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April 01, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-01

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Latest Deadline in the State







Russians Hit
Atlantic Pact
In New Note
Charge Former
Treaties Broken
LONDON-(AP)-The Soviet Un-
ion charged yesterday the North
Atlantic treaty is "openly aggres-
sive", is directed against her and
breaks five international agree-
The official Soviet news agency
Tass said the Russian position
was transmitted to the seven
sponsoring nations of the treaty
in a memorandum yesterday.
* * *
THE SOVIET Foreign Ministry
through its ambassadors gave
these conclusions to the United
States, Britain, France, Belgium,
Canada, The Netherlands and
1. The Atlantic treaty has an
openly aggressive character and is
directed against the Soviet Union.
2. The treaty runs counter to
the United Nations charter.
3. It violates the Anglo-Soviet
treaty, the Franco-Soviet treaty
and the Yalta and Potsdam agree-
In Washington the Russian
protest against the Treaty was
received at the state depart-
ment late yesterday.
It came as foreign ministers
from the North Atlantic region
gathered to sign the pact next
** *
THE QUESTION of whether
the pact might prove a possible]
"intitement" to some aggressive
action by the Soviet had been
raised last night by Senator Taft
He said that if Russia regard-
ed the pact as an offensive
threat it "might become an in-
citement to war and make it
nore probable instead of less."
The formal 'expression of Rus-
sia's objections to the regional
defense arrangement was not ex-
pected to have the slightest effect
on the western powers in signing
the treaty and in going through
with the defense arrangments, in-
cluding rearmament, for which it
will form the basis.
State department officials
would say only that the message
had been received from the Soviet
U.S., Britain
Begin West
Europe Parley
Officials Confer on
Germany, Greece
WASHINGTON - (A) - Secre-
tary of State Acheson and British
Foreign Minister Bevin began yes-
terday what may be a final and
successful effort by the Western
Powers to agree on plans for the
future of western Germany.
The plans include creation of
a separate German government.
* * *
IN A TWO hour conference in
Acheson's office at the State De-
partment, the foreign policy chiefs
of America and Britain also re-
viewed the situation in Greece.

At the end of their session,
Acheson went into another con-
ference with Dutch Foreign
Minister D. U. Stikker, who, like
Bevin, has come here to sign
the North Atlantic Treaty next
Both Bevin and Acheson were
understood to be confident that
the German issues can be worked
out and they expect success in
meetings which they will hold
next week with French Foreign
Minister Robert Schuman.
WHH. . ArM *.nI *- mpt-nn


'U' Students Hasten Homeward

Intermarriage Can
Racial and religiousintermarriage can work, an anthropologist,
psychologist and clergyman agreed last night at a discussion spon-
sored by the IRA.
The speakers, Martin L. Hoffman, of the psychology department,
Lynn E. Howard of the anthropology department, and the Reverend
David Blake, Jr., of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, said that
intermarriage can work if the partners are willing to make many
* * * *
HOFFMAN DECLARED that the problem of intermarriage is a
problem of society and personality. When considering intermarriage


* * *

* * *

* * *

the persons involved should de
Straw Vote
Picks GOP
Republicans Alfred B. Connable
and Vera R. Baits topped their
Democratic "opponents in a straw
vote for the two Board of Regent
positions conducted by The Daily.
Daily Roundup reporters talked
to more, than fifteen hundred stu-
dents before they were able to get
voting answers from some 700 stu-
dents. The others saicl they did
not know enough about the candi-
dates or the election to vote.
* * *
of candidates with 370 votes in the
Mrs. Baits ran second with
315 votes, edging out Democrat
Joseph E. Arsulowicz who re-
ceived 291 votes.
Fourth choice of students quiz-
zed by reporters was Mrs. Roa
Falke (Dem.) who polled 263
dates, Georgina K. Fields and
Ruby Sweetman received 40 and
34 votes respectively.
The poll, fourth of a weekly
series, does not have a scientific
Election for the Board of Re-
gents will take place Tuesday dur-
ing the University vacation. Two
candidates of the six running will
be elected for terms of eight years.
dates, Connable and Mrs. Baits
are incumbents. Deeocratie can-
didates Arsulowicz and Mrs. Falke
are fighting to break into the all-
Republican Board of Regents.
Backed by organized labor and a
party machine which elected Gov.
G. Mennen Williams last Novem-
ber, the Democratic candidates
have spent the last months stump-
ing the state for support.
Republican candidates have
also been waging a speaking
University students heard three
of the candidates, Connable, Ar-
sulowicz and Mrs. Falke, who
spoke here within the last two
Last Daily Today
With this issue The Daily
suspends publication for the
Spring vacation period.
The next issueg will appear
Tuesday, April 12.

cide whether their motivation is
healthy, he said.
He stressed the need of avoid-
ing unhealthy motivations, cit-
ing the example of a white girl
at social functions, who delibe!-
ately thrusts herself at Negroes
and shuns white men, for the
sole purpose of defying social
convention and authority.
This is an example of discrim-
ination, Hoffman declared, be-,
cause the white girl is not dealing
with the Negroes as persons whom
she likes individually, but as a
group with which "society" says
she should not mix socially.
An intermarriedtcouple may find
themselves attracting people who
relish "oddities" and like them
merely because such marriages are
something out of the ordinary and
therefore appealing, he said.
.* * *
IN RESPONSE to a question
about how a child of a Catholic-
Protestant marriage should choose
his religion, Mr. Blake agreed that
the child should be encouraged to
understand the doctrines and rit-
ual of both churches and upon
reaching maturity he should make
his decision.
Mr. Blake remarked that the
Federal Council of Churches has
recently stressed the desirability
for getting acquainted with the
ritualsand philosophyof all re-
ligions, as a means of eliminat-
ing intolerance based on misun-
He charged the law concerning
the legal status of a child born
of a mixed racial marriage is in-
consistent. Mr. Blake explained
that according to the law, if the
mother is Negro, so is the child,
but if the mother is white, the
child is considered white.
Anthropologists have not found
any non-physical characteristics
inherited on the basis of race,
Howard declared.
He said that discrimination is
fostered largely by the effect of
culture on the individual and the
tendency of solidarity between
morphological groups.
Groups Pledge
CED Support,
West Quad and Anderson House
have joined the Committee to End
Discrimination, boosting the or-
ganization's )membership to 20
dorms and campus clubs.
Decision of the two groups to
join was announced at a meeting
of the organization yesterday,
called to discuss ways of aiding the
passage of a state bill against dis-
crimination in education.
Written by law students at the
University, the bill has been in-
troduced in both the Senate and
the House of Representatives, and
was referred to the Senate Com-
mittee on Education for further

"Operation Evacuation" will be
completed today as happy students
begin that long-awaited spring va-
As they head out of the Uni-
versity's small city, they'll leave
deserted classrooms, and echoing
libraries behind them.
* * *
THEY'LL ALSO leave hundreds
of professors still hard at work,
correcting the bluebooks bestowed
in liberal quantities this week.
The weather man at Willow
Run was optimistic about the
prospects for those thousands
of trips home. He predicted
clouds part of today, but no
"And it will be clear and warm-
er this weekend, although shirt-
sleeve weather is not in the imme-
diate offing."
WHILE THE REST of the cam-
pus takes off to all points of thf
compass, almost 150 students,
many of them from foreign coun-
tries, will stay right here in Ann
Ninety-two men will spend
their vacation in Allen-Rumsey
House. Betsy Barbour will be
home for 51 coeds, who will en-
joy an extra half-hour of date-
time on vacation week-nights.
Students still on campus can
keep up with their educational
and social activities, too.
* * *
TODAY AND tomorrow the ar-
chitecturally-minded may attend
the Seventh Annual Mid-Century
Report on Design Progress, which.
begins at 9:30 a.m. today at
Rackham Amphitheatre.
On the lighter side, the In-
ternational Center has planned
a vacation week program in-
cluding trips, teas and bridge
Bridge classes for beginners and
more advanced players will be
held at 3 p.m. daily.

HOMEWARD BOUND-Molly Rogers, foreground, one of hundreds of students who left for home
early to avoid the holiday rush, watches anxiously for the train to come around the curve at New
York Central's Ann Arbor station. In addition to extra coaches, special buses and airline flights have
been scheduled for today and tomorrow to handle the vacation overflow.

AT 8:30 A.M. MONDAY a group
will leave from the Center to visit
the Ford Motor Co. and Green-
field Village. The Center will hold
its weekly tea from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
When students return from
their nine-day vacation, there
will be a few changes to be not-
ed on campus: Dorm-dwellers
will be treated to quarters
gleaming from spring house-
Several score of students will bei
seen flashing newly-acquired sun-

tans-the products of relaxing
hours on Florida beaches.
* * *
EIGHTY OTHERS will return
to Ann Arbor with new knowledge
of how UNESCO works. They'll
garner that knowledge from a
conference they're flying to in
Cleveland today.
There's a .good chance, though,
that one breathlessly - awaited
change will not be made. The
Plant Department reported that
those grass-growing aids may still
be around April 11.

World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Attorney Gen-
eral Clark yesterday defended gov-
ernment-authorized wire tapping,
but said he had dropped a move to
legalize the use of wire-tapped
evidence in court.
* * *
Tigho Woods went, to work yes-
terday on a formula for granting
increases under the new rent
law-a task which will take sev-
eral weeks.
Meantime appeals for ceiling
boosts will be handled under
the old "hardship" rules.
* * *
OTTAWA, Ont.-Britain's old-
est colony, Newfoundland, be-
comes Canada'styoungest province
at midnight last night.
* * *
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -
Yugoslavia directly accused
Soviet Russia yesterday of put-
ting her economic squeeze on
this country as part of the com-
inform attempt to oust Premier
Marshal Tito's government.
The charge followed disclosure
of a note by Yugoslavia to Bul-
garia suspending frontier travel
regulations on their border. Bul-
garia, a member of the Moscow-
led cominform, was accused of
"abusing and insulting" Yugo-
slav travelers.

Truman Says Inflation Still
Threat;_Asks BigTax Boost

WASHINGTON - (IP) - Infla-
tion is still a threat, President
Truman contended yesterday as
he called anew for standby eco-
nomic control powers and a big
boost in taxes.
Some of his financial advisers
have termed current price de-
creases a healthy thing pointing
to continued prosperity on more
stable levels. But Mr. Truman
emphasized he still wants Con-
gress to pass his anti-inflation
program, including powers to put
ceilings on prices.
. * .*
HE TOLD A news conference
that the recent price declines are
only a temporary let-up in the
inflationary pressures. He said
one factor in checking the up-
ward spiral has been his oft-re-
peated request for authority to
apply federal curbs when needed.
As for taxes, the Presidentj
said he does not agree with a
contention by Senator George
(DGa.) that an increase at this
time might set off a depression.
The President also spoke out
against a Republican-led drive to
cut millions if not billions of dol-
lars off the flow of American aid
to Europe.
* * *
THE EUROPEAN recovery pro-
gram, Mr. Truman said firmly,
should not be cut at all.
But administration leaders in

the Senate, where the issue was
being debated, conceded that size-
able reductions may be warrant-
ed in 1950 if the Marshall Plan

nations get "over the hump"


bows Perish
In Air Crash
LONDON, Ont.-OP)-Chemical
magnate Willard H. Dow, his wife
and three other persons crashed
to their deaths in a plane yester-
day on a storm-soaked Canadian
The 52-year-old president of
the sprawling Dow Chemical Co.,
one of the world's largest, was
flying with his party to attend a
gathering in Boston, Mass., when
the plane crashed.
Dr. Dow, Mrs. Martha Dow, 51;
Mrs. Alta Campbell, 44; Pilot A.
J. Bowie, and co-pilot Fred Clem-
ents, all of Midland, Mich., were
believed killed instantly.
The only ' survivor was Mrs.
Campbell's husband, Calvin, head
of Dow's legal department at the
company's headquarters in Mid-
Bowie, a 38-year-old veteran of
the airways and a company pilot,
was believed at the controls at the
time of the crash.

Prepare for
Stucdent Jam
Trains, Planes, Buses
To MakeSpecial Runs
Local transportation officials
have laid extensive plans for to-
day's mass exodus of students
heading home for the Spring holi-
In addition to extra coaches on
all regularly' scheduled trains, the
-New York Central is adding spe-
cial trains, which leave for Chi-
cago at 1:05 p.m. and New 'York
at 6:30 p.m.
* * *
PULLING OUT of Ann Arbor
16 minutes ahead of the Mercury,
a reserved seat train, the Chicago
special will make stops at Jack-
son, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo,
Niles and the 63rd Street Chicago
station before arriving at Central
Station at 4:35 p.m.
Students taking the East
bound special will arrive in New
York at 8:50 a.m. tomorrow,
with the Boston coaches being
cut off at Albany and reaching
their destination at 12:55 p.m.
Local Greyhound officials have
also made extensive preparations
for the crowds of students who
are expected to jam the bus de-
pot today. In addition to special
coaches on the Detroit run, extra
sections will be added to every
regularly scheduled run leaving
the city.
* * *
FOR THE AIR minded, North-
west Airlines and Capitol Airlines
have inaugurated a new air coach
service to New York. The North-
west flight leaves the Willow Run
terminal at 2:30 p.m. and the
Capitol flight at 3:15 a.m. These
student specials are being offered
at rates far below the regular
plane fare.
Meanwhile,' the Ann Arbor
Taxicab Owners Association has
announced that meters will
start ticking in all local cabs
today, just in time to catch stu-
dents rushing to local train and
bus terminals.
Replacing the present "35 cents
anywhere in the city rate," the
basic meter cost will be 25,cents
for the first quarter mile and five
cents for each additional quarter
mile or fraction. A local taxi
company has estimated that the
new system of cab fares will mean
on a trip from East Quadrangle
to the train terminal an increase
of about 20 cents.

Says Russia
Out To Rule
Entire World
MIT Assembly
Hears Leader
BOSTON - () - Winston
Churchill said last night only the
atomic bomb in United States
hands had stopped Communists
from overrunning Europe and
bombing London.
Britain's war-time Premier
bluntly accused "the 13 men in
the Kremlin" of "aiming at the
rule of the world."
* * *
HE CHARGED they "fear the
friendship of the west more than
its hostility."
But, he held out this hope:
"War is not inevitable."
The 74-year-old British states-
man spoke in Boston Garden at
a mid-century convocation of
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology before a distinguished
crowd of 13,900.
Some of the scientists who
helped develop the atom bomb, as
well as diplomats of several na-
tions, heard him sound this warn-
"I MUST NOT conceal from you
the truth as I see it. It is certain
that Europe would have been
Communized and London under
bombardment some time ago but
for the deterrent of the atomic
bomb in the hands of the United
Three times Churchill struck
at the "13 men in the Kredin"
during his hour-long speech.
But at the very outset Churchill
said "I remain an optimist."
And he quickly followed up this
assertion with this:
* * *
"FOR GOOD or ill air mastery
is today the supreme expression
of military power, and fleets and
armies, however necessary and
important, must accept a subordi-
nate rank."
"This," he said, "is a memorable
milestone in the march of man."
More than 100 pickets parad-
ed outside the big arena where
Churchill spoke only a few city
blocks from historic Fanuell
Hall - known as America's
"cradle of liberty."
Just before Churchill spoke, a
message was read from President
Truman predicting that Churchill
would "give you something his-
torical for this meeting."
. * *
Britain Curbs
Export Trade
To Russians
LONDON - () - Britain put a
tight control last night on the
shipment of about everything of
"potential military value" to Rus-
sia and her satellites.
This action came with a dis-
closure that Britain is planning to
lend Russia 9,000,000 pounds
($36,000,000) so that Russia can
buy non-military supplies from
Britain in the next 12 months.
* * *
HAROLD WILSON, president of
the Board of Trade, announced in

the House of Commons a new
schedule of raw materials and ma-
chinery subject to export con-
trols. The items involved might be
used as war goods.
Listed on the schedule are
graphite, mica in certain forms,
various other minerals, precision
machinery, industrial diamonds,
some scientific apparatus, vari-
ous chemicals and other items
that could be adapted to pro-
duction for military purposes.
Wilson's statement did not men-
tion the Soviet Union or other
Eastern European countries by

Fadiman Calls for Spiritual Revival of Individual

"Only a spiritual revolution
within the individual can attack
the de-personalizing elements in
today's culture," Clifton Fadiman
said last night in the last of the

dominates much of literature," he
The contemporary creative
writer portrays a world that dis-
satisfies him. It is a world filled
with the fear that an atomic,
hnateriolnozric war will either

ity, the New York critic believes.
He outlined a decay in re-
ligion, the machine age and
mass communications the fac-
tors in this loss of personality.
"Though the formalized religion
of chiirches still flourishes we

flying you become simply a part of
the machine," he said.
Mass communication enables
more and more people to get
facts at fewer and fewer points
of information dispersal. And
this makes neonle more and

"After World War I novels
were for the most part anti-war
and contained some feeling of
hope. But those written after
the recent war seem to show an
acceptance of war as a normal,
activity of man." he said.



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