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October 01, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-01

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a t


Latest Deadline in the State


Ruthven Hits

Threats to

Liberal Educatior


* * *

U.S. Renews
Offer To Tell
Atoin Secret
Charges Soviets
Block Control
PARIS-(P)- The United States
renewed its offer to give the rest of
the world the secret o- the atomic
bomb and blamed Russia for
blocking international control of
the deadly weapon.
U.S. Delegate Warren R. Austin
told the United Nations Assem-
bly's political committee that his
government wants no monopoly
on atomic force.
* * *
. . THEN AS OCTOBER President
of the Security Council, he set 3
p.m., Monday as the hour for the
start of debate on the fateful is-
sue of Berlin where the Western
Powers charge the Soviet Union
with threatening the peace of the
Austin said Russia had
blocked global control of the
atomic bomb by refusing to sac-
rifice any- of her sovereignty to
permit international inspection
and control of sources of atomic
energy. He noted the Soviet Un-
ion vetoed a majority-accepted
control plan in the council.
"Fear has supplanted hope," he
said, "Because the Soviet Union
has insisted on placing its sover-
eignty athwart security for all."
Austin said the United States is
willing to submit to international
control and inspection because
the Americans "want peace for the
world, for themsE:ves and for their
ments in UN circles:
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt told
the Assembly's 59-nation social
committee that the United States
would accept a proposed world bill
of human rights without amend-
ment if all nations follow suit.
There seemed little chance of ac-
oeptance of her offer due to oppo-
sition from the Soviet Bloc and
other quarters.
France's Communists joined
those of Britain in backing Rus-
sia's UN proposals for a one-
third reduction in the arma-
ments of the world's five big
powers. The item comes up for
debate in the political commit-
tee after a decision is taken on
atomic energy. That discussion
continues tomorrow with Rus-
sia expected to answer Austin.
Reliable sources said 12 coun-
tries were about to form a middle
eastern bloc in the UN. A meeting
of the dozen, all of them generally
anti-Russian, was set for Satur-
day. The list included Afghanis-
tan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece, Iraq,
Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi,
Arabia, Syria, Turkey and Yemen.
Parties Meet
On Campaigns
Two opposing campus political
groups, the Young Democrats and
the Young Republicans, met last
night, so intensify their drives in
the current political campaign.
At a meeting of the Young Dem-
ocrats last night it was reported
that the club's intensive door to
door campaign in the University
Terraces is in full swing.
The project, designed to get out
a large absentee vote among Uni-

versity students, will be continued
for several weeks.
The Young Republicans last
night elected Dave Belen, Dean
Farwell, and Jacqueline Harper to'
the offices of treasurer, Board of
Directors and secretary, respec-
The Republicans also announced
that Harold Sponberg, an author-
ized speaker from the Republican
State Central Committee, will be
present at their next meeting to
debate the stands of Preston Slos-
son, Democratic candidates for
Congress, on the issues of housing
prices and labor.
Officers Elected
By Lawyers Club

New Drum Major Is Skilled Musician

Found at long last-a drum ma-
jor who can also play an instru-
Fred Breidnbach, the high step-
ping baton twirler who'll lead the
Marching Band tomorrow in its
first home appearance of the sea-
son is a skilled musician in his own
right-he plays the clarinet.
Breidenbach taught himself how
to "twirl" when still in grade
school. He gained such fame
"fronting" for Dayton, Ohio's
Oakwood High School that he
spent all last summer there teach-
ing 40 fledgling drum majors the
Breidenbach has worked his
way up in the band. Last year
he strutted all the way to the
Rose Bowl as one of the two as-
sistant twirlers. This year he's
making his bow as band drum
major. The two assistants have
been cut out to make way for
the band's new maneuvers.
This new marching form, ac-
centuating faster, higher steps has
given Breidenbach a chance to
display one of his specialties - a
high running strut. His first dem-
onstration of this difficult feat
brought enthusiastic cheers at the
Michigan State Game.
* * *
ON THE FIELD Breidenbach
and his whistle control every
movement of the band. In practice
he helps assistant conductor Jack
Lee plot and execute the intricate
Drum majoring is fine in warm
weather according to Breiden-
bach. "It's a workout though,
and I usually lose two or three
pounds. Cold weather is easier
on the waistline but makes it
much more difficult to hang on
to the baton."
When Breidenbach tosses the
baton into the air on Saturdays
it often goes as high as 65 feet.
Looping the half pound of tin over
the goalposts is the most difficult
trick, and he has several nicks in
the baton to prove it.
Bireidenbach also plays in the

Next Session
Will Decide
Fate of AVC
Agenda Covers
Contested Issues
The stage has been set for a
showdown battle for control of the
campus chapter of the American
Veterans Committee.
At a turbulent meeting of AVC's
executive committee last night,
two highly controversial resolu-
tions were placed on the agenda
for the regular membersnip meet-
ing next Thursday.
* * *
MEMBERS OF THE executive
committee made it apparent that
upon membership approval or re-
jection of these resolutions rested
the future course of AVC.
One of these resolutions,
placed on the agenda by John
Sloss, calls for the institution of
recall proceedings against Dave
Babson, chairman, and Ed Tum-
in, treasurer of the organiza-
The other, presented by Ed
Tumin, urges approval by the
campus chapter of a stand in ac-
cord with the advertisement in
Tuesday'stDaily announcing that
Communists are not liberals and
should be discouraged from par-
ticipating in AVC.
SO FAR AS ACTUAL expulsion
of Communists is concerned, the
resolution would refer that prob-
lem to the national AVC conven-
tion. (If approved at the next
meeting, this resolution would be
a modification of the stand adopt-}
ed at AVC's first meeting.)
Dave Babson has announced
repeatedly that he will resign as
chairman, and from the AVC, if
this resolution does not meet
the approval of the majority of;
the membership.
The most heated arguments of
the evening were over a defeated
motion by Sloss which would have
required all members to paytheir
full national dues of $3 before
being allowed to participate in
the voting next Thursday.
* * *
SLOSS STATED that the pres-
ent policy, which enables members
who pay their $1 local dues to]
vote on everything but constitu-
tional amendments and delegates
to the national convention, would
enable persons who did not have
the best interests of AVC at heart
to control important meetings.
"Only those who are vitally
interested in AVC would be will-
ing to pay their $3 national
dues," he said. "They would
consider it an investment." j
Opponents of the measure coun-
tered with the fact that the cam-
pus chapter has always consid-
ered those who have paid their
local dues to be "active members."
They added that the sudden im-
position of the $3 national dues
upon those who had not yet paid
might cause undue hardship.
THE MOTION . was finally
thrown out, 4 to 3.
Plans for a renewed member-
ship drive were discussed and the
executive committee united to is-
sue the following statement:
AVC is interested in obtaining
as members for the coming
meeting and all other meetings
all those who are sincerely in-

terested in supporting and work-
ing for a liberal campus organi-
The meeting, scheduled at 7:30
p.m. Thursday, Oct. 7 in the Un-
ion, is open to the public.


Is Blasted


President Gives
(Daily City Editor)
In a fighting speech last night,
President Alexander G.1 Ruthven
lashed out at current trends which
". .place anyone who questions
the status quo under suspicion."

... battle ignorance, selfishness and superstition


'' Press ClubToHa
Vital Issues Discussed
Discussions of vital present day issues both here and abroad, will
highlight today's session of the University Press Club.
Topflight speakers will probe "The European Situation Today"
and "Public Welfare in Michigan" during morning and afternoon
On the agenda for tonight is an address by Gen. Orvil A. Ander-
son, commandant of the Air War College of the Air University,
Maxwell Field, Ala. All the meetings are open to the public.
A veteran of the U.S. Air Forces, Gen. Anderson has distinguished
himself as a balloon pilot and observer as well as in war time assign-
His talk, slated for 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall, is
expected to trace the development of the newly-created air arm
through its first year and outline future plans.
In morning discussions tomorrow three recognized authorities on
the subject will study aspects of the current European crisis.
The round table, which, gets underway at 10 a.m. today in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre, will be conducted by Arthur W. Bromage of the
political science department.
* * * *
THE PANEL INCLUDES: Judge George J. Burke of Ann Arbor,
who recently returned home after taking part in Nurnberg war crimes
trials; Law School Prof. John P. Dawson, who returned to the Univer-
See PRESS CLUB, Page 2
Students Label ID Pictures
As "Straight from Alcatraz"

clarinet section when it sits down
for a concert and is officially
known as the Varsity Band. A Sig-
ma Chi, he is a member of Sphinx

and also the Junior Honorary So-
Breidenbach hopes to teach
music after graduation.

Blasting pressure groups and
special interests, he said they have
created an atmosphere of fear
which interferes with the work of
HE TOLD some 150 newsmen
attending a University Press Cub
dinner that the schools and the
press should combine to battle the
three enemies of freedom, ignor-
ance, selfishness and superstition.
The speech was strongly remi-
niscent of his famed article
"The Little Red School House'
debunking charges that commu-
nists overrun colleges, which was
a standard reading in freshman
English texts for many years.
In ringing tones President
Ruthven denounced "self - made
Pharisees who have perverted
instruction by the insidious meth-
od of calling black white, and
white black, and accusing by innu-
endo and false assumptions."
HE SAID in schools and colleges
today instructors are afraid to ex-
press their convictions. He charged
that many educational institutions
must get permission of pressure
groups before announcing new
Newsmen at the dinner lis-
tened intently as President
Ruthven came out switigiiig
against what he called "Con-
demnation by association."
He upheld schools as a bulwark
of democracy and supported the
work of college teachers in guid-
ing youth in the ways of right
* * *
"COMMUNISM is not the only
threat to a liberal education," he
And, in a backhanded slap at
the Callahan Committee, he said
the recent election (which defeat-
ed Sen. Callahan's bid for re-nom-
ination) had removed one other
threat to the colleges.
Time and again President
Ruthven repeated the theme
that teachers can be trusted.
He fears the present situation is
discouraging instructors and
students from going on in the
educational field.
* * *
EARLIER Ruthven said the
field of adult education is still
neglected. He . also expressed
alarm at the decline of research
work being done in state support-
ed institutions.
The University's president also
said that colleges must continue to
prepare themselves for expansion,
predicting that enrollments would
continue to increase.
Choose Slate
Geist Nominated
For Congressman
A county slate of eight Progres-
sive Party candidates hs been cer-
tified to County Clerk Luella
Smith for a place on the Nov. 2
gentral election ballot.
The candidates were approved
at the party's state convention in
CANDIDATES are Jack Geist,
University graduate student, for
Congressman, Second District;
Bret Miller, for State Representa-
tive,'First District; Rev. David A.
Blake, Jr., for State Representa-
tive, Second District; Mrs. Xenia
E. Meader for County Clerk; Mtrs.
Mae A. Phillips, for Registrar of
Deeds; Knneth Martin, for Sher-
if f: (iGstve fMaschke. forrain

Rfall Tonight
In Honor of
Bennie' _Boys.
"Beat Oregon!" will be the
theme of tonight's campus pep
rally which all students are urged
to attend.
Highlighting the demonstration
of student support, sponsored by
the Wolverine Club, will be a
torchlight parade leaving at 7:30
from the Union. The parade, led
by the University Band, will pro-
ceed to a large bonfire on Ferry
* * * .
STUDENTS are requested by the
Wolverine Club, sponsor of the
rally, to help make Oregon burn
by bringing wooden effigys which
can be tossed into the fire after
the parade.
Cheerleaders are scheduled to
lead mass vocal chord exercises,
so that students will be familiar
with the cheers to be used dur-
ing the football game.
Wolverine fans lacking the nec-
essary ducats to attend the Ore-
gon game may purchase resale
tickets from 10 to 12:30 Saturday
at the main desk in the Union.
STUDENTS having non-studentI
football tickets to resell may turn
them in to the Union from 3 to 5
p.m. daily, or from 10 to 12:30 a.m.
Saturday. Money for tickets sold
can be picked up Monday.
Included in this evening's pro-
gram will be talks by Babe Craw-
ford, prominent alumnus; Dr. A.D.
Robinson, father of the new jay-
vee coach. and an unannounced,

orld News At A Glance
LONDON-(j)-Field Marshal Lord Montgomery will retire as
chief of the British Imperial Staff in order to head the military
command of the Western European Alliance, government sources said.
* * * * *
Truman said the National Asso- Thomas E. Dewey proposed a
ciation of Manufacturers organ- nine-point American foreign
ized a conspiracy against the policy aimed at lasting peace
American consumer and spent but making it "perfectly plain"
$3,000,000 to destroy price con- to Russia "we do not intend to
trol. be bullied or bluffed."
* * * I* * *
EL PASO, Tex.-Henry Wal- HARTFORD, Conn.--Norman
lace, after being egged in Hous- Thomas, Socialist candidate for
ton, pledged} here he will carry President, charged here that the
the fight against racial segrega- "two old parties" were trying to
tion and poll taxes "so long as get by on "artificial, wartime
I live." prosperity."
OYSTER BAY, N.Y.---Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, 87, widow of
the 26th president, is dead.
* * * *
WASHTNGTON--The United States turned aside Soviet Russia's
proposal to withdraw all occupation troops from Korea.

If your name is in the Q-Z
bracket, hie yourself over to Uni-
versity Hall today.
For your ID card will be wait-
ing for you (if your picture 'took'),
as it was for your startled brethren
Slosson Openhouse
Preston Slossen, Democratic
candidate for congressman
from Washtenaw County, will
be present at an open meeting
tonight at the home of Mrs.
Hickman Price, 315 Corrie Rd.,
Barton Hills.
Busses, provided by the
Young Democrats, will leave at
7:30 p.m. from Angell Hall.

in the earlier sections of the al-
* * *
The CONCENSUS of opinion
yesterday was that the new,
streamlined cameras hadn't suc-
ceeded in streamlining student
"Straight from Alcatraz," one
student muttered cryptically as he
was handed his identification
Said a blue-eyed coed. "Year
after year I keep hoping, but
somehow or other-." She gazed
ruefully at her portrait, then
stuffed it away beneath other,
non - pictorial identification



With the Olivet College contro-
versy still far from resolved, the
University National Student Asso-
ciation and the American Civil
Liberties Union yesterday began
investigatory action.
Tn a sneai1 meeting the Cam-

for sometime next week, pend-
ing acceptance of the NSA's in-
vitations. The local group's ac-
tion was upheld by Ted Farris,
president of the NSA.
"Students have the right to se-

by an impartial academic board'
of points at issue." -
The report was signed by
Walter M. Nelson, secretary of
the Michigan A.C.L.U. chapter,
Elmer H. Groefsma, Detroit at-
torney, and Prof. Alfred Mc-

the dismissal of the Akeleys "to-'
tally deceptive and unfair."
Dr. Kaufman said the trus-
tees at their May meeting au-
thorized the re-employment of
Prof. Akeley and his wife for

perience in the fields of law and
business. He resigned a position as
vice-president and general counsel
to the National Broadcasting Sys-
tem to assume the presidency of
the college.

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