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prrng Football Drills Attract over
Earl Riskey I
In Role of Inti
A nationwide comic-strip has
been concerned lately with a
unique, multi-armed statuette, but
this imaginative being is reduced
to insignificance by a certain hu-
mandownatthe ta taoi tao ta
roan down at the IM building.
The sedulous individual referred
to is Mr. Earl Riskey. Complete
charge of setting up and keeping
in operation an efficient, exten-
sive, and satisfactory program of
intramural sports is his task; and
to successfully accomplish thisj
work takes more than an average
human being.
Tremendous job!
The job which falls on his
shoulders is a tremendous one. For
instance: there are twelve separate
and distinct divisions of Intra-.
murals. Pick one of these, the fra-
ternity for example, and one finds
that it is subdivided into 37 dif-
ferent teams which participate in
21 various sports throughout the
year. Multiply times twelve and
try to stay sane.
The immense size which the IM
program has reached is due, to
a large extent, to the fact that
Michigan possesses a separate
building which is devoted solely
to Intramural sports.
Michigan Only One
Michigan is the only school in
the country with such a set up.
In most schools the facilities are
shared by varsity sports, and by
the physical education and intra-
mural programs, which does not
give IM athletes the necessary
materials and equipment to make
an IM program successful or bene-
Michigan's building was opened
in 1928 to provide a place for IM
sports which had existed rather
haphazardly for 14 years at vari-
ous places around campus prior
to this time. Mr. Riskey has been
associated with the program since
the opening of the building, but
itates Octopus
ramural Chiefr
has been director for only the last
five years.
Nine-Man Staff
A staff of nine men aid Mr.
Riskey in the operation of the IM
program. On his first right hand
he finds the able assistance of
Henry Lasch. Along with his as-
sistant director duties Hank also
has charge of the Residence Hall
branch of IM sports.
This division consists of eighteen
teams who try their hand at
twenty sports throughout the year.
These eighteen teams are split
into two leagues of nine teams
each, in effect, the West Quad
versus the East Quad. Fletcher
Hall makes the ninth team in the
West Quad league, and Vaughan
House completes the list in the
East Quad circuit, since there are
only eight houses in each Quad.
Competition in all sports is con-
ducted separately and then cham-
pionships are played off between
the two groups.
Independent League
The Independent League is at
present comprised of 24 teams
with a schedule of thirteen events.
Any individual may organize a
team in this division which has
been set up to give an opportunity
to non-fraternity men and those
not living in Residence Halls a
chance to compete in team sports.
The professional fraternity divi-
sion shows that 18 teams have
competed this year in one or more
of the ten scheduled events.
The faculty division consists of
nine sports, and an undesignated
number of teams. The amount of
interest and enthusiasm deter-
mines the number of participants.
International Center sports are
comprised solely of students from
foreign countries. An interesting
note about this league is that it
is the only one which fields soccer
teams. This game has never quite
taken hold with the other divi-
sions on campus, but it is stand-
ard equipment in this league.
... Schedule
(Continued from Page 1)
last year as Michigan had to go
all out to gain a 13-6 victory.
Minnesota coach Bernie Bier-
man will have practically his en-
tire team back from last season
and it will have had the benefit
of a year's seasoning. This game
should decide who will be 1948's
Western Conference champion.
Another "toughie" awaits the
Wolverines when they return to
the Michigan Stadium the follow-
ing weekend for the first of a
three game home stand. This time
it's the ever powerful Illinois
eleven. Coach Ray Eliot's charges
will be looking for revenge from
the Wolverines for last year's 14-
7 trimming. Illinois always rises
to the heights when they meet
Michigan and Wolverine fans can
look for a real thriller.
Anchors Aweigh
Michigan's last non-conference
foe invades Ann Arbor the week-
end of November 6, as the Wol-
verines engage Navy in a return
engagement of their 1944 meeting.
This time it will be the Wolver-
ines who will be looking for re-
venge and will be going all out to
get it from the Middies.
Indiana is next on the books
for Michigan, with the ever dan-
gerous Hoosiers coming into town
November 13th for their game.
The Hoosiers have a habit of sur-
prising the Wolverines, especially
when the Michigan eleven appears
to be top heavy favorites. Twice
during the last ten years they have
managed to spring little upsets on
the Wolverines, the latest case
being in 1945, winning 13-6.
Buckeye Tussle
Winding up the season will be
Michigan's traditional game with
Ohio State on November 20. The
Wolverines will be out to make it
four in a row over the Buckeyes.
The Maize and Blue eleven edged
OSU 7-3 in 1945, trounced them
58-6 in 1946 and continued their
domination last season shutting
them out to the tune of 21-0.
No, the road to another Con-
ference crown won't be too smooth
for the Wolverines.
100 Candidates
Replacements for Stars
s Theme of Early Work
Koceski Captures Meyer Morton Trophy
As Most Improved Gridder in Practice
. . . most improved player
Four 'M' Grid
Stars Go Pro
What happens to Michigan
gridiron stars when they graduate
from the Ann Arbor campus?
A glance at the newspapers
throughout the country will give a
Bob Chappuis and his potent
passing arm will be found in the
backfield of the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Lennie Ford, rejecting the bait
offered by the Detroit Lions,
grabbed the hook of the Los An-
geles Dons while Bob Mann, Ford's
teammate at the other end, de-
cided to accept the Lion's bid.
Automatic Jim Brieske, place
kicking specialist, auctioned off
his talent to the New York Giants.
Over in Yost Field House the
regular notice for spring football
candidates was posted-but there
was a slight change at the bottom
of the paper. It was signed Bennie
Oosterbaan, head coach.
For the first time in :en years,
another man was chief surveyor
of Wolverine gridiron prospects.
A lot of people wondered what
changes would take place and
despite a lot of doubting Thom-
ases, the grass was still green,
the trains roared by the field "as
scheduled, and football went on
as usual.
Over 100 men shower, up nor the
six-days-for-six - weeks training
period. There was a mixture of old
timers, freshmen from the fall
squad, service returnees, and still
optimistic jayvee standbys.
The squad was divided into units
after the first week, giving players
and coaches a chance to become
acquainted with each other. Bill
Orwig, former 'M' athlete, joined
the banks of the coaching staff,
commuting daily from Toledo to
work with the ends.
George Ceithaml, who once
called signals for the Wolverines,
began calling drills for the back-
field try-outs. To Ceithaml fell
the unenvious task of develop-
ing replacements for All-Ameri-
cans Bob Chappuis, and Bump
Elliott, and for dependable per-
formers fullback Jack Weisen-
burger and general Howard
It was one of Ceithamls charges
who won the coveted Meyer Mor-
ton trophy, presented to the most
improved player in spring prac-
tice. Leo Koceski, an unknown
righ, halfback from Canonsburg,
Pa., tucked the cup under one
arm and carried off the honors as
the intra-squad game brought the
curtain down on spring drills.
It proved to be quite a thrill for
the sophomore physical education
major, who said that he'd planned
on coming to Michigan ever since
"the fifth or sixth grade." In high
school, Koceski scored 122 points
in his senior year to, win a first
team berth on the All-Pennsyl-
vaia nInterscholastic League.
Last fall he gained his basic
training in Wolverine single
wing tactics under Wally Weber,
the coach who raises Michigan
football players during the
cradle and creeping stages.
He stands five feet nine inches,
weigh's 165 pounds, and has a
sens of humor htat makes him a
favorite with his teammates.
The award which Koceski won
began its long and interesting his
tory in 1925.
Its purpose, according to Mey-
er Morton who made the first
and all subsequent presenta-
tions. is to stimulate interest
among the candidates during
spring practice, when the gla-
mor and thrills of competition
are absent.
Although no such provision has
been specifically stated, it has be-
come the custom to award the
trophy to tryouts who are spend-
ing their first year on the campus.
As a result, nobody has come up
with the prize more than onc&'
The first gridder to get the
cup was Ray Baer of Louisville,
Kentucky. Today he is a highly
respected coach in the Lbuisville
school system.
Since 1925 many roo7.ailers,
who have become known nation-
ally, have been awarded the laur-
els, including Merv Pregulman,
1942 winner placed on the All-
American team in 1943, Tom Har-
mon, 1937-another All-American,
and Al Wistert, last year's winner.
1 '
and Al Wistert, last year's winner.
Saf fell
at tention ...
SOME MEN go through life getting all the breaks
.. .but
the majority have to make their own. . . it may be a matter
of such world import as gaining the af
young lady or to appear dignified and
fections of a certain
dressed in
the eyes of
the occasia
most critica
your friends . . . and so on and on. Whatever
n, SAFFELL & BUSH will present you to the
l, censoring eyes at your cittainable finest. I
' ' .
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