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November 02, 1948 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-02

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Irish Lead Michigan by Narrow Margin in

. P. Poll

v __ __

Smashing Line Play
Gets HeeldAward

Illinois' backfield had an unex-
pected visitor in the person of one
Lloyd "Dutch" Heneveld, The
Daily's Lineman of the Week, Sat-
urday afternoon.
The most outstanding play came
in the first period on a fake field
goal attempt with the score dead-
locked. Dutch broke through to
smear Tom Gallagher as he was
trying to pass for the Illini.
LLOYD "DUTCH" Heneveld
makes no bones of the fact-he
plays football because he likes it.
The tall blond guard was chris-
tened with his now famous nick-
name in 1946 by another famous
Michigan Dutchman, Benny Oos-
Dutch has been playing foot-
ball since childhood. He grew up
and makes his home in Holland,
Michigan where he starred for
his high school in basketball as
well as football.
Heneveld spent two years in the
Army Air Force, serving as a pilot
officer. Discharged in 1945; he at-
tended Hope College for one se-
mester, transferring to Michigan
in February of 1946.

DUTCH PLAYED in two games
for Michigan in 1946. Injured, he
was forced to sit out the rest of
the season, and it looked bad for
Heneveld's football future. How-
ever, a successful operation in the
spring of 1947 removed the troub-
lesome knee cartilage and Lloyd
was able to continue.
During last season he was So-
boleski's replacement at defen-
sive guard and moved to the first
string slot this year after So-
boleski's switch to tackle.
He considers the Northwestern
garme the greatest of his career
and asked who he considered the
greatest guard he has faced this
season, Dutch unhesitatingly an-
swered, "Nomellini of Minnesota,
he knocked me for a loop several
times and I really felt it."
* * *
HIS FAVORITE sports aside
from football are tennis and bas-
ketball, playing varsity basketball
for Hope College during his brief
stay there.
A junior in Engineering School,
Dutch has no interest in profes-
sional football or coaching after
graduation. He plans to enter Law
School in the field of patent law.

... tackle

In a bitterly fought battle on
the South Ferry Field gridiron,
Tau Delta Phi emerged the victors
over Triangle fraternity with a
13-6 triumph.
The inaugural game of the in-
tended traditional rivalry ended
with both fraternities shaking
hands and congratulating one an-

olverines Three Points
Below Notre Dame Total
Tarheels Keep Strong Hold on Third Place,
Army Moves to Fourth, California Stays Fifth
The nation's sports writers have done it again.
Whether it's the blarney of Frank Leahy or just plain conniving
by the Notre Dame followers in the writing game is hard to say,
but the Irish again top the heap in the Associated Press grid poll.
Not that the Green has an overwhelming lead. The margin
is infinitesimal. In the final point total, Michigan trails the
squad from South Bend by three points. '
But there's a brighter side to the story. Of the 208 first place
ballots cast, the Wolverines drew
68 to 56 for the Irish. But when
the total points were assembled,
the Ann Arbor team had dropped 3 Points!
to the runner-up position for the
first time in three weeks. (By The Associated Press)
As expected, North Carolina re- 1. Notre Dame (56).1,762
tamed its hold on third place, 2. Michigan (68) . . . . . .1,759
though some of the Tar Heels' 3. North Carolina (36) . .1,458
prestige was lost when they were 4. Army (5) ..,. ...... ..1,249
pressed to eke out a 14-7 decision 5. California (16).....1,132
over Tennessee. 5. Georgia Tech (7) ....1,109
What seemed to impress the 7. Pennsylvania ........575
scribes more than Michigan's 8. Southern Method. (1) 432
hard-earned victory over an in- 9, Missouri (4) :.......382
spired Illini squad, whose rapid 10. Northwestern ........371
improvement since the beginning 11. Nevada (5), 300; 12. Clemson
of the second half of its game (6), 189; 13. Georgia, 153;
with Army three weeks ago has
been remarkable, was the Irish
romp over a win-less Middie o gI l
The Irish are good, but not good T u h I l n
enough to rate as the number oneP ow erfu
Everyone expected the Irish to
pile up the points. And leading the --_
list was Leahy. Just to make sure, It was a sadly disappointed Illi-
he left the regulars in the game nois coach who received reporters
until the last quarter, when it was in the dressing room Saturday af-
fairly certain that the score was ter watching his vastly improved
high enough to impress the voters ,quad, take a 28-20 licking from
in the poll. Michigan's unbeaten eleven.
And that's not a shot in the "We were outgunned," Illini
dark. Remember how friend mentor Ray Eliot declared. "Mich-
Leahy moaned last year when igan has a great team."
Michigan supplanted the Irish * * *
in mid-season. He screamed, in A MURMUR WENT up from the
effect, "Who's afraid of the big, throng of scribes, most of whom
bad Wolves-we'll play Michigan had seen Michigan win all six of
any time, any place." its games this season. They won-
Next Saturday Michigan will dered what Eliot would have said
have a chance to redeem itself as if he had seen the Wolverines cut
it takes on Navy, and in two weeks Northwestern down to size and
the Irish will take up against the completely smother Purdue's high-
Wildcats -of Northwestern. ly-touted Boilermakers.
A win for Bob Voigts and the They knew that Michigan's
'Cats would mean increased pres- performance was far below par.
tige when they go out to the Rose It was a display that was rem-
Bowl. It'll be a dilly of a battle, iniscent of the early season
one which could conceivably drop Wolverines. The shortcomings
the Irish down to the second spot, were the same that caused the
or even where they belong. Ann Arbor team to have trouble
--_--with Michigan State and Orc-

Rose Bowl Heads Want Best in Big Nine

PASADENA, Calif. - (IP)-The
Tournament of Roses Association
unofficially started an effort to-
day to bring the No. 1 football
team of the Midwest's Big Nine
Conference into the Rose Bowl
New Year's Day against the Pa-
cific Coast Conference champion.
That probably would be Mich-
igan versus California.
But under the Big Nine-Coast
Conference agreement, a Big Nine
team may not appear in the Rose
Bowl oftener than once in three
years. Thus Michigan, which
swamped USC 49-0 last New Year's
Day, can not return to the Rose
Bowl next Jan. 1 even though the
Wolverines come through their Big
Nine season undefeated.
Lathrop K. Leishman, chair-
man of the Association's footballI
committee, said he understood but
hadn't been officially informed
PRES HOLMES, Night Editor
l Wolverines-

Irish Challenge!
CHICAGO-('P)-Notre Dame
still is ready to play Michigan
any time, any place.
This point was made yester-
day at the Herald-American
Quarterback Club meeting at
which Notre Dame's Ed (Moose)
Krause, assistant Irish athletic
director, was asked "Why can't
Notre Dame and Michigan play
each other at Soldier Field?"
Krause replied:
"As Coach Frank Leahy said
before this same meeting last
year, Notre Dame is willing to
meet Michigan any Saturday,
Sunday or Monday afternoon."
yet his own executive committee
wants him to take up the matter
with the Coast Conference.
Harold C. Schaeffer, President
of the Association and chairman
of the executive committee, is out
of town.
"When Schaffer gets back I as-
sume he will communicate with
me," Leishman said. "If that's
what the Association wants I will
go to Dean Stanley Freeborn of

the University of California (Pres-
ident of the Coast Conference)
and to Bill Hunter of USC (chair-
man of the PCC's Rose Bowl Com-
mittee) to see if we can get some
rule changes made.
"It isn't just Michigan, but per-
sonally I feel, and I know others.
do, that we must have the best in
the Big Nine here each year for
the Rose Bowl, not the No. 2 or
Nol 3 team."
It is debatable whether the rules
could be changed in time for the
forthcoming Rose Bowl classic,
even if both conferences were
agreeable. And several Chicago
sportswriters attending today's
meeting of the Southern California
football writers unanimously quot-
ed Big Nine commissioner Tug
Wilson as saying "There isn't a
Densely Populated
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This is more than three times as
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Michigan Midgets CelebrateAnniversary

VOTE . Today!
Our Platform
Liberty off State

Lightweight football at Michi-
gan celebrates its first anniversary
Saturday when the 150-pounders
clash with Ohio State's Buckeyes
at Ferry Field.
It was just one yeur ago ti i
week that the little guys took to
the field against Illinois and
bowed gracefully into the spotlight
with a 33-0 inaugural triumph.
JOHNNY WILCOX scored three
times for the Maize and Blue that
afternoon and Capt. Charlie Ket-
terer played the first in a suc-
cession of outstanding games as
Michigan's quarterback and field
The following week saw the
little Wolverines bow to Ohio State
An Adventure in
Good Smoking

13-2 on a rain-soaked gridiron for
their only loss of the year.
After that loss the lightweights.
traveled up to Madison and sloshed
and shivered through rain, sleet
and snow to a 20-0 victory over
the favored Wisconsin Badgers.
THAT GAME put the Wolver-
ines in a tie with theBadgers for
first place in the race for the
first "Little Big Nine" Football
Seven days later the 150-pound-
ers had clinched that tie with a
resounding 39-0 conquest of Ohio
State, the same club that had
previously handed them their lone
defeat of the season.
That was the season for the
lightweights. Wisconsin won its
final game and the first season
of lightweight football in Western
Conference history ended with a]
two team deadlock for first place.
LIGHITWEIGIHT football has
made long strides in the Western
Personalized Christmas cards that
are truly original and different.
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lines. They are both available at
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Conference since last season.
Northwestern and Purdue are ser-
iously considering fielding teams;
Illinois will make a trip into the
well organized ranks of eastern
lightweight football to battle pow-
erful Navy.
Over 100 candidates turned out
for this year's squad. Included in
this turnout were only fifteen men
from last year's squad, but enough
of these men had sufficient talent
to make the Wolverines pre-season
favorites to retain their title.
A vastly improved Illinois squad
had different ideas though and
they upset the Maize and Blue, 13-
6 in the season opener.
Michigan must now win all of
their remaining games to be cer-
tain of at least a tie for Con-
ference honors. The little guys are
working hard to make this first
anniversary party a smashing sue-
ces at Ohio State's expense.
Phi Delts Hom
Livened by Wi
Traffic was held up on Washte-
naw during the Homecoming rush
Saturday morning while the Phi
Delts had their own homecoming.
The boys from 1434 Washtenaw
sprinted home with the Little
Brown Jug after scoring a 25-12
victory over SAE in the tradi-
tional Mud Bowl Classic. It wasj
the seventh, win against only two
losses for the Phi Dolts.
Tom Clark was the work
Horse for the SAE's and John
Madden was the stick of dynjt-
mite who blew up the SAE hopes
of victory. Madden threw all
four of the Phi DelL TJ passes,
and completed one for an extra
SAE drew., blood on the first play
from scrimmage when Bill Ray-
mond tossed one to Clark to make
the score 6-0. Phil Delt came back
a la Rifenburg when Doug Wicks
scored on a double dribble pass
play, the pass coming from Mad-
Phi Delt scored again with
Madden tossing a short one to
Bob Johns. In the only tally of


from the time Michigan took over,
and the fourth marker came on1
four plays.
On this last drive, after Kemp-
thorn plunged for ten yards only
to have a 15-yard personal foul
penalty nullify the gain and a
sortie into the line netted no
gain, Chuck Ortmann's pass
into the end one was dropped
by Leo Koceski, the flashy wing-
back from Canonsburg, Pa.
Then "Chuckin' Chuck" flipped
unerringly to end Harry Allis in
pay dirt fbr the touchdown and
Michigan's 27th point.
And Allis must have put a
twinkle in Oosterbaan's eye. The
sophomore successor to the amaz-
ing Jim Brieske converted for the
four important points after touch-
down besides snaring the final
TD pass in the last quaiter.

- --LA-


Pause That Refreshes
Is Part of the Party

tecoming Affair
'n in Mud Bowl
the game scored on a running
play, Clark of SAE crossed over
from the two, tying the ball
game at 12-all. This touchdown
was set up on a pass play from
Clark to Dick Thomas.
The crowd-pleaser of the game
came in the waning minutes of the
first half when Phi Delt took the
lead again with a thrilling pass
As Jim Glerum sprinted past the
SAE secondary, John Madden
faded back, wound up and threw
the ball the length of the field into
Gluerman's arms. The score at the
end of the half: Phi Delt 18, SAE
The Madden to Glerum com-
bination put the game on ice in
the second half by scoring on
another pass play, making it 24-
12. In the absence of a goal post
or suitable low hanging trees,,
all extra point attempts were
limited to running and passing
The only extra point of the day
was registered by a pass from
Madden to Doug Wicks and the
final score read 25-12.

Certainly Michigan's pass de-
fense in the second half Saturday
saddened the heart of Bennie Oos-
terbaan. The Illini netted 256
yards in the air, and 206 of them
were in the third and fourth
stanzas. That, alone, came close
to interrupting the Wolverine
winning streak.
* * *
AND IT'S A SURE thing that
Coach Bennie wasn't screaming
for joy over the six Michigan
fumbles. There's a medium that
has sent even the greatest teams
down to bitter defeat.
But Oosterbaan did have a
few reasons for bestowing a fa-
therly smile upon his undefeated
charges. Wally Teninga, with a
41.1 punting average, continues
to hold one of the keys to Mich-
igan's defensive prowess. Keep
the opposition deep in their own
territory with long punts and
they can't open up on offense, is
the secret.
The yearling varsity pilot must
have applauded his squad's light-
ning attack when it wasn't bogged
down by poor blocking (and there
was plenty of it) or incompleted
passes (and there were 14 of
them). It took Michigan just ten
plays to rack up the first score.
* * *
AFTER THAT the Wolverines
progressed admirably. The second
and third TD's needed five plays

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