. .....
Medics' fnnual Cdduceus Ball
Features Ken Norman Tonight
' ( f
This is the day for the Gold
Rush of '49, otherwise known as1
Caduceus Ball, being held from 91
p.m. to 1 a.m. in the League Ball-f
Sponsored by the senior class of
the Medical School, the annual
affair will feature the music of
Ken Norman. Students and fac-
ulty of the Medical School and lo-
cal doctors will attend the dance,
which is semi-formal.
Alexander, the dance committee
has worked out a Gold Rush
theme which will be carried out
in the decorations. An intermis-
sion quiz show with the audience
participating is scheduled.
Entering the ballroom will be
equivalent to entering an 1849
covered' wagon. A bag of gold
will represent the bandstand,
Officers and board members of the StuGeni Wives Club will meet
at 8 p.m. Monday to complete plans for the spring semester programs.
Present officers are Mrs. Barry Farr, president; Mrs. Dare Gum-
precht, vice president; Mrs. Mary Ann Thompson, secretary, and Mrs.
Ruth Schoeppach, treasurer. Board members are Mrs. Jean Cox, pro-
gram; Mrs. Marian Pierce, publicity; Mrs, Carol May, communica-
tions; Mrs. Daphne Jaco, historian, and Mrs. Eileen Davidson, pro-
Jack Blankenship, president of the Village Resident Council, will
speak on "Goals and Headaches of the Willow Village Resident Coun-
cil'' at the Monday meeting of Faculty Wives Club.
Mrs. Gertrude Sanders and Mrs. Mary Ross are hostesses for the,
8 p.m. meeting at University Community Center.
Garden Club resumes its programs Tuesday night at 8. Mrs.
Jean Blatchley is chairman of the group for February.
With the aid of seed catalogs members will plan their garden
flower plots for the spring and summer seasons.
e *
University Community Center will be open from 7 a.m to 8 p.m.
Monday for voting in the primary elections.
During the past month a number of student families who were
active in community affairs moved to other cities. The heads-of these
families received their degrees at the end of the fall semester.
Robert and Avis Nordstrom and two small children -now list
Providence, R, I. as their home. Bob is with a law firm in that city.
While in the Village, he was a member of the Resident Council and
Avis was active in Student Wives Club. Both were active in the work
of Christ Chapel.
Walter and Jo James and two daughters went to Hillsdale, Kan.,
for a vacation before Walt hangs out his lawyer's shingle. Jo devoted
many hours to Student Wives Club work and was employed at Uni-
versity Hospital.
Fred and Helen McGlinnen purchased a. new home in Detroit
where Fred plans to enter the business world. Helen was employed in
the University library during their three years' residence in the Vil-
lage. Both were active workers at Christ Chapel.
Blaine and Joyce Rabbers and young daughter are living in Kala-
mazoo. He received a degree in engineering. She is past president of
the Village Garden Club.
* *
Charles and Helen Mauney and child packed up his law degree and
their furniture and went off to Bloomington, Ill. While in school
Chuck drove a University bus between Ann Arbor and the Village.
Helen contributed her extra time to the Co-operative Nursery group.
Theodore and Waverly Duning and daughter moved to Richmond,
Ind. He received a law degree. Waverly was formerly employed in the
rental office by the University.
Rifle Club Will Enter Matches
while posters depicting the
journey of the 1849'ers to Cali-
fornia and that of the 1949'ers
through Medical School will line
the walls.
The Ball was originated in 1893
and has continued since. Is is one
of the oldest dances on campus.
The Medical School as a whole
and Galens Society formerly spon-
sored the dance at different times.
IN ADDITION to 1:30 a.m. per-
mission, women attending will
also be given flower favors, in-
cluded in the price of admission
which is $3.60.
Besides general chairman
Alexander, other committee
members are Norm Talner, pro-
grams; Al Levy, tickets; Thorn-
dike Toops, intdfrmission pro-
Other committee members are
Leroy Steinman, decorations;
Richard Allen, band; Dick Alford,
clean-up; and Betty Walker, pub-
A limited number of tickets are
still on sale. They may be obtained
in the medical sorority and frater-
nities, at the Galens Stand in Uni-
versity Hospital and from repre-
sentatives of the four medical
Bridge 'Tourny
Winners Named
Today by Union
Winners of the Union bridge
tournament have been announced.
They are John Dreifus, Don
Hartman, Ed Spivack, Milton Sie-
gel, Ed Bloom, Ed Simons, Jo-
seph Shoenfield and Alexander
The octet won out after two
months of tournament playing on
Next Wednesday the eight
winners will play a "mail" round
sent them from the New York
headquarters of the Great Lake
Tournament. At the same time,
other winners at other colleges.
will also play.
WAA Notices
Basketball games scheduled for
this week are to be begun prompt-
ly at 5 p.m.
Monday-Tri Delta I vs. Delta
Zeta II, Jordan VII vs. Pi Beta
Phi II.
Tuesday-Mosher II vs. Stock-
well VI, Jordan III vs. Sorosis II.
Wednesday-Gamma Phi Beta
I vs. Barbour III, Alpha Chi
Omega I vs. Chi Omega I.
Thursday-Alpha Gamma Delta
II vs. Stockwell V, Kappa Delta
III vs. Sigma Delta Tau I.
Assembly Ball
Ticket Sales
Start Today
Tickets are now on sale through
dormitories and league houses for
"Assembly Reigns," the 1949 ver-
sion of Assembly Ball, sponsored
each year by Assembly Associa-
The dance is to be semi-formal
and will be held from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. Friday, March 4 in the Union
Ballroom with Frank Tinker and
his orchestra playing for dancing.
PAT REED of Martha Cook is
general chairman of the dance
and is being assisted by the follow-
ing committees: publicity, Char-
lotte Eagle of Jordan, chairman,
and Ruth Cohen of Newberry;
tickets, Priscilla-Ball ofsJordan
and Rosalie Sklar~ of Mosher; fi-
nance, Harriet Oak of Newberry;
programs, Marilyn Eisenback of
Jordan: patrons, Eleanor Gold-
man of Mrs. Kelly's league house:
and decorations, Ann Shafer and
Marcia Ames, both of Martha
A pun on the word "reign"
will provide the theme of the
dance. Rainbows, umbrellas and
bocts will add to the decorations.
Plans are being made for cello-
phane rain to fall at intervals
from a large cloud hanging from
the ceiling of the ballroom.
It will be "reversible time," the
dance being coed-bid. The num-
ber of tickets will be limited to in-
sure dancing pleasure.
Women attending the dance will
receive 1:30 a.m. late permission.
JGP Committee
Publicity committee of JGP will
meet at 4 p.m. Monday in the
third floor suite in the League
which is reserved for JGP. Those
members who have not turned in
their eligibility cards are asked to
do so at this meeting. Work on
posters will begin, according to
Kathy MacPherson, chairman.
Daily--B:m Ohlinger.
CADUCEUS BALL-Members of the committee making arrange-
ments for Caduceus Ball design a poster to publicize the annual
semi-formal dance given by the senior class medical students.
Left to right: Dick Alford, Leroy Steinmann, and Betty Walker.
Knitting Keeps Coeds Busy
Other than the usuax occurences
of rushees putting out cigarettes
in the outstretched palm of ant
active, arriving the wrong day or
half an hour late or early, this
season rushing has been fairly
smooth but ...
Over at the Kappa house actives
found themselves in an embar-
rassing situation when, having re-
moved their shoes to relax after
a party, three late-going rushees
came to bid goodnight to stock-
ing-footed coeds.
THE RUSHING chairmen of
Alpha Xi Delta in the harried ac-
tivity that only a rushing chair-
man can know has fallen up and
League Sponsors
Record Concert
The League will sponsor a rec-
ord concert tomorrow at 7 p.m. in
the League library.
The program includes Handel's
"Concerto Grosso No. 2, Op. 6"
by the Boyd Neel String Orches-
tra, Bach's "Bradenburg Concerto
No. 5 in D Major" by the Ecole
Normale Chamber Orchestra of
Paris, and Schubert's "Symphony
No. 8 in B minor" by the Vienna
Philharmonic Orchestra.
down the stairs each once dur-
ing the course of parties. Alpha
Xi's are now waiting to see if it is
possible to fall sideways.
Independent women aren't
the only ones rushing Delta
Gamma for a neighbor from
across the street made her ap-
pearance at one partq. Other
guests finally had to be told
when unfavorable comment on
the house poured forth from the
Early arrivals at a Pi Phi party
found floor sweeping in process,
while at the Alphi Phi house
one rushee, upon seeing the por-
trait of an active's friend on the
dresser, remarked. "Oh, isn't he
handsome! I used to date him."
TALK OF THE faithful old
weather always provokes much
comment. One Alpha Gam active.
innocently seeking to make sure a
rushee had all her necessary cloth-
ing before going out into the slush,
asked, "Boots?" "No! JEAN," re-
torted the rushee coldly as she
stamped out the door.
Fraternity men too have their
share in the women's rushing. The
latest trick of the Phi Gams is to
perch upon their roof with binocu-
lars and noise makers to com-
ment and direct or misdirect coeds
to the neighboring houses.
The current criterion in judging that it w
the popularity of a college man is
the store or argyle socks his femi-
nine admirers have endowed him ALL
with. amounts
The knitting crase has envel- sary for
6ped the campus for the past few cle, thus
years and from all indications it and then,
will continue to keep coeds busy in Alumir
their more leisurely moments. almostr
Even not so leisurely moments tic ones
have been used for knitting pur- metal pi
poses, much to the distress of the and them
professors of the University who,
have complained that the click-
ing of needles is somewhat dis- Fag
tracting during lectures.
outdone themselves to make the
handicraft as easy and convenient
for women as possible. Many im- The ca
provements in equipment, instruc- wild this
tions and materials have kept of cigar
knitting supplies in great demand. distribut
Especially interesting are the Union f
ready-prepared packs for mak-ep
ing all kinds of articles. There Te~
are packs for wool socks, ar- both at
gyles or plain color, mittens and Thos t
sweaters, (cardigan or pullover name wu
styles for children or adults. successft
Packs are now on sale for the typewrite
knitting of ties and slipper- remover.
At tim
The tie packs contain angel had just
crepe yarn and a tie can be made perhaps
of any combination of over ten a bit lax
colors which are available. A gift ment. T
box is included in the pack along had seve
with a tag which can be sewn ontoclaimed.
Tired Feet, Many Anecdotes
Result from Rushing Parties
ished product
was hand-made.
PACKS include proper
and kinds of yard neces-
completion of the arti-
insuring no waste of yarn
refore no waste of money.
rum knitting needles are
replacing bone and plas-,
. Most knitters find the
ins are easier to handle,
refore prefer them.
eIy Fed
ampus -seems to have gone
past week for one brand
rettes, which have been
ed from the League and
or the price of one ID
ackages were accompanied
kite plastic case which is
tractive and convenient.
who dislike the brand
ritten on the case might
ully . remove it with a
er eraser or nail polish
e of printing the League
run out of their supply,
because they had gotten
on the ID card require-
he Union, however, still
n packages, waiting to be
State and Packard
The women's Rifle Club is
spending as much time as possible
these days practicing for the In-
tercollegiate Matches which will
begin the last of this month and
continue through March.
The club will enter both the
group and individual matches,
competing against teams from col-
leges all over the country.
Zola Shipman, manager of the
club, proudly remembers that the
women's team from Michigan
placed sixth in the group matches
last year.
The women do their shooting
on the ROTC shooting range, the
points are compiled there in con-
sultation with their sargeant and
then sent to a centrally located
.Lost and Found
Notice seen on Tri Delt bulletin
board-Lost! One toy elephant;
last seen leaving with trunk.
college where the nation-wide re-
sults are tabulated and an-
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512 East Huron.
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister
Roger Williams Guild House
502 East Huron
10:00 A.M.: Bible Study Class. A study of the
teachings of Jesus.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon, "Our
Common Gospel," by Rev.hLoucks.
4:00 P.M.: World Student Day of Prayer Pro-
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan
F. E. Zendt, Minister to the Congregation
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
9:40 A.M.: Student bible class at the church.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Nursery for chil-
dren during the service.
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students
Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work
STUDENT GUILD -- All Protestant groups will
meet together to observe World Student Day
of Prayer.
4:00 P.M.: Worship in the Baptist Church.
5:30 P.M.: Fellowship supper at the Methodist
For National Lutheran Council Students
1304 Hill Street
Henry 0. Yoder, Puastor
9:10-10:00 AM. Bible Hour at the Center.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion & Trinity
4:00 P.M.: World Student Day of Prayer Service,
Baptist Church, E. Huron Street.
5:30 P.M.:, World Student Day of Prayer Supper,
Methodist Church, State Street.
YMCA Bldg., Fourth Ave.
Carl York Smith, Minister
10:30 A.M.: "Work of the Elders," WPAG.
11:00 A.M.: "Let Every Man Be Swift to Hear,
Slow to Speak, Slow to Wrath."
7:30 P.M.: "The Apostles' Doctrine."
Reading Room, 211 East Washington
Michigan League Ballroom
10:30 A.M.: Sunday Lesson Sermon.
February 20: "Mind"
11:45 A.M.: Sunday School.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday evening Testimonial
423 South Fourth Ave.
Theodore R. Schmale, D.D.,
Walter S. Press, Ministers
Irene Applin Boice, Director of Music
9:30 A.M.: Church School.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship.
5:30-7:00 P.M.: Student Guild.
Ministers: James Brett Kenna and
Erland J. Wang
Music: Lester McCoy, director
Mary McCall Stubbins, organist
Student Activities: Doris Reed, associate
10:45 A.M.: Worship Service. Dr. Kenna's ser-
mon topic: "Religion and Business Relations."
4:00 P.M.: Worship Service for World Student
Day of Prayer in Baptist Church.
5:00 P.M.: Supper for members of all co-oper-
ating Guilds in Methodist Sqcial Hall.
6:30 P.M. Group meetings led by U.S.C.C. dele-
gates on "Ecumenical Developments."
1917 Washtenaw Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 A M.. Adult Group with Prof. Arthur Brom-
age on: "County Government."
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship. Prof. John Shep-
ard preaching on "Universal Sin or More
Thoughts on Science and Religion."
6:30 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group--
Snack Supper
Discussion of: "What Unitarians will do at
Amsterdam and Portland next Fsummer."
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By Everett D. Esch
"Looks as if this rain will spoil tour trip,"
I City
- - - - - - - - - !
1432 Washtenaw Avenue
W. P. Lemon, W. H. Henderson, Ministers
Maynard Klein, Director of Music
9:30 A.M.: Westminster Guild Bible Seminar.
Coffee and rolls at 9:00 A.M.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr.
Lemon. Topic "As Thyself"
4:00 P.M.: Westminster Guild will join with the
other Guilds for the World Student Day of
Prayer beginning at the First Baptist Church.
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred Scheips, Pastor
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Sunday at 9:45 and 11:00: Regular Services with
the pastor preaching on "Continue in the
Grace of God".
Sunday at 5:30: Supper and Program of Gamma
Delta, Lutheran Student Club.
Wednesday at 7:00: Chapel Choir Practice,
Thursday from 4 to 5: Coffee Hour.
Friday at 8:00: Party at the Center. Theme, "En-
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