war-like state of our national mind.
Our National Commission for UNESCO,
an organization designed to promote peace
through international harmony and edu-
cation has a mere seven million dollars for
its program and consequently has to se-
verely restrict its activities.
It may well be. time, now that we have
our protective North Atlantic Treaty, to de-
cide which way we are going and whether
or not we want to continue on that path.
Seemingly, few of us have any earnest de-
sire for another war. Yet we are blocking
our own efforts to obtain a lasting peace.
UNESCO's motto says that "Wars are
made in the minds of men and in the minds
of men the defenses of peace must be con-
structed." Which way are our minds being
worked upon at present?
-Don McNeil.

City Editor's ->

financial battle.

waging an all-out

At the Michigan,... At the State.. .
YELLOW SKY, with Gregory Peck, Anne CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY, the first
Baxter, and Richard Widmark. 1949 picture to appear in Ann Arbor.
AS THE PICTURE opens, we find a ma- THIS IS A HEART-warming picture about
jority of the cast staggering across a the way Americans think Americans are
great salt desert. We are convinced that they when they're really American.
are very thirsty and very tired. It is not a belly-laugh picture, it is a smile
Somehow, in subsequent reels, they picture. It is not a deep-down emotional
never quite recover their energy-and this baby-this-is-love picture, it is a pleasant
economy-size western hits the dust with honey-we'll-always-be-in-love picture, and
a resounding thud. as such it is well worth the price of admis-
sion, although there's no point in feeling too
'There's something pretty ineffectual about badly if you miss it.
the whole affair. Peck can't' seem to decide
whether he will be good or bad, Widmark The male population of Ann Arbor can
isn't half as nasty as he might be, and Miss be roughly divided into two categories:
Baxter is rather feeble as a female lead. She Those who secretly feel that at heart they
is the granddaughter of a grizzled old pros- are every bit as carefree and as lovable as
pector, you see, and has never heard about Dan Dailey, and those who think Dan
men. Dailey is a darn fool. Similar remarks may
Thus, while she is very rough and tough, be made concerning the female contingent,
she views the opposite sex as a worthy ob- such as it is, with regard to Celeste Holm,
ject of nothing but target practice. This, of who in this picture has settled down to a
course, leaves Peck with practically nothing somewhat perilous matrimony with Mr.
to do but dodge bullets. 'Dailey in Tucson, Arizona, a likely spot.
Meanwhile, Widmark gets wind of a I hesitate to make critical remarks about
cache of gold dust, which he immediately "Chicken Every Sunday" for fear that per-
appropriates for himself. This piques the sons unknown will suppose I'm panning it.
rest of the cast, and a short flurry of half- However, I am aware that much of my fond-
hearted excitement ensues. ness for this intimate glimpse into the movie
In general, however, none of the plot version of American family life exists only
angles are exploited to any extent, and because I am often rather sentimental.
the iajor part, of the footage is taken up I should say this is a rewardingly-
with shots, of the irritable men, who are pleasant way of spending two hours of
periodically fired upon by the unromantic spring if your girl friend happens to be
Miss Baxter. busy somewhere else.
--Bob White. I-Perry Logan.
New Isolationism

Beset by spiraling costs the school has
asked the state legislature for the ;reatest
operating appropriation in its history. or
the past month University vice-presidents
have been shuttling back and forth between
Ann Arbor and Lansing trying to persuade
the lawmakers to OK that vast appropria-
When a committee of the legislature vis-
ited Ann Arbor several weeks ago they were
shown some of the reasons behind the Uni-
versity's fund request. But the lawmakers
weren't too optimistic about granting the
full amount to the school.
The state is having financial difficulties
of its own this year and the legislators
are economy minded. They are slashing all
fund requests to the bone.
As things stand now the University will
be lucky to get even the $11,800,000 that
the governor has recommended. This is
$700,000 less than the University asked for
in the first place. And it doesn't even take
into account the five million dollars that
has been requested for new buildings.
When University officials saw the way
the wind was blowing they got a little
panicky. They decided to borrow a few
tricks from the press agent and proceeded
to carry their fund fight to the people of
the state.
Calling together newspaper editors from
throughout the state during the vacation,
University officials painted a pretty ark
picture of the school's future unless addi-
tional funds were forthcoming. The editors
responded with news stories and editorials
urging that the state legislators recognize
the needs of the University.
The situation described by the University
and its high-powered lobby of vice presi-
dents appears to be serious.
According to a ream of statistics sub-
mitted by the University it appears to be
slipping from its position as one of the
top educational institutions in the country
because of a lack of funds. Other colleges
are raiding our faculty. There are too many
students for the present. faculty to ade-
quately handle. To properly educate the
present student body more than 400 new
faculty members are needed.
President Ruthven called it a grave and
desperate situation. He fears that the
University will lose a scholastic position
that has taken 50 years to attain.
Possibly in their sincere efforts to main-
tain the position and the prestige of the
University, the administration has some-
what over-emphasized its plight. Though
the administrators of this school are in the
best position to know, some of the state-
ments they have made seem a little exag-
Just like any other multi-million dollar
corporation the University has be enhard
hit by post war inflation and rising costs.
But every other state supported institution
is in the same fix. And the normal func-
tions of the state are costing more than
ever before.
The whole thing has been further com-
plicated by a sales tax diversion measur
which deprives the state government of
funds it had access to in the past.
We sympathize with the embattled legis-
lators in Lansing who have to cope with
scores of state agencies all asking for more
money. And we more than sympathize with
the position of our University which faces
a reduction in its high standards unless
it can get additional financial support.
We are sure that the state legislature will
carefully weigh all these factors before mak-
ing any ill-advised fund slash which might
seriously damage the position of this school.
Glue B tldg,

POLITICALLY, we seem tobe on the way
back to the mood of last summer, to
the atmosphere of the strawberry months of
last year, when the whole liberal movement
seemed caught in a bath of warm glue.
No neon lights surround Mr. Truman any-
more when he appears in public nowadays,
and Washington observers note a "changed"
political climate. It is pointed out that if the
Taft-Hartley question were to come before
Congress again right now, the act would
probably be strengthened rather than re-
pealed. The brief period of fluidity which
came to Washington with Mr. Truman's un-
expected election has ended. Our political
life is freezing again into something like
the contours of last year and the year be-
We just didn't know. It looked for a while
as if the postwar wxorld were going to be
an extremely peculiar world, one in which
the people would blithely vote for a party
which stood for higher prices, higher rents
and less social security. It turned out that
the people do not intend to behave in any
such motivationless way at all. The Re-

Joyful Anticipation...
Eager students return, filled with enthusiasm .. -

WASHINGTON-This somewhat befuddled
capital has just been treated to an un-
usually puzzling spectacle. First the Admin-
istration's Senate leaders strained every
nerve to pass an intact European Recovery
Program. Then the Atlantic Pact was proud-
ly signed. And then the President's chief'
economic advisor, Dr. Edwin Nourse, sug-
gested that the Atlantic Pact obligation to
rearm Western Europe should be paid for
by cutting our own defense and the Euro-
peanRecovery Programs. He added blandly
that his speech had been approved by the
When the Administration gives inval-
uable aid and comfort to the Congres-
sional isolationists, an explanation is in
order. Superficially, of course, the explan-
ation is very simple. The President has
allowed what was done to him twice by
Henry Wallace, to be done a third time.
Not long ago, Dr. Nourse returned from a
tour of the country much impressed by the
business groups' natural dislike for taxation.
He apparently concluded that it was better
to torpedo our foreign policy, than to raise
taxes to pay for lend-lease to Europe. He
outlined these views to the President.
Nourse's speech evoked an immediate re-
sponse from Capitol Hill, as any infant of
three could have foreseeen it would. Nothing
could have been more pleasing to the Sen-
ators and Representatives who are deter-
mined to cripple American foreign policy,
if need be, in order to avoid a tax rise.
Their own arguments had been echoed
by the President's official economic augur.
They, rushed up onto the roof, cheering
loudly. The President then lamely dis-
avowed Nourse, which did nothing to
counteract the disastrous damage already
done in the delicate Congressional situa-
The truth is that there is a new isolation-
ism abroad in the Administration. Prior to
the election, Secretaries Marshall and For-
restal and Under Secretary Lovett ruled
iiwampt in th fnoreiL-n and defense fields.

Letters to the

E -ditor-

V - s 1 II / IIII 1 III Ir1141

Dr. Nourse and the then Budget
James Webb (who is likely to form
ideas at the State Department).


(Continued from Page 2)
sentative here to interview stu-
dents for sales of nationally known
Wed., April 13 and Thurs., April
14-The General Electric Com-
pany will have a representative
here to interview men interested
in entering the accounting and fi-
nancial management field. There
will be a compulsory meeting
Tues., April 12, 7:30 p.m., 130
Business Administration Bldg. for
all those to be interviewed.
Thurs., April 14, and Fri., April
15-The Hazeltine Electonics Co.
will have a representative here to
interview electrical engineers and
some physics students for their re-
Fri., April 15-The Wilson Co.
will have a representative here to
interview industrial - mechanical
engineers, including a position in
purchasing for an engineer.
The Carnation Company are in-
terested in students for their train-
ing program. Students interested
in the management of small plants
in relatively small communities
should contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
The Fair, Department Store in
Chicago, will have a representative
here on Thurs., April 14, to inter-
view men and women for their
training program.
Further information and ap-
pointments for all of the above
may be obtained by calling Ext.
371, or by stopping in the office,
3528 Administration Bldg.
University Lecture: "Nationali-
zation in Britain." William A.
Robson, Professor of Public Ad-
ministration, London School of
Economics and Poltiical Science,
England; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Political Science and the
Institute of Public Administration.
8 p.m., Tues., April 12, Rackham
Economics Lecture: "The Na-
ture and Measurement of Eco-
nomic Progress." Professor Simon
S. Kuznets, University of Penn-
sylvania and the National Bureau
of Economic Research; auspices of
the Department of Economics.
4:15 p.m., Tues., April 12, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Lecture: First of two lectures on
Family Living. "The Care and
Feeding of Young Infants." Dr.
Ernest H. Watson, Associate Pro-
fessor of Pediatrics and Commu-
nicable Diseases, Medical School,
and Associate Professor of Child
Health, School of Public Health. 8
p.m., Wed., April 13, Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Mr. C. D. Dosker, President of
Gamble Brothers, of Louisville,
Kentucky, will speak on "Hard-
wood Lumber Utilization." April
12, 10 a.m., West Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg.
Opportunity will be given after
the lecture to ask questions and
for conferences. All furniture stu-
dents are expected to attend, and
others, particularly those follow-
ing the Wood Technology Curricu-
lum, are welcome.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: Thurs.,

April 14, 8:30 a.m., 1520 E. Medical
Bldg. Speaker: Robert Chamber-
lain. Subject: The Rh Factor
Spanish 82, 164, 210 and 296:
Professor Anderson Imbert's
classes will meet as usual this
Chemistry Colloquium: We d.,
April 13, 4 p.m., 1400 Chemistry
Bldg. Mr. Charles Horton will
speak on "Separation and Deter-
mination of Fluoride."
Aerodynamics Seminar, Aero.
Eng. 160: Wed., April 13 4-6 p.m.,
1508 E. Engiineering Bldg.
Topic: "Basis equations of dia-
batic compressible flows with ro-
ttion." All graduate students in-
Wildlife Management Seminar:
Kenneth Hungerford of the School
of Forestry and Conservation will
present an illustrated talk on the
Yellowstone Big Game Range. 7:30
p.m., Botany Seminar Room, 1139
Natural Science Bldg., Wed., April
13. All wildlife students are ex-
pected to attend.
School ,of Education Testing
Program: All students who antici-
pate obtaining a teacher's certifi-
cate or are considering teaching
as a possible profession are re-
quired to take a group of tests to
be given Thurs.., April 14, in 130
and 140 Business Administration
Bldg. These tests are not dupli-
cates of those used in other uni-
versitiy testing programs. Stu-
dents who have taken the School
of Education tests in previous se-
mesters need not repeat them.
Sports Instruction for Women:
Women students may register for
physical education classes on
Tuesday and Wednesday morn-
ings, April 12 and 13 in Office 15,
Barbour Gymnasium. Vacancies
are offered for election in Elem.
Golf, Archery, Fencing, Outing,
Riding, Elem. Swimming, Elem.
and Intermediate Modern Dance,
and Posture, Figure and Carriage.
University String Quartet, Gil-
bert Ross and Emil Raab, violin-
ists, Paul Doktor, violist, and Oliv-
er Edel, cellist, will be heard at
8 p.m., Wed., April 13, Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. The program,
open to the general public, will
include Mozart's Quartet in D ma-
jor, K. 575, Anton Von Webern's
Five Movements for String Quar-
tet, Op. 5, and Quartet in G minor,
Op. 10 by Debussy.
Student Recital: Betty Estes,
pianist, will present a program at
4:15 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music. Compositions:
Bach, Debussy, Schubert, Chopin
and Mendelssohn. Miss Estes is a
pupil of Mischa Meller. The public
is invited.
Student Recital: Esther Hagen.
pianist, will be heard in a recital
at 8 p.m., April 12, Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Given in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree, her
program will include works by
Bach, Beethoven, Ravel, Nin, and

The Dally accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication In this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general po-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
'ious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not he published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
It's A Crime
To the Editor:
"N TUESDAY, March 22, the
Illinois State Senate passed a
bill making it a penal offense to
be a Communist. About a week
ago, the Maryland Legislature took
similar action.
As the same time, however, ex-
Supreme Court Justice Floyd E.
Thompson testified at a hearing
on the Illinois Fair Employment
Practices Commission bill that it
is questionable whether higher
moral standards can be
"hammered" into our citizen's
heads "with a policeman's club."
He further charged that the FEPC
bill "smells of the dreaded peo-
ple's court of Russia and her
How long can we remain hypo-
Certain groups, of which ex-
Justice Thompson is the repre-
sentative, apparently feel that it
is possible to hammer theirtbrand
of Americanism into the public's
heads by means of legal coercion,
but impossible to effect social re-
form by the same method. I doubt
that these gentlemen lack the in-
telligence to see the logical in-
consistencies involved.
The legislators responsible for
the respective anti-Communist
bills, however, undoubtedly are
honestly concerned with the fate
of democracy. Nevertheless, they
are guilty of some grevious errors.
(1) By adopting anti-Commu-
nist legislation, they are making
the tacit assumption that democ-
racy can not win the support of
the people in a free exchange of
ideas. Moreover, by failing to im-
plement the civil rights of racial
and religious minorities, they are
helping make their basically faulty
premise a reality.
(2) The Bill of Rights was de-
signed to protect the rights of
precisely these groups which are
feared and hated by the majority;
the other groups obviously do not
need such protections.
(3) By denying Communists the
right of free assembly, and the
right to promote their ideas with-
out constraint, these legislators
are, in effect, denying the basic
tenets of our democracy. They are
helping to bring about a dicta-
torship of the majority which is
every bit as repugnant to our
ideals as is a "dictatorship of the
-June Sachar.
Comparison Proes
To the Editor:
Recently the State Department
issued a statement which sai'd
Chopin. Miss Hagen is a pupil of
Ava Comin Case. The public is
Museum of Art: Max Beckmann,
Some Recent Accessions; Alumni
Memorial Hall, through May 1.
Daily, 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The pub-
lic is invited.
Events Today
Committee on Student Affairs:
3 p.m., Room 1011 Angell Hall.
IFC House Presidents Meeting:

7:30 p.m., Rn. 3C, Michigian Un-
ion. Agenda - Deferred Rushing,,
Elections, Petitions for Senior Po-
sitions next year, The charging of
one dollar a year per fraternity
man on campus for next year, The
Minnesota Convention, Discrimi-
nation report.
Council of Association of Inde-
pehdent Men: 7 p.m., Union.
The Mathematics Club: 8 p.m.,
West Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Prof. George Piranian will
speak on "Hadamard decomposi-
tion of analytic functions repre-
sented by series."
IFC Glee Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Rm. 3A, Union.
ASCE: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm.
3-G, Union. Mr. E. E. Howard, a
Consulting Engineer from Kansas
City, Mo., will show slides and give
a talk on Bridge Engineering. Final
(Continued on Page 6)

Russians are shut off from outside
contacts whereby they could draw
comparison with the way things
are at home.
At the very same time that this
statement was issued, the State
Department announced. that 17
foreign delegates to the Cultural
and Scientific Conference for
World Peace in New York were
to be denied entry visas by our
country. Among those denied visas
were a Catholic Priest, Abbe Bou-
lier of France, and the British
novelist Louis Golding. Mr. Gold-
ing stated, "I am not a commu~-
nist, I am only a creative novel-
ist . . . in many ways I am op-
posed to Communism . . . but
peace is of paramount importance
to me, and I am willing to do a lot
of work for it."
The officials of the State De-
partment seem to think that only
the Communists want peace, and
that anyone who expresses a de-
sire for peace is per se a Com-
munists. I think there are mil-
lions of Americans who have been
dismayed by repeated refusals of
our government to sit down around
a conference table with represen-
tatives of the Soviet Government
to discuss the issues where dis-
agreement exists. I think millions
of Americans feel that the North
Atlantic Pact means we are enter-
ing into an armaments race with
the Soviet Union which can only
culminate in an Atomic War. I
think millions of Americans reject
the fact that there is not a fascist
or reactionary regime throughout
the world which is not receiving
our active or moral support.
I think the American people
want peace and will not rest until
such a peace is secured.
-Edwin Freeman
* * *
Thank You
To the Editor:
The University of Michigan
Democratic Socialist Club wishes
to thank all of those organizations
and individuals who had cooper-
ated with us in welcoming Mr.
Norman Thomas to the University
of Michigan campus.
We wish especially to thank Dr.
Wood of the Sociology Dept., Mr.
Baldwin and the Student Relig-
ious Assn., Dr. Preuss of the Po-
litical Science Dept., the members
of the Barnaby Club, Mr. Douglas
Miller, Station WUOM and The
Michigan Daily.
We were very happy to witness
the enthusiastic response of the
students and members of the fac-
ulty to Mr. Thomas and we only
wished that more students could
have seen and heard hiin.
-Pat Stitesr
Socalst Club
I~tiljian ttt


There are probably two sources of this
new isolationism. First, the independent
position and strong characters of the old
managers of foreign and defense policy
were na doubt resented by the men
around the President, if not by the Pres-
ident himself. The old foreign and de-
fensei policy moakgrs were accused of
"crisis mongering," and of being under
the influence of "the brass." What they
did was resented, as were the men them-
Second, most of the men around the
President are fundamentally intensely con-
servatives, deeply anxious not to rock the
boat and quite ignorant of the world situa-
tion. Thus they were and are devoted to
business-as-usual, bitterly opposed to higher
taxes, and in general in favor of sacrificing
the future to the present. With the Nourse
speech, this cat has at least peeped out of
the bag. It can be a very dangerous animal.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Fifty-Ninth Yea?
Edited and ,nanaged by students of
the Universityof Michigan under the
authority of the Board' in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy..............City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown........... Sports Editor
Bud Weidentha .. Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes .................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Haits.......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
Tele phone 2 3-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusiVAY
entitled to the use for repubiio tion
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all otheW
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class malt
Subscription during the regular
;ehool year by carrier, $5.00, by mall,



Looking Back

The number of candidates for an A.B.
degree (Greek) had diminished from 42 per
cent of the graduate students in 1891 to
272 per cent of the students in 1899. At
the same time 23 per cent of the students
were working for B.L. or English degrees,
showing a decided increase over the 142
per cent figure of 1891.
The date of the formal opening of the
League by the Alumnae Council was set for
May 4, at which time recepetions for the
general public were to be held.
Forty junior women, one half of the en-
tire Junior Girls' Play cast presented "For-
ward March" in Orchestra Hall in Detroit.



FYou know I'm your pal, Barnaby.
If something's the trouble, you


alley's been gone


Mr. O'M

... the best thing would be

j :

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