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November 04, 1948 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-04

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Slumping Shoulders Going;
Women Gain Poise, Grace

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Although Jane College can't lift
that barge and tote that bale to
strengthen muscles, she can keep
in shape, thanks to the Women's
Physical Education department.
Women with all sorts of flgur-
ing to do are taken care of un-
der the clinical program and the
posture, figure and carriage (PFC)
classes over in Barbour gymna-
** *
TIRED FEET and aching backs,
caused by tramping across cam-
pus and hauling stacks of books;
slumping shoulders; and either
excess or insufficient poundage
are among the problems handled
in the program.
Women under the clinical
program report .during hours to
learn localized exercises and
then either continue to do them
at the gym or practice outside.
They return for periodic check-
ups on improvements which they
are working on. Corrective exer-
cises are given in accordance with
recommendations either from
Health Service or from physical
education classes.
* * *
Announced for
Pctnhel Affair
Appointments for Panhellenic
Recognition Night have been an-
nounced by Mary Stierer, presi-
dent of Panhellenic Association.
General chairman of Recogni-
tion Night will be Betsy Bousfield,
Kappa Kappa Gamma. Other
memberspofpthe committee are
Edith Andrews, Alpha Chi Omega,
finance; Joyce Atchison, Pi Beta
Phi, programs; Pat Dressler, Al-
pha Omicron Pi, publicity; and
Mary Helen King, Delta Zeta, pa-
A Recognition Night is an annual
program honoring affiliated wom-
en for activities and scholarship.
An activities cup is awarded to
the sorority having the highest
number of activities. The sorori-
ty that has the highest scholastic
average is awarded a scholarship
Sophomore, junior and senior
women having the most activity
points in their classes will be
named at this time.'

lividual aspect, PFC classes meet
twice a week at several different
hours. The instructors deal first of
all with essentials which will add
to the comfort and grace of the
women taking the course.
Boney shoulders or "wings,"
for example, which look un-
sightly in off-shoulder or strap-
less formals, are dealt with in
PFC classes.
Individual exercises for each
woman are then prescribed by the
instructor after posture pictures
are taken to show both student
and teacher what needs specific
* * *
GENERAL muscle - strengthen-
ing exercises are also part of the
PFC program. Miss Ruth Harris
is in general charge of the pro-
gram which includes both the
PFC classes and the clinical work.
Many women's difficulties are
slight enough to be corrected
quite easily during the eight-
week class period. The correc-
tion may be maintained by do-
ing the prescribed exercises pe-
The importance of the posture
program, which has proved en-
joyable for many women, has been
emphasized by Dr. Margaret Bell,
Chairman of the Women's Physi-
cal Education program.
Dr. Bell has phrased it this
way: "Poor posture may be due
to lack of self-confidence. An en-
during figure, with good muscular
development, w ll contribute
greatly to a woman's poise and
grace for the rest of her life."
WAA Notices,
Golf-There will be no meeting
Camp Counselors - The clut
will meet at 7 p.m. today in th(
correctives room of Barbour Gym
Blue jeans and rubber soled shoes
will be worn.
Basketball tournament - Foi
those who wish to play basketbal:
and are unable to affiliate wit
any house team a notice will be
posted on the Barbour Gym bul-
letin board.
More sales at FIVE
And we can say
The longer you'll
Keep SIX away

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Robinson of
Wilmette, Ill., announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Mary
Margaret to Earl J. Janda, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Janda, of Lyons,
Miss Robinson is a senior at
the University and is a member
of Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha
Lambda Delta.
Mr. Janda received his B.B.A.
degree in 1946, and his M.A. in
1948. He is now working on his doc-
torate in psychology. He is a mem-
ber of Zeta Psi and Beta Gamma
* * *
Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Fowler of
Duplicate Bridge
Stars Revealed
Winners of the duplicate bridge
tournament held last Thursday in
the League have been announced.
Contestants, numbering 84,
played the Mitchell system of
duplicate bridge. The North-
South winners in order of score
were Mr. and Mrs. William Scott,
Foster Callahan and J. T. Cheng,
Robert White and William Hag-
arty, and Robert Thrall and
Charles Brassfield.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Nelson were
high point, partners among the
East West players. Running up in
order of points were Julius M. Hill
mnd Philip Le Cornn, Barbara
Cross and Evelyn McGee, and Mrs.
C. E. Davis and Mrs. A. V. R. Kain.

St. Joseph, have announced the
marriage of their daughter, Janet,
to Theodore Paul Bank II, son of
Col. and Mrs. Theodore Paul Bank
of Evanston, Ill.
The wedding took place on Sept.
27 in Juneau, Alaska, where Mr.
Bank is on a scientific expedition
sponsored by the University of
Mrs. Bank attended the Uni-
versity. Mr. Bank received his
master's degree in 1947 from the
University school of forestry. He
attended H a r v a r d University
where he was working toward his
Mr. and Mrs. L. Dubinsky of
Ishpeming, have announced the
marriage of their daughter, Mar-

gie, to Benjamin Berky, son of l\
and Mrs. J. Berkinsky of St. Pa
Mrs. Berky is a graduate of t
University. She was the preside
of the Modern Poetry Club and c
editor of Perspectives. Mr. Ber
attended the University of Mi
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McGinty
Grosse Pointe have announced t
engagement of their daught
Joan W., to John A. King, son
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. King of Gro
Miss McGinty is a junior in t
literary college and is affilia1
with Kappa Delta sorority. N
King is now doing graduate wo
in the Department of Zoology.

HOCKEY ENTHUSIASTS-Field hockey is a popular sport among University of Michigan women
students during the Fall, when Indian Summer days bring physical education classes out of doors.
These four students, all majoring in physical education, are scrambling for the ball in a game played
on Palmer Field, the women's outdoor sports area. They are, (left to right), Betty Richards, Phyllis
Seput, Doris Athans and Virginia Seput.
French Personality Prefered Over American


. I

"American women do not com-
pare with French uwoniei as to
Such was the opinion, stated iii
the January 10, 1928 issue of
The Daily by Dr. John B. Cloppet,
then a member of the Romance
Language Department. However,
this 20 year old viewpoint is far
from outmoded. It has been
echoed by G.L's who were in gay
Paree during the war, and in
fart was dhe topic for a recent. ar-
tiele irE Tire m agazine.
American women should take
time to consider the reasons for
this long-prevailing preference
which men express for French
women. Dr. Cloppet was very defi-
nite about the reasons for his par-
tiality. And those same feelings
3re probably the basis for the cur-
rent male preference.
* * *
,old and hard and sophisticated."
These were typical adjectives
vhich Dr. Cloppet used in his ap-
praisal of the women of this
country, and more significantly,







college women. He found them
unkind and often discourteous in
their attitudes
The former faculty member
referred to the obvious lack of
appreciation which coeds had
for every day courtesies which
they were shown. Dr. Cloppet
remarked particularly about
their universal failure to smile
or say thank you, which takes
such small effort, when a man
opened a door for them, lie
summed up their attitude as
"take all and give nothing."
Dr. Cloppet believed that
American women drove their hus-
bands to divorce partly because of
their tendency to tire of things
when the novelty had worn off
and partly for the alimony they
would receive. At that time the
divorce rate in the United States
was far greater than France's
(What would Dr. Cloppet think
* * *
NOTHING BUT admiration was
expressed by the professor when
he spoke of the "healthy, fine fig-
ure" of the American woman. He
felt that women here dressed more
expensively, but that they lacked
individuality. Dr. Cloppet con-
side'ed all American women repe-
titions of one personality both in
dress and in character.
The French professor went on
to say that American women did
not have the artistry in apply-
ing makeup that French women
did. He claimed he spoke for
men in general when he said
that "a man likes what seems
most natural, not glaring ar-
Only once did Dr. Cloppet's sen-
timents have a distinct out of date
tone to them. This occurred when
he remarked about the compara-
tive independance of French and
American women. Dr. Cloppet ex-
pressed his great shock at the
amount of independence college
women had assumed in their
"dating" at that time. He said that
in France a woman would not be
allowed out past midnight with a
man. And with a man she had
just met-going out was almost
Dr. Cloppet completed his state-
ments with his personal idea and
perhaps, excuse, for the cause of
the plight of the American female.
The professor stated that women
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For that
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large parties - small parties
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The ideal robe to study
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Made of luxurious flan-
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Royal Blue. ,Sizes 10
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had built themselves "a hard, pro-
tective shell" to preserve their
newly won independence in the
world. In conclusion, for those whb
have not gathered as miucli, Mr.
Cloppet said, "I prefer women in
the home."

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so warm ..


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