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November 28, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-28

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Sce Page 4l


La test Deadline in the State




tlantic oast Longshoremen's Strik


4 !4,





Plan Second
Late Session
On Deadlock
Moves Debated,
Readied for Vote
'CLEVELAND-(1P)-The Amer-
ican Veterans Committee's third
national convention bogged down
last night in a factional fight
which forced the 1,500 delegates
into another unscheduled night
A fight between the administra-
tion's Independent Progressive
group andthe Progressives crowd-
ed aside all other business ex-
cept a speech by Murray D. Lin-
coln, President of the Coopera-
tive League of the U.S.A.
RESOLUTIONS were debated
and put to vote to lift the suspen-
sion of 13 New York City chapters,
return the charter withdrawn
from the Ernie Pyle chapter of
New York City, and restore to
membership Richard Crohn and
attorney Morris Pottish of New-
Pottish personally appealed
for reinstatement, citing his
past record in the organization,
Michael Straight, Editor of the
New Republic spoke against
Pottish, declaring he had incited
the suspended chapted to defy
the authority of the AVC's 25-
member National Planning
Last night delegates, by a close
vote, refused to seat representa-
tives of the 13 suspended chapters
and the Ernie Pyle chapter, or to
admit Pottish as a delegate.
* *4 * .
the resolutions committee, were
overruled in their contention that
refusal to seat the suspended and
expelled delegates had sustained
their penalties.
The dispute first reached the
showdown stage following a
meeting last September of the
New York Metropolitaan Area
Council. The Council, with Pot-
tish presiding, seated Crohn as
a delegate after Crohn had been
suspended by the National offi-
cers for lending AVC's name to
partisan politics by appearing at
a Wallace-for-President rally.
Nine of the suspended chapters
later renounced their action, but
did so under protest. The Ernie
Pyle chapter refused to reverse its
position, and the other four sus-
pended units ignored the National
Planning Committee's demand.

WES To Be Resumed;
Meets Labor Opposition
The University's controversial workers' educatidn courses will be
resumed immediately after the Christmas holidays, President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven announced yesterday.
The reorganized program will be a boon to workers' education in
Michigan if given the support by labor that it deserves, Dr. Ruthven
BUT TODAY it looked like labor wasn't going to cooperate.
Victor G. Reuther, educational director of the UAW-CIO, called
the program "completely unacceptable."
Charging that "the Regents are still dominated by General
Motors," he said 'they choose to ignore the will of the people as
expressed in the recent elections."
Reuther and Robert Scott, secretary-treasurer of the Michigan
Federation of Labor (AFL) thought that a meeting between Univer-
sity officials and labor leaders slated for next Friday would be of
little value.
* *. * *
"UNLESS THE University is willing to restore the Workers Edu-
cation Service as it functioned before, I see no point in discussing the
situation," Scott said.
The labor leaders had previously threatened to boycott the
courses if they were resumed.
The courses have been under fire for nearly six months following
charges by a General Motors official that tey were "Marxist tinged."
They were suspended completely in September pending a Regents'

: : ,


THE SUSPENSION of the courses and subsequent firing of Arthur
Elder, director of. the program, touched off a wave of protest from
labor leaders and churchmen.
Details of the reorganized program will not be announced
until the meeting of the WES Advisory Council Friday.
In announcing that the workers' education courses would be re-
sumed, President Ruthven said that "misunderstanding" had devel-
oped because of the Regents' probe of the courses..
HE SAID that the Regems never intended to discontinue the
courses but only to make an administrative reorganization of the pro-
The University was a pioneer in the field of workers' educa-
tion. The program was started under a legislature grant and later
continued under University funds.
The University's program of workers' education was regarded as
a model system. Congress was studying the Michigan program with
an eye toward establishing a nation-wide system along the same lines.
** * *
THE NATIONAL bill dropped out of sight however, and a probe
of the Michigan WES was launched by the Regents when Adam K.
Stricker, G.M. official, charged that courses were "Marxist tinged."
Perry To DisussAmerican
Mind in Cook Lecture Series
"The American Cast of Mind"
seen through the eyes of the phi-
losopher, Ralph Barton Perry, pro-K
fessor emeritus at Harvard, will
be the first topic in the William
W. Cook lecture series beginning
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
4. * * 4

National IFC
Urges Policy
Of Toleraice,
Phi Psi Executive
Council To Meet
NEW YQRK-(P)--Fifty-eight
college fraternities were urged last
night to consider the "character
and personality" of any prospec-
tive member 'rather than his race,
color, religion or nationality." f
* * *
THIS PLEA was made by the
national Interfraternity Confer-
ence in a statement to its 58 affili-
ates, but at the same time it af-
firmed the right of fraternities
to determine the qualifications of
their members.
Declared the NIA:
"The wisdom or desirability of
social considerations affecting
membership, including religious,
racial or national qualifications,
are thus the concern of the fra-
.ternity itself.
"The conference, however, be-.
lieves that the fraternity system
will flourish better if the charac-
ter and personality of the indi-
vidual are regarded as paramount,
rather than his race, color, re-
ligion or nationality."
* " *
AT YESTERDAY'S session of its
40th annual meeting the NIA
delegates voted unofficially in fa-
vor of keeping the ban on Negroes
maintained by most fraternities.
The tally, by a 25 to 12 margin,
was merely an expression of opin-
Interest in discrimination was
heightened at the meeting by
the recent suspension by Phi
Kappa Psi fraternity of its Am-
herst College chapter because
the latter asked a Negro to join.
Phi Kappa Psi's National Execu-
tive Council will meet here today
to consider this matter.
TODAY'S NIA statement said
it was recognized that "a chapter
member may cast his vote upon
discriminatory considerations"
when considering a candidate for
"He may concede or refuse to
concede to the opinions, or even
the pyejudices of his fraternity
brothers," the statement said.
"That is his individual right. The
weight to be given to conflicting
considerations is for his individual

The Very Reverend Hewlett
Johnson, Dean of Canterbury
Cathedral in England and a
storm center in the clash over
international Communism, will
arrive in Ann Arbor Tuesday.
During his visit here, he will
give an address at Masonic Au-
ditorium, will appear at a recep-
tion in his honor at Lane Hall,
and will meet a "peace delega-
tion" of University students.
He is sponsored locally by a
special welcoming committee of
faculty and townspeople.
* * *
DR. JOHNSON will'speak on
"Road to Peace with Russia" at
4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 30, at
Masonic Auditorium.
In his address, he is expect-
ed to stress the point that the
Conitinuies *as
Groups Schedule
Last MinuteicMeetinig
With campus elections only two
days away, local politicos began
their last minute attempts to
corral votes.
A meeting of all independent
candidates and students is slated
for 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
League Ballroom. Sponsored by
A.sembly, the aim of the meeting
is to acquaint independent stu-
dents with their independent can-
didates, according to Marilyn
Ornnt. .
EAST AND WEST quadders are
planning aseric of rallies and
talks in the dormitories Monday
evening, beginning at 6:45 p.m. to
whip up enthusiasm among dorm
students for their candidates.
The elections will be held
Tuesday and Wednesday. SL of-
ficials hope to get a vote of
10,000 students.
Sixty-three candidates are 'vie-
ing for 32 positions on the Stu-
dent Legislature while eight are
running for the three student seats
on the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications.
SEVENTEEN seniors are running
for the four Senior Class offices
and 27 juniors are after the nine
posts on the J-Hop Committee.
Education school officers will also
be elected.
The elections, originally sched-
uled for last week, were postponed
by Legislature action because of
the rejection by Men's Judiciary
of many petitions for faulty sig-

STUDENTS PROTEST NEGRO BAN-Dr. Ralph C. Hutchinson, president of Lafayette College,
Eastern Pa., addresses a student crowd estimated at 1,500 which gathered to protest against the
reported refusal of Sun Bowl officials in El Paso, Texas, to permit Dave Showell, Negro halfback, to
play there New Year's Day. Lafayette rejected the Bowl bid because of the ban on Showell.
Deat of Canterbury Will Speak Here

world faces the greatest ca-
trastrophe in its history un-
less it meets squarely and
solves forthrightly the ques-
tion of peace.
Tickets for this lecture can
be obtained for 50 cents at
Wahr's, the Union, League,
Lane Hall, and at the Masonic
box office from 7 to 9 p.m. Mon-
day and 3 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Tickets also will be on sale at
the door.
THE STUDENT "peace dele-
gation" led by Al Fishman, will
meet Dr. Johnson at 2 p.m. to
hold a discussion with him and
ask his signature on "A Roll
Call for Peace."
This scroll has been signed
by a number of clergymen,

'scientists, and educators call-
ing on the American govern-
ment to arrange for a con-
ference with the Soviets to
settle all outstanding prob-
A reception 'open to all stu-
dents and faculty will be held
from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday at
Lane Hall.
Prof. Theodore Newcomb,
chairman of the local welcom-
ing committee, said that the
committee members did not nec-
essarily agree with Dr. John-
son's views.
'He explained that the group
had invited him because they
"believe that many Ann Arbor
people will want to hear what
an eminent person has to say on
matters of public importance."

New Science Developments
1*C $E- - Rr ~ 1

AFL Accepts
13 Cent Hike
In Pay Scale
West Coast CIO
Counting Votes
NEW YORK - (P)-President
Joseph P. Ryan of the AFL In-
ternational Longshoremen's Asso-
ciation announced the end of his
Union's East Coast strike last
Ryan made his announcement
the moment enough returns were
in to show the 65,000 striking East
Coast Longshoremen had voted to
accept a compromise agreement
for a 13-cents-an-hour raise.
ACCEPTANCE of the terms
ended a walkout started 18 days
ago when they voted to reject a
previous compromise on a 10-cent
The stoppage added up to
more than a million man-days
on strike, besides thousands of
railway, trucking and other
workers laid off by the paralysis
of business.
It was a paralysis that gripped
New York Harbor-the world's
largest seaport-and the . coast
from Maine to Virginia.'
THE STRIKE immobilized .the
world's mightiest liners, and
blocked mails and trade.
"The men will be back on the
piers tomorrow morning for
anyone who asks them to work,"
Ryan said.
On the West Coast, 27,000 dock
workers in the CIO union headed
by Harry Bridges were taking part
in the voting but their' balloting
will not be completed' until today.
sition to the new Atlantic Coast
Pact came from a group of Brook-
lyn longshoremen who staged a
mass meeting of protest yesterdy
and called another meeting for
late last night.
Ryan, told of the secnd
meeting scheduled for last night,
described the group as "disrpt.
ers" and "insurgents" and said
that anyone attending the
meeting was "not loyal to the
Longshoremen's Association."
THE SHIPPING shutdown has
lasted 87 days on the Pacific
Coast, one of the longest mari
time tieups in history, and 18 days
in the East.
More than 500 ships have been
tied up and estimated losses have
been huge.
Thousands of employes of
steamship lines, railroads, trucking
firms and cargo companies have
also been laid off by the strikes.
* * *
CIO Orders
Leftist Union
To Join UAW
PORTLAND, Ore. -(P)- The
CIO smacked down one of its left-
wing unions last night.
Its executive board ordered the
Farm Equipment Workers Union
to give up its identity and join
the United Auto Workers.
* * *
THIS WAS the first action
growing out of the CIO convention
which established the right wing
in full control, determined upon
a big nationwide organizing "cru-
sade" and adjourned yesterday.

The board also adopted resolu-
tions in which it:
Called upon the 81st Congress
to abolish the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee and to
set up new rules for Gongres-
sional investigating committees
that would "protect the rights
of witnesses and persons under
Urged President Truman to re-
vise his order concerning 'the loy-
alty of Federal employees, in or-
der to assure each accused indi-
vidual of a fair trial, an open hear-
ing, and the right to hire a law-
yer. The resolution said the Gov-
ernment's loyalty program now
"has degenerated into an irrespon-
sible witch hunt."
which has moire than 900.000flf


SL To H o ldFOUIL SUBSEQUENT lectures,
Sb To Hold s w il deal consecu ely
.f with "The Development of
Celebration o Thought in America," "William
James and American Individual-
T i e ism," "Religion in America," and
Big T i e .t e American Democracy."
The general theme characteriz-'
ing the entire series will be "Char-
Free Mo vie Showing acteristically American."
Revives Traditiol Ths fall marks the fifth pres-
entation of this lecture series.
Pre-war tradition will stage a t was established by William W.
comeback tomorrow evening when Cook, '82L, for the study of
students are treated to a free American institutions.
movie in celebration of Michigan's
capture of the Big Nine football Prof. Perry, who won a 1935 Pul-
crown. itzer prize for a biography, "The
The party will be on the Var- Thought and Character of William
sity committee of the Student Leg-
Beginning at 7:30 p.m. Monday LS
at Hill auditorium, movies of the
Ohio State game, two football
shorts, and a Bugs Bunny car-
toon will be shown. The shorts and *1
cartoon are being donated by the D sc ib d
Michigan Theatre.
Narrating the OSU-Michigan By JO MISNER
movies will be Al Wistert, Dom Byeria O Muine rmc
Tomasi, Walt Teninga, Pete El- Amecan audinces mu
liott, Tom Peterson and others on more spontaneous in their reac-
the championship team. ions than English ones, according
.The doors will be open to etau to Clifford Curzon.
dents at 7 p.m. and to townspeople The English pianist, who played
aat 7:25 p.m. before a full house at Hill Audi-
The free showing after a chai- torium last night, also commented
p onship is an old pre-war Mich- on the "extraordinary" audience
igan tradition according to SL attention in this country.
member Jake Jacobson.
- . ~.IN' ENGLAND it is often diffi-.

* * *
James," is considered an authority
Thought and Character of William
on James.

World News
By The Associated Press
NANKING - Madame Chiang4
Kai-Shek left in a special U. S.-
Naval plane today for Shanghai
en route to Washington, presum-
ably to appeal personally for
greatly increased aid to the Chi-
nese government in its fight with
the Communists.
of an unidentified ultra-mod-
ern submarine in Gulf Coast
waters was indicated in reports
released by the Navy Depart-
BERLIN - Russian Military
Tribunal sentenced the former
chief of the Berlin Central Coal
Agency to three months and 25
days in jail for allegedly failing
to cooperate with the Soviet mili-
tary administration.
Wanna Bet?
Pete Lough is a man to back
his word.
So when a friend tried to

itscussed t L
Plans for a canal across Mexico,
radio interference, engineering re-
search and electric welding-all
are discussed in the Michigan,
Technic, on sale tomorrow and
UN Censures
Balkan States'
Guerrilla Aid
PARIS-(/P)--The United Na-
tions Assembly has formally con-j
demned Albania, Bulgaria and
Yugoslavia for aiding Greek guer-
The action came after a bitter
debate in which John Foster Dul-
les, acting chairman of the United
States delegation, called on the
Soviet bloc countries to stop
spreading Comunism by "force,,
coercion and terrorism.""
The vote was 47 to 6, with only
the Russian-led group voting no.
Dulles told the assembly the
American people hate Communi-
tic methods, but do not hate peo-
ple who believe differently from
the way Americans do. He virtual-
ly disregarded an hour and 40-
minute speech delivered earlier by
Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky.
The Soviet Deputy Foreign Min-
ister, shouting and gesturing, had
attacked investigators of the UN
Special Committe on the Balkans
as 'Amateur Sherlock Holmeses"
and called UNSCOB's report
"junk" and "garbage."

atest Technic
Tuesday in West Engineering
Intended to appeal to varied
campus tastes, the latest Technic
carries stories on new scientific
developments . at . the University
and elsewhere.
* * *
geology department has proposed
a unique plan for constructing a
126-mile sea level ship canal
across the Isthmus of Mexico. De-
tails of his plan appear in this
month's issue.
Radio hams may find the ar-
ticle "Development in Man-
made Radio Interference" help-
ful in suppressing the traditional
"Research at the University of
Michigan" has become a monthly
feature of the Technic. In the
new issue Roger Kubel and Rob-
ert Paul have written an intro-
ductory article sketching the his-
tory and function of the engineer-
ing research department.
* * *
THEY HAVE especially stressed
its contribution to modern com-
David Wise, who won fourth
place for his article in a na-
tional contest, has writ ten
"Electric Welding in Conjunc-
tion with the Briquetting Pro-
cess," which describes a new use
for electric welding.
The new Teclmic also contains
a Professional Engineering Exam-
ination for the benefit of engi-
neers who were unable to obtain
the one printed in the October
issue, which sold out early.

lieuce Reactionl
*i '" _ 1-l
~n glish ianist
CURZON SAID he hadn't had a
chance yet to become really ac-
quainted with Ann Arbor, but one
of the first things he noticed here
was "the great variety of archi-
Americans are making a very
definite contribution to music,
according to Curzon.
"As a pianist I was staggered
by the extraordinarily high stand-

S,' Accepted for Slide-Rule Tickets

Something new in the field of
installment buying has been es-
tablisheciby the Slide-Rule Ball

A student need only present
his I.D. card, sign an I.O.U.
that he promises to pay the

excluded from the Slide Rule Ball,
traditionally. The dance commem-
morates a longstanding feud be-

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