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October 31, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-31

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SUNDAY. OTOBR 3h 1,1949 1

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Only Idyllic System?

THECOVER of the current issue of a
weekly news magazine features an inter-
esting and very significant pictogram of
three different sized workmen at their ma-
ohines representing the United States, Great
Britain,- and Russia.
Printed along with the drawings are
captions which inform Mr. John Q. Public
that it takes the average American work-
man under capitalism only eight hours to
make ten dollars, while it takes the British
workman 19 hours under socialism, and
the Russian workman 81 hours under
All this, of course, is intended to prove
that capitalism is the best system of eco-
nomics and government because it results
in the most production per worker. Coming
as it does just before elections, it also has
the obvious implication to vote for Mr.
Dewey and uphold this idyllic system.
Without questioning the accuracy of these
statistics, it may be pointed out that con-
servative Editor David Lawrence has left
out a few highly pertinent background facts
in this display.
1. Both Great Britain and Russia are
still recovering from the destruction dur-
ing the war of a large portion of their
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by member, of The Daily staff
4nd represent the views of the writers only.

industrial machinery-the basis of high
worker productivity.
2. In Britain's case, the remaining ma-
chinery is old and inefficient, a result of a
prewar capitalist economy which refused to
invest in new machinery and more efficient
productive techniques. This was brought
about by the prewar industrialists' constant
fear of a depression which would wipe out
their investments.
3. Britain as a nation has far less natural
resources with which to build a modern in-
dustrial machine.
4. The Russian economy, which has been
actively industrializing for only the past
15 years, could hardly be expected to com-
pete with American industrial methods de-
veloped over a period of 80 years.
For a parallel to the wasteful Russian
methods, we need only look back to Ameri-
can industrial conditions during the late
nineteenth century, when American work-
men worked 12 to 16 hours per day for less
real wages than for eight hours work today.
These statements are not attempts to
apologize for admitted managerial ineffi-
ciencies and red tape which are the great
problems of socialistic and communistic
systems, just as depressions plague the
capitalistic system.
What these facts do make apparent is the
injustice of measuring the shiny, modern
;machines of the richest and most highly de-
veloped industrial nation in the world with
political experiments being carried on in
Britain's worn-out, shattered economy, and
Russia's still infant industries with all their
growing pains.
-Russell B. Clanahan

Library Lament

V''VE WAITED for a book at the circu-
lation desk of the general library for
periods of a half hour or more, our indig-
nation growing with every minute, the
same as a good many fellow-sufferers. And
we've done our share of complaining along
with the rest.
But despite the seemingly "terrible"
service, the University library is work-
ing under a terrific handicap. We
know. In a personal tour behind the
scenes, through stacks, and up into the
attics, we saw the conditions.
The trouble is, the library is literally
crammed with knowledge. The staff hard-
ly knows where to put the next book.
Shelves are full, temporary shelves have
been put up between windows and on all
other possible spaces, books are stacked in
the aisles, some old newspaper files are
even stored in the Health Service Building.
This is in addition to 22 divisional libraries,
-which are also about full.
What does this have to do with
whether we get a book in five minutes
or 35? Several things. Books on the
floor, in the narrow aisles between
stacks, first of all create a travel prob-

lem. They slow up the librarians who
are locating the books asked for on
your slip.
With books on the floor it is difficult to
keep them accurately filed. The librarian
has to check regular shelves, and if its not
there, must go through the row on the
floor, and perhaps to other temporary
In case of little-used books or newspaper
files, he may have to prowl through the
attics, dragging a bulb on an extension
cord behind him for light, or even go over
to Health Service.
The fact that several thousand more
publications are pouring in every year
doesn't make the prospects any bright-
er. Considering these conditions, the
only answer seems to be a new library
building or an a'nnex to the present one.
Although plans are drawn-up, it looks
like a long time before actual construc-
tion can begin.
So next time you want to "gripe" about
the service, just be patient and remember
the library has its headaches too. After all,
they've been driven to confinement at Health
Alice Brinkman

MICHIGAN ALUMNI and students who
have followed the tricky formations of
the Marching Band through the past few
years with pride will be surprised if not
shocked at the allegations against our band
in the November 1 issue of Life magazine's
article on Ohio State University.
The charges, completely unfounded, (as
a simple check of the Michigan Band's
Rose Bowl roster would have proved,) were
that we had sent Petrillo-card-holding
musicians to the Rose Bowl because our
own band "was so pitiful."
Life Magazine moved itself out from under
by adding "-or at least so the report was
around Columbus." But the fact remains
that the statement puts the Band and its
able leader Prof. Revelli in a bad light. Ohio
State's Band has disavowed the story. Life
should have done the same, by the simple
method of eliminating such slanderous re-
marks from the story.
No matter how much "color" a writer
may have wanted to get into an article
on Ohio State's rabid attitude towards
Michigan, there can be no excuse for
blackening of the Michigan reputation,
even when it is a Columbus rumor. It
was an example, not of factual and col-
orful reporting, but of irresponsible jour-
We are becoming discouraged, to say the
least, with the reputation Life Magazine
has built up for this University especially
when such fumbling of the journalistic ball
comes at the time of our Homecoming, when
the alumni are back to enjoy the acquaint-
ance of old friends and the Michigan spirit.
It happened before, last year, when an
article on the Michigan Homecoming had
just the same type of "color" that this
article has. What could have been a fine
photographic essay on Homecoming made
us look plainly ridiculous.
We would suggest that students make
Life magazine aware of their feelings on
the subject.
-Don McNeil.
No Progress?
BAY THIS time the elections have been well
predicted and analysed; and the Uni-
versity has been thoroughly, and deservedly,
scathed for its speaker ban and emascula-
tion of Workers' Education. The analysts
are now installing new typewriter ribbon
for the monumental task of post-election
disquisition, and the scathers are out in
search of more hemlock for the punishment
of a stoical University.
Truman, Dewey, and the other candi-
dates are gargling frantically to re-
move the taste of that most useful of
words, "Liberal". And the University,
out of great and human concern for
its naive charges, is doubtless planning
-some like to say plotting-new efforts
to protect the unsuspecting student
from nasty radical propaganda, (We
may hope that they c:nsider the worker
adequately protected from Marx and
Elder now.)
The condition of the student is simi-
larly disenchanting. He, or she, is roll-
ing up his sleeves for mid-terms and influ-
enza innoculations. To all appearances he
is wishing h were at Purdue, while she is
wishing that some man audacious enough
to publicize his admiration for Purdue pul-
chritude might call for a date so she could
show her disdain. And while few of us
may be Vulcanized and led across campus
on a cold night without proper clothing,
we can all gaze in rapt admiration as the
finishing touches are added to the new fac-
tory across from Angell all.
In the midst of ail this we find some
who dare to say that there i:s no such-

a-thing as progrc . Ve-, there are
cynics who take ueh ' j.undiced view
of man's state. They, in their obviously
impractical mental 1n2bulosity, actually
contend quite seriously that mana' his-
tory has not been one grand success
It behooves us as hu imaiota r'iiis to , iedl
the rays of our enlightenment on such
-nonsense. We must not allow this clan-
gerous heresy to go unchallened. It threat-
ens the salvation of theheretic-s themselves,
if not the basic substance of our civiliza-
We might begin by pointing out that
Homer, poor soul, had only the Medi-
terranean as subject of his magic spell
of words. To what heights could he
have risen had he been privileged to
write of glorious ruddy-brick structures
embellished with shiny chrome do-
dads? But poor deprived Greece had
no great institutions like our Univer-
sity with marvelous new buildings ris-
ing from the earth on an annual basis.
Or we might sympathie with Calvin
who, living in his unregenerate, theocratic
Geneva, had no acquaintance with the
wonders of a modern democratic election
campaign. How much greater would have
been his Institutes had these profound in-
fluences operated in Geneva?
And would not man have been re-
deemed much sooner had t he radical
Servetus been protected in his youth
from the demoralizing concepts which
led him to the stake? Do you not
think the populace in Athens would
have been far heter off with the htne-

"In Some States We're Not Getting Enough Unity Yet"
- I
1"A "r ''\

Neglected, Topographer

Letters to the Editor ...

W ASHINGTQN - A remarkably interest-
ing project has been proposed and stud-
ied at a high level in the State Department.
This project is to create and support an
"Institute of Russian Studies." The per-
sonnel of this organization would be care-
fully selected from the tens of thousands
who have escaped from the Soviet Union
-high army officers, scientists, civil ser-
vants, Communist party officials, specialists
and intellectuals of all kinds.
The proposal has been seriously consid-
ered. Yet it has nearly died in the pre-
election doldrums-it is no doubt too
dangerously unorthodox an idea for offic-
ial Washington in an election year. But
one reason why the advisers of Thomas
E. Dewey might well take a serious inter-
At Hill Auditorium...
FURIA, with Isa Pola, Rossano Brazzi,
Adriana Benetti, and Umberto Spadaro.
AS ADVERTISED, this "Masterpiece of
unrestrained passion" is unrestrained all
right, and maybe it's even passion, but it's
no masterpiece.
Basically, somebody had an excellent idea
and it's a pity more wasn't made of it. The
setting is an Italian horse farm on which
the owner has considerable trouble with his
wife, who dotes on inciting the hired hands
to lust.
His wife has her troubles, too, because
the more attractive farm hand eventually
has to marry the boss's daughter to prevent
the disclosure of his relationship to the
boss's wife. With such shall-we-say inter-
esting material, it couldn't have been easy
to make such a dull picture.
The action drags throughout, except for
one refreshing scene where the principals
try to spread their remains all over the
countryside. Also the transitions between
annnca. frort~lw rnnnv na n at.fin.

est in the proposal is suggested by the
story of the Soviet topographer.
He was the chief Soviet map specialist in
Moscow before the war. After the war, he
was ordered to the Soviet zone of Germany.
Soon after he arrived, he risked his life to
escape to the American zone.
No doubt he assumed that freedom, and
a chance to do his work unmolested, lay with
the Americans. But for more than two years,
the topographer has languished in a small
town in the American zone of Germany, liv-
ing from hand to mouth with a few other
escaped Russians.
No one knows just how many Soviet
citizens have fled from the 'harsh grip of
the Soviet system since the war. Estimates
range up to 100,000.
The tight control over all aspects of life
in the Soviet Union makes it a far more dif-
ficult mtelligence objective than Nazi Ger-
many even at tlie height of the war, accord-
ing to experienced intelligence men. Yet
these tens of thousands of Soviet citizens
outside the Soviet Union constitute a gold
mine of information. And the fact is that
the gold mine has hardly been worked at
all. Some few escaped Soviet or satellite
military men and a few specialists have been
interrogated. But they are the exceptions.
The neglected topographer is the rule.
Yet it is certainly a job worth doing. The
best way to do it, according to those who
have studied the matter, including the State
Department planners, is to establish, in the
United States, the proposed "Institute of
Russian Studies," rather than to attempt
a futile peacemeal interrogation. Vital stra-
tegic information would be an important by-
product of such a project. But more import-
ant would be the insight into the ponderous,
mysterious functionings of the Soviet state
which would then become available to the
makers of foreign policy. American policy
toward the Soviet Union could then be based
on fact, rather than on intelligent guess-
Copyright, 1948, New York ferald Tribune Inc.)
New Books at General Library
Berto, Giuseppe--The Sky Is Red. New York,
NTewTirectins. 194R

(Continued from Page 3)
2. The following schedule starts
Mon.,' Nov. 1, 8 a.m.-12 noon and
1-5 p.m. at Health Service for
second week of program. Practi-
cally no waiting in line.
November 1-K, L
November 2-M, N, 0
November 3-P, Q. R
November 4-S
November 5-T, thru Z
Those in earlier part of alpha-
bet not treated, come on most
convenient day. Reactions even
less than expected.
1. Charge of $1.00
2. Entersouth door near Dental
Bldg. Stop at Cashier's office.
Join line downstairs.
3. No spouses, except student
wives, nor children.
4. 8-9 a.m. favorable time.
November 1-A to C (inc.)
November 2-D to H (inc.)
November 3-I to M (inc.)
November 4-N to S (inc.)
November 5-T to Z (inc.)
6. All except student wives
bring University card.
The following interviews are
scheduled for this week: November
3rd: Carnation Company. They
are interested in literary, business
administration, engineering, sci-
ence, and agricultural students
any any others who may be inter-
ested in their student training
program for plant management
and supervisory positions.
November 3rd: Dr. Paul Wil-
liams of Toledo will interview for
the following companies: Gen-
eral Fireproofing Company who
are seeking people for semi-tech-
nical sales (business or literary
students); Youngstown Sheet
and Tube Co. who are seeking
people for semi-technical isales
(business), mechanical, or chmi-
cal engineers; Timken Roller
Bearing Company who want peo-
ple for engineering sales and serv-
ice, foreign engineering sales, and
mechanical, industrial, electrical,
mining, and metallurgical engi-
neers for various departments.
November 4th: S. S. Kresge Co.
of Detroit will interview candi-
dates for their executive training
program. Appointments and fur-
ther information may be obtained
by calling Ext. 371,orin the of-
fice at 201 Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments
United World Federalists:
Speakers Bureau is now ready to
make available competent speak-
e's on world government for stu-
dent organization meetings and
men's and women's house meet-
ings. If interested please contact
Sam Dudley, 1036 W. Liberty.
University Community Center,
Willow Village
Sun., Oct. 31, 10:45 a.m., Inter-
denominational church and nur-
4:30 p.m., Church-sponsored
discussion and pot-luck.
Mon., Nov. 1, 8 p.m., Sewing
Class; Faculty Wives' Bridge
Night. Everybody invited.
Tues., Nov. 2, 8 p.m., Wives'
Club Bridge Night. Open to all.
Wed., Nov. 3, 8 p.m., Ceramics.
Thurs., Nov. 4, 8 p.m., Ceramics.
Discussion Group - "Irter-

preting Election Results." All in-
terested persons invited.
Sat., Nov. 6, 9-11:30 p.m., Wives'
Club FALL FROLIC. Informal
dance. Everybody invited, Small
admission fee.
Lec tre
Raymond Gram Swing, noted
news analyst and radio commen-
tator, will speak tomorrow at 8:30
p.m., in Hill Auditorium on the
1948-49 Lecture Course series.
His subject will be "History on
the March." Tickets may be pur-
chased at the auditorium box of-
fice tomorrow 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Mr. Frank S. Whiting, Vice
President of the American Furni-
ture Mart Building Company, Inc.,
will speak at 10 a.m., Wed., Nov.
3, Rm. 3D, Michigan Union. All
students in the Wood Technology
Curriculum and the furniture in-
dustry program are urged to at-
tend. Any others are welcome.
Academic Notices
Organic Chemistry Seminar:
Mr. Gene Fornefeld will speak on
The Chemistry of Hydrogenated
Phenanthrenes at 7:30 p.m., Mon.,.
Nov. 1, 2308 Chem. Bldg.
Sports Instruction for Women:
Women students who have com-
pletedtheir physical education
requirement may register for class
vacancies as electives on Mon-
day and Tuesday mornings (No-
vember 1 and 2) in Office 15,
Barbour Gymnasium.
Orientation Seminar: 4:30 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 3, Rm. 5001 Angell
Hall. Mr. Seymour Ginsburg will
discuss Transfinite Ordinal Num -
Carillon Recital: Another in the
current series of carillon pro-
grams will be presented at 2:15
p.m., Sun., Oct. 31, by Prof. Price,
University Carillonneur. All-Bach
Events Today
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
"Early White Jazz Artists," 8 p.m.,
Michigan League Ballroom. Every-
one invited.
Polonia Club: Hike. Meet at the
side entrance of the Michigan Un-
ion at 2 p.m. Guests are invited.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Meeting, 4:30 p.m., Fireplace room,
Lane Hall.
Social Research Group: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall lounge.
Student Religious Groups:
First Baptist Church: Roger
Williams Guild program, 6 p.m.'
Student panel: "Issues in the
Coming Election." Bible Study
class, 10 a.m.
Presbyterian Church: Westmin-
ster Guild supper, 5:30 p.m. Panel
discussion: "As Others See Us." .
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Supper, 6 p.m., Congrega;tional
Church, with the program of
"Predicament of Modern Man"
series, to be 'continued by a dis-
cussion of "Man, Money, Ma-
chines, and Religions."
Lutheran Student Association:
Choir practice, 4:30 p.m., Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall. Meeting,

The Daily accords its readers the,
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject1
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters :exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Foreign Policy
To the Editor:
AS THE presidential election
draws to a close, it is neces-
5:30 p.m. Rev. Albert Hackensack
of Toledo, will speak on "Impli-
cations of Christian Stewardship."
Coming Events
Science Research Club: Novem-
ber meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tues.,
Nov. 2, Rackham Amphitheatre.
"Photoviscosity," by W. W. Hag-
erty, Department of Engineering
"The Role of Flourin in Dental
Caries," by Philip Jay, School of
Election of new members.
Women's Research Club: 8 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 1, West Lecture Room,
Rackham Bldg. Dr. Ollie Backus
will speak on "Studies in Inten-
sive Group Therapy for Speech
Disorders - Implications for
Michigan Actuarial Club: Dr.
Wilmer A. Jenkins, Vice President
and Actuary of the T. I. A. A., will
speak on "Annuitant Mortality" at
Angell Hall. All interested are
Graduate History Club Coffee
Hour: Mon., Nov. 1, 4 to 5 p.m.,
Clements Library. All graduate
history students and faculty cor-
dially invited.
Phi Sigma: Regular meeting, 8
p.m., Mon., Nov. 1, Rackham Am-
phitheat're. Dr. Claude W. Hib-
bard will present an illunstrated
lecture on "Fossil Hunting on the
High Plains." Open to the public.
Business meeting, 7:30 p.m. Elect-
ing a delegate to the national
Alpha Kappa Psi: Business
meeting, Chapter House, Mon-
day, November 1, 7:30 p.m.
La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 1, Grill Room, Michi-
gan League.
University women students and
guests (men and women) may
bowl for a small fee on the Wom-
en's Athletic Building alleys at
the following hours:
Tues. through Sat., 7:30-9:30
Fri., 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Graduate Students: Meeting
for students interested in plan-
ning a Graduate Mixer, 7:30 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 2, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg.
Pershing Rifles: Business meet-
ing, 7 p.m. Rushing Smoker, 7:30
p.m.,Tues., Nov. 2, Michigan Un-
ion. All members must attend.
All Seniors who wish to run for
class office in the School of Edu-
cation register in the Office of the
Dean before Wed., Nov. 10.
U. of M, Dames Music Group
will meet at the home of Mrs. Glen
Hoffman, 534 Thompson, Apt. 3,
Nov. 1, 8 p.m. Plans for the year
will be made and a record pro-
gram will be presented. Those
needing transportation may dall

Mrs. Hoffman at 2-8733 evenings.
J.Z.F.A. Song and Dance Group,
8 p.m., Tues., Nov. 2, Michigan
League. Everyone welcome.
Student Religious Association:
Hindustan Student Association:
6:15. p.m., Mon., Nov. 1, Fireplace
Room. Lane Hall. ,
Bull Session: 7:30 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 1; Lane Hall basement.
Student Peace Fellowship-:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 1,
Fireplace room, Lane Hall.
Psychology Colloquium: 3:45
p.m., Mon., Nov. 1, Lane Hall.
Social Action committee: Meet-
ing, 4 p.m., Mon., Nov. 1, Lane
Hall lounge.
Student Religious Association:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 1,
Lane Hall.
Sociedad Hispanica: Social
hcour, 4-5 p.m., Mon., Nov. 1, In-
ternational Center.

sary for the voter to analyze the
position of the two major parties
on the most vital issue-foreign
Our atomic scientists tell us that
there must be no third world war
for it can only result in the de-
struction of mankind. Yet, in spite
of this, who can deny that the
present foreign policy is drawing
us deeper into the crucible war.
During the past two years the
Democrats and the Republicans
have united to form bi-partisan
foreign policy. How well has this
formula worked? In Greece we
are getting nowhere for our money.
In fact, the number of "commu-
nists" has increased many-fold.
In China it is the same story. Only
three years ago we were fighting
a war to defeat fascism. Yet the
House voted 3-1 to extend aid to
Spain and Secretary of State Mar-
shall has intensified the drive to
more thoroughly help this nation.
The burden of our bungling falls
squarely upon Democrats and Re-
publicans alike. Truman, who said
he hoped for as many Russian
deaths as possible at the ,onset of
the war, made a bp:ic change in
American foreign policy after the
death of Roosevelt. He turned
away from the U.N. to his mili-
tary and financial advisors who
have since pursued a "get tough"
policy and an armaments race. In
the past this has not prevented
war, but led to it. Dewey offers
no change in the bi-partisan set-
So on election day one doesn't
have a choice between the two
old parties to protest the present
policy whic, if allowed to continue,
will destroy everything-including
the hopes of those who fought in
the last war.
-Gordon MacDougall
* *I *
Mon Dieu
To the Editor:
MY, .M.Y .I didn't know
molehills could get so crowded
However, in reference to Prof.
Cuyler's letter of Oct. 29, I would
like to point out that my original
correction dealt with Mr. Mat-
law's apparent translation of Le
Sacre du Printempss. I am per-
fectly aware that "Scenes (or Pic-
tures) of Pagan Russia" is the
subtitle, but to follow the French
title immediately with the English
subtitle in parenthesis is to imply
that that is the translation. Mr.
Matlaw was guilty of either false
assumptions or poor syntax.
As to the literal translation of
Le Sacre du Printemps, it is "The
Rite of Spring." But we "erudites"
often say "Rites of Spring" (to
save time), and one reputable
cyclopedia of music even goes so
unilateral as to say "The Conse-
cratioans of Spring."
-Elinor Anne Patterson.

Fifty-Ninth Year

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ...............City Editor
Naomi Stern........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti .... Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Bess Hayes................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .,.....Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culinan .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ,....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper,
All rights of republication of all other
mattersherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mall,


What are you doing in my
house? Come here, you braf!

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