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February 19, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-19

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Bewildering Withdrawal

WHILE RUSSIA has never seemed over-
anxious to cooperate in the UN, she
has--at least-usually been able to offer a
half-way logical excuse for her obstruction-
ist action.
But a move taken this week by three
Soviet reppublics - withdrawal from the
World Health Organization-must bewilder
even the avid Communist-liners.
There were several flimsy excuses of-
fered by Moscow: first, that the agency
has failed to make progress in the pre-
vention and control of disease on an in-
ternational scale; and, second, that "main-
tenance of the organization's swollen ad-
ministrative machinery involves expenses
which are too heavy for member states
to bear."
This hardly represents either logical or
honorable reason for the hasty and unex-
pected withdrawal by the Soviet Union, the
Ukraine, and Byelorussia.
There are several good reasons why the
health organization hasn't accomplished
much as yet-and Russia is certainly not
without blame in the stalemate. One ob-
vious reason for inaction in the field of
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

international health is that the agency
has been in full operation for only four
and a half months. It is certainly too
early to assay its effectiveness.
In addition there have been difficulties
in setting up an adequately qualified med-
ical staff-and for this Russia must assume
a large share of the blame. She has con-
sistently refused to contribute either scien-
tific information or the participation of her
"well qualified" medical experts.
It is also unfair to level criticism at the
organization on the basis of too-heavy ex-
penses. Operations have been conducted
so far on an extremely slender budget, and
many member nations have failed to come
across with promised financial support.
Among them is Russia-failing to meet even
her comparatively minor pledge of $350,000
for the promotion of international health.
There is little justification for Russia's
lack of financial aid, and none for her
denial of medical information and sci-
entific personnel.
Russia has levelled what may be a fatal
blow at the only UN agency which has
consistently been unfettered by dissension
and political wrangling. She has hurled an-
other barrier in the way of international
Because there is no other justification
for the withdrawal, we must assume that
it is politically motivated - and we can
only guess at what further intrigue it may
-Robert C. White.

aa i

"YOU NAME IT and I'll eat it!" seems to
be the byword of several publicity-
wise University students.
In the interests of defying science and
astounding medical authorities, two Uni-
versity students have conducted a raw
oyster-eating race. A third has attempt-
ed to capture the hamburger-downing
crown from a University of California stu-
dent and narrowly missed, after swallow-
ing 121 hamburgers in 35 minutes.
Perhaps a psychologist would point to
the unsettling influence of World War II
as the cause of tTe mass gorging. But quite
a while before the war, college students
shocked their elders by indulging in live,
Those interested in world problems may
be viewing the eating wave with alarm,

when they think of the hungry hordes in
Europe and Asia. But I seriously doubt if a
hungry Chinese would care much one way
or the other about the eventual lodgings
of several dozen raw oysters.
Despite the obvious drawbacks of this
craze, it may eventually prove a boon to
the campus. It looks like the perfect solu-
tion to perennial complaints about dorm
Residence halls managers will merely have
to hire a few medicos the next time the
gripes pour in. The doctors can solve the
problem by warning the dorm residents en
masse: "DON'T eat that food-it's a gas-
tronomical impossibility."

They'll probably lick the

platter clean.
-Jo Misner.

Radar Vs. Russia

City Editor's
T HE VENERABLE old scholar stood before
a packed house of students who had
jammed into Rackham Amphitheatre to
hear his talk.
Many of them had been drawn by his
reputation as a liberal, others were just
there to write a report of the talk for speech
They listened politely as the retired pro-
fessor delivered a 45-minute speech in
praise of the Russian government and an
apology for some of the less savory ele-
ments of Soviet policies. Then the meet-
ing was thrown open for questions from
the audience.
Within fifteen minutes the place was
filled with laughter. The audience was high-
ly amused at the speaker's ineffectual at-
tempts to parry the pointed, fact-seeking
questions tossed out by his listeners. They
had easily seen through his superficial
* * *
ALL THIS HAPPENED three years ago.
Then just this week the same speaker
returned to Ann Arbor. This time he ap-
peared before a small group of students in
a downtown auditorium.
His downtown appearance brought the
trend toward stifling free speech on this
campus sharply into focus for me. In the
past three years the University has been
caught up in the anti-Communist hysteria
which swept the nation.
They have made it harder and harder
for a speaker to appear here. There is a
battery of boards and officials which
screen every person who wants to address
University students.
This screening group rebuffed the so-
called "Red Dean" when he came to Ann
Arbor. This left-wing clergyman wound up
in a downtown auditorium.
The sponsoring group for this latest apol-
ogist for Russia only learned that he would
be able to speak here a week before the
scheduled talk. They didn't even bother try-
ing to hurdle the red tape which surround
official approval of a speaker.
They might have gotten University ap-
proval but by then it would have been too
It is agreed that there must be some
method of selecting outside speakers to
appear at this University. But the thing
is being carried too far.
An ordinary speaker can get by after ful-
filling numerous requirements. A politician
is out of luck entirely.
The whole thing is an insult to the in-
telligence of students at this "educational"
Heart 'Campaign
only pumps blood but revives the blood
with oxygen injections has been perfected
by a French scientist according to United
Press reports.
It is hailed as superior to the one in-
vented by Col. Charles Lindbergh and
Alexis Carrel, by Andre J. Thomas, direc-
tor of the Paris experimental cellulaire
It should be valuable in surgery, he said,
because it could be used to sustain life while
the patient's organs are being repaired.
The "heart" represents one more step in
the campaign to stop heart disease. But
there is still a long way to go and a lot

of money needed before doctors will know
what causes "the big three" heart dis-
eases-rheumatic fever, high blood pressure,
and hardening of the arteries.
To obtain these funds to promote re-
search and apply existing knowledge more
widely, the American Heart Association
has designated, this week as National
Heart Week. Heart Week will end Mon-
day, but the drive for funds will continue
through Feb. 28, the American Legion,
local sponsors of the drive, have an-
Heart disease may seem far away to most
students, however, records reveal that rheu-
matic heart disease is the leading fatal
disease among young people from 5 to 19.
One in every three deaths in the United.
States, furthermore, may be chalked up to
heart disease. This toll tops the combined
annual toll of cancer, accidents, kidney
disease, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.
When you see the red plastic hearts post-
ed in local stores, remember that your con-
tribution may help stop the U.S. No. 1 killer.
-Alice Brinkman.
THE INDICTMENT of fifteen Protestant
leaders in Bulgaria has crystallized the
general belief that a coordinated Communist
drive against organized religion is under
way in Eastern Europe. The Bulgarian Prot-
estants are charged with almost the same
set of crimes of which Cardinal Mind zenty
was convicted, and the fact that the arrests

"Al IObject T( I~X 11,111 11"1 WOrks"

WE ARE MAKING ourselves safe against
Russia, but at the cost of distorting our
lives. I think of that radar shield the armed
forces say we now need. The electronic rays
will fringe our national borders, powered by
leaping water and burning coal, pumping
out endlessly into space, bouncing back
ceaselessly upon the unsleeping screen, to
note the arrival of any flying ship or missile.
The servicing of the screen must neces-
sarily be a secret service, so that we shall
know it is there, but know little more than
that about it. And we shall, depending on it,
yet knowing so little about it, sell insurance
and mend our chairs, like beings on a res-
ervation, like creatures living under labora-
tory conditions, the old simplicities of sun,
food and uncharged air forever shattered.
And the armed forces dream,i if not
with early hope, at least with longing,
of setting up a space platform, floating
high above the world, from which men,
yes, men, held up by the forces which tie
the universe together, will direct a new
"These are the things we need, we say,
to make ourselves safe against Russia. But
it is not we who will thus be made safe.
It is Americans of another, later and per-
At the Orpheun.. .
liam Graff, and a modicum of the music
of W. A. Mozart.
AFTER LAST NIGHT, Mozart may be
added to the long list of cinemgaticmar-
tyrs. As portrayed by one Hans, Holt, whose
mannerisms were much too "exquisite" for
this reviewer, Mozart suffers a paralyzing
lack of either depth or artistry. I would have
thought him incapable of putting Ogden
Nash's poetry to music, much less the tri-
umphs accredited te him on the screen of
the Orpheum.
Happily he does not suffer alone. (I sus-
pected Patrician Films of discrimination.)
Beethoven fares little better at the hands
of a Mr. Graff whose sinister facial ex-
pressions and voice visibly shatter what few
illusions had remained iii regard to the
composing profession.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tiouis letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* . .
To the Editor:
T WOULD BE ridiculous to be-
gin a discussion about profes-
sors without defining precisely
what a professor is. On this ac-
count I have chosen to be quite
specific. A professor is one who
professes. Henceforth, let no vague
or untried definition of this
species of human interfere with
clear cut deduction based upon
the above identity...
! Now that we have ridded our-
selves of the dogmas surrounding
the nature and essence of pro-
fessors we will find it a help in
discussing them to resort to
some sort of abbreviated sym-
bolism and shall therefore
find it essential in going further
to have a firm foundation in sym-
bolic logic. (Anyone interested in
following the argument to come
will derive great insight into its
pattern by first reading "Principia
Mathematica" by Bertrand Rus-
sell and Alfred North Whitehead.
Russell by the way is now an earl
or some such thing.
What comes into your mind
immediately upoa looking at the
word professor? Precisely! There
are too many f's in it. Now look
back and verify my discovery, for
you likely didn't even notice it the
first time. (In higher semantics

haps a changed sort, who will be made
safe in this manner; Americans of the radar
age; Americans accustomed to living on
trust in an atmosphere of many secret serv-
ices of defense, radar secrecy, floating plat-
form secrecy, atomic secrecy, guided missile
secrecy; Americans divided between those
who know what the new world is made of,
and those who do not know.
They tell us now we need a 3,000-mile
range for testing guided missiles, consist-
ing of a launching area, in which the
scientists will tee off, observation posts,
and, at the end, a continent away, an
impact area in which the frightful masses
will submissively land. This is what we
shall need to be safe. Gradually, perhaps,
we may become used to living in a world
furnished in this manner, and we shall
try to find corners in it for our books
and spare shirts-but without conviction,
for it will be a life like that in the
world of an abstract painting, in which
the familiar is irrelevant.
The more we hold her off, in this way,
the more we shall change; the safer we make
ourselves, at this cost and expense, the more
helpless we shall be to order our own eco-
nomic destinies. This is the hook that can
reach through radar.
Surely we are entitled to think about our
chances of getting ourselves off the hook,
now, before we are too completely impaled;
surely the greatest of national debates is
called for, to consider whether there is not a
safer road to safety-perhaps by using these
same resources to build so compelling a
prosperity in our country and in our part
of the world as to defeat Communist pene-
tration, to defeat it chemically, in mind
after mind. Are we mounting a defense, or
are we only, at unthinkable cost, mounting
one of those paradoxes which have in the
past more than once rebounded to Russian
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)
[Looking Back I
William Jennings Bryan was received by
an enthusiastic audience last night when he
lectured in University Hall on the retention
of the Philippine Islands.
The new look has nothing of the New
Blue in gentlemen's neckwear advertised in
The Daily by a local haberdashery. The ad
read, "They are a little spring-like, but

Letters to the Editor,.,

ar r= ftt3e.ocrF
go a" "to w.Vaa.,cro.,, vwar m.

this is known as giving the righl
value to the wr ong woid.) At and
rate, to proceed, let, al, a2, a3,
a4,. . . an, . . . be a sequence o1
elements ipresenting the class of
professors. Now the advantag
perceived herein is that for and
given matter in which the wort
professors occur we may feel fret
to substitutethe symbol al. a2, a3
a4, a5 .. ., an . .. We now realiz(
that professors follows much th(
same laws as any other word anc
that in this respect we may re-
gard professors as normal.
In conclusion we may regarc
professors as creatures of the an.
imal kingdom. They are evolving
Where there is evolution, there i
hope. (The e in evolution is o
Latin origin. Precisely where volu
tion came from I have no idea.)
-Patric H. Doyle.


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructivernotice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
SATURDAY, FEB. 19, 1949
VOL. LIX, No. 95
Law School Admission Test, Room
The Law School Admission Test,
which will be given Saturday,
Feb. 19, has been assigned to the
Rackham Lecture Hall( although
all admission notices will state
that 100 Hutchins Hall is the
place the test will be given.
Graduate students may not elect
courses after Sat., Feb. 19. Courses
dropped after this date will be re-
corded as "dropped." Courses may
not be dropped after the end of
the eighth week of the semester.
Freshmen who competed in the
Hopwood Contest should call for
their manuscripts by Wed., Feb.
23. The Hopwood Room is open
weekdays 2-5:30 p.m.
Women students attending the
Caduceus Ball, Sat., Feb. 19, have
1:30 a.m. permission. Calling hours
will not be extended.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts:
Beginning Mon., Feb. 21, rooms
will be scheduled by Mrs. Jose-
phine Hoffman in 1009 Angell
Hall, Ext. 2175.
Pennsylvania State Civil Serv-
ice Commission announces exami-
nations for Associate Director,
Technicians, Occupational An-
alysts, Special Representatives
(Labor), and Clearance Super-
visor in the Pennsylvania State
Civil Service Commission.
The Merit System Council of
New Mexico announces examina-
tions for District Health Officer
with the New Mexico Department
of Public Health. Examinations
also announced for Senior Bacte-
riologist-Serologist, Senior As-
sistant Bacteriologist - Serologist,
Junior Bacteriologist - Serologist.
Further information may be ob-
tained by calling University exten-
sion 371 or by stopping at 3528
Administration Bldg.
The Continental Oil Company
of Ponca City, Oklahoma an-
nounces openings for geologists
ani electrical engineers in the
Geophysical Department. Inter-
ested June graduates may call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Bldg.{
The Public Schools of the Terri-
tory of Hawaii will need a number
of teachers for the year 1949-50
in the following fields: Kindergar-
ten, Upper and Lower Elementary
grades; and a few openings exist
in the Junior and Senior High
Schools. Holders of the M.A. or
those with the A.B. and one year
of experience are preferred.
The Merrill-Palmer School of
Detroit will offer a summer ses-
sion of work in Child Develop-

chology, Sociology,
Home Economics.

Nursing, orI


The Department of Education,
Naval Government of Guam is in
need of teachers in the following
fields: Early and Later Elemen-
tary Grades, Industrial Arts,
Music, Home Economics, English,
Commercial, Social Studies, Math-
ematics, and someone with a mi-
nor in Art. Two years' experience
is desirable. For further infor-
mation, call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments 3528 Administration
Applications are open for the
Laurel Harper Seeley scholarship
of $500. Awards will be made be-
fore the spring semester by the
Alumnae Council. Women stu-
dents are eligible to apply and
awards will be made on the basis
of academic standing, citizenship
and need. Blanks may be obtained
in the Office of the Dean of Wom-
en. Applications will be closed
March 15.
Information is available in the
Office of the Dean of Women on
the Delta Delta Delta scholarship.
Applicants may or may not be
members of the chapter, but they
should be well-qualified students,
working toward degrees, who show
promise of becoming valuable citi-
zens in their future communities.
Information is available in the
Office of the Dean of Women on
the Lillia Babbit Hyde Foundation
Scholarship of $1,000 in Biology,
Chemistry, or Physics, which has
just been announced by Byrn
Mawr College for a woman in her
first year of graduate work. The
award will be made to a woman to
be chosen from among the appli-
cants for departmental scholar-
ships in Biology, Chemistry, and
Physics, The final date for appli-
cation has been extended to
March 7th.
Mrs. Madeline Strony, Educa-
tional Director of the Gregg Pub-
lishing Company, will speak on
"The New in Shorthand" (a lec-
ture on the revisions of the Gregg
Manual) at 7:30 p.m., Mon., Feb.
21, Rackham Amphitheatre. In-
terested students and faculty are
Academic Notices
Makeup Examination in Eco-
nomics 51, 52, 53, 54 Thurs., Feb.
24, 3 p.m., Rm. 203 Economics
Bldg. Any student expecting to
take this examination must leave
his name with the Departmental
Secretary before the examination.
Palmer Christian Memorial
Program, with Josef Schnelker
and Marilyn Mason, organists,
will be presented at 4:15 Sunday
afternoon, Feb. 20, in Hill Audi-
torium. It will include composi-
tions by Bach, James, Franck, De-
Lamarter and Dupre, and will be
open to the general public.
Student Recital: Lydia Pekar-
sky, pianist, will be heard in a pro-
gram at 8 p.m., Sun., Feb. 20,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of

and her program will be open to
the general public.
Student Recital: Gratia Boice,
pianist, will be heard in a recital
at 8 p.m., Mon., Feb. 21, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Her pro-
gram, presented in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music, will'
include compositions by Franck,
Mozart, Schumann, and Chopin,
and will be open to the public.
Miss Boice is a pupil of Marian
The Burroughs Adding Machine
Company exhibit of 24 of the lat-
est calculating and accounting
machines which has been open for
the past week to students major-
ing in accounting will be open to
students and faculty of all colleges
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday
and Tuesday, Feb. 21 and 22, 58
Bus. Adm. Bldg.
Groups wishing demonstration
should arrange time by calling
Extension 2674 in advance.
Events Today
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
Group: 12:15 p.m., Lane Hall.
Gargoyle Advertising Staff
Meeting: 2 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild: Snow
Party. Meet at Guild House, 2
p.m. If no snow, hike is planned.
IWillelzapoppin-Publicity Com-
mittee. Meet at 2 p.m., Recrea-
tion Rm., Hillel Foundation.
Everyone welcome. Paint brushes
and blue jeans.
Coming Events
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Open House, Sun., Feb. 20. Every-
one welcome.
International Students Associa-
tion Installation Dinner: Outgoing
and incoming officers will be hon-
ored at 6:30 p.m., Sun., Feb. 20,
International Center. Reserva-
tions should be made by Saturday
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Business meeting and program,
Sun., 8 p.m., Michigan League
Ballroom. Ensian pictures will be
taken. Everyone invited.
A.V.C. meeting, Mon., Feb. 21,
7:30 p.m., Hussey Room, Michigan
Russian Circle: Meeting, 7:45
p.m., Mon., Feb. 21, International
Center. Speaker: Prof. T. Heger;
subject: Russian Music.
Deutscher Verein: Meeting, 8
p.m., Hussey Room, Michigan
League. Tues., Feb. 22. All newl
members welcomed.

To the Editor:
This is in answer to the letter
appearing in recent. Dailies writ
ten by Hy Bershad, Don Gordo
Al Fishman and others. A certai
amount of propaganda can b
laughed at and shrugged off, bu
there is a limit to what I can tak
before I feel forced to fight back
Bershad's letter, devoted to con
demning Cardinal Mindszent
followed the typical Communisti
propaganda line of screaming fas
cist and anti-semite. It was pret
ty well answered by John Nahan'
letter in Tuesday's Daily. I hop
that everyone who read Bershad'
letter also read Nahan's so the
could see how ridiculous the for
mer was.
Don Gordon stated in his lette
Saturday that the twelve Com
munists on trial in New Yor
"have only the interests of th
people at heart." Quite true
"the people" refers to the Krem
lin! As to his statement tha
"they want to give us a govern
ment that is truly Democrati
where Liberty (especially freedo
of thought and speech) and JUS
TICE prevail for all," I defy hi
to name one country under Com
munistic rule that offers thes
Al Fishman, whose letter ap
peared in Tuesday's Daily, too
advantage of the fact that whet
something cannot be defeated b
argument perhaps it can be de
feated by ridicule. He ridicule
Truman's refusal to go to Russi
for a conference but Stalin lie
about his reasons for not comim
to Washington.
Fishman says he speaks as on
"who will have to fight and di
in the next war." I would like
ask him on which side he will
-David W. Peterson

1 ANIWdgu
tj t

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students o
the University of Michigan under th
authority of the Board in Control 01
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Eldto
Dick Maloy ................City Editoi
Naomi Stern ........Editorial Directo,
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editoi
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate EdIto
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librariar

Business Staff
Richard Halt......Business
Jean Leonard ....Advertising
William Culman ....Finance
Cole Christian ... Circulation


Telephone 23-24-1
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'The Associated Press is exclusivel3
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of all news dispatches credited to It 0
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SAll rights of republication of all tithe:
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Entered at the Post Office at Anz
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Subscription during the regula:
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ment. This course is open to hol- Bachelor of Music. Miss Pekarsky
ders of the A.B. in Education, Psy- is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman,




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