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March 31, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-31

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Preserving Pocketbooks

Purchase Plan

FATER REVIEWING the long lines of stu-
dents buying NSA's Purchase Cards yes-
terday, it seems strange to be today urging
students to purchase more cards.
However, in order to be effective, the cards
must be put in the hands of as large a
number of students as is possible.
The theory behind the Purchase Card sys-
tem is best explained by analogy:
If I alone ask a merchant to sell me his
goods for 10 to 50 per cent off the regular
price, he would not agree to the sale. It
would eliminate the greater part of his
profit. However, if I agree to bring along
another student who will make the same
purchase at the same reduction, the mar-
gin of profit on the second sale will par-
tially make up the loss on the first.
If I bring in a dozen friends, the merchant
is getting ready to talk business.
Purchase Cards-in the hands of hundreds
or even thousands of students-will greatly
increase the gross revenue of businessmen
who sign contracts to give price reductions.
The increase in revenue will offset the loss
he takes percentage-wise. The system works
to the advantage of both the buyer and
The more students there are who carry
the cards and use them regularly, the
more incentive there is for new businesses
to sign up with NSA.
And, according to NSA off-icials, other bus-
inessmen in Ann Arbor are swinging around.
Many have indicated a willingness to go
along with the plan and others want to hear
more about it. They will add to PCS mer-
chandise and services not yet under the
plan. With student and merchant coopera-
tion, Purchase Cards snowball prices down-
The Purchase Card line today will be a
fighting line' against high prices.
-Craig H. Wilson.

Eating Club
MONDAY EVENING, some fifteen students
got together to see what could be done
about the high food prices in Ann Arbor.
Leaders of the group, who developed the
idea for an "Eating Club," said that they
were impressed by two stories appearing in
The Daily a few weeks back. One story de-
scribed the drop in the cost of living, and
the other quoted Ann Arbor merchants to
the effect that local prices would not drop.
They decided that if they could get five
hundred of their fellow students who were
willing to pool their buying power in an
"Eating Club" they could serve decent
meals at a rate of $9.50 per week.
Mel Bondy, who was one of the originators
of the idea, thinks in terms of group action.
His theory is that a mass of students, com-
bining their buying power, can get far more
done than they can as individuals. This
sounds like plain common sense.
Doug Miller, proprietor of a local cafeteria,
will run the business end of the new venture,
working under the principle that a very
small profit on a large volume of business
will be most advantageous to him.
If the meals served are decent, $9.50 a
week is a phenominally small sum, and from
the sample menus I have seen, they will
probably be better'than the average restaur-
ant meal.
The organizers figure that the plan will
work if ... five hundred students are will-
ing to join in a venture of this sort. The
students who join the club will create com-
mittees to plan menus, and present gripes
to Miller on service or quality or quantity.
The program has all the essentials neces-
sary for success. The drawing power of nine-
teen meals for $9.50 a week, with a say in
what and how much will be eaten should be
enough to get the first venture of this sort
here in Ann Arbor off to a good start.
Student self interest will have to do the
-Al Blumrosen

Are You for Peace?0

BE FOR PEACE, you have to have the
vision of peace. You have to be able
actually to see American and Russia co-ex-
isting equably through the years, holding
their ill-feeling toward each other to mini-
mal levels, and showing it only thrugh such
forms as the literary essay and perhaps body
English. If this vision causes your gorge to
mount, brings spots before your eyes, and
gives you migraine headaches, then you are
not for peace, because you have to have the
vision of peace before you can be an advocate
of peace. .
You are not for peace if you hold the view
that one side is perfect, the other side all
wrong. You may think you are for peace,
you may, under such circumstances, be try-
ing to make political capital of the cry for
peace, but you are not really for peace; you
are merely using the slogan of peace as a
movable shield to cover an ideological of-
If you hold this lop-sided view of the con-
testants, you will with every breath be mak-
ing a case, not for peace, but for war. The
point of your argument, no matter how you
dress it up with constant use of the word
"peace," will be that peace is impossible.
You beg the question, so far as peace is
concerned, if you hopelessly underscore
the fact that there are political differences
between the two sides, that they are Com-
munists, or that we are capitalists. That's
not the answer, that's the problem. It is
the world's task to make peace between
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

peoples who differ; it
peace between peoples

is no trick to make
who agree.

You are not for peace if you consider ei-
ther side's apprehensions to be wholly un-
founded. You cannot even start on the road
to peace unless you are willing to grant to
both contestants the right to be afraid.
You are not for peace if you demand im-
possibilities. You are not for peace if you
expect Russians not to notice and not to
react to the planting of military bases on
their borders. And you are not for peace if
you expect the people of a capitalist democ-
racy to look on with complete indifference as
one country after another passes into the
Russian orbit.
When you demand these, or other im-
posibilities as the price of peace, as the
basic condition for peace, then you only
make peace impossible.
You are not for peace if you consider that
our present situation is an accident, or that
it is the result of the work of one or two
men, or of some small group, whether that
group be, in your mind, "Wall Street" or
"the Politburo." You can work for peace
only if you realize that the present moment
constitutes an historic appointment, set for
mankind decades, even generations, ago, the
result of many complex forces working on
both sides, most of them beyond the control
of anybody now alive. Only by viewing the
world's problem against this scale can you
recognize its gravity, its depth, and its prob-
able resistance to treatment by any outburst
of rhetoric, or by any gadget.
Only through this approach can you make
yourself work for a solution with a serious-
ness equal to the seriousness of the prob-
lem, and only thus can you realize what a
triumph it would be to make the peace, a
peace to confound the portents and to lift
up the spirit of men.
You are not for peace unless you work
for peace.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)

Rent Experiment
SINCE 1942, THE first full year of the war,
American landlords have been subjected
to Federal control of rents. This federal
rent control was established to prevent ex-
cessive rent charges which might result
from the serious scarcity of wartime hous-
The 1942 act froze rents at the level at
which they stood on April 1, 1941. Rents
remained at this level until a 1947 act of
Congress permitted landlords and tenants
to enter into voluntary ag ements by whih
rents could be raised as much as 15 percent
in exchange for long term leases.
With the old rent control law due to ex-
pire today, March 31, Congress has recently
been engage in a bitter controversy over
just what should be done about the future
of federal rent control.
The result of all the controversy and de-
bate was a "compromise" measure, which
finally secured complete Congressional ap-
proval. This measure extends federal cdn-
trols for 15 months, with fair rent ceilings
as. determined by a Federal Housing Expe-
However, a sizeable string is attached
to this proposal. State governments would
be given power to end federal controls for
all or part of the state at any time. They
could impose their own form of rent regu-
lation, if they so desired.
MUCH CAN BE said in favor of this com-
promise control bill. Many landlords
had not taken advantage of the pre-war
boom which was evident in early 1941, and
found themselves with very low rents as of
April 1 of that year. As a result, they re-
ceived rents during the war years which
were extremely low, in view of the steady
rise of prices.
Even if these landlords took advantage of
the possible 15 percent increase available
since 1947, they were not in position to en-
joy substantial profits.
At the end of the war all landlords, wheth-
er their war time rents were normal. or
otherwise, found that their properties need-
ed a great deal of repair. Labor costs and
material costs had increased tremendously;
but they had to be incurred if proper main-
tenance was to be provided.
In the three and a half years since the
end of the war, labor and material costs
have continued to increase, while rent
controls have been retained in much the
. same order as during the war. At the same
time, real estate taxes have risen in many
As a result of these circumstances, many
landlords find that they can no longer earn
an adequate return on their investments.
They are trying to sell their properties rath-
er than rent them; and they are trying to
sell them at high prices. This situation ob-
viously contributes to our present day hous-
ing shortage, as more people can afford to
rent houses than can afford to buy them.
The new legislation would enable state
governments, which are closer to'local prob-
lems, to adjust rental rates according to the
circumstances prevailing in each area.
At the same time, it would make it pos-
sible for states or the federal government to
enforce rent ceilings in the many cases
where they will be necessary.
The act can be viewed as an experiment
on a great scale. It would be an experiment
to determine whether state governments
are still capable of looking after the needs
of their citizens. It would be an experiment
to determine the integrity and character
of the nation's landlords.
Three and a half years after the end of
the war, the experiment is warranted. If it
fails, we can be sure that the people of the
United States will express their opinion the
next time they visit their voting booths.
-Paul Brentlinger

At Lydia Mendelssohn . .
by La Sociedad Hispanica
A LTHOUGH handicapped by an inferior
script, the cast of the Spanish play
came through with its usual competent
production last night and in the process
gave due warning to eligible young men-
watch out or you'll be married before you
know it.
The rather obvious plot centers around
the matchmaking machinations of a wo-
man noted as a busybody in a village
which is run by the ladies. An innocent
young lawyer who happens along is trapped
into falling into love with a local girl, and
in the end doesn't seem too unhappy about
The situations, characters and dialogue
are just about what you would expect
and if they sometimes seem unduly fa-
miliar remember that they have been
around in one form or another for a
long time.
For making the play genuinely amusing
despite its triteness credit goes collectively
to director Anthony Pasquariello and his
cast who kept it moving rapidly through
wordy dialogue and little action. Elizabeth
Clapham, although a little strained, gave a
generally fine performance as the match-
maker and Joseph Plazonja provided excel-

(Continued from Page 2)

"You Always Be My Little Baby"
4 r 3
y .71

108 Mason Hall+

Letters to the Editor-

or at 1220 AngellI

The following organizations
have been added to the list of ap-
proved organizations for the 2nd
semester, 1948-49:
American Chemical Society,
Committee for Civil Rights, Indus-
trial Relations Club, Ishpeming
Club, Les Voyageurs, Marketing
Club,Scimitar Club, U. of M.
Theater Guild
Copies of the Summer Session
folder describing the Summer For-
eign Study Plan are now available
at the office of Assistant Dean
Charles H. Peake, 1010 Angell
Hall, and at the desk in the lobby
of the Administration Bldg.
Interviews by Boeing Airplane
Company (Seattle), (John C. San-
ders, Staff Engineer, and one
ether representative) will be held
April 11 in Aeronautical Engineer-
ing Department for Aeros and
Electricals. Sign schedule on Aero
bulletin board before vacation.
Application blanks in 1079 E. En-
The Bureau of Appointments
announces that the following com-
panies will be here to interview
the week after vacation:
April 12, 13, and 14-The Gen-
eral Electric Co. will interview
business administration students
for whom there will be a compul-
sory meeting Tues., April 12, 7:30
p.m., 130 Business Administration
April 14-The American To-
bacco Co. will interview for sales
April 14 and 15-The Hazeltine
Electronics Corp. of New York
City will interview men for elec-
tronic research.
April 15-The Wilson Co. will
interview mechanical and indus-
trial engineers, including men for
purchasing positions.
Further information and ap-
pointments may be obtained any
time on or after April 1 by calling
Ext. 371, or stopping in the office,
3528 Admin. Bldg.
Camp Positions-Girls: A rep-
resentative of Camp Kitanniwa,
Hastings, Mich. (Battle Creek
Camp Fire Girls) will be at the
Bureau of Appointments Thurs.,
April 14, to interview experienced
girls for sports, dramatics, nature,
camp craft, archery, waterfront,
dietetics, nursing, music, riding,
cabin counselors, unit directors,
and craft directors. For appoint-
ment, call at 3528 Administration
Bldg. or call extension 2614.
The Bethlehem Steel Company
will have a representative here on
April 13 to interview engineers.
They require that a completed ap-
plication be sent to them before an
interview can be scheduled. These
applications may be picked up in
the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments this week.
Clifton Fadiman: "Our Writers,
Our Country and Our Planet."
8:30 p.m., Thurs., March 31, Hill
Auditorium. Tickets on sale today
from 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m., auditorium
box office.

The Care and Feeding of Young
Infants will be the subject of a
lecture by Dr. Ernest H. Watson,
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
and Communicable Diseases, 8
p.m., Wed., April 13, Rackham
Lecture Hall. No admission charge.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: Thurs.,
lMarch 31, 8:30 a.m., 1520 E. Medi-
cal Bldg. Speaker: Miles E. Hench;
Subject: "Autotrophy i xilustrat-
ed by Thiobacillus thioaxidans."
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics: Thurs., March 31, 4:15 p.m.,
247 W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. C.
L. Dolph continues his talk on
"Non-linear eigenvalue problems
for Sturn-Liouville system."
Geometry Seminar: Thurs.,
March 31, 7 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall,
Dr. K. B. Leisenring will continue
on Doubly Parabolic Geometry.
Physical-Inorganic Chemistry
Seminar: 4:10 p.m., Thurs., March
31, 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Prof. M.
L. Wiedenbeck, "Coincidence
Measurements in Nuclear Phys-
Student Recital Cancelled: The
recital by Gloria Gonan, mezzo-
soprano, previously announced for
Thurs., March 31, Hussey Room,
Michigan League, has been post-
poned until Sunday evening, May
Organ Recital: George Wm.
Volkel, Organist and Choirmaster
of All Angels' Church, New York
City, will present a program at
4:15 p.m., Thurs., March 31, Hill
Auditorium. Compositions by Gig-
out, Couperin, Handel, Brahms,
Bach, Widor, Vierne and Franck.
The public is invited.
"Art for Beginners," an exhibit
of work of non-professional stu-
dents. First Floor, Architecture
Bldg., March 28-April 16.
Events Today
Sigma Gamma Epsilon invites
all members of the Geology De-
partment to 16mm Kodachrome
movies on Newfoundland Field
Parties, 1948. Presented by Dr. A.
K. Snelgrove, head of the Depart-
ment of Geological Sciences, Mich-
igan College of Mining Technol-
ogy, 12:15 p.m., 2054 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg.
International Center weekly tea
for all foreign students and Ameri-
can friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Inter-
national Center.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal of chorus and prin-
cipals for "Patience." 7 p.m., Mich-
igan League.
Arts Chorale: Meeting, 7 p.m.,
506 Burton Memorial Tower.
Tennis Ball Entertainment
Committee: Meeting, 4 p.m.,
League Soda Bar. Bring eligibility
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., March
31, Rm. 3-L, Michigan Union.
(continued on Page 6)

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tiouis letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
To the Editor:
When - old Slim and I left
Muletrack back in forty-five and
came up hyar for a little city
learnin' we thought we'h shook off
all our hitchin's with the old coun-
try, but it looks as how we was
mighty wrong, yessir, plumb
We been tryin' to figger it out
and we're just, stumped as to
where all them cattle have got off
to. We been lookin' for nigh on
to two weeks and the situation
keeps gettin' wuss and wuss. Cows
are okay in their place, but Texas
was never like this.
Right now we're recruitin' men
to track them varmints down and
send 'em right back home-we jest
been so homesick lately we cain't
even study, and worse than that,
we done went and left our boots
back in the old bunk house. Yes-
sir, it's gettin' thick around these
parts; if those boots don't get here
mighty quick old Slim and I are
gonna hitch up and start back
home. There's them as don't care
for Texas, say it's jest a lot of
prairie, but that's the place for
them critters as is invadin' us.
Michigan just wasn't meant for
Our question is: Wha'ts the stu-
dent legislature doin' about this
-"Tex" Hall,
"Slim" Shreve.
4R *
To the Editor:
partment is certainly in line
for congratulations-so here they
are. They have finally succeeded
in discovering a means by which
to keep students from walking on
the grass. The wire barriers were
simple to surmount and last year's
signs were rather clever - but
corny and defying. But this year
-yes -'congratulations to the
brains' behind it and the poor
martyrs who are neatly lining the
sidewalks with "Keep off the
grass." 'iis method not only does
the trick but also carries out the
casual, suburban, "country-fied"
atmosphere which seems to be so
desirable. It lends the campus that
fresh, clean, "Spring" air-if you
don't gag.
-Kay Woodruff.
* * *
To the Editor:
DO NOT WISH to appear old-
fashioned or even the least bit
unappreciative of the beautyy of
freshly cultivated green grass, but
how is it humanly possible to walk
down the diagonal at the present
time carrying books under one
arm, a slide rule under the other
and still be able to place two
fingers in the approved position on
one's proboscis? Perhaps tomor-
row's Daily will contain a -special
sale of clothes pins as the answer
to our present crisis.
-Irwin r. Steinhardt.
R J r
To the Editor:
MY ATTENTION has been called
to the March 12, 1949 issue of
The Michigan Daily in which there
appears a letter by Richard F.

Schults, who quotes from a scur-
rilous leaflet purporting to have
been issued by the Communist
Party, and which he says was used
by Maurice Sugar "in his 1944
campaign for Detroit City Coun-
cilman." In this connection, please
note the following:
1. I was not a candidate in 1944.
I was a candidate in 1935, and
that is the time the leaflet ap-
peared. A copy of the leaflet, in
full, is enclosed.
2. The leaflet was not issued
by the Communist Party, as it pur-
ported to have been, but was pre-
pared by the Black Legion, who
forged the name of the Commu-
nist Party to it and distributed
it in the effort to defeat me.
3. The Black Legion, as you may
or may not know, was a band en-
gaged in criminal activities, in-
cluding murder, of which crime
a number of them were convicted.
4. The preparation and distri-
bution of the Leaflet were later
confessed, in my presence, by Day-

ton Dean, the lack Legion
'trigger man," who is now serving
a life sentence for murder.
5. Investigation by the Prose-
cuting Attorney for Wayne County
at the time of the Black Legion
expose disclosed that it had pre-
pared and distributed the leaflet,
Enclosed is a copy of a letter to
this effect, sent by the Prosecut-
ing Attorney to an inquiring news-
paper on March 9, 1937.
6. Several members of the Black
Legion were convicted and sent to
prison on a charge of conspiracy
which involved the preparation
and distribution of this leaflet.
7. Prior to the revelation of the
source of the leaflet, Mr. Webster,
member of the Detroit Board of
Education, had publicly linked me
with the leaflet. On October 13,
1936, subsequent to the revelation
he, with fitting decency, entered
an apology on the official minutes
of the Board. A photostatic copy
of these minutes is enclosed.
8. Some years later the leaflet
was revived and distributed among
the auto workers of Detroit by
supporters of Homer Martin in
their fight against the CIO. The
truth having been made known
to the auto workers, they proceed-
ed to throw Martin completely off
the scene of unionism.
9. In December, 1941, the leaf-
let was again revived and used by
the Commercial Telegraphers' Un-
ion, (AFL) in an NLRB election
contest with a CIO union. The
truth was made known and, on
July 15, 1942, the Commercial
Telegraphers' Union, with fitting
decency, sent me a letter of apol-
ogy. A photostatic copy of this
letter is enclosed.
10. The reference of Mr. Schults
to the Congressional Record and
to the year 1944 is to be attributed,
I assume, to the revival and use
of the leaflet, for a second and
third time, by Congressman Clare
Hoffman on the floor of Congress,
where, as you undoubtedly'know,
he enjoys the privilege of Congres-
sional immunity.
11. Such "privilege," of course,
does not extend to your paper nor
to Mr. Schults. And while I have
become relatively immune to such
libels, I am confident that you
will gladly act to disassociate
jourself from the practices of the
Black Legion. Consequently I am
impelled to request that you print
this letter, together with an p-
propriate apology, and that Mr.
Schults make appropriate apology
in addition. I prefer to believe that
the dictates of decency will move
both of you to do this.
-Maurice Sugar.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The DA1ily pol-
ogizes to Mr. sugar for any )harm,
which may have been done by the
printing, of Mr. Schults' letter.. We
regret that we were the agent where-
by misinformation was disseminat-
Vj g

Peace Confab Baiting

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ............City Editor
Naomi Stern .......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Biumrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery....Women's Editot
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Edito3
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Hait......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ... .Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusily
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Ator, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail.
$6.00. l

"pEACE" seems to be taking its place
alongside "class struggle," "Wall Street
Imperialists," and "people's democracy" as a
Communist term used for a Communist end.
It is not the Kremlin alone which is re-
sponsible for the overtones of meaning which
are becoming associated with this simple
word. Our State Department has, done its
share of refusing to accept either Soviet
"peace feelers" or direct invitations to con-
ferences which might have ended the warm-
ing cold war.
But the men of the State Department will
have no part of any "peace moves" and it
justifies its stand by saying these peace over-
tures are nothing but Communist propa-
ganda and - if - the - Russians - were - sincere -
why-don't-they - lift - the - Berlin - blockade.
Such rationalizations (true or not) are caus-
ing Europe's war-fearing millions to wonder
about just how much they can depend on
the United States as an ally for peace.
.The State Department's Communizing

ment actually seized and deported two Cana-
dian delegates. The effect was to make the
Conference appear to be a strictly American
intellectual-Russian Communist confab.
Most of the newspapers have taken their
cue from the State Department. The hyster-
ical picketing of the conference and a simul-
taneous meeting set up in opposition to the
peace conference were reported as exten-
sively as was the conference itself.
The positive action toward peace by
some of the world's leading scientists and
intellectuals has been attacked on the
editorial pages of nearly every newspaper
which in other editorials tells its readers
that the West can find peace in the mili-
tory alliances of the North Atlantic Pact.
The conference adopted with a vote of
2,000 to one a resolution "to strengthen the
United Nations as the best hope for peace,
to express cooperation with other peace
movements throughout the world, to con-
tinuep work stafrted at t heconfei'rnce _


You saw a bright star outside,
ius lfike inth for~fv book?

"A brighf star shone oufside the
castle window and the Prince's

"I- 11

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