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March 31, 1949 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-31

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New Plan

To Aid

Future Rushees
Panhellenic Approves Special Program;
Counselors To Extend Advice to Coeds

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of articles explaining the
aims, and functioning of the Pan-
hellenic Counseling Plan. Tomorrow's
article will tell how counselors are!
selected and trained.°
Panhellenic Association has vot-
d by a large majority to use a
rushee counseling plan similar to
that in use at the University of
Rushing will become more per-
sonalized with a group of 10 coun-
sellors, whose duty will be to give
unprejudiced advice to rushees.
Mary Stierer, president of Pan-
hellenic, stated, "The develop-
ment of the counseling program is
important because it provides a
strong basis for strengthening
Panhellenic spirit, rather than in-
dividual chapters."
"Without a strong and justifi-
able Panhellenic program, indivi-
Coeds To Stay
In Betsy Barbour
Betsy Barbour Residence will be
home for 51 coeds from campus
dormitories who will be staying in
Ann Arbor during Spring vaca-
The Office of the Dean of Wom-
en announced yesterday that week
night hours for the women stay-
ing on campus will be extended to
11 p.m. Monday through Thurs-
day. Weekend hours will be the
same as usual.
No meals will be served at Bar-
:our during vacation.h

dual groups will be weakened. Pan-
hellenic is interested in pledging
more coeds to some sorority, rather
than a particular chapter."
Contact of the counselors with
the rushees will begin in the fall
and be continued through the
year. Each counselor will be con-
sidered as a member of Panhel-
lenic and not of any particular
Rushees, under the new plan
will have a chance to learn about
the sorority system early in the
year and thus be better prepared
to judge during rushing.
Rushees will be taught to
go through rushhing with an
open mind, rather than aiming
for one particular house.
The members of the house, the
coeds with whom she would live
and associate for her years of col-
lege life, rather than the "name"
of the house, its size, or preten-
tiousness, will prove more impor-
tant in making a satisfactory
choice, according to Miss Stierer.
INFORMATION will be readily
accessible to. all rushees, friends
and relatives, through a well-in-
formed, unprejudiced source who
has the interests of the rushee
rather than a particular house at
The new program aims to
strengthen Panhellenic as a whole
through larger membership. It is
hoped that individual houses will
become more conscious of the wel-
fare of all houses, rather than
just their own, through the Pan-
hellenic counselors.

EIGHT-MONTH-OLD STEVE SAMUELS is a smiling and shining
example of hundreds of* youngsters who call Willow Village their
home. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Samuels of 1219
Sudbury Court.
Children of Willow Villagers
Offered Various Opportunities

Housing-Women students now
living outside the dormitory sys-
tem may apply for dorm housing
?or the 1949-50 school year begin-
ring at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow at the
Office of the Dean of Women, 1514
Administration Building.
Applications will be taken until
the limited number of vacancies
are filled.
Beginning Monday, April 11, ap-
plications for league housing for
next fall will be taken at the
Dean's Office. Women will be re-
ferred to league houses of their
choice until vacancies are filled.
* * *
Frosh Week-end - Freshman
women unable to attend the mass
meeting yesterday and who want
to work on committees for Frosh
Week-end may sign up in the Un-
dergraduate Office of the League.
* *. *
League Tea-There will be no
student-faculty tea today at the
Tutors Needed-Merit tutorial
is still calling for tutors. Eligible
students may sign up in the Merit-
Tutorial cffice on the first floor of
the League before spring vacation.
* * *
Tea-The International Center
will hold its weekly tea from 4:30
to 6 p.m. today at the Center.
Directors Get
Cfe rtificate
Approximately 60 house direc-
tors were awarded certificates for
completing the "curriculum" at
the final session of the House Di-
rectors' Institute at 9:30 a.m.,
yesterday in the League.
Associate Dean Mary C. Brom-
age called the first Institute a
complete success. About two-
thirds of the house directors at-
tending received the certificates.
Plans are moving ahead for an-
other Institute in October, House
directors present at yesterday's
sessions offered suggestions for
next fall's series.
Miss Lois Waterman, East
Grand Rapids High School ad-
visor, discussed "Attitudes in
Counseling" at yesterday's meet-
The Institute is sponsored by
the Office of the Dean of Women,
assisted by a committee of dormi-
tory, sorority and league house di-

Campus Clubs Send Delegates
To International Center Meeting

In response to the plea by ISA
president Eino Kainlauri that
there be greater cooperation be-
tween American and foreign stu-
dents, several campus groupssent
delegates to a meeting at the In-
ternational Center Tuesday night.
Some of these representatives
stated definite plans for the fur-
thering of good relationships be-
tween the two bodies of students.
A delegate from the Women's
Athletic Association invited all
ISA members to participate in the
co-educational programs of her
* * *
would include such activities as
folk and square dancing.
Inter-guild, which has long
worked closely with the Inter-
national Center, listed future
Drive Slated
To Aid Foreign
Students Sports
A campus wide drive for Physi-
cal Education Aid for Foreign
Students, sponsored by the WAA,
will swing under way after spring
Under the auspices of the Na-
tional Education Association the
Michigan Women's Athletic Asso-
ciation will attempt to collect
sports and recreation equipment
to 'send to foreign students, whose
athletic supplies are inadequate
despite post war rehabilitation in
other fields.
Nancy Somers, chairman of the
project, urges students to pick up
all athletic miscellany during
spring vacation and bring it back
to contribute to the drive.
Included in the materials to be
sent are sports equipment and
clothing in useable condition;
such as balls, bladders, boxing
gloves, sneakers, shorts, bathing
suits, blue jeans; books, magazines
or reports on sports; roller skates,
table games and almost anything
that can be used for recreative
purposes, providing it is in good
Those who are unable to cari'y
the materials with school luggage
may mail contributions to Gwen
Sperlich, 1520 S. University.
A general campus receptacle will
be set up after vacation and listed
in The Daily.

plans including a baseball game movie dealing with the various as-
between their relative teams. pects of Indian life and culture, It
Two members of Alpha Delta Pi will be shown sometime next
sorority, which currently houses a month.
displaced student, invited Interna- The president of the European
tional students to an open house Club told of his organization's
to be held next month. activities and invited participa-
* * * tion by all American students in
LES ETTMAN of the St. Louis discussions, picnics, or dances.
Club told of his group's drive Other joint activities suggested
to raise sufficient funds to take a were soccer tournaments, which
foreign student to St. Louis for a currently include eight ISA clubs
week. and two American, and a tennis
Lee Sunshine of the East tournament to be based on the
Quad, where the English Lan- Davis Cup rules. To the club win-
guage Group from Latin Ameri- ning the latter tournament goes
ca resides, extended an invitation a circulating trophy.
to foreign students to partici- FURTHER BUSINESS present-
pate in such activities as picnics ed at the meeting was a letter read
and open houses. on behalf of Edward Yanne, from
Some of the International clubs Hong Kong, who is running for
also proposed plans for cementing Student Legislature in the "inter-
gocd relations. ests of ISA and all foreign stu-
MISS KIYOTO TAIRA invited The campus organizations rep-
all American students to attend resented at this meeting were only
the monthly meetings of the Ha- a few of the many houses and
waiian Glee Club in the Union. clubs contacted by President Kain-
Next a representative of the lauri in the hope of furthering
Hindustan Association told of that unity between national and inter-
club's arrangements to present a national students.
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to carry your money
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Steve Samuels is more fortunate
than many children in the Village.
He has more space to grow up in
because his family lives in a
three bedroom apartment.
The ideal situation, according to
child specialists, is a bedroom for
each child but that is not possible
in the Village for several reasons.
Many families wno are eligible
for transfer to a larger unit do
not apply because they ;do not
want to leave their present neigh-
borhood nor do they want to dec-
orate another apartment from end
to end.
* * *
there are not enough two or three
bedroom apartments available for
every family which has one or
more children. Of the 3,066 apart-
ments, 494 have three bedrooms
and 1008 two bedrooms. Of the
remainder 1330 are one bedroom
units and 234 are zero bedrooms,
The latter have a combination
bedroom-living room arrangement.
Junior has his own bedroom
or nursery even in the one bed-
room apartments. The parents
move out into the living room
and call a studio couch their
bed while Junior and in many
cases child No. 2 reign supreme
in the bedroom.
A typical bedroom - playroom
contains a youth bed, crib or bas-
sinet, chest of drawers, tricycle,
scooter, and toys too numerous
to mention, from doting grandpar-
FAMILIES with tiny babies
have solved the space problem by
converting the twin beds into
bunks to make room for the crib.
For older children, mothers

have found the Co-operative
Nursery a help in training their
children. Ninety pre-school aged
youngsters are registered in the
three groups. Each class lists 90
The groups are divided into pri-
mary, for the 212 to 3 year-olds;
junior, 3 to 4 year-olds, and senior,
for children 4 years until the child
is eligible for kindergarten in the
regular school system.
* * *
EACH MOTHER must assist the1
teachers six or seven days a se-
mester. This excludes the children
of working mothers because no
mother can hire a substitute.
Mothers must also attend one gen-
eral meeting per month and two
mneetings of a smaller study group.
Mrs. Frances Morley is the in-
structor and Mrs. Joan Howes
is her assistant. They teach 5
one-half days per week with ses-
sions on Monday through Sat-
urday mornings and Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday after-
The University provides bus
service for the junior and senior
groups. A car pool gives transpor-
tation to the younger children.
* * *
THERE ARE 76 names on the
waiting list for the three groups.
New children can only enter the
school when a vacancy occurs.
Placement is not made according
to date of application but rather
by date of the child's birth. Chil-
dren who reach their 21/2 year
birthday first are eligible to fill
the next vacancy.
Older children of student fam-
ilies attend one of the four local
schools, Ross, Spencer, Simmons
or Foster, or University Elemen-
tary school in Ann Armor.




° to your spring attire-
compliment it-reflect your
own individuality.
To match your earrings and
necklaces-tricky styling-
! gold and silver--pearls--rhine-
stones and colored stones-
become more fascinating-
new designs-new variety
for your costumes-all sizes-
all shapes-from 1.00.

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