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April 01, 1949 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-01

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v"u[11 f .[7; &WKJU 1 L

New DP's Will Enter 'U'

* *

Plans for bringing a new group
of displaced students to the Uni-
versity were made last night by
the Committee for Displaced Stu-
dents in a meeting with its pres-
ent guests.
Campus groups interested in
sponsoring a displaced student for
the fall semester are asked to call
Roberta Reiter at 2-3119.
* * *
PROF. WILLIAM Haber, of the
economics department who recent-
ly returned from working with
Displaced Persons in Germany,
will join Prof. Manfred C. Vernon,
of the political science depart-
ment, as co-advisors of the Com-
The first group of seven stu-
dents to be brought here by the
Committee are already well-ad-
justed to campus life, according
to Bill Miller, president. Several
have jobs in addition to carry-
ing a full course load.
Jurate Gustaitis, who came from
Lithuania, is working as a Nurse's
Aide at University Hospital while
pursuing a pre-medical program.
Sponsored by Assembly Associa-
tion, she is living at Helen New-
berry Residence.
ALSO a pre-medical student is
Felix Mielzynski from Poland. He
is being sponsored by Lambda Chi.
Another Polish student, Rob-
ert Zajonc, is a pre-law student.
Working at a local gas station,
Zajone is sponsored by ICC.
Panhellenic Organization is
sponsoring Maryell von Hermann,
who came to this country last
year with her parents from Ger-
many. Residing at Alpha Delta Pi
sorority, Miss Herman is under-
taking a study of fine arts here.

FOUR ON A STRAW-Dean Erich A. Walter joins Maryell Von
Hermann, Felix Mielzinski and Jurate Gustaitis in a sip of a non-
intoxicating beverage, at a party for the displaced student group
at his home last night.
* * * *

Vambola Kald, who has the dis-4
tinction of being the first displaced
student to arrive on campus, lives
at Theta Xi fraternity where he
holds a part-time job.
Student Religious Association
is sponsoring Sylvestre Marcing-
janis from Latvia. Marcingjanis
lives at Michigan Coop house.

And West Quad Council is spon-
soring Edward Barycki from Po-
First offer of sponsorship for
new displaced students has come
to the Committee from the Lu-
theran Student Association. They
hope to have their student begin
his studies during the summer.

Angell Hall
Dressed in
Easter .Hues
Anxiety-ridden students can
quiet their alarmed conjectures
about the rash of intense aqua
yellow and blue hues which have
iroken out on the corridors of
Angell Hall.
These dazzling splashes are
nothing but base coats and bear
io resemblance to the finished
product whatsoever, according to
beleaguered painters. These prim-
er coats are darker and even dif-
ferent shades than the final finish,
so that a smoother job can be
done, they explain.
* * *
THE DEEP AQUA which has
submerged the third floor corridor
will soon be covered by a more
neutral blue-green which will al-
so be used for the second floor.
The ceilings and end stair walls
will be done in a soft yellow for
Two shades of maroon and a
light blue will replace the bright
yellow, which currently garbs
the two center stairways, in
order to harmonize more com-
pletely with the ceiling of the
front foyer. Main floor halls
will be painted with blues, grays
and yellows with the wings fea-
turing a brown and yellow com-
bination. There wil even be a
pair of chartreuse walls thrown
in for variety.
The new decoration which will
be practiced only in the corridors
at present, is in keeping with con-
temporary trends in interior dec-
oration, according to Mrs. Palmer
Christian, decorator for the Uni-
"IN AREAS SUCH as passage-
ways where people do not stay for
any length of time, strong lively
colors are replacing the old tradi-
tional pastel creams," she said.
This same technique is being
carried cut in the exhibition rooms
of the Natural Science Museum by
covering the old cream hues with
a modern tan scheme. Even some
of the mounts for the large speci-
mens are being painted to fit in
with the new drapes and wall
SL Business
Bureau Issues
Survey Report
You can save two dollars on
magazine subscriptions if you buy
at the right place.
Subscription prices in local
stores vary as much as two dollars
for the same publication, accord-
ing to a survey conducted by the
Student Legislature Better Busi-
ness Bureau.
THE BUREAU has already two
other surveys. One is on typing
services and the other the issuing
of receipts for goods left to be re-
paired or altered, such as shoes.
Reports on all three will be
mimeographed and sent to all
dorms, sororities, co-ops and
league houses on campus. The
reports constitute the first in a
series of Bureau Bulletins which
will be issued approximately
once a week.
Knight Houghton, '51, Bureau
manager, asks all students to feel

free to suggest survey, topics or
register complaints on local busi-
ness practices.






MVUINT V EKN UN TREEE _.. .Diana Borthwick, air-
ways representative, watches British nursery attendants "lift"
saplings which will be planted at Washington's home. lt. Vernon.

Warder John Burrows, Tower of London "Beefeater," escorts his
daughter, Bethia, to her wedding in the Tower Chapel, London .

Add Courses
For Summer
Workshop BeginR
An American-Canadian Rela-
tions program to encourage inter-
national understanding will be of-
fered during the 1949 Summer
Session, according to Prof. Louis
A. Hopkins, Summer Session di-
The five new courses dealing
with Canada and her relationship
to the United States are a Canada-
United States Workshop in Edu-
cation, Literature and Civilization
of French Canada, Geography of
Canada from 176 3 to 1867, and
Canadian Government and Poli-
Lectures are also a part of
the inter -departmental pro-
gram. Topics to be discussed are
Canadian-American security,
the St. Lawrence Waterway,
French Canada and Canadian
government, history, literature
and resources.
* * *
THE CANADA-United States
Workshop, which has been re-
quested by the Canada-United
States Committee on Education,
.will permit teachers from both na-
tions to study means of improving
instruction regarding the neighbor
U' Drive Past
The University has fulfillled 61
per cent of its quota in the current
Red Cross Drive, according to Mrs.
Merle Malin, local Red Cross rep-
The University Hospital has col-
lected the largest percentage of,
the three 'U' quotas, 910 out of
$1,200, or 76 per cent. Faculty l
members, with the largest goal of
$4,800, have contributed $3,311 or
68 per cent. Students, with an
$1,800 quota, have donated $591 or
30 per cent.
The Ann Arbor goal of $34,000
has been 85 per cent subscribed,
Mrs. Malin said, with Washtenaw
County's total quota of $53,650 79
per cent fulfilled. St. Joseph's
Hospital is the highest of the four
over-subscribed groups, with 156
per cent of its goal donated to

Engineers Inspect Brewery;
Learn Method, Taste Results

The chemical engineers went on
an official, University-sponsored
It all happened when 70 mem-
bers of the student chapter of the
American Society of Chemical En-
gineers visited a brewing company
in Detroit on an official field trip.
The process of beer making, which
the 'students observed, closely par-
allels certain techniques used in
chemical engineering.
* * *
UPON ARRIVAL ,at the brew-
ery, the engineers visited the tap-
room, where they were served beer,
cold cuts, pickles and home-made
rye bread. While enjoying their
refreshments, the brewmaster ex-
plained the process of beer-mak-
ing to them.
In the actual brewing process,
the raw materials are the cereal
hops, water, yeast and some
sugar, Paul Reger, president of
the chapter, explained. Some
coloring agents are used to give
it its "taste-tantalizing, golden
mellow" color.

"The secret to good brewing is
strict temperature control at a low
point, which keeps the alcohol
content down. Home brew often
knocks you out because it is made
at high temperatures," Reger said.
* * *
FROM THE top floor of the
processing equipment, which is
made entirely of brass except for
the cypress casks where the beer
is aged, the raw materials start
their long journey downward, he
This journey is a continuous
"batch" process in which all in-
gredients are poured into a
mash which is treated till it
comes out the other end of the
equipment as finished beer.
After evaporation to thicken the
mash, the solid materials are
drained off, leaving a clear liquid.
"It's now beer, but is flat as grape-
juice, so it must ferment for ef-
fervescence," Reger explained.
* * *
YEAST FERMENTS the beer in
cypress vats, which are specially
treated with a protective covering
to conform with sanitary laws.
After final effervescing which
actually takes only a few hours,
the beer is piped into specially-
lined steel tanks for aging to
bring out the flavor.
This process can last from a
week or two to several months, he
explained. To speed up the aging
to meet popular demand, a secret
chemical process is used, which
makes the entire job, from start
to finish, just over two weeks, he

1 9 2 1 M I K E '-Former President Herbert Hoover (right),
and David Sarnoff, RCA chairman, sit behind a microphone over
which Hoover spoke in 1921, at a luncheon to Hoover in New York.

TWO WHEELS, NO HANDS -Bill Hynes, in-
structor, carries Vivian Kennedy as a passenger on a training trip
aboard the newly-designed Jawa dual-control motorcycle in N. Y.

Rob Dorm,
Prof's Home


Thieves entered a University
dormitory and a professor's home
recently to walk off wtih money
and valuables.
Two Wenley house residents, W.
Ford Kietzer, '52, and William F.
Welke, '49, reported to police yes-
terday that wallets, containing a
total sum of $6 had been stolen.
The wallets, minus the money,
were found yesterday noon in the
Michigan House recreation room.
Theft of silverware, valuable
china and several coats from the
home of Prof. Walter F. Colby was
discovered Saturday morning by
Prof. Clarence Thorpe, of the
English department.
Prof. and Mrs. Colby, who were
in Washington at the time of the
theft, returned home Sunday af-
earnings on our
bonus savings

*,. the BOLDER LOOK in shirts
If you're the kind of a guy who shies from a sky blue shirt
-just try one with your grey suit-and see what happens!
The new Van Heusen Van Bold reflects that air of devil-may-
care in eleven colors and white-in its wide spread collar-
half-inch stitching-extra wide center pleat-French or
single cuffs! Tailored with every Van Heusen quality detail
-a new shirt fiee if your Van Heusen shrinks out of size! $3.95

--A.Hattie Carnegie hat of Lace-
Ion, a plastic that sheds water,
is demonstrated in New York.

N E W G E M A N C A K - This is the new "Porsche Sportscar" developed by Ferdinand
Porsche, builder of the German "People's Car". It will shortly go into production in Salzburg.

for Everything Known

Ask about it

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