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November 28, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-28

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SUNDAY, XOVElfttlt 2$, 194

Speakers Ban

H ALL the divergent opinion express-
ed about most issues that the campus
gets involved in, there is one area where al-
most everybody agrees.
That is in opposition to the Regents'
Ban on political speakers. This whole year
has been devoted to petition drives pro-
testing the restriction, the formulation of
committees to fight the ban, and sugges-
tions for getting around the limitations
placed on students by the Regents.
Throughout the year, the Student Legis-
lature has constantly fought for the lifting
of the ban, by passing motions against it,
by supporting the actions of the Committee
Against the Ban, and by working on the
proposal to form the Oxford Union where
freedom of debate would be allowed.
At present, the SL cabinet is formulat-
ing a proposal which will be presented
to the Regents at their next meeting in
December. The plan will, request lifting
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
ire written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

of the ban. SL has done as much as any
organization, with the possible exception
of the CAB, to keep the fight against the
ban at a high pitch.
The membership of the Legislature which
will hold its next regular meeting in two
weeks will not be the same as that which
has consistently protested the Regents' rul-
ing, because of the coming campus elections.
To insure that the next legislature will
continue the fight, the student body must
elect representatives who are pledged to
that purpose.
It is your responsibility to elect represen-
tatives who will stand up for your rights.
Tuesday morning, the first day of elec-
tion, The Daily will publish the statements
of the candidates for SL office.
One of the questions that is asked of
the candidates is, "If elected, would you
take an active part in working on the lift-
ing of the political ban."
It is in the best interests of the student
body that the fight against the ban be con-
tinued. Therefore, it is only common sense
to cast your ballot for those candidates who
have pledged themselves to fight the re-
strictions on free expression and discussion
set up by the Regents.
I -Al Blumrosen

" Turkey Soup

performers by first and last name, but
Jascha Heifetz is catalogued, simply and
starkly, by his last name only. Thus, in
its own sober and unobtrusive way, has
the Choral Union bestowed upon the not-
ed violinist the mantle of greatness.
Chewed Nails.. ..
A BUDDY of ours has been seeking 10 these
many moons to establish rapport with a
certain lovely blonde. He's glimpsed her
several times on campus but still doesn't
even know her name.
And, ever mindful of the amenities of
civilized college life, he dares not introduce
himself. "Some things," he argues with in-
controvertible logic, "are just not done, al-
beit one's heart is breaking."
aGood Newvs
HE DECISION is now apparently up to
Secretary Marshall. If he yields to the
President's urging to stay on at the State
Department, it seems likely that the high
command of our foreign and defense policy,
including Under-Secretary of State Robert
A. Lovett and Secretary of Defense James V.
Forrestal, will remain unchanged. But Mar-
shall is known to be intensely anxious to
lay down the gigantic burdens he has borne
for so long. And if he will not consent to
withdraw his resignation, changes may be
in order all along the line.
Such is the simplest way to state the
uncertainties of the situation as it is re-
liably reported to stand after the Presi-
dent's meeting with the Secretary. From
this meeting, however, has emerged cer-
tainty on a very different kind of point,
that is perhaps almost as important as the
staffing of the second Truman adminis-
There is of course not a word of truth in
the innumerable stories that Lovett has
spoken slightingly of the President, that
Secretary Forrestal refused to contribute to
the Democratic National Committee,. and
so on. The sources of these stories either
aspire to Lovett's and Forrestal's offices, or
wish to see them replaced by more pliable
officials, or desire to undermine the bi-
partisan foreign policy.
At Key West, the President was there-
fore urged to pass over Dulles, and to
name Mrs. Roosevelt or some other dele-
gate to replace Marshall. But he did not
hesitate. He saw at once that larger issues
were involved, and re-asserted American
unity by naming Dulles.
On the other hand, if Secretary Marshall
will not forego his hoped-for retirement,
even for ,a few months, the whole question
of the foreign and defense high command
will still be open. The President must also
solve the problem of injecting badly needed
energy and progressivism into the domestic
side of his administration (by the simple
expedient of appointing a few officials who
genuinely agree with his own announced
views). And while the news of Truman's
mood is good, the future of the second Tru-
man administration will remain in doubt
until its makeup has been officially deter-
Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.
CHIEF JUSTICE Fred M. Vinson is the
latest of the persons to bob up in Wash-
ington speculation as a probable new secre-
tary of state. The suggestion is not one to
inspire enthusiasm.
Vinson has some undoubted talents. He
was a shrewd and capable legislator, an ef-
ficient administrator. But as chief justice
hi 1nohannt hr. ,nynnaaa . . w __t-

The other day, with his eyeballs peeled
and his heart in his mouth, he saw her
again. Only for an instant, for she quickly
melted into the throng, but long enough for
him to absorb the bitter irony of the motto
emblazoned on her gaily-printed kerchief:
"Cherchez la femme."
Surprise!.. .
A COUPLE of our more vaguely intel-
lectual friends were all set to trip
downtown for an evening of arty cinema,
when a kindly someone informed them
that the currently-featured "The Counter-
feiters" is, to quote the ad, a thrill-pack-
ed tale of "U.S. Secret Service and Scot-
land Yard on the Job," and not, as they
had supposed, the film version of Andre
Gide's famous novel.
* * *,
They Got Told ..
STUDENTS of high finance and business
administration must occasionally shud-
der to realize that the daffy coeds who dec-
orate the Diagonal today will be the house-
wife and their future customers of tomor-
row. Take for example the large-eyed senior
and -the systematic wary she solved ,her ac-
counting problems. "I wrote so many bad.
checks that I just got good and mad at that
old bank and withdrew all my money," she
* * *
Who, Me?...
OVERHEARD ON THE Library steps:
"Oh, he's not a hard guy to have a good
time with. He's just a hard guy to have a
good opinion of."
Reactionary ...
A LOT OF PEOPLE want to escape, now-
adays, but we think that it can be car-
ried too far. We refer to the subscription
blank we found the other day on one of
our noted professor's desks-to the "Renais-
sance News."

On Headstands
WITH THE ZEAL of a Tuesday afternoon
women's club campus pseudo-sophisti-
cates have raised their battle cry against a
proposal to revive school spirit.
These embryo Calvin Coolidges rail
against such horrendous evils as freshman
"pots," tugs of war and competitive talent
As a result of the suggested soph-frosh
rivalry they foresee scholars scurrying:
1. To the Health Service for the repair
of mangled appendages and deranged fea-
2. Away from lectures and other cultural
3. Not any further than their thresholds
on student election days.
The more temperate of this faction mere-
ly mutter, Gibbon-like, about the decline and
fall of an educational empire.
Many will doubtless be surprised to learn
that this monster which so ominously
threatens our cultural existence is merely
one week in the fall set aside for construc-
tive rivalry between the freshmen and sopho-
more classes.
Student Legislator Bill Gripman ex-
plains that the plan which he will submit
to the Student Affairs Committee for ap-
proval is designed to revitalize lethargic
school spirit by acquainting incoming
freshmen with all the aspects of campus
life. The "pots," tug of war and vaudeville
competition, while providing amusement
and an outlet for excess energy, are mere-
ly the means to a greater end - the reviv-
al of constructive school spirit.
Gripman wants no repetition of the cur-
rent peitition imbroglio, nor the fiasco of a
few weeks ago when a cheerleader and a
brass band could induce only 65 students
to see the nation's number one team off to
Minnesota. He envisions the day when or-
ganized classes will lend greater spirit to all
campus activities from football to student
elections and worthy fund drives.
The wholesale campus support of the
Marching Band for the Ohio trip is proof
that there are at least a few spirited un-
dercurrents in our "utilitarian" campus
society. The over-matured veteran with
no time for anything but sophisticated
pursuits befitting his exalted position is
the vanishing American of today's college
campus. The time has come for the revival
of the constructive type of school spirit
which contributes so much to a well-
rounded education.
As for the present staid dissenters, they
must realize that there is such a thing -as
taking oneself too seriously. Someday with
the wisdom which is regrettably acquired
only too often with age, they will realize
that self-righteous pompousness has cheat-
ed them out of half the joy of youth.
Lewis Carroll's Father William was trying
to remedy the same shortcoming of his youth
when he explained, while practicing a head-
"In my youth," Father William replied
to his son,
"I feared it might injure the brain
But now that I'm perfectly sure I have
Why I do it again and again."
Those college students who are so serious-
minded that they cannot let their hair down
for one week a year for such a worthy cause,
belong on an educational conveyor belt and
not on a campus.
-Dave Thomas
World Morals
IN WHAT may be an understatement, UN
officials have termed the World Bill of
Rights, now nearing completion, as "one of
the great landmarks of civilization."
This document will mean that every hu-
man being, from the curly-headed kid
down the block to an aged, sthrving Chi-

nese can lay his hands on something con-
crete and say "these are my personal
rights and freedoms."
Undeniable personal freedom is a rather
simple concept which has taken only a few
thousand years to get international ap-
In more specific, if hackneyed, terms, it
is vital to point out that here is a place
where all the nations have gotten together
and found something so supreme and funda-
mental that they could not help but reach
some agreement on it even though bitter
ideological battles stood in the way.
Concepts from the American, British,
French, Russian and Oriental constitu-
tions and cultures have been thrown in
one cauldron to mold the precious docu-
At its beginning, the World Bill of Rights
will have only moral authority, and only in
respect to the individual.
Thus, while it will be morally wrong for
any government to persecute an individ-
ual for his religious beliefs or race, nothing
is mentioned concerning the moral impli-
cations of a nation's helping itself to a
portion of its neighbor's territory, even if
It does so in the name of the new Bill of
This point is raised not to criticize the
document but merely to indicate that fur-
ther work in international morals remains
to be done.
Work on the present Bill was begun two
years ago by an 18-nation human rights
commission under the command of Mrs.
. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Next, earlier this
year, the declaration was brought before the
,8-nantin TN nocial conmittee for final

"Birds an' bees I know. Teach me seven card stud."


Council of Churches will speak on
ecumenical movement.
Lutheran Student Association:
Choir Rehearsal, Zion Parish Hall,
4:30 p.m. Supper meeting, 5:30
p.m., student participation pro-
Coming Events
Women's Research Club: 8 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 29, Rackham Amphi-,
theatre. Dr. Louise Cuyler will
-peak on "Problems in Transcrib-
ing 16th-Century Music." Intro-
duction of new members.

The D eailyaccords tsreadersthe
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Only Aims
To the Editor:
TO THE "WHEELS" of Michi-
gan: Your altruistic aims of
voting only for the best man, re-
gardless of affiliation, are excel-
lent. But they are only aims. For
instance, exactly where do we
learn whether the candidates are
good or bad. From their state-
ments in The Daily-ridiculous;
from personal contact-certainly
not feasible. The only source of
information left seems to ber he
aim of the organization or group
supporting the candidate.
So far you have given us no-
thing conclusive to aid us in using
our vote, that is besides guessing

Letters to the Editor

which man is best. How many of
you gentlemen in the Student
Legislature, who are writing these
letters, got into office solely on
your own? How many of you re-
fused independent or fraternity
Yes, the idea is good-but give
us some method to work it. Maybe,
the Student Legislature can show
enough interest to print a list of
their candidates' views and qual-
ifications in an unbiased state-
But for Heaven's sake, don't tell
us to vote for the best man-we
don't know who he is.
-George Meyer,
Robert Lamb,
and others
Religion Attack
To the Editor:
Un-Americans have now at-
tacked the Church. They throw
up their usual blind and spream
that Communists want to use the
churches for subversive purposes.
But don't let them fool you.
In many cases the churches in
America lead the fight for equal-
ity and for peace . . . against the
peacetime draft, for the abolition
of Jim Crow and discrimination,
for international understanding.
This is in the beat tradition of
the Judeo-Christian principles of
brotherhood. But br the estab-
lished criteria of Parnell Thomas
and John Rankin, leading lights
of the committee, this is :,dbver-
In other words, if the churches
take a progressive stand, counter.
to the beliefs of the Un-American
Committee . . . blame the Comn-
munists. The only kind of church
the committee will sanction is one
which believes in the kind of
Americanism (or Un-American-
ism) Rankin and Thomas them-
selves stand for.
And what will be the effect of
the attack? How many people
connected with religious institu-
tions will now hesitate and per-
haps decline to work for the pro-
gressive objectives in the fear that
they will be placed on the Thomas-
Rankin list?
This fear is not a static thing.
It is a growing pattern which be-
gan with the first attacks by the
Un-Americans against the Com-
munists. It now envelops all Amer-
icans. It is a part of the same
pattern that brings to trial 12
Communist leaders for teaching
and advocating the principles of
Marxism-Leninism. Can it be that
the trials will be extended to in-
clude all who teach and advocate
the principles of Christianity and
the brotherhood of man?
In a free America there is no
place for fear. We must demand
the abolition of the Committee
with its inquisitorial methods.
-Alfred Millstein

(Continued from Page 2)
Building. Sign interview schedule
posted outside the same office.
Bureau of Appointments an-
nounces the following interviews
for February graduates:
December 1.
The U.S. Rubber Co. will have a
representative here to interview
candidates for positions as junior
credit men, sales correspondent,
production control, accountants,
office methods, sales production
coordination, footwear salesmen,
production, industrial engineers,
chemists or chemical engineers,
and mechanical engineers.
The J. L. Hudson Company will
have a representative here to in-
terview men and women for their
executive training program.
December 3.
The American Sugar Refining
Co. will have a representative here
to interview primarily for accoun-
tants and a few positions in sales.
The General Electric Co. will
have a representative here to in-
terview men for their business
training program, including such
positions as personnel, employee
relations, production, and market
Further information and ap-
pointments may be obtained at
201 Mason Hall by calling Ext.
University Community Center
Willow Village
Sun., Nov. 28, 10:45 a.m., Inter-
denominational church' program:
church service, followed by coffee
hour. Nursery;
4:30 p.m., Discussion;
5:30 p.m., Pot-luck supper.
Mon., Nov. 28, 8 p.m., Sewing
class; Art Group-business meet-
Tues., Nov. 30, 8 p.m., Bridge
night. Everyone welcome.
Sat., Dec. 4, 8 p.m., Faculty
Wives' party for members and hus-
The William W. Cook Lectures
on American Institutions. Fifth
series, "Characteristically Ameri-
can." First lecture, "The American
Cast of Mind." Dr. Ralph Barton
Perry, Emeritus Professor of Phil-
losophy, Harvard University. 8
p.m., Mon., Nov. 29, Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
A cademic Notices
English 149 (Advanced Play-
writing) will meet in Rm. 2019
Angell Hall, Tues., Nov. 30.
Mathematics Colloquium: 4 p.m.
Mon., Nov. 29, Rm. 3201 Angell
Hall. Dr. Dorothy Maharem Stone,
University of Manchester, will
speak on "The Representation of
Abstract Valued Measure Func-
Orientation Seminar: Mr.
Charles Carr will discuss The Ir-
rationality of Pi on Mon., Nov. 28,
2 p.m., Rm. 3001 Angell Hall.
Physical Chemistry Seminar:
4:07 p.m., Wed., Dec. 1, Rm. 303
Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Larry Bartell

will discuss "The Rotating Sector
in Electron Diffraction."
Political Science 366 will meet
Nov. 30.
Student Recital: Emil Raab,
student of violin under Gilbert
Ross and concertmaster of the
University Symphony, will pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 29, Rackham Assembly Hall,
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music. The program, open
to the public, will include compo-
sition by Locatelli, Bach, Ives, and
Student Recital: Patricia Shields
DeLoof, organist, will present 'a
program at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Nov.
30, Hill Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music.
It will include compositions by
Clerambault, D'Aquin, Bach, Wi-
dor, Clokey, and Vierne, and will'
be open to the general public. Mrs.
DeLoof is a pupil of Frederick
Student Recital: Marie Haefli-
ger, pianist, will be heard in a re-
cital at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 30;
Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil
of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Haefli-
ger will play Bach's Toccata in D
Major, Schubert's Sonata in E-flat
Major, Op. 122, Brahms' Varia-
tions on an Original Theme, in D
Major, and Ravel's Le Tombeau
de Couperin. Presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree, the
recital will be open to the public.
Events Today
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal with orchestra for
all chorus members and princi-
pals, 2 p.m., Pattengill Auditorium
(Ann Arbor High School). Ticket
sales to cast members.
U. of M. Hot Record Society: 8
p.m., Michigan League Ballroom.
Program on "The Revival of
New Orleans Style Jazz." Every-
one is invited.
UI.W.F.: Informal discussion,
7:30 p.m., Kalamazoo Room, Mich-
igan League. Everybody welcome.
Student Religious Groups:
Evangelical and Reformed Stu-
dent Guild: Supper meeting, 5:30
Wesleyan Guild: Meeting, 5:30
p.m. Fred Kraye, recently return-
ed from Germany, will speak on
"Others' Needs Now." Supper and
fellowship, 6:30 p.m.
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Supper, 6:00 p.m., Congregational
Church. Rev. William Henderson,
Presbyterian Student Work Direc-
tor will speak on "Fundamentals
of Christianity."
Unitarian Student Group: 6:30
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
, dent Club: Supper and program,
5:30 p.m.
Roger Williams Guild: Dinner,
fellowship and program, 6 p.m.,
Guild House. Mrs. Andresen, Ex-
ecutive Secretary of Ann Arbor

Graduate Education Club:
iness meeting, Tues., 4:15
Elementary School Lounge.
dents and faculty invited.


Movies, presented by Phi Lamb-
da Upsilon for chemistry and
chemical engineering students,
Tues., Nov. 30, 4:15 p.m., Rm.
1400 Chemistry Bldg. Movies: 1)
Colloids, 2) Magnesium Metal
from the Sea, and 3) Oxidation-
Chemistry and chemical engi-
neering undergraduate students in-
terested in forming an American
Chemical Society affiliate chapter
are invited to meet with Prof.
Peter A. S. Smith, Rm. 1400 Chem-
istry Bldg., 4:15 p.m., Tues., Nov.
Tan Kappa Epsilon: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 29, Michigan
Le Cercle Francais: Meeting
8 p.m., Tues., Nov. 30, Hussey
Room, Michigan League.* Songs
and games. All members are re-
quested to attend as the group
picture for the ~Michiganensian
will be taken.

La p'tite
Mon., Grill

causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Room, Michigan Lea-


Clifford Curzon opened his program last
night with Haydn's Andante and Variations
in F minor, and made it evident immediately
that he is not only a pianist with tremen-
dous technical profficiency but also an in-
terpretive artist of the first order. The clar-
ity and crispness necessary to bring out the
sparkling mock-seriousness in which the va-
riations are steeped were supplemented by
exquisite tone graduations to give the work a
rarely heard balance and charm.
Mr. Curzon next turned to Beethoven's
Rondo a Capriccio (the rage over a lost
penny) and played it in a tempo consid-
erably faster than is usual. This was com-
pletely effective in heightening the "rage,"
and the disappearance of the wisp of a
fugue near the end was an additional
humorous touch that was most welcome.
Schumann's Sonata in G minor, op. 22,
increased admiration for Mr. Curzon's play-
ing. In this sonata he showed his true lyri-
cal ability. In the legato Andantino, when
his expression of feeling was limited by good
taste, the sentiment was never overbearing.
The last movement of the sonata brought
this out even more clearly, when the presto
and the slower lyrical section alternated to
increase the contrast and reinforce the bal-
ance between technique and expression.
If there were any remaining doubts
about Mr. Curzon, they were completely
dispelled in the Four Impromptus, op. 90,
of Schubert. Mr. Curzon played with a
great range feeling and wonderful pre-

Sociedad Hispanica: Social hour,
4-5 p.m, Mon., Nov. 29, Interna-
tional Center.
Sigma- Rho Tau, Engineering
Speaking Society: 7 p.m., Tues.,
Nov. 30, Rm. 2084 E. Engineering
Bldg. The first round in a series
of tournament debates between
the various circles within the or-
ganization will be featured. All
members will participate with the
finalists squaring off two weeks
hence. Topic for debate: "Resolv-
ed: That the Taf t-Hartley Law
Should Be Repealed." The public
is invited.
U. of M. Young Republicans:
7:30 p.m., Tues., Michigan Union.
Student Religious Association:
Mon., Nov. 29.
Easy Chair Grout: 7:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall, Fireplace Room. Dis-
cussion of "Preservation of Wild
Student Peace Fellowship: Meet-
ing, 7 p.m., Lounge, Lane Hall.
Weekly Bull Session: 7:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
United World Federalists: Exec-
utive Council Meeting, 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 29, Michigan Union.
Written committee reports re-
quested. General Meeting, Wed.,
Dec. 1.

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Bess Hayes...............Librarian
Business Staf
Richard Halt.......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwisen credited to this newspnaper.,

Fifty-Ninth Year

All rights of republication of all other
U. of M. Dames Interior Deco- matters herein are also reserved.
rating Group will meet at 8 p.M., Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Tues.,GNo. 30, et Conferen., Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Tues., Nov. 30, West Conference matter.
Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. Harold subscription turing the regular
Barrett, owner of the House of school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail
Beautiful Furniture, Ann Arbor, *e.00.
will speak on "Floor Coverings."


The Swami can't get rid of Gus with this
old magic stuff, can he, Mr. O'Malley?
Well. No. Its effect can be only


Dear! The Swami did dace that potted mandrake
in a bad place. But I don't want to irritate him-
j Gus! Your attitude toward

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