Record Shops Stock Up'
On Discs of Performers
The local record shops are
tting ready for the fall concerts
id by the time Eileen Farrell)
eps up to sing the first notes
the series, students will be able
get recordings by almost all of
te stars.
"very University musical event
Aurzon Begins
['our Planned
ef ore War
Clifford Curzon's war-postponed
incert tour of America will fi-
lly become a reality this fall.
The English pianist will appear
part of the Choral Union Series
re on Nov. 27.
itial appearance in this country,
arzon had to forego a previously
anned tour in 1940 because of
te war. His debut had been at
wn Hall in 1939.
Curzon made his "second debut"
Carnegie Hall last fall with the
ew York Philharmonic - Sym-
ony under Dimitri Mitropoulous.
ad the success of this earned
m the present tourtwhich will
climaxed when he appears as
loist in the "Emperor" Concerto
ith the New York Philharmonic-
imphony, this time under the di-
ction of Bruno Walter.
Born in London in 1907, Curzon
gan his musical career at five,
aying the violin. But he switched
the piano permanently at the
~e of six. "Not only because it
as my instrument," he says, "but
so because you can be alone
ith a piano."
rtur Schnabel, he met his wife,
icille Wallace, who is now well-
1own as a brilliant harpsichord-
. They play together consid-)
ably and have given historical
citals, using instruments be-
nning with Elizabethan virginals
id harpsichords and ending with
Le modern concert grand.
Curzon won international ac-
aim when he toured all of Eu-
pe, appearing with the leading
chestras of the continent.
brings an increased demand for
recordings by the artists that ap-
pear here," according to G. Mau-
erhoff, music store operator.
RECORDS BY Eileen Farrell
now available include an album
of Five Wagnerian Songs, and
various Irish songs.
The Cleveland Orchestra, sec-
ond in the concert series, has re-
corded Dvorak's 1st and Beetho-
ven's 4th, among others, and Bor-
odin's 2nd Symphony and the
Qhausson Symphony are on the
shelves by the Chicago Symphony.
Ezio Pinza has recorded Boris
Goudonov as well as singles from
operas by Verdi and Mozart.
Neveu include the Suk and a few
single disks, while Nathan Mil-
stein has recorded Tchaikovski's
Bruch concerto, Sarasate's Danses
Espanol and pieces by Mendels-
Chopin's piano music, Liszt's
Sonata and Brahm's B flat Con-
certo played by Vladimir Horo-
witz are now on the shelves.
"Name almost any violin con-
certo and Heifitz has recorded it,"
one clerk said. Among the albums
now on sale are concertos by
Brahms, Beethoven and Tchai-
* * *
corded Arias by Bach and Brahm's
Alto Rhapsody besides her spir-
ituals. Stravinsky's "Song of the
Nightingale" and Greig's Peer
Gint Suite No. 1 have been waxed
by the Cincinnati Symphony-but
records with Thor. Johnson con-
ducting are not available.
Rudolph Serkin's piano has re-
corded Beethoven's Sonatas and
concertos, as well as Brahm'sd1st
in D minor.
The Indianapolis Symphony has
recorded Glazounoff's Middle Ages
Suite, the Peer Gint Suite No. 2
by Greig and several Greek sym-
phonic dances.
9 * *- *
chestra, which will appear at dIill
Auditorium on October 25 is the
only organization whose works
cannot be found at the local, rec-
ord emporiums.
"As the series progresses we
usually will order other works by
the artists who appear," Robert
W. Miller of another music shop
BOSTON SYMPHONY-Under the direction of S erge Koussevitzky, the Boston Symphony will ap-
pear here Dec. 6 in the Choral Union Series. This will mark the orchestra's eighteenth consecutive
annual visit to An Arbor.
Horowitz's Skill Excites Public Imagination
Few men have ever struck a age of six, his parents, believing
more responsive chord in the that no child should sacrifice his
heart of musical America than childhood for a musical career,
Vladimir Horowitz, the brilliant concentrated more on creating an
pianist who will be soloist in the appreciation for fine music than
eighth in the regular series of on developing a child prodigy.
concerts on Friday, February 11. Because of this careful early
Now in his 20th concert season training Horowitz developed the
in the United States, the 44 year sense of perfection and deftness
old Russian born artist has dem- of touch which has always sep-
onstrated such a striking keyboard arated him from the many "me-
personality that the name Horo- chanical" pianists in today's pro-
witz on any concert program or fessional ranks. Where many art-
record excites laymen and pro- ists play 60 to 80 concerts a sea-
fessional musicians alike, son, Horowitz always restricts
Horowitz's career is a tribute himself to 40 concerts to be sure
to an honest and well developed each retains the musical vitality
love for music. Although he which has made him famous.
showed unusual promise at the Making his debut at the age
of 16, Horowitz rapidly gained
recognition first in his native Rus-
sia, later all over Europe, and in
1928 he first bowed in the United
States with the New York Phil-
harmonic. From this concert on,
Horowitz was an immediate suc-
cess in this coustry and by con-
sistently masterful performances
he has in the last 20 years risen
to a very select hierarchy of con-
cert musicians.
Horowitz believes that music is
the greatest emotional release.
"And for the ultimate in personal
pleasure," he adds, "A, man who
has such companions as Schu-
mann, Chopin and Liszt can never
be lonely."
Orchestra To
Play March 13
The Indianapolis Symphony
Orchestra, which will present a
concert at Hill Auditorium Sun-
day, March 13, has earned a name
for itself in the musical world of
America since its obscure be-
ginnings in 1930.
During that dark year of the
depression an Indianapolis violin
teacher, Ferdinand Schaefer,
called together the unemployed
musicians of his city and organ-
ized a non-profit symphony or-
chestra. The organization was
semi-professional and strictly co-
IT WASNOT until 1937, how-
ever, when Fabien Sevitzky took
over the leadership and reorgan-
ized the orchestra on a profes-
sional basis that the organization
became a member of the group of
major symphony orchestras.
From November of that year
until now, the history of the In-
dianapolis Symphony Orchestra is
practically synonymous with the
biography of this famed musician.
Last season (1946-1947), ten
years later, 83 concerts were
played during the 21-week series
in 31 cities. This amazing rise to
fame was largely the result of the
excellent leadership of Mr. Se-
mous musician combines impec-
cable musical taste with brilliant
interpretive powers and a winning
personality to make himself one
of the greatest living conductors.
These same qualities have been
transmitted to the orchestra he
conducts until he and his musi-
cians seem to be an entity rather
than two units.
"America gave me the thing I
most wanted," he says. "It is the
chance to work and earn my living
by music. I will always give my
best to America."
Vladimir Likes Leo
Climbing a mountain and curl-
ing up with a copy of Tolstoi or
Dostoevski are pianist Vladimir
Horowitz's ideas of relaxation.
Like most artists, Mr. Horowitz
has his talisman-a portrait of
Franz Liszt given to him by a
pupil of the old master. The por-
trait occupies a place of honor on
Horowitz's dressing table when-
ever he is on tour. A man of sim-
ple tastes, Horowitz neither drinks
nor dances.
Few violinists in the last half
century have aroused the excite-
ment among critics in New York
and Boston that Ginette Neveu,
the youthful Parisian-born virtu-
oso, caused last year.
Appearing with the Boston Sym-
phony and the New York Philhar-
monic, Miss Neveu, who will ap-
pear at the seventh concert in
Ginette Neveu Becomes Toast
Of New York Music Critics
Brahms Gives
Emil Heerman, who will soon be
heard with the Cincinnati Orches-
tra, was encouraged at the age of
eleven in his studies of the violin
by no less a personage than the
mighty Johannes Brahms.
When Stokowski engaged his
father, Hugo Heerman as con-
certmaster of the Cincinnati or-
chestra, he was made assistant
concertmaster, and finally, when
his father returned to Europe in
1910, he succeeded to his father's
After 36 distinguished years, he
has retired to the second chair
in favor of his assistant, Sigmund
Effron. A great teacher, he has
been professor of violin since 1915.
His hobbies are walking and read-
ing, and his interests many and
Choral Union Stars Send
Dr. Sink Inscribed Photos
Dr. Charles A. Sink always has
an office full of old friends.
They aren't there in person, it's
true. But the president of the
Univerity Musical Society has
autographed pictures of hundreds
of acquaintances, most of them
famous in the world of music.
They line the walls of his quarters
in the Burton Carillon Tower.
Galli-Curci, Sergei Rachmani-
noff, Ignace Paderewski, Lily
Pons, Eugene Ormandy, are all
there. They are just a few of the
many artists who have come to
Ann Arbor for Choral Union Con-
certs in the past. And it would
seem that Dr. Sink has pictures of
them all.
His large collection got its start
back in 1919. That was the year
when Enrico Caruso sang before
an Ann Arbor audience.
Caruso was so pleased with his
reception that he sent Dr. Sink an
inscribed picture when he re-
turned to New York.
Dr. Sink said that concert art-
ists have many good things to say
about their Universitiy audiences.
"They're among the most dis-
criminating and appreciative in
the country," for one thing.
Students mind their etiquette
pretty well too, he said. The mu-
sicians and singers like the way
they get to their seats on time
and pay attention to what's hap-
pening on stage.
Artists do gripe about some-
thing peculiar to Ann Arbor Dr.
Sink remarked. They can't stand
knitters in the audience.
... to play here
Hill Is Perfect
The top-notch artists scheduled
for appearances here in the Choral
Union and Extra Series Concert
will display their talents in Hill
Auditorium, one of the most
acoustically perfect halls in Amer-
The paroboloid-shaped audito-
rium was built in 1913, and soon
became a favorite withmusicians
because of its fine sound reflec-
tion. The late pianist Ignace Pad-
erewski went so far as to describe
the hall as "the finest auditorium
in the world."
The gigantic building was fi-
nanced by Arthur Hill. alumnus
and regent of the University, and,
was dedicated in the early summer'
of 1913, although the first per-
formance of the May Festival took
place one month beforehand.
Similar in shape to a head-
light, the architecture of the au-
ditorium allows direct and indi-
rect sound waves to reach the ears
of a 5,000 person capacity audi-
the regular series on Saturday,
Jan. 8, played Brahms in a man-
ner that electrified her audience.
York Times, "It has been many
seasons since the writer heard.
such a compelling performance of
the Brahms Concerto, one in
which youthful vigor and emotion
went hand in hand with the au-
thority and control of a master."
"Time" reported that "one wo-
man in the audience clapped so
hard she lost the diamond out of
her ring" and "the violinists of
the Philharmonic couldn't get
backstage fast enough to congrat-
ulate the soloist." Other reviews
called her "exciting" and the Bos-
ton Post declared: "This was a
performance that you could talk
about for years to come and by
whibh you might measure all
subsequent ones."
For Miss Neveu her East Coast
triumph climaxed 'a brilliant se-
ries of successes begun with her
performance at the age of seven
of the Mendelssohn Concerto at
the Concerts Colone in her native
Paris. Her career really began
when she was fifteen and won the
Wieniawaki Grand Prix over 85
other contestants in the Interna-
tional Competition in Warsaw.
** *
much in demand both in Europe
and North America and prior to
the outbreak of the war had play-
ed in 1101different cities. In the
summer of 1947 before coming to
the United States she toured Lat-
in America and later Australia
and New Zeland. One critic ob-
served that "her concert schedule
reads like a U.N. roll call."
Paris-born Ginette confesses
that though she never saw the
New World until she had grown
up, her childhood hero in fiction
was Geronimo, the Apache Indian
chief, but her real life hero was
Fritz Kreisler.
Heermann Made Debut
With Richard Strauss
Walter Heermann, principal
'cello-player of the Cincinnati Or-
chestra, which will appear as part
of the Choral Union Concert Se-
ries, made his debut at a concert
given jointly with his father,
Hugo Herrmann and Richard
He taught at Interlochen for
seven summers and at the Wis-
consin Music Clinic for three.
Third Annual
. . . . .
S.. . .Tkursday, October14
nson, Conductor . . . . . . Monday, November 15
... . . . . . Friday, December 3
. . . . . . . . .Saturday, February19
HEIFETZ, Violinist .
.: 0 w 0 0
O " " .r' 0 "0 5 0
Sunday, March 13
. . .
Block A
Block B
Block C
Block D
- $7.80
- $6.60
- $5.40
- $4.20
Three central sections, main floor and first balcony
Extreme side sections, main floor and first balcony
Top balcony, 22 rows
Top balcony, last two rows
MAIN FLOOR . . . . .
TOP BALCONY-22 rows . . . .
TOP BALCONY-last two flat rows .
. " . . ". 1. . $3.00
. . . . . . . $2.40
. . . . . . $1.80
. . .. " ! . . $1.50
IIII . _ II i a .2.'. .II i ? - IIII .,. ~ II I-- -, II II II I
.. _ ii