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Truman vs. Dewey
"Through Everything I Have Remained On A High
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The issues in today's presi-
dential election have now been drawn. The fol-
lowing, reprinted from the New York Times,
are the stands taken by the two major candi-
dates on the most important issues,)
(Editor's Note is written by Managing Editor
Harriett Friedman.)
IT TOOK UNTIL the very end of the elec-
tion campaign, but the Republicans fi-
nally came out and admitted that they
have only one vote-drawing card.
The big black lettering of the Repub-
licans ad in the Sunday Daily read: "Stop
Communism! Vote Republican!"
There was no other basis for voting men-
tioned, for not even a cry for unity. And
in the smaller print could be read:
"It is high time to combat Communism
which threatens the very life of our na-
tion, with everything at our command. One
way is to elect on Nov. 2nd candidates
known to be 100 per cent Americans. No
candidate on the Republican ticket from
top to bottom has ever aided in any way
the Communist Party, nor any of the nu-
merous Pink organizations that support or
sympathize with the principles and actions
of the Communist Party."
SO THAT is why the American people
should vote Republican: not, after all,
because Republicans represent Unity, Lead-
ership, or any of the so vaguely positive ideas
that Dewey has been enunciating. No, we are
to vote for them, because they are against
something Evil, and something that looms
constantly more evil, the more votes Re-
publicans need.
I wonder how many people are expected
to actually believe the implication that the
only 100 per cent Americans are also 100
per cent members of the Republican party.
What is a 100 per cent pure American any-
And just what is the immense value in
electing men who stand for nothing but
opposition to Communism. Is it too late
to softly enquire after such problems as
housing, foreign policy, high prices? I'm
afraid the American people are electing into
office, men whose views on such problems
have never really been given.
THERE DOESN'T seem to be anyway to
prevent a Republican victory; even
though it has been obvious all along that the
Republican party really has no stronger
platform or ideas than "stop Communism,"
the American people are bound and deter-
mined to try the Republicans for a change.
But there is a lesson for the future in
that ad in Sunday's Daily. It indicates
that the Republicans find it useful to
distract attention from the real issues of
the day by shouting "everyone but us
is a Communist or pinko."
This is despicable enough during an elec-
tion campaign, but the problem will be much
more serious if Dewey and the Republicans
are in power.
For if the GOP thinks the red scare diver-
sion technique helped them to success, we
may be treated to some grand scale purges
in the future. And when everything isn't
going quite well in the administration, we
may have some interesting examinations of
American pedigrees.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by inembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Current MoviesJ
At theMichigan...
A DATE WITH JUDY, with Wallace Beery,
Jane Powell, Elizabeth Taylor, et al.
WHAT CAN WE say about this kind of
picture that hasn't been said again, and
again, and again?
Perhaps there would be some novelty in
being brutally vulgar-but oh so gloriously
explicit-and just saying, "It stinks." It
has not one thing, as far as we're con-
cerned, to recommend it. Like so many
other recent "musical comedies," it is
simply too much baloney to be gracefully
We'd like to forget the whole incident as
soon as possible; so please forgive us if we
hastily summarize our impressions: there is
very little that is pleasant in this picture,
and much that is damned disgusting.
And this opinion, mark you, comes from a
lad who is ordinarily pretty tolerant of
Hollywood's shortcomings.
--Bob White.
* * * *
At the State-..
Power and Anne Baxter.
SUREN' HOW IRISH can you be? With
shamrocks all but bursting out all over,
this chauvinistic little saga even operates on
green-toned film for the Ireland located
sequences. Tyrone Power is a bright young
writer who succumbs to the green lure all
right, but in the form of money, and departs
the Emerald Isle for New York to ghost-
write a newspaper publisher into the Sen-
However, a quaint little leprechaun that
he befriended hiestateside also. wnrkinff
Foreign Affairs
TRUMAN: In 1940 the Republican leaders
were mainly isolationists. * * * Even in 1944
* * * (Mr. Dewey) had so little foresight
about postwar problems that he felt we could
completely demobilize our military strength
the minute that hostilities ended. * * * The
American people should consider the risk of
entrusting their destiny to recent converts
who now come along and say, "Me, too, but
I can do it better."
DEWEY: The leaders of the world Com-
munist movement are ruthless, hardheaded,
ambitious men. The tragedy of our time,
has been that we have had an Administra-
tion that did not understand those leaders
and did not understand the great need for
firmness and consistency in our foreign af-
fairs. Time and again, America has been
made to appear before the world a fumbling
giant. * * *
_ o.
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Bipartisan Foreign Policy
TRUMAN: In the midst of the second
World War, President Roosevelt and his
great Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, pro-
posed, and certain of the wiser Congressional
leaders of the opposition agreed, that, as far
as they could bring it about, politics should
stop at the water's edge.
DEWEY: We have abandoned partisan-
ship to speak through a bipartisan foreign
policy. That was the great objective when I
first proposed to Secretary Hull during the
election campaign four years ago that we
have cooperation between our two parties
to win the peace. That was the beginning
of our bipartisan foreign policy.
Democrats vs. Republicans
t r
: x9 t6' +1EwtSNrvcTa.+ P sr cy
TRUMAN: The people know the Demo-
cratic party is the people's party and the
Republican party is the party of special
interests and it always has and always
will be.
DEWEY: We are now witnessing the
strange spectacle of an Administration that
failed when it had a Democratic Congress
and failed when it had a Republican Con-
gress * * * and asks for another chance
to fail again.
Chemistry, and Physics. The pub-
lic is invited.
University Lecture in Journal-
ism, sponsored by the Department
of Journalism: Russell Anderson,
editor of McGrall-Hill World
News will give a public lecture,
"Does the Kremlin Want War?"
Kellogg Auditorium, 8 p.m. Wed.,
Nov. 3, not Thurs., Nov. 4, as an-
nounced in the University Calen-
dar. Mr. Anderson will speak to
journalism concentrates and other
interested University students at 3
o'clock Wednesday afternoon in
Room E, Haven Hall. His topic
will be "So You Want To Be a
Foreign Correspondent?"
Academic Notices
Aerodynamics Seminar: 4-6
p.r. Wed., Nov. 3, Rm. 1508 E.
Engineering Bldg. Topic: "Aero-
dynamic Analogies of the Wave
Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed.
Wed,, Nov. 3, Rm.. 1139 Natural
Science Bldg. Paper: "The Vege-
tation of Great Bear Lake, North-
west Territories, Canada," by W.
C. Steere. Open meeting.
Mathematics Colloquium: 4 p.m.
Tues., Nov. 2, Rm. 3201 Angell
Hall. Dr. Frank Harary will speak
on "The Structure of Boolean-
like Rings."
Student Recital: Edwyn Hames,
violinist, will present a program
at 8:30 Wednesday evening, No-
vember 3, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music. It will include
Concerto in D Major by Tartini,
Concerto in D Minor, Op. 47 by
Sibelius, and Ravel's Tzigane. Mr.
Hames is Director of the Depart-
ment of Music at Hillsdale (Mich-
igan) College, and a pupil of Gil-
bert Ros. The program is open to
the general public.
Michigan on Canvas, Rackham
Galleries, through Nov. 11, daily
except Sundays, 10 a.m. to 10
p.m. The public is invited.
Events Today
Science Research Club: Novem-
ber meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rackham
"Photoviscosity," by W. W. Hag-
erty, Department of Engineering
"The Role of Flourin in'Dental
Caries," by Philip Jay, School of
Election of new members.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal of all chorus mem-
bers and principals, 7:15 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 2, Michigan League.
Room will be posted.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
Business Fraternity: Open Meet-
ing, Wed., 8 p.m., Nov.-3, Rm. 130
Business Administration Bldg. Mr.
Stephan Du Brul, Director of the
Bureau of Business Research at
General Motors, will speak on
"Management's Responsibility to
the Public." All interested stu-
dents are invited.
Modern Poetry Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 3, Russian
Tea Room, Michigan League. Dis-
cuss ion: Whitman's Influence.
Read Maddow's "The City" and
MacNeice's "The Kingdom" in Os-
car Williams' Anthology.
All prospective candidates for
Student Legislature: Meeting, 7
p.m., Wed., Nov. 3, Grand Rapids
Room, Michigan League.
U. of M. Radio Club: Meeting
7:30 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 4, Rm. 1084
E. Engineering Bldg. A complete
7Mc 200 watt transmitter will be
displayed and explained.
American Society of Civil Engi-
neers, Student Chapter: 7:30 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 3, Rms. 3-KLMN,
Michigan Union. Mr. N. G. Da-
moose, City Manager, Ypsilanti,
will speak on the subject, "Munic-
ipal Engineering."
Flying Club Board, 7 p.m., Wed.,
Nov. 3, Rm. 1300 E. Engineering
Bldg. Open general club meeting,
7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 3, Rm. 1042
E. Engineering Bldg.
Record of Congress
TRUMAN: I call it the "notorious, do-
nothing Republican Eightieth Congress."
Perhaps I ought to leave out the "do-noth-
ing" part of it, because it did some things
-most of them bad.
DEWEY: The Eightieth Congress delivered
as no other Congress ever did for the future
of the country. * * * I am for it 1,000 per
cent. They did a swell job and I believe
wholeheartedly in it from top to bottom.
Communists in Government
TRUMAN: Only in the case of about one
in 6,000 Government employes has -"loyalty
been found doubtful. * * * Certain Republi-
cans resent the democratic safeguards of
the loyalty program. * * * The House Un-
American Activities Committee * * * through
its press-agent stunts for political ends * * *
has injured the reputation of innocent men
by spreading wild and false accusations.
DEWEY: The head of our own Govern-
ment called the exposure of Communists
in our Government a red herring. We must
neither ignore the Communists nor outlaw
them. If we ignore them, we gjye them the
cloak of immunity they want. If we outlaw
them, we give them the martyrdom they
want even more.
High Prices
TRUMAN: Since they killed price control
in 1946, the Republican Old Guard have
given ample proof that they were quite
satisfied with profits of big business getting
bigger and bigger. Time and again in 1947
and 1948, I asked the Republican do-nothing
Eightieth Congress to concern itself with *
* * * high prices. * * * Every time the Re-
publican Congress refused to take effective
DEWEY: The most important single meas-
ure to meet the danger of inflation is to cut
down every avoidable dollar of spending by
Government. * * * We can solve our prob-
lems without using totalitarian devices, with-
out resorting to the methods of the police
state. * * * Price control is an attempt to
sit on the thermometer. Tt would stifle pro-
d iction.
Labor Legislation
TRUMAN: The Taft-Hartley Law converts
the Wagner Act from a charter protecting
the basic rights of workers into an instru-
ment for union-busting by anti-labor em-
ployers. (The Taft-Hartley Act) is only a
foretaste of what (labor) will get if the
Republican reaction is allowed to continue
to grow.
DEWEY: Over the plaintive complaints of
a helpless Administration the welfare of
both labor and the whole of our people has
been advanced (by provisions of the Taft-
Hartley Act). As a result the overwhelming
majority of our people approve these provi-
sions of that law today.
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the Presxent, Room 1021
Angela Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Satur-
VOL. LIX, No 36
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to stu-
dents from 4 to 6 o'clock, Wed.,
Nov. 3.
All Faculty Members: To avoid
delay in delivery of United States
mail have your correspondents use
your departmental or office ad-
dress, not simply "University of
Members of the University Sen-
Special meeting, 4:15 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 15, Rackham Amphitheatre.
A report of the Special Senate
Committee on Retirement will be
Influenza Injections Advised:
L. Students wainedil ' last
chance to get free injectotiu.:
2. The follow ini sciedule starts
Mon., Nov. 1, 8 a.mi.-12 noon and
1-5 p.m. at hIealth Sevice for
second week of program. practi-
cally no waiting in line.
November 1--K, L
November 2-M, N, O
November 3-P, Q. R
November 4-S
November 5-T, thru Z
Those in earlier part of alpha-
bet not treated, come on most
convenient day. Reactions even
less than expected.
1. Charge of $1.00
2. Enter south door neat -Deital
Bldg. Stop at Cashier's ofie.
Join line downstais.
3. No nspouseexcept stdent
wives, nor children.
4. 8-9 a.m. favorable time.
November 1--A to C (inc.)
November 2-D to H (inc.)
November 3-I to M (inc.)
November 4-N to S (inc.)
November 5-T to Z (inc.)
6. All except student wives
bring University card.
Prospective Student Legislator
candidates: Pick up petitions at
Dean of Students Office, Rm. 2,
University Hall, beginning Tues.,
Nov. 2.
Women students planning to go
to the Ohio State Game on the
Wolverine Club special train are
required to fill in cards giving full
address and name of residence at
which they will stay overnight.
This card is to be secured at the
booth where the tickets a're on
sale. The address while in Column-
bus should also be placed on the
signout sheet at the time the stu-
dent leaves.
Office of the Dean of Women
All Seniors and Graduate Stu-
dents: Fri., Nov. 5, is the last day
for seniors or graduate students
who expect to receive a degree in
February, June or August to
make an appointment to get their
picture in the 1949 Michiganen-
sian, official university yearbook.
Appointments may be made at the
Ensian office, Student Publication
Building any day except Satur-
day-8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and
Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for
February graduation have been
posted on the bulletin board in
Room 4, University Hall. If your
name is misspelled or the "degree
expected incorrect please notify
tih' County Clerk.
The following interviews are
schedufed for this week: November
3rd: Carnation Company. They
are interested in literary, business
administration, engineering, sci-
ence, and agricultural students
and any others who may be inter-
ested in their student training
program for plant management
and supervisory positions.
November 3rd: Dr. Paul Wil-
liams of Toledo will interview for
the following companies: Gen-
eral Fireproofing Company who
are seeking people for semi-tech-
nical sales (business or literary
studen>s); Youngstown heet
and 'I'lbe Co, who ae seeking
people for semi-echnical sales
btsiuies:; 0, nc-hanical, or cheni
cat cn iueers; Iinken Roller
Bearing Company who want peo-
ple for engmeering sales and serv-
ice, foreign engineering sales, and
mechanical, industrial, electrical,
mining, and metallurgical engi-
neers for various departments.
November 4th: S. S. Kresge Co.
of Detroit will interview candi-
dates for their executive training
program. Appointments and fur-
ther information may be obtained
by calling Ext. 371, or in the of-
fice at 201 Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments
University Community Center,
Willow Village
TleS., Nov. 2,- 8 p.m., Wives'
Club Bridge Night. Open to all.
Wed., Nov. 3. 8 p.m., Ceramics.
Thurs., Nov. 4, 8 p.m., Ceramics.
Discussion Group - "Inter-
preting Election Results." All in-
terested persons invited.
Sat., Nov. 6, 9-11:30 p.m., Wives'
Club FALL FROLIC. Informal
dance. Everybody invited. Small
admission fee.
Navy game open-houses may be
held in officially organized stu-
dent residences on Sat., Nov. 6,
between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
for pre-game functions and be-
tween 5 p,m. and 7 p.m. for post-
game functions.
Mr. Frank S. Whiting, Vice
President of the American Furni-
ture Mart Building Company, Inc.,
will speak at 10 a.m., Wed., Nov.
3, Rm. 3D, Michigan Union. All
students in the Wood Technology
Curriculum and the furniture in-
dustry program are urged to at-
tend. Any others are welcome.
University Lecture: Sir Law-
rence Bragg, distinguished physi-
cist from the Cavendish Labora-
tory, Cambridge, England, will
lecture on "Recent Advances in
X-ray Analysis" (illustrated), 4:15
p.m., Thurs., Nov. 4, Rackham
Amphitheatre; auspices of the
Graduate Students:
for students interested
ning a Graduate Mixer,
East Council Room,
in plan-
7:30 p.m.,
Slides on life in Greece will be
shown at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 3,
International Center Lounge.
Delta Epsilon Pi, Hellenic Club
invites the public to attend.
Women of the University Fac-
ulty: Weekly afternoon tea, 4-6
p.m., Wed., Nov. 3, Rm. D, Michi-
gan League.
THE Y.W.C.A., according to a
booklet issued by the Consti-
tutional Educational League, has
been infiltrated by Communists. It
is a sensational charge, and the
title of the booklet-"Behind the
Lace Curtains of the Y.W.C.A."-
catches the public eye.
Mrs. Arthur F. Anderson, na-
tional "Y" president, calls it a
"sorry compilation of inaccuracies,
insidious half-truths and flagrant
suppression of the ultimate truth."
The very effort at sensational-
ism in the 68-page booklet causes
one to suspect that the Y.W.C.A.
is the victim of the kind of red-
baiting that has become a conven-
ient device of persons who dis-
agree with an organization's meth-
ods and objectives. The Y.W.C.A.
for years has been aggressively in-
terested in a variety of public is-
sues. Its readers have been critical
of sweatshop practices in industry
and have taken vigorous stands
on other questions.
Fortunately, the public knows
more about the Y.W.C.A. than it
does about the Constitutional Ed-
ucation League, and what it knows
about the former is generally good.
-St. Louis Star Times.
Farm Program
. :,
TRUMAN: This Republican Congress has
already stuck a pitchfork in the farmer's
back. * * * When the Republicans claim that
wheat price supports are to blame for the
high price of bread, they are trying to stir
up the city consumer against the farmer
by downright dishonesty. * * * The Repub-
licans (in Congress) were forced to pass
(a price-support bill) that would look good
in the election campaign.
DEWEY: I and wholeheartedly and un-
equivocally for it (the farm-price support
program) and don't you let anybody tell
you anything different. * * * It is the duty
of Government, as it encourages full pro-
duction in agriculture, to make sure that
the farmer-by producing plentifully-is not
the victim of his own great production. That
means that we must maintain our program
of price supports.
Housing Program
TRUMAN: Last year (housing legislation)
was murdered by the Republican leadership
in the House of Representatives. * * * The
real estate people have one of the most pow-
erful, best organized and most brazen lobbies
in Washington. And the Republican party
has proved to be its most faithful servant.'
* * * * Hoover (said) back in 1929 and '30
there's two cars in every garage. The Re-
publican slogan today is two families in
every garage.
TRUMAN: As soon as the Republican
party gained control of the Congress it began
to tear down the whole western develop-
ment program. The Republicans slashed
funds right and left. They cut back
projects to bring water to the land and
electric power to industry.
DEWEY: We must work toward stability
in the field of housing 'construction. The
Federal Government must stand ready to
lend a hand to the states to encourage pro-
grams of community improvement and de-
velopment. When Federal aid is required to
get action, then that aid must be provided
on a realistic, practical basis,
Square Dance Group: 7:30 p.m.,
Lane =Hall basement.
Intercultural Committee: Meet-
ing, 8:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
Christian Science Organization:
Meting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room,
Lane Ilall.
Americans for Deniocratic Ac-
tion: 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
Movie on the Cooperative Move-
ment. Election of officers.
I.Z.F.A. Song and Dance Group,
8 p.m., Michigan League. Every-
one welcome.
U. of M. Dames: Handicraft
Group will meet at the home of
Mrs. Harry Geitgey, 2010 Frieze
Street, 8 p.m. For transportation,
call Mrs. H. R. Secrest, 2-3810.
COmning Events
Freshman Engineers: Election
for the office of Secretary of the
Freshman Class, College of Engi-
neering, Wed., Nov. 3.
Society-of Automotive Engineers,
U. of M. Student Branch:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 3,
Rm. 209 W. Engineering Annex
(Auto Lab. computing room).
Election of officers for the; next
year and discussion of policy. All
old members and those interested
in becoming members are urged to
Movie for chemists and chemi-
cal engineers on "The Story of
Nickel" presented by Phi Lambda
Upsilon, 4:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 2,
Rm. 348 W. Engineering Bldg.,
and Wed., Nov. 3, 4:30 p.m., Rm.
1400 Chemistry Bldg.
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager
William Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matterseherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.04, by mail,
of Resources
DEWEY: We will go forward to develop
our resources. We will take stock of our
water power, our grazing lands, our orchards,
vineyards and vegetable farms, our forests
and the treasures which lie in the earth and
Control of AtomicEnergy
Departments of
TRUMAN: Atomic energy should not be
used to fatten the profits of big business.
is far too small to be entrusted with such
* * * The largest corporation in the world
power, least of all for its own profit. * * *
Our atomic plants cost billions of dollars
of public money to build, and millions more
to operate each year. They belong to all the
DEWEY: You and I have heard about the
dead hand of government. We know in
America what government can do and what,
it cannot do. We know what the enterprise,
initiative and creative powers of our people
can do. We know this too well to leave the
possibilities of the atomic age solely in the
-- -
No apples! I'll fell Mr. Merrie
his trees need pruning. Badly-
Those were
Well, we'll have toasted
marshmallows anyway-Ah!
Here's the petcock. This
is a method I developed
for starting a fire with'
one match. It's surefire-
You forcot to r---
It doesn't matter. Whct's
spilt will evaporate fasf-
, fHEY! Barnabv-