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November 23, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-23

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iterIto te
(Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor
Harriett Friedman.)
Amherst fraternity case, which have not
been noted at least in this newspaper,
heighten what is already a strong feeling of
distaste for the national organization of the
fraternity involved.
The bare facts in the case are that the
Phi Kappa Psi chapter at Amherst recently
initiated a Negro, Thomas Gibbs, and con-
sequently had its charter revoked by the
tiational organization of the fraternity.
If you examine the constitution of Phi
Kappa Psi, you'll find that the only criteria
for membership are "character and ability."
So the fraternity constitution has no
discriminatory qualifications. But despite
this, the national officers, when they were
advised'of the possible new member, or-
dered Gibbs' depledging-and also spon-
sored a constitutional amendment provid-
ing that membership in any chapter may
be vetoed by the majority vote of any
other chapter.
It is a strange violence of feeling that
could have compelled the officers to propose
such an amendment, which in effect takes
away a chapter's right to choose its mem-
VERY EVIDENTLY the Amherst situation
is not simply a case of a fraternity
chapter failing to meet national require-
ments, as we were at first led to believe.
The Amherst chapter was so evidently
acting by rights in choosing according to
"character and ability," that the national
officers were driven to proposing an
amendmet to obtain legal power to
squash the chapter.
Furthermore, reaction to the events at
Amherst hardly supported the national offi-
cers. Certainly there were many chapters,
like the one at Michigan, which .openly or
tacitly condemned, Amherst in pledging a
But even the Mississippi chapter main-
tained that membership is the individual
chapter's concern as long as the group acts
in the best interests of the fraternity.
In addition, Amherst's Phi Kappa Psi has
received support from every other fraternity
on the campus, as well as most of the stu-
dent body.
As for the Amherst administration's stand:
it deserves special note, and will be consid-
ered in another column tomorrow.
PERHAPS the Amherst men should speak
for themselves. In a letter to the na-
tional officers, they wrote:
"We feel that the E.C. has contravened
the established criteria for membership in
the fraternity by introducing qualifications
outside the realms of character and ability.
This seems quite contrary to the ideals of
the fraternity, especially in the light of
such pronouncements on the subject as ex-
President Tate's remarks at the installation
of Oregon Beta last spring. 'Phi Kappa Psi
seeks to assist men to lift their eyes to
wider horizons, to become tolerant, to ques-
tion all things in the light of reason; and
finally to develop the moral courage to
follow those paths that have been illumi-
nated unto them and without regard to
external consequences.'
"We particularly feel that the national
officers have all along treated this situa-
tion as a problem to be disposed of, with-
out really having faced squarely the prin-
ciple involved: whether race is to be a
criterion for membership in Phi Kappa
"The problem is of such magnitude and
nationwide concern that once undertaken,
it cannot be lightly thrust aside, but as a
matter of basic conviction and principle

must be pursued to a definite conclusion."
The Amherst chapter made their decision
by initiating Tom Gibbs, and subsequently
leaving Phi Kappa Psi.
Unfortunately, the Michigan chapter,
as well as others throughout the nation,
has not yet discovered that the final con-
clusion is yet to be reached-and that it
cannot be reached until there is a realiza-
tion that "a matter of basic conviction"

Greek Dilemma

THE RECENT cabinet fracas in Greece
revived the question of how long it will
take to subdue the guerilla army enough
to withdraw American military support.
This is a crucial problem; a whole series
of unnecessary steps awaits its solution.
Until the mountain fighting is greatly re-
duced, only a few metropolitan areas would
be able to participate in a popular elec-
Until there is a popular election, the
government must be drawn from the pres-
ent Parliament, which consists largely of
holdovers from the early '30's and doesn't
provide anything like the vigorous and
public-spirited leadership the country
Until adequate leadership is discovered,
the people will have little confidence in
their government, badly-needed reforms
cannot be accomplished, and effective use
of Greece's resources will be difficult or im-
And here we return to the American
position in Greece, which is an attempt
to restore popular confidence, accomplish
some reform and supplement the Greek
economy in order in the end to establish
firmly a truly democratic government
that can participate in European recov-
ery on an equal footing with the West-
ern countries.
Paradoxically, the U.S. has found it nec-
essary to subsidize military operations in
Greece in its effort to end the civil war
The importance of this move is clear.
But it's equally important to know how
long Greece will be forced to spend so much
foreign exchange for war goods. (Last year,
Greece spent about a third of its total
import budget for military supplies-more
than it earned from all exports combined).
The solution of the cabinet crisis appar-

ently did little to answer this question. The
Liberal Party spokes over the Ministry of
War in the new cabinet, a post previously
held by the more conservative Populists.
Internal shifts within the government at
Athens won't be the most important factor
in determining how long the fighting in the
northern provinces will continue.
The attitude of Russia is basic. The
guerrilla army is led by Communists; it
depends on supplies from the north and
a haven beyond the northern borders for
its continued survival.
Another factor is hinted at in the New
York Times Magazine this week; A. C. Sedg-
wick's article describes a woman of ,the
mountains, living in utter poverty, waiting
for the war to end. There must be many
like her, people whose life was always frugal
and now,'because of the war, is miserable.
There's been a lot of speculation about'
the composition of the guerrilla army.
It's a safe guess that it includes some of
these poor people of the north, who have
no stake in the present government and
find it better to get their food by raiding
than be killed by raiders.
Banditry in Greece has a history that ex-
tends back to classical times and earlier.
The difference is that now it is organized
and directed by Communist leaders, even
though some of the rank-and-file may have
no particular political views, but only a de-
sire to eat once in a while without caring
what they have to do to satisfy their wants.
Against bands of such men, who know
the mountaihs even better than they know
the feeling of their finger on a trigger, an
army would find the going tough.
In the face of a dilemma like this, per-
haps the only thing for us to do is wait,
like the Greek woman Mr. Sedgwick de-
scribes, and hope that in the end American
aid will help people like her.
-Phil Dawson.

"It's A Hell Of A Way To Run A Railroad"
1 Y Y--1
/AK>N '
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Letters to the Edfto('... H

"' "..

(Continued from Page 2)

Bite the Bullet

COME JANUARY, a number of Southern
Representatives and Senators are going
to take off their Dixiecratic expressions, put
on their Democratic expressions, and go
waltzing back to Congress.
There will be some embarrassment, some
sniggering, but these men will expect the
party they tried to defeat to assign them
their customarily lofty committee places, in-
cluding chairmanships.
The way things look now, the Demo-
cratic party will do just this, because
of its fear that otherwise the 36 assorted
Dixiecrat Representatives and Senators
will not vote with it for the organization of
Congress, and that control might there-
upon even pass to the Republicans.
It seems to me we ought to examine this
fear, candidly, jdispaissoinately speculatively.
What would happen if we bit the bullet?
What would really happen if the liberal
wing of the Democratic party were to inform
the Dixiecrats that they had been assigned
committtee seniority ratings of zero?
First off, an enormously difficult choice
would be presented to the Republican
party. It would have to decide whether
it really wanted to take over nominal
control of Congress, without a majority,
right after having been thumpingly de-
feated, especially on the Congressional
level, in a national election. One won-

ders if the Republican party would dare
to come in by the back door, after having
been kicked out of the front one. Could
it ever hope to win a national election
again, if it flouted the will of the people
in this way, by taking advantage of a
technical situation?
And so it seems to me that by denying
committee seniority to the Dixiecrats, the
Democrats would force a number of very bad
choices on the other side. All the embarrass-
ment and hesitancy the liberal Democrats
now feel would be transferred to the opposi-
tion. The effect on legislation would be
about nil,r because the vote lineup, on the
issues would remain the same as it is
But there is something else. It would be
a tremendous liberal victory, right from
the start, if the Democrats were to deny
committee seniority to the Dixiecrats.
Some of our most reactionary legislators
would lose their high committee places,
and they would lose them for good, re-
gardless of who then organized Congress.
A victory is a victory, and this would be a
permanent one, and one for which the
mass of liberal American voters would be
very happy to reward the liberal Demo-
crats the next time they and their friends
stood for office.
It seems to me the liberal Democrats
should bite the bullet.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)

fessional and technical assistant
examination open to seniors who
will be graduated by June 30. Op-
portunities are open in bacteriol-
ogy, chemistry, geology, educa-
tion, library science, psychology,
social service, journalism, ac-
counting, administration, eco-
nomics, statistics, aind law for
New York state residents. The
resident requirement is waived for
interested engineers. Applications
must be filed by Dec. 11.
The U. S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces the examination
for Junior Agricultural Assistant,
including options of botanist, en-
tomologist, forester, and zoologist
(Parasitology). The Junior Pro-
fessional Assistant examination
will also be given and includes the
following options: astronomer,
bacteriologist, chemist, economist,
food and drug inspector, geograph-
er, legal assistant, psychologist,
social science analyst, statistician,
technical editor (physical science),
textile technologist, trade-mark ex-
aminer, budget assistant, general
administrative assistant, and per-
sonnel assistant. Applications will
be accepted until. December 21.
Further information may be ob-
tained at 201 Mason Hall.
University Community Center
Willow Village
Tues., Nov. 23, 8 p.m., Wives
Wed., Nov. 24, 8 p.m., Union
Thanksgiving Service.
Economic Lecture: Dr. David
McCord Wright, professor of eco-
nomics and lecturer in law at the
University of Virginia, will speak
on "Freedom and the Administra-
tive State," Tues., Nov. 23, 4:15
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of
Economics. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Beth
Elaine Cook, Chemistry; thesis:
"Molar Refraction and Alternat-
ing Polarity in Alkyl Chains,"
Tues., Nov. 23, E. Council Rm.,
Rackham Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman,
Kasimir Fajans.
Geometry Seminar: 3 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 24, Rm. 3010 Angell
Hall. Mr. G. L. Spencer will dis-
cuss Projective Measurement.
Mathematics Colloquium: 4 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 23, Rm. 3201 Angell
Hall. Dr. R. G. Stanton will speak
on The Mathieu Groups.
University Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will be
heard in a program at 8:30 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 23, Hill Auditorium. It
will include Haydn's Symphony
No. 104 in D Major, Bartok's Con-
certo for Orchestra, and Sym-
phony No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 39 by
Sibelius. The general public is in-
Museum of Art, Alumni Memo-

.rial Hall:'Contemporary Paintings
from the Albright Art Gallery;
through Nov. 24. Daily 9 a.m.-5
p.m.; Sundays, 2-5 p.m. The pub-
lic is invited.
Elements of Design from the
Museum of Modern Art, New York;
through Dec. 3, Lobby, Architec-
tural Bldg.
Events Today
Freshman-Sophomore Forestry,
Conference: 7:30 p.m., Rm.
2039 N. S. Several seniors
and graduate students who held
jobs last summer will talk on what
you can expect and what is ex-
pected of you in summer employ-
ment in private industry and pub-
lic forestry.
Freshmen are expected to at-
tend and Sophomores are wel-
The Geological - Mineralogical
Journal Club: 4 p.m., Rm. 2054,
N.S. Bldg. Prof. Hans Cloos of the
University of Bonn, Germany, will
speak on "Granitization and the
Structural Behavior of Igneous
Rocks." All interested persons are
American Institute of Mining
and Metallurgical Engineers:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 4040 E.
Engineering Bldg. D. N. Frey will
speak on "Relaxation Properties of
Graduate Student Council:
Meeting of the new Council, 7:30
p.m., E. Lecture Room, Rackham
Bldg. Election of officers and dis-
cussion of future plans
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
Business Fraternity: Business
meeting, 8 p.m., Chapter House.
Pledges meet at 7:30 p.m.
Zeta Phi Eta, Speech Arts:
Pledging service, 5 p.m., League
Pi Tau Sigma: Business meeting,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 229 W. Engineering
Bldg. Bring dues.
Phi Lambda Upsilon: Business
meeting, for the election of new
members, 7:30 p.m., Rackham
Bldg., E. Conference Room.
Ata8 p.m. Professors Shull, Len-
ox, and Brockway will speak on
"What is Life?"
IFC House Presidents Meeting:
7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-C Michigan Un-
Club Europa: Guest's meeting,
8:15 p.m., International Center.
Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Andresen will
show some color slides and report
on their trip to the Netherlands
and Scandinavia.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal for all chorus mem-
bers and principals, 7:15 p.m.,
Michigan League. Room will be
Winter Carnival: U. of M. ski
club members and other outdoor
sport enthusiasts are invited to at-
tend a meeting of the skiing and
tobogganing committee for the
Winter Carnival, 7 p.m., Rm. 3K
Michigan Union. Events for the
Winter Carnival will be planned.

The Daily accords Us readers (Rte
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Sub ect
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy Is to publish In the order in w tich
they are received all letters be ing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, rcipeti-
tious letters and letters of a def1ma-
tory character or such letters 'which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Your Election
To the Editor:
IS THIS YOUR election or is it
a campaign of bosses and polit-
ical deals designed to sweep into
office the chosen few?
Now is the time to decide in
your own minds whether you want
a Legislature made up of naen and
women who run only for the
chance to represent their social
cliques and factions and to further
their own personal gain or wheth-
er we should have legislators who
are sincerely interested in work-
ing for all of us and for Mich-
Never before has so muh "un-
dercover" campaigning taken
place. Fraternities and sororities
are exchanging votes like so many
shares of stock on the market
with utter disregard for either the
candidates' qualifications or con-
crete proof of interest and a
pledge to get busy and produce
once elected. The independents are
running a slate with the idea of
grabbing as many seats as they
can away from the Greeks. Again
they are not considering the con-
sequences of their folly in at-
tempting to pack what should be
the strongest organizaticdn on
campus with politically ambitious
people who will remain mere
names to the greater share of the
We the undersigned urge all
Michigan men and women to go
to the polls and vote only for the
candidates who they feel sure will
put the Legislature back on its
feet. Forget affiliation or the
way you are told to vote. Investi-
gate the people upon whom you
are conferring this honor and
privilege and cast out the dealers
and fly by nighters who would and
are insulting the purpose for which
we fought to bring student repre,
sentative government back to
-Bob Holland.
Bill Roberts,
Al Maslin.
* * *
Greensward Vandals
To the Editor:
NOW IS THE TIME for all good
men to come to the aid of.
the Alumni Memorial Hall Lawn!
Polonia Club: Meeting, ':30
p.m., International Center. Christ-
mas carol practice. Scholarship
and Christmas party plans will be
discussed. Students of Polish de-
scent invited.
Quarterback Society: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 3B Michigan Un-
ion. Student panel on shipyard
I.R.A.: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michi-
gan Union. Topic of last meeting:
"Techniques of Action in Inter-
group Relations."
I.Z.F.A. Study Groups, both
Tues. and Wed. sections. Subject,
"Life in Israel," 7:45 p.m., Rm. 3R,
Michigan Union.
United World Federalists Round-
table: 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
Subject: "International Justice In
A World Federation." Panel guest:
Dr. Lawrence Preuss, Prof. of Int.
Law. Proponents and opponents
of world government invited.
Student Religious Association:
Square Dance Group, 7:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall.

Understanding World Faiths
Seminar: 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
Christian Science Organization:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room,
Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Sigma Gamma Epsilon member-
ship- group picture will be taken
at 12:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 24, in
front of the main entrance to the
Rackham Building. Please be
Thanksgiving Breakfast, 9 a.m.,
Thurs., Nov. 25, Lane Hall. Pro-
gram of songs and reading of
Thanksgiving Proclamation. For
reservations, telephone Lane Hall
before Tuesday noon.
Square Dancing Class, sponsored
by Graduate Outing Club: 8 p.m.;
Wed., Nov. 24, W.A.B. Everyone
welcome. Next class, Dec. 8.

The atrocious v;indalism that is
being perpetrattd against this vir-
gin green is without precedent,
and besides,. it is raising hell with
the lawn. Pa., a result of' uch wan-
ton spoliation of the greensward,
and for the protection of these
grievously downtrodden grasses, I
reluctan ty wish to object to the
football playing thereon. Yours for
a inore beautiful Michigan cam-
-Gordon Boozer.
* * *
Marriage Series
To the Editor:
AS TO the Marriage Lectures, I
was attempting in the inter-
,view to stretch this Series to a
Curriculum in the Arts College.
You see, motivation and ideals
are of the essence. It is in hu-
man relations that men and wom-
en, first as children then youth
and finally as mature persons get
themselves educated. You have a
chance in these discussions to
bring your University 'close to the
realities of Atomic Age. The
Marriage question is on profbund
We are in War, a Cold War, have
our Metitally ill bulging hospital
walls, see Juvenile delinquency
grow, experience in Washtenaw
Coun<y as many divorces annually
as r'aarriage and every Daily an-
nounces some new social distem-
pr~r. Very largely this because
('emocracy is difficult and we
have failed to train ourselves how
to live together. Give us a whole
Curriculum for Freshmen and
Sophomores built about the atti-
tude we covet.
Many Colleges have moved in
this general direction, among
them. Pennsylvania College for
Women, Michigan State College,
Swarthmore, Sarah Lewrance and
the General College at Minnesota.
Columbia for twenty years has giv-
en a strong orientation course in
Introduction to Civilizations. As
a Religious Counselor you might
expect me to desire that motiva-
tion shall be made the core idea
for the entire Curriculum.I Of
course the Counselors, as psychol-
ogists, sociologists and educators
should admit the students accord-
ing to measurements. Likewise
these Counselors, as teachers as
well as interview-persons, should
be available and see that students,
in a vast net-work of free personal
and group search, move forward
in individual education.
If I interpret this current dis-
cussion of the Marriage Lectures
correctly, students are looking for
the same aid: their predecessors
were seeking a decade ago when,
out of a Spring Parley, they with
faculty aid designed these Lec-
tures. Their inquiry merits the
matur'e attention of Deans and
Faculties, Religious leaders and
Campus groups. The question is as
deep as the culture.
-Edward W. Blakeman

Fifty-Ninth Year


involving the very
ties is involved.

principle of fraterni-

A t Lydia Mendelssohn . .
"THIS NEWS is old enough, yet it is every
day's news ... " (Measure for Measure).
"This is the'third time . . ." (Merry Wives
of Windsor).
"Can one desire too much of a good
thing ...?" (As You Like It).
"A hit, a very palpable hit.. ." (Hamlet).
"0, it is excellent.. ." (Measure for meas-
"True perfection . . ." (Merchant of Ven-
"The play's the thing . .. " (Hamlet).
"It becomes the throned monarch better
than his crown ... " (Merchant of Venice).
"To show the very age and body of the
time his form and pressure . . . " (Hamlet).
"Of moving accidents by flood and field,

A t the Michigan '..
bara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster.
AS A PICTURE of terror and suspense,
Sorry, Wrong Number is near the top.
A little slow in getting underway and oc-
casionally too involved, it nevertheless gains
a terrific momentum leading a smash con-
clusion that will leave you limp.
The early lag and the excess complica-
tion are to be expected to some degree
when a 90-minute movie is adapted from
an incomparaby tight 30-minute radio
script. Fortunately, however, the stretch-
ing was done by the original author, Lu-
cille Fletcher. The story suffered but lit-
tle in the process.
As it turned out, it's a little reminscent of
Hollywood's version of The Killers-not as
gripping as the original, but still an out-
standing motion picture.
The story has been diluted with high
quality mixer. There is a logical, carefully
developed plot, and some excellently done
character parts. Music, for a change, is
used with exciting taste and discrimina-
Miss Stanwyck's portrayal of a bedridden
neurotic who overhears the plotting of her
own murder might well be an Oscar-winner
in this year of so few good pictures. Burt
Lancaster, similarly, leaves little to be de-
sired in this, the finest performance of his
young career.
Comparatively or otherwise, Sorry, Wrong

Loy and Cary Grant; add witty dialogue,
two precocious children and one of Myrna's
old suitors-Melvyn Douglas, and you have
one of those rare pictures that can truth-
fully be heralded as having a laugh for
everyone from eight to eighty.
With thirty days to vacate their New
York apartment, the Blandings determine
that now is the time to bring their
"dream house" down to a picturesque
Connecticut site. Purchasing a quaint old
place that apparently hadn't been slept
or lived in since the time of Washington's
famous nocturnal visits is their first error
in the realm of real estate, and things
move rapidly from bad to more expensive.
While the budget takes a beating, the au-
dience is treated to a hilarious summary of
construction headaches and problems that
would send Bryant and Detwiler scurrying
back to their brick kilns. And to add to the
headaches, provider Blandings needs must
compose a sure-fire national advertising slo-
gan just about the time an old suiter seems
to be making tracks with Myrna and the
rainy season threatens to wash out the
mortgage ridden monument to family life.
It does seem a bit more than the ordinary
citizen's load of problems,but where the
ordinary guy would take an aspirin, Mr.
Blandings has come up with a book and
picture successful enough to finance several
very substantial dream houses.
--Gloria Hunter.

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern ........ Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti .... Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee........Associate Editor
Murray Grant.........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.....Women's Editor
Bess Hayes...............Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt.....Business Manager
Jean Leonard .. ..Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper,
All rights of republication of all other
matterseherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan. as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, p.00, by mail,


The doctor and I prepare for an exorcism
well ahead, Mr. Merrie. The magic circle,

r -z.


Bring the junk inside, Doc.






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