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November 09, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-09

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No Underground

THERE WILL BE no need for business to
go underground when the 81st Congress
meets in January, since there is every indi-
cation that the repeal of the Taft-Hartley
Bill isn't going to be as violent in its effects
as business might lead you to believe.
President Truman hasn't forgotten the
irresponsible acts of labor groups before
the bill went into effect, nor have the
more sensible labor organizations them-
selves. The big weakness of the 80th Con-
gress was its inability to give Unions credit
for a little common sense and call them
into conference before passing the bill.
Union leaders like Walter Reuther are just
as aware of the wrongness of jurisdictional
and wildcat strikes as was Fred Hartley him-
self. They will probably also go along on
provisions requiring a 30 day cooling off
period before strikes are begun.
But what President Truman campaigned
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
tnd represent the views of the writers only.

against and what Unions opposed were
the punitive -measures in the bill-the re-
strictions not on misused powers but on.
basic rights of the Unions and Union
The political endorsement ban deprived
the Union of the right to buy time on a
radio station or to buy advertising space to
support the people for political office who
would look out for labor's best interests.
The Communist affidavit punished some-
one for being something that it was per-
fectly legal for him to be except under the
provisions of the Taft-Hartley bill. A Com-
munist could even go into business for him-
self and if he had dealings with a Union,
only the union officer would be required to
certify he wasn't a Communist.
It was this type of irresponsible legis-
lation that brought about the downfall of
the 80th Congress. It will be this type of
legislation that brings about another or-
ganized drive by labor in some future date.
Labor has finally risen to a strong place
in our political framework. It has acted
wisely and strongly. It will not countenance
inroads on its freedom, nor will it support
the wrong actions of its members.
-Don McNeil.

. i





AFTER OPENING with Wagner's blatant
"Flying Dutchman" overture, the Cleve-
land Orchestra and George Szell turned to
more rewarding music in their Sunday
night concert at Hill Auditorium.
Their beautifully integrated and scintillat-
ing performance of Haydn's Symphony No.
88 in G Major was a memorable experience.
Under Szell's masterful conducting all the
charm and delicacy of this work were real-
ized through the warm and affectionate
playing of the orchestra. The humor and
sprightliness displayed throughout the sym-
phony and especially in the last movement,
were a pure delight to the listener.
Ravel's "La Valse" started superbly and
promised to be as satisfying as the Haydn
it followed. Szell exploited all the poten-
tialities of the opening, giving the waltz
wonderful verve, and balancing the dis-
cordant interjections from the woodwinds
so that the bitterness of the final pages
was lucidly foreshadowed. However, Szell
continued to concentrate on the waltz
and did not emphasize the caustic satire
that is the crux of "La Valse." Through

such an interpretation of the work he
missed the urgency of the explosive cli-
max, and lost much of the vigor and
justification of the startling orchestral ef-
Schumann's "Spring" Symphony is diffi-
cult to perform, There is a delicate balance
between the lyricism and the orchestral im-
perfection and dullness contained in the
work. Szell did his best to make this sym-
phony interesting and the orchestra, despite
several unclean attacks, tried to bring to it
the requisite lyricism. Unfortunately, the
first and last movements had tempi that
were too slow for the excessive reverbera-
tions of the auditorium, so that the brilliance
of the orchestra, which is a necessary qual-
ity in this work, was frequently marred. The
second movement was played with deep feel-
ing and rich tone, and the humor Szell
brought to the last section did much toward
making this symphony enjoyable.
The evening concluded with an unexpected
encore, Berlioz' Rakoczki March, which was
given a spirited and rousing reading.
-R. E. Matlaw.

Sounds Good
PERHAPS everything that issaid by the
politicians in the next three months
should be taken with a small pinch of snuff
but even then, some of the talk sounds pretty
For instance, Senator Aiken, Republican
from Vermont, in his letter to President
Truman said that he and other liberal
Republican Congressmen would like to go
along with the new administration on,
"forward looking legislation" in the in-
terest of the nation.
This sounds like the liberal wing of the
GOP is really fed up with the conservative
bosses. All of which may be so much talk, but
then again .. .
The motive that Aiken gives for his rather
violent public action is purely selfish, and
this gives his letter more validity than it
would have otherwise. Aiken says that the
only way the Republicans will ever be able
to elect a President is by taking a more
liberal course, so he and his pals are going
to get the jump on the rest of the party
by turning liberal now. This too sounds
It is even possible that the Senator from
Vermont has hit upon what the Demo-
crats hope is a new political truth in the
United States. Grudgingly the Detroit
Free Press stated it the day after election.
"Enough people in this country to elect
a President and Congress have been con-
verted to the New Deal philosophy."
If this is the case, then Senator Aiken and
his cronies are right and a Republican party
based on the conservatism of the old guard
is as hopeless a political risk as Henry Wal-
lace. All of which, again, may be wishful
But if we can assume that the labor-
farmer coalition that elected Truman will
continue to exist, then Senator Aiken's
letter is very timely indeed. The fondest
hope of the liberal Democrat of today is
that his party will get a conservative label
from the people who will write on these
pages college editorials twenty years hence
and that New Dealism will become such
old stuff that a popular movement, cul-
minating in the creation of a liberal party
on the left of the Democrats, will take
Remember, this is twenty or thirty years
So, having disposed of the Wallacites and
the Republicans, let's get on with the bus-
iness at hand, namely, seeing that the Tru-
man administration lives up to the pre-
election talk and does nothing to blotch our
beautiful picture.
-Al Blumrosen.
[Current Movies
At.ilhe MiIchigani.
TAP ROOTS, with Susan Hayward and
Van Heflin.
SOUTHERNERS against the South is a new
angle to the Civil War, but the Dabney
tap root is well watered with blood by
the time Lebanon Valley succumbs to th
Confederacy. And against this background of
beautifully technicolored Mississippi and
blood and thunder "the nation's most dan-
gerous man" pursues "love's most daring
rebel" right up to the final clinch, giving
both the action boys and the sentimental
females their fifty-five cents worth.
There are a few illogical items and
many irreconcilable moments-guns stay
dry under water, swiftly currented swamps,
a rather remarkable phenomena in them-
selves color juicily red and stay that way
as the blanks go off like a pre-war Fourth
of July, and one of the Dabney daughters
seems to be in the family and picture for
the sole purpose of charming away Miss

Hayward's beloved cad.
But it's a HOL-LY-WOOD SPEC-TA-.
CLE every foot of the film and when they
call it a "torch touched to gunpowder" they
provide the gunpowder, wet or dry, and
torches to put the Diamond Match Co.
to shame. Boris Karloff proves his versatility
by doing quite nicely as a highly civilized
and slightly English accented Indian, and
Van Heflin looks good even with a mustache.
-Gloria Tunter.
.'* *
At the Stae.. .
FRANKENSTEIN, with Dracula, The
Wolfman, and assorted nonentities.
W E MIGHT HAVE enjoyed this affair
more had we been able to hear the
dialogue. There was, you see a great deal
of screeching-not a little of it from cer-
tain young ladies of the University.
Nevertheless, who is so sophisticated that
he doesn't enjoy a good old fashioned ses-
sion with the Frankenstein monster?
As for the ailing Abbott and Costello
team, I can't help thinking they were
trespassing here on sacred cinematic
ground. The producers, I presume, simply
succumbed to the thoroughly understand-
able temptation to throw the supposed epi-
tomes of hilarity and horror into one big
The result would have been something
out of this world. Actually, it isn't. Matter
of fact, it's kind of a weirdly botched ulp


"im Spe-akUp into The Microphone"

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No Cloister

UNIVERSITY professors have always been
accused of leading rather cloistered lives.
It has been said that they place themselves
in a timeless little world of their own-con-
tent to sit back and hurl invectives at man-
Certainly the decision of Prof. Preston
W. Slosson to step out of this somewhat
select world to become a candidate for
Congress was hailed by students and fac-
ulty alike as a step in bringing the Uni-
versity closer to the level of everyday
Still there were skeptics. There were those
who predicted that Prof. Slosson would con-
duct a rather listless campaign, that it was
hopeless because this has consistently been
a Republican district. They argued that he
lacked the personal drive to carry on a
vigorous attack against his opposition.
A lot of those critics are eating their
words now. Although Slosson lost the elec-
tion, he can hardly be accused of lacking

the stamina to carry on a political fight.
Without mincing any words he went right
to the people and stated his stand on the
controversial issues of the election.
Particularly to be commended was his mo-
tor tour of all the outlying communities.
Taking a band and trio with him, he proved
conclusively that he has not placed himself
on a pedestal above the common voter.
The support given Slosson by many of
his University associates is also a healthy
sign. Realizing that there is a real need
for Congressmen with intelligent and lib-
eral views like him, they went right out
and campaigned with him.
Prof. Slosson may have lost the election
but he did win his battle to prove that
college professors are capable of actually
fighting for what they believe.
We sincerely hope to see the same courage
displayed again in 1950.
-Jim Brown.

(Continued from Page 4)
will discuss "Treatment of Neo-
plasms with Microbes and Mi-
crobic Products._
Geometry Seminar: 3 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 10, Rm. 3010 Angell
Hall. Mr. G. L. Thompson will
discuss "Geometry of Linear Iso-
tropic Spaces."
Orientation Seminar: 4:30 p.m.
Wed., Nov. 10, Rm. 3001 Angell
Hall. Mr. Seymour Ginsburg will
continue to discuss Transfinite
Ordinal Numbers.
Faculty Recital: Paul Doktor,
violist, assisted by Marian Owen,
pianist, will be heard in the first
School of Music faculty program
at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 9, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. The pro-
gram will include Sonata in G
Minor, by Pietro Loatelli Son
ata in A. by Franz Schubert, Sui e
ini 1, byJusewpli 1-lussig (Dedica,-
ed to Paid Dokto w), and 11Sonata in
' Fiat, Op. 120. No. 2 by 1rahmus
The general public is ivitd,
Exihi biwn s
Michigan on Canvas, Rackham
Galleries, through Nov. 11, daily
except Sundays, 10 a.m. to 10
p.m. The public is invited.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memo-
rial Hall: Contemporary Paintings
from the Albright Art Gallery.
Nov. 4-24, Daily, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.;
Sundays, 2-5 p.m. The public is
Events Today
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers and Institute of Radio
Engineers; Joint Student Branch:
Joint meeting with the Electronics
Group of the Michigan Section,
AIEE. Rackham Amphitheatre,
8:30 p.m. Dr. Andrew Gemant, of
the research department of De-
troit Edison Co., will speak on
IFC House Presidents Meeting,
7:30 p.m., IFC Office, Michigan
Union. Agenda: Social, Coordinat-
ing, Housing.
Sigma Rho Tau: Meeting, 7
p.m., 2084 E. Engineering Bldg.
The Gilbert and Sullivan Socie-
ty: Rehearsal for "Yeoman" for
all chorus and principals, 7:15
p.m., Michigan League. Room will
be posted. Remainder of cast will
be measured for costumes.
Mathematics Club: 8 p.m., West
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Professor Richard Brauer will
speak on "Hilbert's Zero Theor-
Quarterdeck meeting, Michigan
Union, Rm. 3 L and M 7:30 p.m.
Member panel on Merchant Ves-
sel Operation.
Club Europa: Guest meeting,
8:15 p.m., International Center.
Committees meet at 7:30 p.m.
Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:15
p.m., Rm. 3D, Michigan Union.
Agenda: Discussion and planning
of future club activities. All in-
terested students welcome.

Letters to the Editor ...

Le Cercle Francais: 8 p.m.,
Hussey Room, Michigan League.
Short informal talk on "le surrea-
lisme," by a student from France.
Papular French songs, social
games. Admission of new mem-
Pershing Rifles: Business meet-
ing and drill, 7 p.m., R.O.T.C. Rifle
Range. All members must make
uniform deposit. Pledges Will at-
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., International Center. Stu-
dents of Polish descent invited.
IZFA Study Group, Rm. 3A,
Michigan Union, 7:45 p.m.
Square Dance Group: 7:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Understanding World Faiths
Seminar: 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
Christian Science Organization:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room,
Lane Hall.
AX.C.: Executive Committee
ieeting 7::0 p.m., 3rd floor,
Michigan Union. Consideration of
prospective committee chairman.
All interested members urged to
Coming Events
Music Forum, "Planning a
Teaching Career," Dr. Clyde Vro-
man of the University School of
Music Faculty, chairman of panel
composed of : Mr. Charles E. Lut-
ton, Clark-Brewer Teachers'
Agency, Chicago; Dr. William R.
Sur, Michigan State College; Mr.
Haydn Morgan, Michigan State
Normal College; Miss Marguerite
,Hood, University School of Mu-
sic; and, Mr. Luther Purdom, Uni-
versity Appointment Bureau;
sponsored by Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia. 8:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov.
11, Rackham Assembly Hall. Open
discussion. The pubic is invited.
Engineering Council: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 10, W. En-
gineering Bldg.
A.S.M.E.: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 10, Rm. 348, W. Engi-
neering Bldg. Dr. R. O. Fehr, re-
search director of General Elec-
tric, will talk on "The Fight
Against Vibration and Noise." All
those interested are invited.
Modern Poetry Club: 7:30 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 10, Russian Tearoom,
Michigan League. See Gerald M.
Hopkins' poems, in Oscar Wil-
liams' Anthology.
Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed.,
Nov. 10. Rm. 3 R-S Michigan
Union. Prof. W. C. Nelson will
speak on the subjects, "Aviation
Job Opportunities," and "Some
Aircraft Developments in Great
Britain." Group picture for the
'Ensian will be taken.
All Aero students and faculty
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
Business Fraternity: Business
meeting, 8:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 10,
Chapter House. Pledges meet at
7:30 p.m.
Toledo Club: Meeting Wed., Nov.
10, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League.
Discussion of Operations Christ-

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publcation in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.,
Election Thoughts
To the Editor:
IN MY LETTER to The Daily of
October 30, I expressed my
faith in Tom Dewey together with
the assumption that he would be-
come the next President of the
United States. I do not retract that
faith in Governor Dewey. Though
he did not win the presidency, I
sincerely hope that his ability, his
honesty, and his courageous ex-
ample will bear much influence
upon national affairs in the fu-
At the same time, I must ex-
press my warmest admiration for
Missouri's Harry Truman who
stuck out his chin at everybody in-
cluding the "powers that were" in
the Democratic Party, licked the
odds, won the ears of grass-roots
voters and took the prize.
It's Harry Truman's show. He
doesn't owe anybody anything ex-
cept the American people who
elected him and who have asked
a unified foreign policy, some anti-
inflation and housing legislation,
and a continued progressive cap-
italism to keep the nation pros-
While expressing this feeling
about the man who defeated my
own candidate, I must direct any
bitterness which I have toward
Colonel McCormick, his Illinois
machine, and the other isolationist
reactionaries who have dragged
the elephant's snout through the
dirt and who may have cost us the
election. Not the least of McCor-
mick's list of disgraceful acts was
knifing his party's nominee in the
back in his Tribune editorials last
Thursday. The GOP will never tri-
umph until the McCormicks, the
John Tabors, and Iallecks are re-
jected by the party.
The fact of the matter is, both
Truman and Dewey were superior
to their respective party organiza-
tions. May the high quality of
both candidates inspire the Amer-
ican people and may the great-
ness of American popular govern-
ment renewed on Nov. 2 make the
enemies of the western democ-
racies tremble in their boots.
-Howard Hartzell.
* s
To the Editor:
IN A RECENT editorial Mr.
Blumrosen speculated that
among the results of the recent
election would be that (1) "the get
tough with Russia policy will be
modified slightly" and (2) "the
Eighty-First Congress will not re-
new the draft."
I do not pretend to know exactly
what Mr. Blumrosen meant by this
observation, but his words, as they
stand, might imply that the Dem-
ocratic vote will surely mean some
softening toward Russia and
abandonment of our military pre-
paredness. I would like to make
some comments on that point.
The Democratic party, Mr. Tru-
man, the A.D.A., Mrs. Roosevelt,
etc., have led in the broad anti-
Russian policy. As articles in a
recent New Republic pointed out,
the British socialists now regard
the interests of democratic social-
ism as depedendent on the support
of the U.S. against Russia. The
Democratic left in Europe is now
more united in accepting the ur-

gency of immediate rearmamer
against Russia. No liberal can ai
ford to defend the imperialism (
the Soviet Union.
The recent vote, in no sens
can be taken to imply that a
want to stop rearmament or I
adopt a soft Russia policy..
American reactionaries, on tl-
other hand, are divided on th
issue, but the McCormick rigi
wing of the Republican party wit
its old isolationist line more ofte
than not opposed the foreign al
program. A Republican victoi
with Taft and Tabor at the helh
might well have meant less Ma]
shall Plan aid. Dewey would doubi
less have had a battle with Tabo
I venture to say that even muc
of the Wallace vote did not su
port Wallace's attitude towar
Russia. Just how much, I leas
to the pollsters.
-Keith McKean.
To the Editor:
COPY OF cablegram sent to t
Student Council, University
Moscow, U.S.S.R. on November
1948 by a group of people, most
University of Michigan students;
- (Signed) Ed Shaffer, Joe
Harrison, Harvey Schwartz, Er.
nest Ellis, Patricia Ellis, Jacki
Berner, Leon Rangor, EddiE
Yellin, Ruth Wong, George Sar-
ver, Al Millstein, Martin Berko.
witz, Jim Murdoch, Nick Dat.
sko, Sid Sherman, Donald Mac.
Mullan, Henry Schmer, Milli
Quon, Mary Dang, Carol Rohi
Bill Carter.
Banking Practice
To the Editor:
IS THERE any reason why t
Ann Arbor Bank should di
count Government (G.I. subsisi
ance) checks at such an exhorb
tant rate? Their current char
is $.25 for cashing the populi
$102.50 sum received by the ave
age single veteran on campus th
In nearby Detroit the san
check circulates at par and is wil
ingly cashed for its face valu
or within $.05 thereof. Is it thi
the poor little Ann Arbor Ban
can't offer such service? I don
think so. It is one of our countri
largest banks and experiences t
same Clearing House expens
that the Detroit banks do.
Figure, it out, approximately S
000 vets will cash their checks a
a cost of $.25 this week. Someor
makes 6,0000 x $.25 equals $1 50
Maybe it is a legitimate bankir
practice, but I don't like it.
William T. Door.

lMi6 i at
Fifty-Ninth Year?

N ow Rationalize

T SEEMS to me that many observers of the
election are still trying to fit what hap-
pened into their former conceptions, in-
stead of realizing that these conceptions
need changing. Thus we have one school
which intones that Truman won, after all,
by only a small majority, less than two
million votes, that a slight change of senti-
ment in a very few states would have put
Dewey in, etc. and that therefore Truman
has no mandate to be stridently liberal, and
had better go easy; that is, act as if he had
The members of this school are entitled
to whatever comfort they can obtain by
hugging a small, cold statistic to their
breasts but the plain truth is that in a
campaign as heavily given over to defeat
from the beginning as this one was, every
vote in Truman's majority has the signifi-
cance of ten in normal races, for this
majority had to be built from the bottom
up, in blood, sweat and tears. While you
can say, if you want to, that liberalism did
not win overwhelmingly, a somewhat fairer
interpretation would be that liberalism is
now so deeply established, in American life
that it can win a national election under
the hardest possible circumstances.
There are other schools which hold that
the Republicans lost because they did not
write good enough campaign literature, and

lost the footrace because he had only one
leg. True enough, as far as it goes, but it
still leaves him in a one-legged condition.
What we have here is an effort on the
part of certain conservative elements to
carry their howling pre-election error over
into the post-election period. They are
hanging desperately on to what made them
go so wrong. Instead of throwing away
the warped ruler, they intend to prove it
is just as straight as can be; it's only the
world they're measuring that has, for
some incalculable reason, gone off.
The plain truth is that there has been an
overturn. To take one example, for almost
ten years there has been the clear assump-
tion going around that the public, especially
labor had better watch its step, or some
Congressmen were going to get mighty sore.
I think that changed on last Tuesday to
the assumption that our Congressmen had
better watch their steps, or the public will
get mighty sore. The election error made
by so many this year was not a spot error,
a one-shot, but the accumulated result of
ten years of previous error, self-insulating,
self-separating, self-isolating, until error fi-
nally became the climate of everyday living
and the truth broke as a great astonishment.
It is dangerous to become so separated as
this. But many of the election interpreta-
tions are in themselves proof that the great
election error was not a single incident,
but a reflection of a way of thinking, a con-

mas present, holidy dance,
election of officers. We will
start our speaker series.


Phi Lambda Upsilon: First stu-
dent-faculty luncheon, 12:15 p.m.,
Michigan Union, Wed., Nov. 10. All
members invited.
Square Dancing, sponsored by
the Graduate Outing Club. 8 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 10, W.A.B. Everybody
welcome. Small admission charge.
United World Federalists: Gen-
eral meeting scheduled for Wed.,
Nov. 10 has been changed to Wed.,
Nov. 17.
UWF Roundtable on World
Government will be held Thurs.,
Nov. 11, instead of Nov. 18. Sub-
ject: "World Government and In-
ternational Law."
U. of M. Dames: General Meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Nov. 10,'Rackham As-
sembly Room. This meeting will
be a White Elephant Kitchenware
Sale, Xmas wrappings and cards
will be on sale.

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John, Mr. Merrie not only refused
to sign the agreement to sell the


My head!... Where amI? Oh! ...
I This house!... And it's haunted! I

... _..". . o(e 1. , Jgh, York SN.. q I t .
tI~I~KNO! * O

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