I mmq
See Page 4
it trt
Latest Deadline in the State
De Gaulle Demands AnceT
' ave France
Red Leader
Hints Russia
Has 'A' Bomb
Vishinsky Blasts
Our Atom Policy
PARIS - (A) - Russia's Andrei
Y. Vishinsky bitterly attacked
President Truman and Governor
Dewey on the atomic issue and
hinted twice the United Statesno
longer has a monopoly on the
deadly bomb.
The Soviet Deputy Foreign Min-
siter accused the United States of
having atomic "war aims," and
also struck at David E. Lilienthal,
chairman of the United States
Atomic Energy Commission. He
called statements by Truman,
Dewey and Lilienthal "a shame."
* * *
WAVING HIS fists and flushing
deeply, the white-haired Vishinsky
spoke for two hours before the
United Nations Assembly's 58-na-
tion political committee. That
group is debating the failure of
Russia and the Western Powers
to agree on international control
of atomic energy.
U. S. delegate Warren R. Aus-
tin took extensive notes on the
Russian speech but said he
would not reply immediately.
British minister of state Hector
McNeil declared,
"We do not know whether
Russia has the atomic bomb or
not. Everyone knows the United
States is ready to give her know-
how to the rest of the world.
"We must make it plain to the
whole world who is to blame not
only for robbing mankind of the
potential benefits of atomic en-
ergy but of threatening mankind
with all the consequerpces of the
atomic bomb. We have the obliga-
tion to tell the world, for we can-
not tell tpe world afterwards if
there is no world left, why the use
of the atom was not controlled."
* * *
Truman described the atomic
bomb demonstrated at Eniwetok
as an improved model which
marked progress over the bomb
exploded at Hiroshima in Japan.
He shouted:
"Apparently the President of
the United States described as
progress how a bomb which will
kill half a million people. That is
what they call progress."
Turning to Dewey, he said the
Republican presidential candi-
date in a speech at Phoenix,
Ariz., declared America has ex-
clusive possession of atomic se-
Vishinsky quoted Lilienthal as
saying the United States wants to
prolong its monopoly on atomic
energy as long as possible.
* * *
"IT IS a mistake," he shouted,
"to think that there is just one
state which has a monopoly over
atomic energy and the atomic
bomb. It is useless to think of
such a thing. It is useless to hope
for that because this is fraught
with dire and dangerous conse-
quences and miscalculations.
"The United States go on stock-
piling under the illusion that they
are still monopolists."
Just before attacking Presient
Truman, Gov. Dewey and Lilien-
fhal, Vishinsky made his second
hint with this statement:
"It is clear that the United
States in respect to the atomic
question carry out a dictatorial
policy under the illusion they still
have a monopoly on atomic en-
Slosson Backers
Choose Officers
Betty Conlin and Bill O'Neill
were elected co-chairmen of the
newly organized Students for
Slosson group last night at an
open house meeting honoring the
Democratic candidate for Con-
gress from Washtenaw County.
Bob Licht and Andee Seegar
were elected secretary and treas-
urer, respectively.
Prof. Slosson spoke briefly to
'M' Opens Home Grid Season
(Daily Sports Editor)
After four vain attempts the
Pacific Coast will again try to
break the domination Michigan
football teams have imposed upon
them as Oregon moves into Ann
Arbor to do battle with the Wol-
verines this afternoon.
A crowd of 72,000 will be on
hand as the Webfoots led by Norm
Van Brocklin try to notch their
ninth consecutive win. Other Pa-
cific Coast elevens have tried to
overcome the Maize and Blue dur-
ing the past 47 years, but the sum
total of their efforts have been 13
points as against Michigan's 188.
* * *
IN THE FIRST battle Fielding
Yost's point - a - minute eleven
trounced Stanford, 49-0 in the in-
augural Tournament of Roses
clash in 1902. In Harmon's era
Michigan met and swamped Cali-
fornia, 41-0. Then last season the
Mad Magicians trimmed Stanford,
49-13 and went on to measure
Southern California in the Rose
Bowl, 49-0.
But today may be a different
story. Oregon comes into town
touted as the co-favorite for the
West Coast Rose Bowl entrant.
They have already scored deci-
sive victories over Santa Bar-
bara and Stanford this season.
Under the tutelage of Jim Aikin
the Ducks have developed two
good pass catchers in Dan Garza
and Dick Wilkins. They've also
come up with a transfer from Pur-
due, Johnny McKay, who has
sparked the- running attack and!
has scored five of the ten Oregon'
AIKIN HAS PUT together a
starting line that will outweigh
Michigan's forwards 13 pounds to
the man. Led by the two tackles
Steve Dotur and Don Stanton, who
scale 222 and 224 respectively, the
Duck line averages 207% lbs.
Their backfield also isn't ex-
actly tiny. They'll average 187
per man with McKay at 160 and
big Bb Sanders, the fullback at
198 averaging out against a
couple of 190 pounders, Van
Brocklin and George Bell.
On the Wolverine side of the
ledger injuries still are keeping
Michigan from peak strength. In
all probability tailback Gene Der-
ricotte will not see action nor will
second string line backer John
Ghindia. Pete Dendrinos, reserve
tackle is still out also.
TOMASI (top)
WILKINS (bottom)
be Chucking Chuck Ortmann, the
sensational sophomore from Min-
neapolis. With Ortmann heaving
them for the Maize and Blue and
Van Brocklin passing for Oregon
the fans should be treated to an
afternoon of long passing and the
dazzling kind of football they
Another sophomore will be in
the Wolverine backfield in the
person of Leo Koceski. This
youngster may go the full 60
minutes since Wally Teninga
has been shifted to tailback to
spell Ortmann.
Up in the line the Wolverines
will be aided by the return of Joe
Soboleski. Soboleski has been a
guard for the past three years, but
mas moved to tackle this season
to help bolster that post.
DAN DWORSKY, a standout in
line last week, may have to be an-
other iron man since Bob Erben
may be sidelined with a knee in-
Though injuries have ham-
pered the Maize and Blue the
return of Dick Kempthorn from
the injured list is sure to be a
See ORTMANN, Page 3
ECKLUND (bottom)
S' r
, j.
.: '
, i
{ h fif"
X_ " :
f t
An eager young man in Wen-
ley House in the West Quad has
been dateless for aimost two
weeks so he leaped at a friend-
ly suggestion offered last ,night.
"Why don't you call up Alice
at 21718?" asked a buddy.
He followed the advice but
didn't get the date. The "Alice"
turned out to be Dean Alice
Lloyd and she was busy.
Railroads Ask
Eight Per Cent
Freight Boost
WASHINGTON - ()-The na-
tion's railroads asked the govern-
ment to let them boost most
freight rates eight per cent.
This would cost shippers an
extra $672,500,000 a year but the
railroad industry says it badly
needs these added millions to meet
soaring operating costs.
CARRIERS contend the 25 per
cent freight rate increase granted
them by the Interstate Commerce
Commission earlier this year was
not enough.
Today they asked a flat eight
per cent increase on everything
except fresh fruit, vegetables, lum-
ber, sugar, coal, coke and iron.
The rate increase on these items
would depend on the distance
hipped. On short hauls, the boost
would be around eight per cent;
on long hauls, less.
* * *
THE NEW RATE, if granted,
may not go into effect for several
months. It usually takes that long
for hearings to be completed ex-
cept in emergencies. The rails did
not place today's plea on an emer-
gency basis.
In its petition, the railroad in-
dustry said operating costs have
gone up 75 per cent since 1946 and
are still soaring. Rate increases in
the same period, they said, have
totaled 40.8 per cent.
During August the railroads had
asked for rate advances on coal,
coke and iron ore only. In offering
the new petition, which includes
these, the industry withdrew its
previous application.--
'U' Press Club
Hears General
Says Air Supremacy
Vital to Modern War
America must understand that
significant changes have occurred
in military theory and that think-
ing and analysis must be changed
accordingly, Gen. Orvil A. Ander-
son declared last night before a
meeting of the University Press
One of the most important of
these changes is the ascendance
of air action to a place of primary
importance in war time. The de-
cisive stage of battle has moved
from land and sea to the air.
Formerly, the worst catastrophe
a nation at war could suffer was
invasion of the homeland. But
with technological improvements
in the speed and striking power of
the air arm "no nation can long
survive exploitation of air weapons
over their homeland-it is as bad
as invasion, Gen. Anderson stated.
The use of the air arm as a
means of conquest is revolution-
ary. The Atomic Bomb has demon-
strated that the Air Force is no
longer a supplementary weapon.
Complete air supremacy over a
belligerent nation can force un-
conditional surrender without in-
vasion, Gen. Anderson concluded.I
Election Is
War Time Leader
Hits Government
PARIS - (P) - Gen. Charles De
Gaulle told a news conference the
French people must have a chance
to elect him back to power or he
will take other means to "save
He said the present regime was
"sterile," attacked the five-nation
Western European Alliance as
not worth much," and said the
Western Powers were handling the
crisis with Russia over Berlin
in "deplorable" fashion.
* * *
THE ALLIANCE, which France
has joined with Britain, Belgium,
The Netherlands and Luxembourg,
he declared was centered in Lon-
don and "it is wrong to center in
London the defense of Europe."
He said he did not'want the
Western Powers to evacuate
Berlin, "above all I do not want
them to surrender Paris," and
he said the first interest of Eng-
land would be defense of itself.
The General declined to say
what steps he would take to "save
France," declaring "one is obliged
to guard some discretion on the
plans one can form."
* * *
BUT HE recalled that he headed
a war-time government-in-exile
and resistance movement and
commented, "thus was France
saved in 1940,"
The present government is
"crumbling into illegitimacy" by
its failure to consult the people,
he added.
He could not wait three years
to come back, he hinted, "because
in three years there will probably
be neither French democracy nor
French independence."
New elections are.mandatory in
1951 for the National Assembly,
but De Gaulle wants the assembly
to dissolve and hold new elections
* *' *.
THE GENERAL, who resigned
as chief of state in January, 1946,
because of quarrels with France's'
politicians, said the problem of
European defense would have to
be reconsidered "when' France has
a real government."
"What has been done thus far
on this matter, including the
Brussels Pact and the recent
military conference in Paris is
not worth much; it is no solu-
tion at all," he said.
"I have nothing against Eng-
land. No one knows better what
its courage and sacrifices have
been. But England is an island
and Europe is a continent."
Five Indicted
In State GOP
Fund Probe
Continue Grand Jury
U.S. Attorney Asks
BAY CITY, Mich. - W) - The
FBI dug deeper into the records
of Republican campaign financing
today after four Flint auto sales
agencies and five dealers were in:-
A federal grand jury accused
the dealers and agencies of violat-
ing the federal corrupt practices
act in donating money to the 1946
GOP campaign in Michigan.
United States Attorney Thomas
P. Thornton asked Federal Judge
Frank A. Picard dto continue the
life of the 21-man grand jury here.
Normally, it would expire Monday.
JUDGE PICARD said he would
think it over for a few days and
then announce a decision.
Thornton told the court he may
want the jury to examine added
information relating to other in-
dividuals. He did not name these
other targets of the probe.
Meanwhile, Thornton told news-
BELL (bottom)
GARZA (center)
AIKEN (bottom)
GRID FOES-Pictured above are the two coaches and ten players from the two
teams that will open the Michigan home football schedule for 1948 today in the
Michigan Stadium. The players are Captain Dominic Tomasi, guard, Leo Koceski,
right halfback, Chuck Ortmann, left half, Tom Peterson, fullback and Pete Elliott
quarterback for Michigan.
For Oregon there is left end Lou Gaiza, center Bob Ecklund, right end Dick
Wilkins, quarterback Norm Van Brocklin and right half George Bell.
World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
BERLIN-Russian fighters made a mock attack on a British
transport plane and held aerial gunnery drills near American planes
flying the corridor to Berlin today.
.* * * *
WASHINGTON-The Army ordered recl uiting officers today
to stop accepting first enlistments by men with dependents.
** * *
WASHINGTON-CIO President Philip Murray today protested
to the Atomic Energy Commission the blacklisting of two CIO unions
at atomic plants.
Window Shoppers Hounded,
Astounded by Sleepy Canine
Today's Grid
I"rogram s Less
SI-ACr;scr Talks
Bring Cost Drops
You will pay twenty-five cents
for your football program today,
one half the former price, and the
credit belongs in a good part to
the Student Legislature.
Early last spring, the Varsity
Committee received several stu-
dent requests to try and get the
program price lowered. SL direct-
ed Chairman Bob Ballou to see
what he could do.
* *> *
Crisler, who said that the program
could not be reduced because of
costs of production without taking
a lot away from the finest looking
program in the Big Nine.
Several plans were suggested
and when Ballou left, he had Cris-
ler's tentative approval for a plan
First Football Week-end
Launched by Pep Rally
The pennant fever gripping
Cleveland has nothing on the foot-
ball epidemic currently sweeping
Ann Arbor.
With a host of out-of-town vis-
itors taxing the facilitiies of local
hotels and eateries to the bursting
point, a near-holiday spirit per-
vades the town's atmosphere.
Culminating the pre-game en-
thusiasm was last night's all-cam-
pus pep rally, sponsored by the
Wolverine Club, at which several
thousand vociferous students and
townspeople clearly demonstrated
that Rose Bowl or not, they are
still as solidly behind the Michigan
eleven as ever.
Assembling in front of the
Union, the vast congregation,
and the University marching
band, led by six swaying tubas,
formed a snake dance down
State Street. Illuminated by the
flickering light from scores of
words of one of three Michigan
Most difficult assignement
caused by today's large influx of
visitors is that faced by the city
police in controlling the customary,
traffic flood.
Both Candidates Now
Talking About Unity
A handsome boxer who was just
dog tired had State Street in an
uproar yesterday.
Window shoppers intrigued with
the minute detail of a simulated
student's room in the bay window
two days and seems to enjoy the
attention as much as any other
woman would, according to Wag-
"Once she lay for an hour and
a half with her chin on the win-
dow sill just staring out," he said.
CHEYENNE, Wyo. - (/')2 Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey said peace de-
pends "on how united the people
of America are" in a world where
"Communism is on the march.
"Freedom-loving nations left
Tr uman..
President Trumantold the voters
they can "achieve unity" by elect-
ing a Republican Congress and
Thomas E. Dewey-unity "in a
headling dash toward another de-