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March 30, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-30

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Latest Deadline in the State

4 ly







Houses Will
Hear Campus
SL, Class Office
Seekers To Speak
Dorms, fraternities, sororities
and co-ops will open their doors
to all candidates for Student Leg-
islature and Senior Class officers.
Assembly, Panhel, East and
West Quadrangle have given the
program sturdy support. IFC lead-
ers backed the plan, but the group
hasn't met since the program
plans were drawn up.
PURPOSE of the program is to
provide students with an oppor-
tunity to meet as many candidates
as possible, according to Duane
Nuechterlein, '50BAd, SL election
committee chairman.
Information for candidates on
specific Open Houses is:
West Quadrangle: Quad Coun-
cil asks nominees to call individual
house presidents.
East Quadrangle: Plans not
complete, but Quad Council asks
candidates to contact individual
house presidents for latest infor-
Women's Dormitories, League
Houses and Co-ops: Women's As-
sembly asks those running to call
presidents of the houses con-
Sororities: Panhel asks candi-
dates to call sorority presidents.
Fraternities: House presidents
haven't officially backed the pro-
HOWEVER, Bruce Lockwood,
'49, IFC chairman and Don Cal-
houn, '50E, IFC Coordinating
Committee chairman, requested
nominees to contact individual
fraternity presidents to find out
Fourteen Drop
Out of Class,
SL Elections
Competition among Student
Legislature candidates and class
officer hopefuls narrowed by four-
teen students last night.
Nine SL aspirants previously
listed failed to submit their peti-
* * *
THEY ARE: Al Blumrosen, '50;
Caryl A. Daly, '51SM; Richard
Entenmann, '50; Roger Garfink,
'51; William E. Huff, '51; Calvin
Lippitt, '49; Barbara Little; '51Ed.,
Rosemary Owen, '51; and Y. H.
Two competitors for the Lit-
erary College Senior Class treas-
urer's post failed to continue:
Phil Dawson, '50; and Don
Rothschild, '50.


Department Spikes


Tour of U.S.

NEWARK, N.J.-(P)-A coast to coast tour of 18 Communist
"World Peace" Conference delegates ended before it started last night.
The State Department spiked the proposed cross country journey
f delegates from behind the Iron Curtain less than 12 hours before
They were to appear at the first of a series of "no more war" rallies
THE DEPARTMENT said their U.S. visas were good only for
ast weekend's Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace
n New York City.

Union Asks
On 'U' .Lines
LANSING - (P) - State em-
ployees would like to take a try at
the University of Michigan's sys-
tem of letting pupils grade their
In a letter to the State Civil
Service Commission, the United
government Workers, an indepen-
dent union, asked permission to
appear before the Commission to
discuss the need for the State to
institute a program of employe
rating of supervisors.
* * *
"OUR UNION has watched with
increasing interest the trend in
private industry and in school
systems to develop this technique,"
the letter said. "If industry and
public schools get results, possibly
the State of Michigan, through
your agency; should do the same.
"It is a great step f'rward that
the University of Michigan this
week completed the first proj-
ect of allowing students to rate
their teachers," the union con-
"This is analagous to employes
rating their supervisors, inasmuch
as much of the duty of the super-
visor is to teach and guide his
-* . .*
(LLOYD S. Woodburne, Associ-
ate Dean of the Literary College,
who conducted the faculty grading
program here on campus told The
Daily that he was not familiar
enough with the Civil Serv.ce
Commission to know if such a
grading system would be feasible.
(However, he said, "I don't
think it's the same identical sit-
uation as the student-faculty
"A number of exposes of alleged
misconduct in certain state insti-
tutions and state agencies in the
past few years resulted from ac-
tivities on the part of supervisors
who would not have been retained
if the employes whom they super-
vised had been able to bring out
the facts," the letter concluded.

<> Later, a spokesman for the
Conference said in New York
that the Communist delegates
"definitely will not appear" at
any of the scheduled meetings.
"Unless Dean Acheson reverses
his ruling that their visas are to
be considered as expiring."
The Conference representative
said a telegram had been sent to
Acheson requesting him to rescind
the order.
* * *
THE TELEGRAM, the spokes-
man said, charged the State De-
partment "of notifying the world
it has slammed shut the door to
the exchange of cultural relations
between the United States and
other countries."
The "Cultural Rally For
Peace" here went on minus its
heralded star attraction-Rus-
sian composer Dmitri Shostako-
The audience of some 3,000 per-
sons wa stold of the government
* * *
DELEGATES from outside the
Soviet sphere-Cuba, England and
French West Africa-spoke. Out-
side the Mosque Theater, where
the rally was held, about 40 pick-
ets paraded.
The pickets, who marched in
orderly lines, represented veter-
ans' groups who have protested
the conference as Communist
dominated. _
Will Address
Group Here
Michigan's Senator Arthur A.
Vandenberg will appear May 28 at
the University when the Inter-
American Ear Association visits
Ann Arbor.
His address will be delivered in
Hill Auditorium and will be open
to the public.
The Association, composed of
lawyers from all nations of the
Western Hemisphere, will jour-
ney here on May 28 as guests of
the University.
Senator Vandenberg spoke here
last year on the 100th anniversary
of the first Dutch settlement in
Michigan. His talk embraced the
United States' foreign policy.

efense Head
Cracks Whip
On Services
Publicity Fights,
Politics Are Out
WASHINGTON - ()-Defense
Secretary Johnson yesterday in-
itiated a series of brisk moves to
unify the nation's armed services.
As a starter, he cracked down on
headline squabbles between the
Navy and the Air Force.
"There will be no competing be-
tween the services for headlines,
no release of things that are se-
cret," he told newsmen.
* * *
WITHIN 24 hOURS after he
was sworn into his new post, the
big, bald-pated Defense Chief
1. Told the Army, Navy and Air
Force to move at once to the
Pentagon, the nerve center of
American defense.
2. Announced he will abolish
many of the 800 boards and agen-
cies set up by the three Armed
Services over a long period of
3. Banned "personal or party
politics" in the national military
4. Indicated that some heads
will roll, but "the people who are
doing their jobs will remain."
5. And finally, said he has "a
pretty fair conviction" what roles
the Air Force and the Navy should
play in the event of war.
* * *
ferred to the long and bitter con-
troversy between the two services
over the type of bombing missions
each should execute in wartime.
Air Force chiefs have con-
tended their long-range planes
should carry out strategic bomb-
ing-air blows struck at the
heart of the enemy's production
Just as staunchiy, the Navy has
argued that its aircraft carriers
should be allowed to join the as-
sault - particularly such giant
flattops as the Navy's $120,000,000
carrier, the United States, which
is now under construction.
* * *
JOHNSON GAVE no inkling of
which way his "pretty fair con-
viction" leans. He is known, how-
ever, as a strong advocate of long-
range bombers. And as one of his
first steps, he named Air Force
Gen. Joseph T. McNarney to the
job of coordinating the changes he
plans to make.
World News

* * * *

Students will be able to fight
back against the High Cost of
Living when NSA Purchase Cards
go on sale from 1 to 4:30 p.m. to-
day through Friday, in the lobby
of the Administration Building.
Purchasers of the cards may
use them to receive discounts on
merchandise sold in five Ann Ar-
bor stores, ranging from 10 to 50
per cent, according to Cathy
Houston, chairman of the Student
Legislature Committee, which will
operate the Purchase Card Sys-
THE CARDS, which will cost
$1, will also bring price reduc-
tions in Detroit stores whichhave
signed contracts with NSA, and
in many cities throughout the na-
"Sale of the cards on campus
was rushed ahead so students
could use them over the vaca-
tion wherever they go," Missj
Houston said. '
Lists of cooperating merchants
in Michigan will be provided along
with the cards.
* * ,*
THE THEORY behind the pur-
chase cards is that all students
holding them will trade with co-
operating businessmen. The in-
creased gross revenue offsets the
loss on the price reductions.
They explained that in
"actual practice" businessimen
made a greater margin of pro-
fit under PCS.
Of the dollars paid by students
for cards, 70 cents goes to the
Student Legislature NSA Commit-
tee, 20 cents is sent to the Michi-
gan Regional NSA and 10 cents
is turned over to the National
New Series
,Of Price Cuts
Go Into Effect
Autos, Radios, Stoves
Figure in Retail Slash
NEW YORK--0)-A new series
of retail price cuts were laid be-
fore the consumer yesterday, fur-
ther clipping inflation's wings.
They stretched the dollar a lit-
tle farther. But most of the re-
ductions were from highly inflat-
ed levels and many of them were
* * *
AUTOMOBILES and auto ac-
cessories, radios, refrigerators,
ranges were among the wide var-
iety of items affected.
Continued reductions in such
basic commodities as lead, zinc,
copper and steel indicated there
might be further cuts in manu-
factured goods in the wind.
The midseason spring cata-
logue of Sears, Roebuck and Co.
featured "many price reductions
in all lines." Even ice cream was
down a little-three cents a quart
in Philadelphia.
* * *
RADIOS SHOWED the biggest
drop. Westinghouse Electric chop-
ped a lusty 20 to 50 per cent off
nine home model sets.
Kaiser-Frazer Corp. knocked
$198 to $333 off its car prices.
Henry Ford II, President of Ford
Motor Co., saw a "possible" re-
duction in Fords.
But the main item common to
all the price reduction was an in-
creased resistance on the part of
the buyer.
Business men and industrialists
agree the "bloom is off the
boom." -

Purchase Cards on SaleI



.HARNESSING BUYING POWER-Charles T. Williams, '49, buys
the first NSA Purchase Cards from Cathy Houston, '49, chairman
of the Student Legislature committee to handle the cards. Regular
sale of the cards will begin today in the lobby of the Administra-
tion Building.
Latest Cosmic Cyclotron
Called Boon to Mankind

Control Law
Okayed With
'Home Rule'
Measure Awaits
Truman Action
yesterday approved a 15-month
rent control bill with a "home
rule" escape clause and sent the
measure on to the White House.
The Senate cleared the measure
first 78 to 11, with the House
completing action by a vote of 263
to 143.
* * *
ALTHOUGH it does not con-
tain as much as President Truman
had asked, he is expected to sign
the legislation to replace the pres-
ent law which expires at midnight
The major provisions of the
new bill are:
1. States may scrap federal con-
trols by vote of their legislatures
and with the Governor's approval,
or they may take over adminis-
tration of the curbs if the Gov-
ernor certifies that the state has
an adequate rent law on its books.
2. Rent ceilings are to be set so
as to give landlords a "fair net
operatingincome," as determined
by the Federal Housing Expediter.
3. Nationwide eviction regula-
tions are to be set up by the Ex-
pediter which will take precedence
over local rules.
4. The Expediter is empowered
to sue for treble damages on
tenant's behalf in a case of rent
5. Veterans priority for first
chance to buy or rent a new prop-
erty are continued.
THE BILL is a compromise be-
tween the two different versions
adopted earlier by the Senate and
Administration leaders in both
Senate and House told the law-
makers today they either had
to accept the compromise plan
or not have any rent controls
after Thursday.
Senator Sparkman (Dem., Ala.),
who helped manage the Senate bill
in the joint conference sessions
said the Expediter would have
these guideposts to help him de-
termine what rent increases should
be allowed: (1) Property tax
boosts levied on the landlord, (2)
Unavoidable boosts in operating
and maintenance expenses, (3)
Major capital improvements in the
housing accommodations.
Officials at the Housing Expe-
diter's Office declined to estimate
what this section will mean in the
way of rent increases pending
further study of the new bill.
T homas Talk
On Socialism
Slated Today
Norman Thomas, American So-
cialist leader, arrives in Ann Ar-
bor today.
Under the sponsorship of the
Democratic Socialist Club, he will
deliver a talk on "Is the Fair Deal
Socialism?" at 8 p.m. today in the
Architecture Auditorium.
** *
FOLLOWING the talk, a recep-
tion in his honor will be held by
the Student Religious Association
at Lane Hall.

Earlier in the day, Thomas
will be feted at a dinner at 6
p.m. in a local cafeteria.
Tomorrow, Thomas is scheduled
to lead discussions on civil rights,
the socialist view of the Atlantic
Pact, and the concept of the wel-
fare state in classes in the politi-
cal science and sociology depart-
* * *
THOMAS, WHO has been So-
cialist candidate for president six
times, polled close to 150,000 votes
n the 1948 election.
At present the chairman of the

ROCHESTER, N.Y.-(P)-Strik-
ing new knowledge for mankind
was promised yesterday at the
dedication of the giant new cosmic
ray Cyclotron of the University of
The promise was made by Dr.
Lee A. Du Bridge, president of the
California Institute of Technology.
* * *
"THE PLAIN TRUTH," he said,
U.S. Protests
Conviction of
Gi's asSpies

"Is that no one can predict the
practical results. If you are ex-
pecting the Cyclotron to yield the
design for a new and more power-
ful Atomic Bomb you are almost
sure to be disappointed."
Other possibilities, but un-
safe to predict, he said, are new
nuclear power plant (atomic
power plants), a cure for can-
cer, or a trip to the moon. He
"What this cyclotron will cer-
tainly do is just one thing-it will
yield to the skilled physicists who
work with it, new knowledge about
the behavior, the structure and the
characteristics of nuclei. And soon-
er or later this new knowledge
will have striking_ important and I

Anthony Carnevale, '50E,
dropped from the race for vice-
president of the Engineering
School, Senior Class.
*~ * *
Engineering College's sophomore
class contest skidded as Charles
Good, '52E, failed to turn in his
presidential petition, and Dwight
Hein, '52E, his vice-presidential
SL candidates not previously
listed are Martin Gluckstein, '50E,
and Paul McCracken.
Reelect Belin
YR President
David Belin, '51, was re-elected
president of the Young Republi-
cans by a 34 to 15 vote at a hotly
contested meeting last night.
Along with Belin, all previous
officers were elected to serve un-
til February, 1950.
fhenry Willard, '50L, who op-
posed Belin for the top post, and
declined the vice-presidential

Community Leadership
Schools Are .Revived

EDlITOR'S NOTE: This is the
eleventh in a series of articles pre-
senting the highlights in the his-
tory of the University of Michigan.
Contributors to today's installment
-the second of four dealing with the
individual schools and colleges-are
Phil Dawson and Joan Willens.)
The Daily's account of Univer-'
sity history is concerned today
with th'ree professional schools
whose purpose is to train men and
women for places of leadership in
the community and in civic affairs.
* * *
A law department was theoreti-
cally part of the University from
the beginning, as one of the three
departments provided for in the
Organic Act of 1837 which estab-
lished the University.

dent Tappan's last acts was to pro-
vide for a new $16,000 law build-
ing in 1863.
The law school continued to
grow, and in 1892 the Regents con-
tracted to have the law building
rebuilt. They decided they didn't
like the job that was done, how-
ever, and a few years later the
whole structure was torn down.
THIS DECADE also -saw the
death in 1898 of Thomas M.
Cooley, who had been largely, re-
sponsible for the law school's
progress to national renown.
Cooley was not only a great
jurist, he was a scholar-au-
thor of a history of Michigan
and a treatise in constitutional
law-although he never saw the
inside of a college classroom

By The Associated Press
RHODES-Israeli and Trans-
Jordan delegates accepted armis-
tice terms yesterday and returned
to their capitals for final approval
of the draft.
United Nations officials immedi-
ately left for Damascus to start
work on armistice negotiations
with another Arab state, Syria.
* * *
OSLO, Norway-The Norwe-
gian Storting (Parliament) ap-
proved yesterday the North At-
lantic Treaty and authorized
Foreign Minister Halvard Lange
to sign it in Washington April 4.
* * *
.THE HAGUE-The Dutch Gov-
ernment accepted yesterday an in-
vitation from the United Nations
Commission for Indonesia to dis-
cuss a settlement of Indonesian
problems directly with Republican
leaders in Batavia.
* * *
LONDON-Nurses of five Lon-
don hospitals yesterday asked
censors to ban the American
film "The Snake Pit."
They claimed in a letter to
the British Board of Film Cen-
sors that the movie is "sordid"
and shows mental hospital
nurses "as harsh unemotional
and often cruel."j

the other to 10.
*. * *
THE U.S. EMBASSY declared
the secret trial was held "without
due regard for normal rights and
The men, held in a PrAgue pris-
on, are listed in U.S. Army records
as recruit Clarence R. Hill, 31, of
Jackson, Miss., and recruit George
R. Jones, 22, of Owensboro, Ky.,
absent without leave since Dec. 1
from the U.S. Constabulary's Sixth1
Armored Regiment.

PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia ~- (P) valuable uses to men.
-The United States protested yes-
terday against the conviction of THE CYCLOTRON is the
two American soldiers at a secret world's second largest. The bigger
trial on charges of spying against one is at the University of Cali-
Czechoslovakia. fornia. This Rochester machine is
The soldiers, who wandered more.than a thousand tons of
across the frontier from the U.S. steel, and cost a million and a half
Occupied Zone of Germany last dollars, mostly supplied by the of-
December, were sentenced to long fice of naval research. The United
prison terms-one to 12 years and Mates Atomic Energy Commission


Ca ldwell Injured
BAY CITY, Mich--Dr. James L.
Caldwell, of the University Hos-
pital staff, was in "critical condi-
tion" last night after a highway
collision, the Associated Press re-
Dr. Caldwell was driving alone
on M-15 when another automo-
bile crossed in front of his vehicle.

German Border Revision odeined
- - - --_ _ 4


might provoke a sense of inse-

j Alliance details with them."'

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