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Phi Delt, Phi Qcarn Anniversay
To Be Celebrated at Ball Friday
Foresters To Give
Bunyan Formal
Phi Gamma Delta and Phi Delta
Theta will celebrate their joint
centennial anniversaries with a
formal dance which will be held
from 9 p.m. to midnight Friday
in the American Legion Home.
Decorations for the dance are
based on a "Happy Birthday"
theme. These words will decorate
the bandstand with brilliant gold.
Blue and white, a combination of
the two fraternities' colors, will
be featured throughout the decor-
ations. Christmas boughs will add
to the gala air of the dance.
ARRANGEMENTS for the event,
are being made by Robert Rose
and Robert Stitt, president and
social chairman of Phi Delta
Theta, and Robert Spiegel and
Jack Post, president and social
George Bridges, Phi Delt, aid.
George Bridges Phi Delt, and
WAA Badminton
Club To Sponsor
Coed Competition
All-campus badminton t our-
nament, sponsored by the WAA
Badminton Club, will begin Sat-
Women may enter the tourney
before noon Friday by signing on
the Barbour Gym bulletin board.
Play will commence at 1 p.m. Sat-
urday when the draw will be post-
ed at Barbour Gym.
The club closed tournament will
begin at 7 p.m. today at the regu-
lar meeting of the club. Rackets
and birdies for both tournaments
may be rented at the gym.
Chuck Norwood, Phi Gam, are in
charge of decorations.
Over 100 invitations have
been sent to heads of student
,organizations, house groups,
and faculty members. Among
the patrons will be Dean Erich
A. Walter, Dr.. William M.
Brace, a d Mr. Ray Baker.
Chaperones for the event will be
Dean and Mrs. Earl V. Moore,
Prof. and Mrs. Herbert S. Tag-
gart, Prof. and Mrs. Herbert. Up-
ton and Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Mc-
Loving cups with the fraternity
crests will be given as favors.
Faculty Tea
To BeHeld
The final Student-Faculty Hour
of the semester will take place
from 4 to 5 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids Room of the
Staff members of the speech
department will be special guests
at today's social hour, but all in-
terested students and faculty are
Student-Faculty Hours will be
resumed next semester under the
co-sponsorship of Assembly and
Pan-Hellenic Association. This
term the central committee is op-
erating the weekly gatherings un-
der a new plan, designed to stress
The informal program inaugu-
rated for the teas this year has
proved successful and will be con-
tinued next term.
Saturday, Jan.
Forest Greenery'Planted by Class of '13
Will Provide Real Woody Atmosphere
For Coming of Giant Woodsman, 'Babe'
Decorations for the Paul Bun-
yan Formal, which will take over
Waterman Gym from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. Saturday, Jan. 8, were start-
ed thirty years ago.
Lack of organization? slow
committee? Neither, says decora-
tions chairman, Paul Franken-
stein. When the forestry students
of '13 planted Pinus Resinosa,
Populus Tremuloides, Pseudot-
suga Taxifolia and Picea Glanca
they little imagined that the re-
sults of their work would adorn
Waterman Gym.
Raal forest greenery consist-
ing of somewhere near 100 twen-
ty and thirty foot trees will lend
the place a real woodsy atmosphere
and provide sufficient back-
scratelhers if the proverbial plaid
shirts are on the "itchy" side.
THE LEGENDtRY giant of the
north, who grew at the amazing
rate of inches per day and 349
pounds a week, and his blue ox
Babe, who measures the length of
forty-seven axe handles will at-
tend the Paul Bunyan in lumber-
men's full "formal" dress.
From the traditional rustic
deer-.skinned "Trading Post"
wil come odors of all kinds of
good food for hungry woods-
men. Cider, donuts, cokes and
apples aplenty will be sold at
the post, according to refresh-
ment chairman, Joe Link.
Will there be enough "eats" for
all? The foresters testify that
ILink's unequaled eating reputa-
tionushould assure more than
enough for ravenous dance-goers.
Positions Open
For FC Ball
Chairn ansh ips
Petitioning for IFC Ball com-
mittee chairmenships will start to-
day, and all petitions will be due in
the TFC office of the Union not
later than Wednesday.
Positions as chairmen of six
committees are open. These com-
mittees are' publicity, programs,
house, decorations, tickets and
Petitioners will state for which
position they are applying, their
plans for the committee and their
Committees will be chosen be-
fore Christmas if possible. Those
who have petitioned before need
not do so again unless they partic-
ularly wish to.
Senior Society
Senior Society will meet at
7:15 p.m. tonight in room 401
Betsy Barbour.
All members are requested
to be present.
OPEN every day
till 8:00 P.M.
Starting Friday, Dec. 10
1319 S. University Phone 9513
WAA Notes
Golf Club-Members will meet Dec. 16 will be the last week for
at 5:10 p.m. today in WAB. The bowling with the club until next
last meeting will be one Thursday, semester,
Dec. 16.U *
ou!e Table !Tennis - Records Crop and Saddle - The first
must be inOwen Spernieh's box in regular meeting will take place at
te n weu n Saerlich . boxn~5 p.m. Monday in the WAB. Movies
the League by noon. Saturday. will be shown and membership is
Table Tennis Cmb-An impor- still open. The public is invited.
tant meeting concerning the En-
sian picture will be held at 5 p.m. For a cute bulletin board, gild an
Monday in the WAB. old picture frame with inexpensive
metallic paint and fill in the back
Bowling Club-Dec. 13 through with beaverboard.
AT WORK-Peggy Ann Ga'-
tier, 16-year-old movie actress,
learns housekeeping by scrub-
ling the kitchen floor of her
Hlolliywood home. Her motheri
al so is teaching her to cook. t
Central Committee-There will
he a meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in
the Union.
Skiing and Tobogganing-There
will be a meeting of the commit-
tee at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Gar-
den Room of the League.
Ice Carving - There will be a
committee meeting at 3 p.m. Fri-
(lay in the Union. The room will
be posted on the bulletin board.
Ice Show-There will be a com-
mittee meeting at 7 p.m. Thurs-
iy in th" e Union. The room will
be posted on the bulletin board.
All members who have not had
their eligibility cards signed must
bring them to the meeting.
Prize-There will be a commit-
tee meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday in
the Union. The room will be post-
ed on the bulletin boadd.
tailored wools and the new calicos - $5.95 to $12.95
LINGERIE -- hand-made nighties and slips to match
nylons - silks - cottons - $4.95 to $16.95
HOSE - Special for $1.19
Other grades - all shades $1.35 to $2.25
Wools - Crepes - Gabardines
$7,95 to $19.95, formerly $12.95 to $35.00
The Martha Barrett Shop
345 MAYNARD STREET Formerly "Mini"
Michigan Dames have scelici declare the foresters of their 50
uled a meeting of the Sewing foot construction cut from their
Group for 8 p.m. today at the own woodlands, and sawed in the
home of Mrs. Steven Sdedes, 141 college sawmill by forestry stu-
Geddes. dents. "This dance we can truly
Basic general sewing hints will call our own," adds publicity chair-
be given by Mrs. Anna Brown, man, Bruce Ferguson.
Home Demonstration Agent of Guests at the "P B" will have
Washtenaw County. Those desir- to abandon "city slicker" money
ing transportation should call Ifor Paul Bunyan's chits, which
Mrs. Spear, 6408. will be the prevailing medium.
Attractively packaged spruce
Tutors Needed corsages, complete with red cello-
Tutors are urgently needed phane and the necessary pin, will
for Astronomy 11, Business Ad- be sold at a nominal fee. "Don't
ministration 11 and Economics let your girl buy that new plaid
71 shirt and forget to give her a cor-
Those interested in tutoring sage to match," says chairman,
these and other ourses shild Art Ennis.
sign ul
the TJ
the Lea
cents a
p as soon as possible in
ndergraduate Office of
!ague. Tutors are paid 75
an hour.
The Official Michigan Ring
* ' the feminine ear in
TO INSURE memories of the
most colorful dance of the year,a e ri
this year's dance committee has
set up specials in photography. by VI-.AINE*
The "color" may be kept in color
photos which will be sold, and ab-
solutely free to each and every a
happy couple will be a black and F R a 4° Q
white negative and contact print,°
according to Ennis.
Ticket sales fromtheUliall
foresters' shanty will continue NEW WORLD-PR
from a.m. to 4 p.m. throughout 171 Madison Ave., Rm. 601 " New York, N. Y.
the week.. tPlease send me............pairs of Perfume ear.
ZThe latest rumor on Mr. Bun..rings, in the following styles: ($2.00: a set)
yan, who was delayed this year°Gold[] Silver E]Fiat Pearl Q Round Pearl
because of the mild fall weather, My name is..........................
is that he is now thawing out of . Address................
his deep freeze experience and will City.....
appear in Ann Arbor very soon. I am enclsiing $.in check (money order)
Iw V
This ring has become a "Michigan tradition."
BALFOUR'S . . . at 1319 South University
"Its Name Indicates Its Oualily"
.._ J
It *~- ~*-~---~* ---.---.- _______ -.--- .-....---- --.-.- --- -..-- - .---.. -..--.. -.---.-.----- --.--- ______ -..- ___________________________
Fabric Gloves
Black, brown, white and
colors by Hansen or Shalimar
in her size.
$2.00 to $4.95.
r TOPS...
TI i CF 1 9' u
Year after year
all of the color, romance,
and festivities of Christmas
are packed into one great,
Pure Silk Scarfs
Ombres, prints and
monotones in squares
or long neck scarfs.
Every color.
$2.25 to $5.01).
all-campus dance -
Here's your chance to stretch your gift
budget to the utmost-and still select gifts
that are certain to please every member
of the feminine contingent. See them
today and purchase early.
0 Plaid Cotton
" Tailored Ray
Lace Trim
Jewel necklines, peter
-'..rthl cnlngin
Friday, December 10
pan or bttea rowngreen, r oL ud f gr be, a z
II111Iin broadcloth, suede, faille, plastic rlzad