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October 28, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-28

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THURSDAY, _O BER 28..1949

THE MICHIGIJ D... . ._.AILY' wvr~uiry:lvC4VlA f~ i~0
- ' I .

Imagination Control

A FLURRY of censorship by governments
and pressure groups of the motion pic-
4ure industry has stepped on a lot of toes,
but not only on the toes of the film producers
but also on the toes of every person who
respects and wishes to practice for himself
the right of freedom of expression. In the
light of such violations, the meetings of the
United Nations Subcommittee on Human
Rights seem useless.
From Spain comes word that "Gentle-
man's Aggreement" has been banned by
the board of censors because of the "the-
ological violations." According to a priest
on the board of censors the picture hints
"that Christians are not superior to Jews."
From Moscow, where you would expect
this sort of thing, we receive word that
"Bambi" has been banned because of the
"capitalistic concepts" it entails.
And in England, the movie showers are
gathering together to ban movies in which
Ben, Hecht has had a part in the production,
because of his anti-British stand with re-
gards to the Palestine question.
But don't think that the rash of cen-
sorship has not affected the United States.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


The English movie, Oliver Twist, has been
banned in the United States because of
the character Fagin, disreputable indivi-
dual who happens also to be Jewish. And
the latest Lana Turner epic, Three Mus-
keteers, features a Richelieu, not Cardinal
Richelieu according to the movie, because
in history but not in fiction, this disre-
putable character happens to be an official
in the Catholic Church.
Each and everyone of us has an interest
in this censorship. Small pressure groups
which feel themselves persecuted at every
turn of the road cannot be allowed to con-
trol our channel of thought today.
There is need to defend the rights of our
minorities. But there is also a need for
perspective and the fancied wrongs done
to us are more harmful than the real
thing when we raise a cloud of issues around
And the point closest to home on this
score is the rather silly picketing of "Song
of the South" last year when it appeared
in Ann Arbor, because of the fact that
Uncle Remus, a Negro, was pictured as
not entirely satisfied with his lot of a
slave because of the good treatment he
happened to receive.
It is good to have principles. It is better
to fight for them. But let's let our common
sense control our imaginations and not let
our imagination clamp down controls on our
freedom of expression.
-lon' McNeil.


-wo ammamaNza"

What's To Be Doe

COOLLY intellectual, and not enthusiasti-
cally attended, the United Nations Town
meeting, at the League Sunday night, pro-
duced quiet praises of the UN's struggles
for world peace, but got nowhere in finding
a realistic method for making peace secure.
The speakers of the panel, although
awed with the UN's potentialities as a
moral force, could find no plans or proj-
ects to make that force felt by the world..
They pleaded that the strength of UN
resided in the support of the common
people, and to the question "What can we
do?" they discovered nothing but limp
generalizations. They could not even ven-
ture a good pep talk.
They were right, however, in saying UN's
strength rests in the people it represents.
Just as wars are fought only because there
are people willing to fight them, we will
have peace only when people throw off their
apathy and get out to work for it. If the
world has been convinced that peace is a
necessity, it is just as necessary that we
make sacrifices to gain it.
But as Wyn Price, student speaker at the
symposium, asserted, the people of Europe
are too concerned with eating tomorrow to
think of peace next week. It is up to the
people of this country, who have time,
leisure and energy, to do what they can
for the security of the world. There is no

thinking person in Ann Arbor, or America,
who does not want peace, but few people
realize how much they can do, here in this
city, to insure the peace we need.
To us India is not a reality like the
corner drug store. And, although we pity
Ivan, dominated by his Communist bosses,.
our only reaction is to have a last good
time before the first atom bomb thuds
on our heads. Like the audience at Sun-
day's meeting, we sit on our intellectual
rears and glibly praise humane actions,
while humanity's last chances are heaved
out the back door.
* * * -
What can we do? We can at least:
1. Stump for a bill giving the flag and
anthem of the United Nations precedence
over those of the United States; so that
the UN flag should be flown above our own,
and the anthem played before our own.
2. Give, in our thought, study, and con-
versation, at least as much respect to the
UN as we give to our own national govern-
ment, and work to have this policy of re-
spect taught in our schools.
These are not measures intended to hum-
ble or lessen our national pride in any
degree; rather, they would make us realize
we are only one nation'in a world of nations.
This realization is the first step to lasting
--Bob Bentley.

WHEN RED BAITERS decided to switch
over to the Oliver system of teaching
Americans what's naughty, the current anti-
Communist indoctrination became less and
less palatable.
Oliver, for whom the new system is
named, is neither a prototype of Parnell
Thomas nor any other commie-catching
hero. He is an octopus, a genuine, slimy,
eight-legged octopus.
Prof. J. Z. Young of University College
in London was either experimenting strictly
in the interest of science or trying to de-
velop a sort of "Brave New World" method
of education by association. From the actual
experiment itself, it looks suspiciously like
the latter.
Oliver, a nice, harmless octopus was mind-
ing his own business at the bottom of the
Mediterranean one day when the apparently
harmless professor came around and rounded
up him and some of his friends.
The professor stuck Oliver in a nice
clean aquarium and started feeding him
regularly on what octopuses dream of
most-big luscious crabs. These the pro-
fessor served up on a clean white plate.
So every time Oliver naturally bounded
out of his grotto at the sight of a white
plate and lurched at what he knew would
be lunch.
But the nasty professor soon spoiled his
fun. He tried lowering red plates, complete
with crabs and a strong electrical charge.
After several successive shocks, Oliver
learned to exclude from his diet anything
served on a red plate, no matter how juicy.
But one day the professor lowered white
plates again-this time with the same elee-
trical shocks used with the red plates. Poor
Oliver went mad. The most massive Med-.
iterranean crab couldn't lure him from his
hiding place. lIe is now not only a hopeless
neurotic but the constant victim of a ter-
rible, gnawing hunger.
Oliver's plight is not a lonely one. Cam-
paign managers, candidates, and interested
individuals are taking up the professor's clue.
For years they have shocked us out of in-
terest in certain parties and groups by asso-
ciating them with Communism. Now we
are supposed to be shocked away from the
Republican party when a candidate asso-
ciates it with fascist dictatorship.
Poor Oliver doesn't have it so bad. He
will soon learn to eat again. But unless the
Oliver system is discarded it looks as though
the American citizen is doomed to the sad
fate of mental starvation.
-George Walker.
Familiar .Feud
WASHINGTON-In the sea of troubles
into which Thomas E. Dewey will soon
be plunged as President of the United
States, not the least troublesome will be the
unending battle between the United States
Navy and the United States Air Force. Sec-
retary of Defense James Forrestal has made
repeated and valiant efforts to settle this
row. At Newport, R.I., last August, it was
thought on all sides that he had succeeded.
But since Oct. 10, the battle has been joined
again more fiercely than before. For on
that day, the Air Force believes, the Navy
"kicked the stuffings out of the Newport
The row is, of course, about the vital
question of whether the Air Force should
have final, over-all responsibility for stra-
tegic bombing in case of war, or whether
the Navy should have a major independent
strategic bombing role. This inevitably
gives rise to a subsidiary battle about how
big a slice of the defense pie each service
should cut.
Two major attempts to settle the fight

have already been made. The first was at
Key West, Fla., in March, and the second
was the Newport meeting last August. A final
agreement was ostensibly reached at New-
port. The Air Force would have "exclusive
responsibility" for its "primary mission"-
strategic bombing. The Navy would have
similar responsibility for anti-submarine
warfare. Thus, or so it seemed, the bitter
dispute was at last ended.
Yet, beneath the surface, the row is now
flaming fiercely again. The reasons are
simple. On Oct. 10, the Navy made a "pres-
entation" to the Committee on the Reorgan-
ization of the National Defense, one of the
Hoover Commission groups. The chairman
of the Committee is Ferdinand Eberstadt.
Mr. Eberstadt, as the Air Force is fully
aware, is a leading candidate for Secretary
of National Defense in Dewey's cabinet.
At this presentation, Vice Admiral Ar-
thur Radford, representing the Navy
planners, urged on the Committee the
Navy view that the Navy should have a
major independent role in strategic bomb-
ing by carrier-based aircraft.
The Navy thus clearly means to play a
major independent role in strategic bombing
-specifically in delivering the atom bomb-
in case of war. Moreover, the Navy "super1-
carrier," with the flotilla of supporting es-
corts which it must have, may mean a total
investment as high as $1,000,000,000.
The Navy's super-carrier program, more-
over, is viewed privately by the Air Force
experts with the deepest skepticism. The
sacrifice to sink it.
has yet to find an effective counter to the

"I Don't Mind Riding With Him
As Far As Washington"

Letters to the Editor ...



Truman Anyway

Publication in The Daly Official
B1 (lletin is constructive notice to all
miembes of the University. Notices
fo (a' tan k ll.in sourld he sent in
I ypwrti el tri to Ithe office of the
Assistant to the Pis:o nt, Ruoin 1021
Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. n the clay
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Satur-
VOL. LIX, No. 33
All Faculty Members: To avoid
delay in delivery of United States
mail have your correspondents use
your departmental or office ad-
dress, not simply "University of
Community Fund: Members of
the University Staff are requested
to hand their Community Fund
contributions to their department
representatives by Fri., Oct. 29.
Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and
Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for
February graduation have been
posted on the bulletin board in
Room 4, University Hall. If your
name is misspelled or the degree
expected 4incorrect, please notify
the Counter Clerk.
Registration Material: All stu-
dents who took registration blanks
from'the Bureau of Appointments
last week are reminded that their
material is due back in the of-
fice a week from the day they took
it out. Friday is the final day for
returning blanks without penalty.
No blanks will be accepted be-
tween Oct. 30 and Nov. 15, at
which time a late registration fee
of $1.00 must be paid. Office hours
are from 9 a.m.-12 noon, and 2-4
Illinois game open-houses may
be held in officially organized stu-
dent residences on Saturday, Oct.
30, between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30
p.m. for pre-game functions and
between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. for
post-game functions.
Raymond Gram Swing, noted
news analyst and radio commen-
tator, will be presented Monday,
at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium as
the second number on the 1948-49
Lecture Course. "History on the
March" is the subject of Mr.
Swing's talk. Tickets go on sale
at the auditorium box office Sat-
urday morning.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Applied Ma the-
matics: 4 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 28,
Rm. 247 W. Engineering Bldg. Mr.
Ward Sangren speaks on General-
izations of the classical theorems
on expansions in series of orthog-
onal functions.
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: 4 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 28, Rm.
101 W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. J.
Ormondroyd will discuss "Vibra-
tion Problems in Large Ships."
Physical Education for Women:
Registration for the indoor season
will be held in the fencing roomI
in Barbour Gymnasium this week
as follows:
Fri., Oct. 29, 7:30 a.m.-12 noon;
1-4 p.m.

Saturday, Oct. 30, 8 a.m.- 12
Carillon Recital: by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur, at
7:15 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 28. Pro-
gram will include group of Flem-
ish carillon compositions, and
eight British Folk Songs.
Events Today
"Summer Solstice," original
play by Robert G. Shedd, 8 p.m.,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
play is presented by the depart-
ment of speech and will be given
tonight through Saturday night.,
Tickets are on sale at the theatre
box office 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Students
will be given a special rate on
tickets tonight.
Student-Faculty Hour: 4-5 p.m.,
Grand Rapids Room, Michigan
League from 4 to 5. Co-sponsored
by Assembly and Pan-hellenic as-
sociations. Botany and zoology
departments this week.
Ordnance Film Hour: 8 p.m.,
Rm. 3-R, Michigan Union. All
Ordnance ROTC students are in-
vited. Films for this month:
"Task Force Williwaw" (North-
ern Operations), "Concrete Pierc-
ing Nose Fuzes," "The Cathode
Ray Oscillograph."
International Center weekly tea,
4:30 p.m. Hostesses: Mrs. Martha
Wentworth and Mrs. Homer Un-
Panhellenic Ball Refreshments
Committee: Meeting, 5 p.m., Mich-
igan League. Bring eligibility
Student Religious Association.
W.S.S.F. Committee: Meeting,
4:15 Lane Hall Fireplace Room.
Social Action Dept.: 1 p.m., Lane
Hall lounge.
Committee on Intercultural Dis-
cussions: 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall
Hospital Fellowship group: 7
p.m., University Hospital Chapel.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal for the chorus and
principals, Michigan League.
Room will be posted.
Zeta Phi Eta, Speech Arts:
Business meeting, 4:15 p.m., Rm.
4208 Angell Hall. Transfers and
graduates invited.
Eta Kappa Nu: Dinner meeting,
6:15 p.m., Michigan Union.
N.S.A. Committee: Meeting 4
p.m., Rrn. 3-L, Michigan Union,
Michigan Crib: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Speak-
er: Dean E. Blythe Stason. Every-
one invited.
Deutscher Verein: 7:45 p.m.,
Rm. 38, Michigan Union. Pro-
gram: presentation of Hans Sachs'
Ein Fahrender Schuler im Para-
dies, poetry readings, and a movie.
American Society of Heating and
Ventilating Engineers presents Mr.
Sterling Sanford of Detroit Edi-
son Co. who will speak on "The
Heat Pump," 7:30 p.m., Rm. 229
W. Engineering Bldg. Open meet-1

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Share the Fate?
To the Editor:
dressed to the editor of the
Daily Tar Heel of the University
of North Carolina. But since it's
about Michigan, I thought perhaps
it might prove interesting as a
comparative standard:
During the two years which I
spent at Carolina, representatives
of at least four political parties
(including the present Progressive
and Socialist candidates for pres-
ident) spoke from public platforms
there. Two campaigning candi-
dates for governor (all were in-
vited) and one for United States
Senator spoke frankly as candi-
dates. In addition, several current
office holders spoke in a non-par-
tisan position on the program of
the Carolina Political Union, dis-
cussing both foreign and domestic
issues of the day and defending
or explaining their own positions
I personally attended a great
many of these meetings, though
I was never actively associated
with any sponsoring organization.
As a voting citizen I considered it
a privilege as well as a real duty
to hear these speakers. But I can-
not ever recall having thought that
it was anything more than my na-
tural right.
I was well aware that Dr. Frank
Graham, president of the Univer-
sity was under frequent bombard-
ment from conservative elements
within the state when such speak-
ers as Miss Flynn of the Commu-
nist Party and Mr. Wallace of the
Progressive Party appeared. I sup-
pose I thought it a courageous
stand for him to take against
those forces which would bar free
speech, but again I cannot recall
having thought it anything more
than his actual duty as the presi-
dent of the university.
But I have had the light in
which I view these matters con-
siderably altered by more recent
experience. Since June of 1948
U. of M. Rifle Club: firing, 7
p.m., Basement, ROTC range.
La p'tite causetts: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
Delta Epsilon Phi, Hellenic Club:
Meeting concerning the coming
Mid-Western Convention, 7 p.m.,
Rm. 3-B, Michigan Union. All
students of Hellenic descent and
Phil-Hellenes are urged to attend.
Young Democrats: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Last
meeting before elections.

I have been a student at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, which will
undoubtedly be acknowledged by
all as one of the great universities
of the nation. I do not ever recall
having heard it referred to as a
great liberal institution (some-
thing we Carolina folks have a
way of tossing around), but I
cannot but say that I was pro-
foundly shocked when I discovered
that the freedom of political dis-
cussion in public assembly which
I formerly took so for granted and
even with apathy is here com-
pletely forbidden.
The situations are, so far as I
can see, very similar. This is a
state institution, supported by leg-
islative appropriations. It has a
president who is unquestionably a
man of personal integrity. But
somewhere in that legislature-re-
gents - administration chain of
command someone has chosen to
forget the basic liberty to which
any university is entitled. Being a
newcomer to the campus, I dare
not lay it at any point along that
line. I cite the instance merely
to make a point.
The point is clear: in a rising
tide of reaction, it will be all too
easy for those in positions of in-
fluence to overcome the people
like me who enjoy the right to
hear all we can but seldom get
enthusiastic enough about the
privilege to press for its contin-
In the post-election doldrums,
with so many other issues crowd-
ing for our attention, it will be
a tremendous temptation to relax
our insistence on hearing all sides
of the picture from the folks who
know those sides. The democrat's
extremity is the reactionary's op-
portunity. So long as Dr. Frank
remains president of the univer-
sity, I have no fear from that
link of the chain. It is of students
that I urge constant effort.
Be non-partisan if you can. Be
partisan if you must. But don't
be indifferent! Don't let the Uni-
versity of North Carolina share
the fate of the University of Mich-
-Lee Copple.
* * *
Without Permission
To the Editor:
N REGARD to the letter pub-
lished Wednesday October 27
concerning the Purdue women we
would like to apologize to Harvey
Belfer for affixing his signature
without his knowledge or consent.
-Mike Schwartz.
Al Goldman.
To the Editor:
1 WISH 'tHE reader who saw fit
to sign my name to yesterday's
letter concerning the marching
band had also seen fit to state my
opinion which is that the band
has been doing a swell job this
-W. R. Upthegrove.


Phi Omega, Service Fra-
Executive Committee
7 p.m., 304 Wenley House.

Fifty-Ninth Year

ON THE WHOLE, I would rather see Tru-
man win than Dewey. It seems to me
that for Truman to win, in spite of the fact
that the Dixiecrat right has left him and
that the far left has left him, and that
the conservatives are so smugly sure they
are going to come paddling in, would show
that there is still a great body of liberal
aspiration left in this country, and there
would be something fine about the upsetting
of so many applecarts.
Mr. Truman is a poor vehicle for those
liberal aspirations, but his victory would
at least indicate that they existed, while
I know of no way to make a Dewey vic-
tory look like a gain for liberalism. One
has only to realize what stunned shock
there would be in American conservative
circles if Truman were to win; to feel that
this would be in some way, and on some
significant level, a demonstration.
There are, in any case, going to be hard
days for liberalism ahead, and I cannot see
but this period will get off to a better start
with the election of Truman than with the
election of Dewey.
The very fact of an upset for that kind
of reactionary opinion which feels it has
the American public neatly ticketed must
make a finer beginning for whatever tor-
tuous period of political reorganization lies
before us. If a Truman victory showed noth-
ing else, it would at least show that there
are forces in American life which are, in
however unclear a fashion, through however
difficult an election, seeking a way of their
own, in spite of an overwhelming trend to
the contrary through all the public opinion
The fact that Truman is an unreliable
liberal, a malleable man, who fled from
Roosevelt as fast as he could, and is now
running back toward him as fast as he

after the election, and if it would be a
point after the election, it must, in some
way, be a point before the election.
From the point of view of the post-election
situation, there is a difference between the
way liberals would feel and act after a Tru-
man victory, and the way they would feel
and act after a Dewey victory. It seems to
me that if liberalism is, for a time, going
to be defeated, it would be an advantage
for Republicanism to be defeated, too, and
that the essential work of liberal reorgani-
zation would take off better in an atmo-
sphere of Republican dismay and defeat
than in an atmosphere of Republican tri-
For these reasons I say that, if I may
have a wish, I wish for Truman to twin.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)

B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Membership Dance, 3 p.m. League
Ballroom. Admission by member-
ship card only (membership cards
will be sold at the door).
University of Michigan Young
Republicans: Last meeting of the
semester, 7:30 p.m., Hussey Room,
Michigan League. Gerald R. Ford,
jr,. candidate for Congress from
Grand Rapids will speak to the
group on "The Future of Young
People in Republican Party Af-
Coming Events
Michigan Actuarial Club: Dr.
Wilmer A: Jenkins, Vice President
and Actuary of the T. I. A. A., will
speak on "Annuitant Mortality" at
3:15 p.m., Mon., Nov. 1, Rm. 2219
Angell Hall. All interested are
German Coffee Hour: .3-4:30
p.m. Fri., Oct. 29, Michigan League
Coke Bar. All students and fac-
ulty members invited.
Russian Circle: 8 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 1, International Center. Dr.
Kish, speaker: subject: "Russian
Folklore." All are invited.
United World Federalists mem-
bers are urged to attend the Ray-
mond Swing Lecture Monday eve-
ning, Nov. 1, Hill Auditorium;
sponsored by the University Ora-
torical Association. Mr. Swing is
National Vice-President of UWF.
Subject: "History On The March."

Looking Back

Printed in the classified section of The
Daily: Lost---a pair of gold-rimmed pine-nez
by a near-sighted student. Finder please call
at 503 Madison St. and receive reward.
Arm chair strategist Hurry-Up Yost lik-
ened war to football. Said Yost, "The dif-
ferent drives made on the battle fronts are
similar to the various positions and trick
plays which occur on the gridiron." Every
day Yost would map out the course of World
War I and give the varsity a talk on "the
situation over there" before daily football
University professors expressed ridicule in
a survey conducted by The Daily at the
attempt of a British scientist to communi-

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor
Murray Grant .. ....Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery...... Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matterseherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,


Mr. Merrie is upstairs with the architect-
Don't rush up after him. Gus.

Thank you-Say! We've been But-
eating these RAW! Can't we

This back parlor is perfect
for our little party. If we

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