j7romv the
By MURRAY GRANT ... Daily Sports Editor
Someone referred to the Wolverines of 1947 as the "Mad Magicians
of Michigan," and one erstwhile wit paraphrased that statement into
the "Sad Magicians of Michigan" immediately after the Michigan
State game Saturday.
It seems that the entire football world was expecting to see a
I carbon copy of last year's great team take the field last weekend.
and when they didn't see what they expected everyone assumed long
faces and looked for a terrible season.
They called the quarterbacking poor, the line play inadequate,
the ball handling sloppy, the spirit discouraging. The fans ranted
and berated everything and everybody, and though this be their
prerogative from where we sat it didn't look nearly as bad as
people say.
First of all, no team, no matter how good, can lose 13 men without
feeling it. Not one of the backfield men was on the starting lineup
last year and only two guards and one end started both last season and
this against Michigan State.
The coaching staff has experienced almost a complete turn-
over. Bennie Oosterbaan, though not new to coaching, is in his
first year as head coach. George Ceithaml, as backfield coach,
is in his first season. Bill Orwig, end mentor, is handling the
ends for the first time and assistants Bump Elliott and J.T. White
are both in their first seasons.
Another point people tended to overlook is the play of the
Spartans. With a completely veteran team and a lust to get into
the big time, Biggie Munn had his sights set for this game. He
primed his team to a fever pitch and had them ready to mop up the
gridiron with Wolverines.
Remember Mr. Munn learned the methods and advantages of
having a team at peak mental and physical strength from a master.
He was line coach under H. O. "Fritz" Crisler a few years back.
Then, too, the Wolverines were not at peak strength. Dick
Kempthorn, the bone-crushing fullback wAs sidelined with a leg
injury. Joe Soboleski, rugged tackle, was on the bench as was..
Pete Dendrinos, another tackle. Early in the game Gene Derricotte
was forced to the sidelines with a sprained left knee and a few
minutes later John Ghindia, Kempthorn's replacement, was taken
out with another sprained left knee.
The final point that the fans have tended to forget was the
score. Michigan actually won the game. And they had to do it the
hard way. Sparked by two sophomores, they rebounded just when
the Spartans had tied the score and scented victory.
Against a line that was tough all day, Chuck Ortmann and Leo
Koceski led the Wolverines 74 yards to a game-winning touchdown.
And when it comes to Oregon this weekend Michigan fans will
see a team that is not as good as last year, but a team that fights to
win ball games and a team that cannot be counted out until the final
gun is sounded. Don't sell Michigan short.
* * * *
It was shades of Chappuis and Elliott on the field Saturday. The
two great sophomores, Ortmann and Koceski were issued uniforms
numbered 49 and 18. Could be a good omen, because a couple of guys
named Chappuis and Bump Elliott made All-America last season
wearing those same numerals.
ROG GOELZ, Night Editor
Musial Seeks
Sweep of N.E.
(By The Associated Press)
NEW YORK-It looks as if Stan
Musial, Johnny Mize and Ralph
Kiner are going to battle right
down to the wire for the top
slugging honors in the -National
With only a week of the season
to go, the three power hittersuare
closer than a T-formation quar-
terback and his line in the race
for the home runs and rups batted
in titles.
Here's how they stand today:
Home runs: Kiner, Pirates, 40;
Mize, Giants, 39; Musial, Cardi-
nals, 37.
Runs batted in: Musial, 126;
Mize, 124; Kiner 118.
Kiner and Mize wound up in
a tie in the homer derby last year.
Each hit 51.
New Signals for Teninga,
Win gback Now Tailback
Bennie Oosterbaan, top man of
Michigan's royal coaching family,
indicated after the game Satur-
day that this week wvouldbe one
of laborious effort for the Wol-
verine gridmen.
Before starting on his task of
reshaping the Maize and Blue,
Bennie made a change that may or
may not stick by the time Oregon
shows up in Ann Arbor Saturday
WALLY TENINGA, who started
out the season at right half, ran
through the light drills yesterday
afternoon from the tailback po-
sition. He will, if he stays at left
half, add to the combined strength
of Gene Derricotte and Chuck
Ortmann, who shared the duties
against State.
In spite of the lack of double
figures between the two scores
Saturday, the game wasn't quite
as close as the 13-7 count might
Michigan led all the way, but for
a break and miscued play the final
difference would have been by
three TD's.
IT WAS REVEALED today that
pictures of the game clearly .show
that State's one touchdown was
not a touchdown at all. Teninga
intercepted Lynn Chandnois' flip
in the Michigan end zone only to
have the ball snatched from him
by Hank Minarik, the intended
Spartan receiver.
No protest will be filed, it was
added, but nevertheless, Michi-
gan's ability to stop the State
attack and thetrevelation that the
Spartan score wasn't really a
score, shows that the defense iis
ready to take on all comers.
The play that went awry came
in thefirst. period when Bennie's
boys reached the two yard line
and had four downs with goal to
go. The logical play would have
been a direct line plunge, but in-
stead usually reliable Pete Elliott
called for a running play that
would have gone well if started
at the midfield stripe or there-
MAIN FAULT with tin, team's
performance in failing to crush
State (no aspersion on Biggie
Munn's team, but they just aren't
in Michigan's league) was the
blocking, or, rather, the lack of it.
Followers of Michigan's grid
teams also expressed disappoint-
ment atthe surprisingly small
number of long aerials attempt-
ed by the capable Wolverine
chukkers. That may have made
a big difference in the outcome.
ALEX LMANIAN, Daily photographer, catches the start of what proved to be Michigan State's
only, and disputed touchdown. Wolverine Pete Elliott (45) and Ed Sobezak, Spartan end, watch a's
Wally Teninga and Hank Minarik get set to grab falling pigskin.
Plan Show
Of Weapons
The Scimitar Club, local organ-
ization of fencing enthusiasts, is
planning an interesting exhibit as
their part in the Campus Activi-
ties Exhibit to be held at the
League Wednesday and Thursday.
The major part of the exhibit
will be a display of the foil, saber,j
and epee, the three types of weap-
ons used by the fencers. Also in-
cluded will be the fencers jackets
and masks.
The highlight of the two-day
display comes at 4:15 each after-
noon when Norman Barnett and
Ed Micllef will demonstrate the
use of each type of weakon. Be-
sides this demonstration, the
members of the club have of-
fered to meet all comers for one-
touch matches.
Both Barnett and Micleff have
gained renown in state fencing
circles, and will be directing
classes in fencing at the IM
building this fall. Barnett holds
an AFLA rank of intermediate in
both epee and saber.
Last year Micleff won the All-
Campus three weapon champion-
ship, and went on to take the
Michigan State all collegiate titles
in intermediate foil and junior
A call for all trackmen has
been issued by Coach Don Can-
Anyone interested in running
either freshman or Varsity track
or cross-country should report
to Ferry Field today at 4:15
p.m. Get in shape now for the
Spring season ahead. Getting
an early start is the best way
to assure yourself of a berth
on the Varsity or Freshman
squad next Spring.
Pre-War Halfback Turns
Post-War Jayvee Coach
"Triple-threat Don Robinson,
his knees pumping high, took the
ball over from the five on his first
running attempt in collegiate com-
petition, shaking off two tacklers
while marking up the fifth Wol-
verine touchdown."
Thus read the October twelfth,
1941 Michigan Daily, the day after
the mighty Wolverines trounced
hapless Pittsburgh by the lop-
sided score of 40-0. The same
Don Robinson has returned to his
alma mater to assume the roll of
Junior Varsity football coach.
The modest young mentor has
come back to a career which was
started on that eventful day away
Three Team l
Pennant Race
Nears Finish
(By The Associated Press)
After one day of rest in the
torrid American League pennant
chase, the three contenders
squared away again today for the
final week of play and a crack at
the National League champion
Boston Braves in the world series
opening a week from Wedneslay.
W. L. Pct. G.B. GTP
Cleveland .. .93 56 .624 5
Boston. .....92 57 .617 1 5
New York ..92 57 .617 1 5
The Indians, with all of 'their
remaining games at home, meet
the White Sox in the first of a
two-game series tonight. Tribe
manager Lou Boudreau says flatly
his gang is in, and he could be
100 per cent correct.
The Yankees open a three-game
set with the Athletics in Phila-
delphia this afternoon, while tho
Red Sox and Washington play the
first of three games at Boston.
Laundry worries got you? Then
start using the direct conven-
ient, personalized laundry
service offered by RAILWAY
EXPRESS. By personalized serv-
ice we mean your laundry will
be collected by Railway Ex-
your home promptly, and re-
turned to your college address.
If your folks insist on paying
all the bills, you can stretch your
cash-on-hand by sending laun-
dry home "charges collect" and
having it returned with charges
back in 1941. Nobody would guess
that such an inauspicious looking
fellow as Robinson could have em-
barked upon a brilliant football
career in such a spectacular man-
After winning his first varsity
letter at the close of the 194].
season, "Robbie" returned as the
starting left halfback on the '42
edition of Fritz Crisler's power-
houses. That fall, Michigan's
opponents felt the full force of
Robinson's peed y, deceptive
running and accurate tossing.
Don was instrumental in defeat-
ing powerful Notre Dame, scor-
ing on a fake field goal at-
tempt|. He made up for his
small size with blinding speed
and heads-up ballplaying.
After serving in the armed
forces, Robinson returned to the
'46 varsity squad. Despite a
plague of injuries, he managed to
assert himself throughout the
campaign as the Wolverines fin-
ished a close second in Confer-
ence play behind the Rose Bowl-
bound Illini.
During' h is undergraduate
days at the University, the ver-
satile Robinson also held down
the varsity shortstop position on
the Wolverine baseball team.
He earned two letters in that
sport in both '42 and '46 making
him a five letter-winner.
Now that "Robbie" is a coach,
he should be a fitting inspiration
to the young varsity aspirants who
can be seen working out daily on
the sweat-soaked turf of Ferry
Field. He should develop many a
new prospect for head coach, Ben-
nie Oosterbaan.
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