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December 04, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-12-04

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Time for a Change

ALTHOUGH the Student Legislature elec-
tions this year were far from ideal they
represent a trend of consistent improvement
in elections on this campus.
Since the Legislature was formed almost
three years ago, the body, profiting by
past experience, has handled the mechan-
ical aspects of the elections with more
and more efficiency. The Men's Judiciary
Council has shown increasing willingness
to shoulder responsibility and possibly
most important, there has been some de-
crease in "Bloc" voting.
In this election, for the first time, stu-
dent leaders-fraternity and independent-
joined in a vigorous appeal against loyalty
voting and "place-trading." In a series of
letters -to the student body, students at-
tacked these practices, which generally
mark the elections-the unwritten law
which forbids an independent to vote for an
affiliated man and vice-versa - and the
very effective method of swapping a num-
her of second or third place votes of one
candidate, for those of another.
DURING THE counting at this election,
it became fairly apparent that these
appeals had some effect, but it was also
clear that the effect was not nearly strong
enough to satisfy requirements for a fair
The students behind the vote-for-the-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

man-not-the-party movement on this cam-
pus are fully aware that their pleas for non-
partisan voting can have only a very limited
meaning under the present election system.
They realize the difficulties involved in
helping the average voter to know the can-
didates, and they recognize that place-
trading is a quite logical ramification of the
But because, as one student put it, the
present voting plan is "inadequate, dis-
proportionate and detrimental in achiev-
ing our common ends," a new movement
is underfoot to thoroughly review the vot-
ing set-up and possibly substitute an
entirely different plan.
BRIEFLY, the plans under consideration
include representation by colleges ac-
cording to their enrollments, or geographic
zoning of the entire campus with constit-
uents voting only for the candidates of
their district--using the Hare System in this
case, or adapting a point system to the
present set-up in much the same way as the
Associated Press runs the football polls.
These proposals probably provide the
most sensible approach to the problem yet
made. The present system was devised for
a campus much smaller than today's, and
made no provision for the sudden en-
rollment jump. Although the plans under
consideration are not yet worked out in
the fullest detail, they eliminate the nec-
essity for the unfortunate practice asso-
ciated with the present system.
Admittedly, none of these plans are the
perfect answer, but it is high time the
Student Legislature made, a sincere and
thorough effort to find a substitute for the
inequalities and inefficiencies rampant in
the present set-tip.
-Naomi Stern.


RUDOLF SERKIN gave a superlative con-
cert last night, ranging over a widely
representative selection of works in demon-
strating his justly renowned abilities as a
Historically, it's probably improper to play
Bach's music on the piano rather than the
harpsichord; but in his Italian Concerto,
with which the program opened, Serkin
made it seem quite fitting. He played the
second movement somewhat more slowly
than the customary andante, but by doing
so he was able to make good use of the pi-
ano's main advantage ovei the harpsichord,
its sensitivity to the performer's touch.
In Beethoven's F-sharp major sonata (op.
74), Serkin gave a very engaging and tech-
nically fine performance of a demanding
work. He did particularly well with the lively
final movement.
Schubert's "Wanderer" Phantasie, op. 15,
gave Serkin another opportunity to exhibit
rapid pianistic pyrotechnics'in an excellent
rendition of this somewhat overlong piece.
After the intermission, Serkin's perform-
ance of the two Schumann Romanzen, op.
28, brought long applause from the audience,
At Hill Auditorium...
FARREBIQUE. Directed by Georges Rou-
RATED WITH Jenny Lamour and Sym-
phonie Pastorale as one of the three
best French post-war films, Farrebique
takes the daily round of existence on a
French farm for its theme.
The movie is concerned with representing
life in its most basic aspects without gla-
mour or moralization. The farm family is
followed through one year, with the life of
a generation, and a race also symbolized.
A seedling develops flowers, is pollinated,
and bears fruit before our eyes; we see the
influence of - each season on man and an-
imal. And through it all, we feel the impact
of the measured destiny inherent in the
simple life and, perhaps, all life.
This microcosm technique tends to drag
in spots, as the existence it depicts drags.
In fact, in many ways Farrebique is not
a movie which would be appealing to every-
one. But its honesty and perceptiveness
make it a must for anyone seeking the
unusual in film entertainment.
Also on the bill is a short on Paris, which
happens to contrast very effectively with
Farrebique in presenting the other side of
French life - the glitter and high culture
of her proudest showplace.
-Carol Anderson.
* * * *
At the Orpheum ...
SONG OF MY HEART, Frank Sundtrom,
Audrey Long.
sky's Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Symphon-
ies can save himself half a buck by relaxing
for an hour and alternately lifting and
dropping his phonograph needle. This
"Hollywood's First Great Love Story Set to

and rightly so; here the pianist was at his
best. His playing was equally fine in each of
the pieces, which were contrasted in feeling
and tone.
Serkin played a romping Mendelssohn
scherzo, followed by two Songs Without
Words. These weren't of the quality of the
rest of his program, but they were excellent-
ly done.
Two works by Chopin concluded the pro-
gram. The Ballade in A-flat major, op. 47,
was the more satisfactory of these, even
though Serkin didn't appear quite as much
at home as in, for instance, the Schumann
selections. The other piece by Chopin was
the Tarentelle, op. 43, which Serkin also
played very well.
He seemed generally better in music like
this, which demanded rapid and powerful
playing, than in soft passages. Serkin doesn't
have quite the delicacy of touch that was
exhibited by Clifford Curzon last week. But
few pianists do; this very minor lack didn't
prevent Serkin from giving one of the best
concerts in recent years.
-Phil Dawson
:MA +
However, we are saving our schmoscars
for the scripts writers who hoped to make
this production semi-documentary with the
addition of such dialog as this:
"Rimsky--Stop playing that tune!"
"But it's Tchaikovsky's 'None But the
Lonely Heart.'"
. "Well, stop it."
The writer would then drag in another
Russian great on a similar pretense.
After convincing themselves the show had
a historic flavor, they continued in their
disjointed way to prove that Peter T. rose
above everything after all.
For background music that is nice, and
a poorly schmaltzed up romance this is
worse than the average composer-biograph-
ies, of which "Song to Remember" (Chopin)
was the best. "Flora" the best comedy short
of the decade, is as good as when we re-
viewed it last.
--Craig If. Wilson.
a 1 I

excellent job of taking the wind out of
the sails of some of our modern day necro-
mancers it would seem feasible for them to
be a little bit more precautionary in their
predictions and polls. But here we have
the AP and UP going at it again, not to
mention the various weekly magazines,
naming the top gridders of the nation with
all the confidence of Roper naming the
President and going home in mid-Septem-
The team that took the first place notch
in an equally unscientific, (but fortunately
correct this year) poll need not feel any
misgivings at the omission of some of its
members from the lists. When two polls
disagree to the extent that only four first
stringers are mentioned on both teams the
reliability of the polling themods and ex-
perts polled can be questioned.
Al Wistert placed first on the United
Press poll but somehow merited only a hon-
orable mention on the Associated Press com-
putation. Other than Dick Rifenburg, Notre
Dame's Bill Fischer, Charles Bednarik, and
Doak Walker, any comparison between the
two teams, as the movies put it, "is purely
There is certainly cause for honoring
the men who played an outstanding game
during the year for their work but it
doesn't seem just to place as much worth.
on these haphazard guesses of sports writ-
ers of all sizes and shapes as the public
usually does.
It would be interesting and perhaps more
honest, if the All-American teams were
chosen by the coaches of the country and
the members of the teams. At least the
mere impressiveness of our biggest colleges
wouldn't be such an overwhelming factor in
the selection of the players of the year.
-Don McNeil.
Old Problem
WHAT IS NOW going on is a crisis within
the Administration comparable to the
crisis that preceded Secretary Marshall's
Harvard speech. At that time, the question
was whether to pretend to ignore the in-
creasing menace of Soviet policy, or to
adopt the counter-measure of the European
Recovery Program. And at that time, Pres-
ident Truman made his choice boldly, firmly
and with wise vision.
Adoption of ERP, passage of the draft,
launching of re-armament, last year
seemed to commit the President to an all-
out effort to stabilize the desperately dan-
gerous world situation. But even then, it
was clear that the increasing costs of
American re-armament, plus the need
for such further steps as the Atlantic pact
and peacetime lendlease for Western Eu-
rope, would eventually confront the Presi-
dent with another difficult choice.
This choice is the issue in the present
crisis. Up to now, foreign and defense policy
have been financed out of surplus as it were.
But now the time has come, as predicted
here, when taxes must be increased heavily
-perhaps by as much as $5 billion-and
controls must be imposed to prevent foreign
and defense spending from precipitating
a serious further inflation. We can either
have business-as-usual, or a developing for-
eign and defense policy.
The choice is essentially the same that
confronted Stanley Baldwin, when Win-
ston Churchill and other British leaders
visited him, in solemn deputation, to warn
of Hitler's re-armament. The curious

thing is, in view of the President's past
record, that he seems to be seriously con-
sidering making Baldwin's comfortable.
easy, but ultimately suicidal mistake of
choosing business-as-usual. Such, at least,
is the practical implication of the $15
billion ceiling placed by the President on
Army, Navy and Air Force expenditures in
the next budget.
There remains the riddle of the Presi-
dent's decision, which so obviously makes
nonsense of such Truman measures as last
year's fine draft message. The answer is
that certain of the President's personal ad-
visers, out of touch with foreign policy, pre-
occupied with domestic problems, persuaded
him to take the present steps with no end
in view but holding down the budget. The
most important influences seem to have
been Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder
and Snyder's perpetual White House ally,
Dr. John Steelman.
Snyder and Steelman were supported by
Budget Director James Webb and the Pres-
ident's chief economist, Dr. Edwin Nourse,
in the sense of giving the impartial, undis-
puted expert opinion that increased foreign
and defense spending would necessitate
heavy tax rises and a strong controls pro-
gram. Not the least curious aspect of the
resulting situation is the reflection on the
sincerity of the President's own repeated
requests for reimposed controls and his re-
peated attacks on the Republican tax cut.
Thus, the President is depicted in such a
strange light that a broader review of all

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News of the Week

United Nations ...
There was hope for a break in the cold war flashing momentarily
through the United Nations this week, as the Soviet suddenly accepted
a bid by "neutrals" to mediate the currency problem, one obstacle
to the lifting the Berlin blockade.
* * *
Berlin ...
A Communist rump government for Berlin was established in the
Soviet sector this week by members of the German Communist party
who met in Berlin. The move, okayed by the Soviet, gave Berlin the
honor of being the only city in the world with 9 mayors.
Fights immediately broke out between members of the German
Communist Youth groups and the Socialists from the western sec-
Israel . .
The Israel government made an official bid to the United Nations'
for membership this week, while Palestine Arabs were claiming Ab-
dullah as their king and the British backed down on the Bernadotte
Plan and supported the United States in its move for a negotiated
* * * *
China ...
The Communists were claiming the capture of all-important
Suchow this week, while the Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-
Shek were keeping silent. The Nationalists troops were reported in
peril on three fronts.
Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek made a special trip to Washington to
ask President Truman for aid for the crumbling Nationalist forces.
Balkans ---
The United Nations officially censured three Balkan states,
Yugoslavia, Albania and Hungary for their interference in the Greek
war on the behalf of the guerrilla forces. The Eastern block voted
against the censure.
Draft ...
The army slashed its January draft quota in half because of a
lack of funds. Original plans called for the drafting of 20,000 men
next month, but Congressional limitations necessitated the reduction
of that figure to 10,000.
Reorganization ...
President Truman approved a plan set up by ex-President Hoover
to reorganize sixty independent executive offices under one head.
At its national convention, after a long hard fight, AVC voted
to oust Communists from its organization. Local reaction to this
move was varied. The Ann Arbor chapter backed the action of the
national while four of the five campus delegates charged that the
convention was packed.
Fraternities ..
Fifty-eight college fraternities were urged at a national Inter-
fraternity conference to select members on the basis of character
and personality rather than race, religion or nationality.
At the same time, the Interfraternity Conference affirmed the
right of fraternities to determine the qualifications of their members.
Strike ...
The East Coast shipping strike ended and shipping began to
move again. Settlement of the West Coast strike followed within a
few days.
* * * *
Election ...
Smashing all previous records, 7,013 students turned out to vote
in the two-day campus election, Tuesday and Wednesday. Elected
were 32 Student Legislators and thre emembers of the Board in
Control of Student Publications, Tom Walsh, Bruce Lockwood and
John Campbell. Senior class officers picked were Val Johnson, pres-
ident, Arlynn Rosen, Elinor Abrahamson and Eugenia McCallum.
A nine member J-Hop Committee and education school senior
officers were also elected.
Red Dean ...
The Very Reverend Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury ad-
dressed a mostly student audience on peace with Russia, claiming to bei
explaining the Russian viewpoint on controversial issues. At week's
end, an investigation revealed that the University may have denied
permission for the Dean to speak on campus.
* ~* *
Basketball ...
Ticket manager Don Weir announced that students would be
seated at all home basketball games on a first come first served
basis. Last year's preferential ticket system was junked.c

' .

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they aretreceived all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Thank Yon,
To the Editor:
N BEHALF of the Elections
Committee and Student Legis-
lature, I want to thank TheDaily
as a whole and Al Blumrosen in
particular for the excellent cover-
age given the recent all-campus
elections. The Daily's publicity
was a major factor in obtaining
the largest vote in campus his-
tory. However, we must not be
completely deceived by the latter
fact which appears to insure
better representation. The opera-
tion of bloc voting on an unprece-
dented scale does not guarantee
this. By representation I mean
representation of attitudes ,ideas
and ideals. This can hardly be the
fact when I personally observed
voters going to the polls carrying
numbered lists of candidates dis-
tributed by some organization.
Perhaps the candidates will vote
and think independently of the
"pressure groups" which elected
them. In my experience on Legis-
lature, this has been the case.
However, there is no guarantee
that this will continue. The only
answer is to eliminate the bloc
voting system. I urge that the
IFC and AIM, instead of being
overcome by post-election leth-
argy, immediately push their
plans for an Independent Citizen-
ship League and send observers
to Legislature meetings.
The Elections Committee and
Men's Judiciary Council will meet
in the near future to revise elec-
tion rules. Before these provisions
are presented to the Legislature
for approval, there will be an-
other meeting to receive further
suggestions from the campus at
large. An open invitation is ex-
(Continued from Page 2)
Business Fraternity: Formal Initi-
ation, Sun., Dec. 5, 1 p.m., Michi-
gan Union.
The Inter-Guild Council will
meet at 2:30, Sunday, Dec. 4,
Lane Hall. Some members of the
United World Federalists will be
present to explain their plan for
world organization.
I.S.A. Sunday Supper, sponsored
by Club Europa, will be given Sun.,
Dec. 5, 6:30 p.m., International
Center. Tickets may be obtained
at the International Center. Film
on Scandinavian countries will be
Jam Session: I.R.A. will present
a benefit Jam Session with top
local talent Sun., Dec. 5, 8-10:30
p.m., in the Hussey Room, Michi-
gan League. Small admission
Scabbard and Blade: The time
for initiation in Friday D.O.B. no-
tice was incorrectly stated. The
formal initiation will occur at
Michigan Union, Sun., Dc. 5.
11:30 a.m., as we published in the
U.W.F.: Informal discussion
group in the Rehearsal Room,

Michigan League, Sun., 7:30 p.m.
Everybody welcome.
La p'tite causette: Mon., 3:30
p.m., Grill Room, Michigan
The World Federalists Execu-
tive Council meeting, 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Michigan Union. Written
committee reports requested.
Meeting open to general member-
Hiawatha Club: Meeting at the
League, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 6.
All Upper Peninsula students are
urged to attend.
American Society of Heating &
Ventilating Engineers: There will
be a meeting at the Michigan Un-
ion on Wed., Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m.
Russian Circle: Meeting, Mon.,
Dec., 6, at 8 p.m., International
Center; Christmas party.

"I'd Like To Get You On A Slow Boat To China"

Letters to the Editor

tended to those who have ex-
pressed their ideas in previous
letters to The Daily.
I also want to thank the or-
ganizations who provided polling
personnel, AIM, IFC, Assembly,
Panhel, Union, and League. The
thanks of the campus are due to
the members of Alpha Phi Omega,
national service fraternity, who
served as poll watchers.
-Knight Houghton.,
To the Editor:
"Canterbury Dean" in today's
issue was excellent. Only one
slight correction. You refer to me
as "of Yale University." It is only
fair to Yale to say that I am of
-Ralph Barton Perry.
To the Editor:
letter, several questions came
to my mind. He stated that many
of the people came to the hospital
showing no outward clinical find-
ings. Can he deny that many doc-
tors in large cities aren't cap-
italizing on that type of person.
Perhaps he feels that only the
very wealthy can afford to be
The figure - one doctor for
every eight hundred people-
sounds mighty good, but why is it
that there are large areas in the
United States where medical fa-
cilities are inadequate and people
are dying because of lack of doc-
tors? What answer does he have
to the fact that so many- young
men were refused in the armed
forces because of physical defects
that had been neglected?
When people think of socialized
medicine, charity clinics or the
Army and Navy medical depart-
ments come to their minds. The
shortcomings of these types of or-
ganizations are used- as a basis
for their arguments. I have
worked for five years in both and
fully realize their shortcomings,
but do not associate them with a
means of national health security,
which could beaccomplished by
compulsory health insurance
where people are able to choose
their own doctors. The hospital
where Dr. Johnson worked was a
charity hospital-charity is not
synonymous with socialized med-
Instead of the American Med-
ical Association taking an en-
tirely negative approach to this
recognized problem that needs
urgent attention, and if they are
so afraid of political interference,
why don't theyfwork out a plan
of their own before the govern-
ment is forced to take over where
they have failed.
-Janet Effron.

Fifty-Ninth Year

Looking Back

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti .... Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee .......Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman..Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,

The Sophomore women entertained their
freshman sisters at their annual dance
which was termed "one of the prettiest
of the year." Each freshman was escorted
by a woman from the sophomore class who
was her dancing partner. No 'cutting in'
was allowed.
The question "What are you good for"
was discussed at Newberry Hall. Public
character analysis of volunteers was given
by the speaker.
As the 1918 Western Conference season
opened, Michigan had to cancel its fight
with Northwestern because the Varsity fell
victim en masse to the flu.
According to a Daily headline "Marthy


I Lkeep telling you, Gus,
nothing's going to happen-

You'repositiveI'm immune from all supernatural
influences while I'm near this exorcistic circle?

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