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October 20, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-20

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... ..


Campaign Ser

HIS BUSINESS of egg-throwing, tomato-
tossing, and plain jeering is indicative
of the very low level to which our presiden-
tial election campaign seems to be degener-
ating. Gone are our speech making and
platform policies as a vote-getting qualifica-
tion. Candidates in 1952 will probably need
a training period as sparring partner for
Joe Louis.
There can be no one group blamed for
the entire fiasco, but rather the sin is
upon ourselves and our children, as the
saying goes, if the President of the United
States steps down from the high position
of respect he holds in the rest of the
world. They wept with us at the death of
lFranklin Delano Roosevelt. What must
they be saying about the potentially next
president of the United States being hit
in the kisser with an overripe tomato?
Europeans have long considered the Amer-
icans as rather childish when it comes to
accepting responsibility for world affairs.
This 1948 campaign can only convince them
of how right they are.
Henry Wallace was the first to receive
a materialistic mud-slinging. It was in the
heart of the prejudiced and bigoted. coun-
try but it was neither attacked nor denied
in the "more enlightened" north. In fact,
several of our "Republican" newspapers
took up the idea (as they did a year ago
when Gerhart Eisler was the object of an
egg attack) that it was an expression of
good old-fashioned one hundred and one
per cent Americanism.
But then Dewey went to Illinois.
Immediately the repulsive nature of an
attack on a person who might one day be
our president was brought to our attention.
This time, the Democrats had little to say
about the mess of tomatoes dropped on Mr.
Dewey's platform.
If there is any hope at all for the preser-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

vation of the esteem of the American Pres-
ident it lies in the treatment that Presi-
dent Truman has received. So far, and here
we keep our fingers crossed, the President
has not received any vegetable offerings.
It may be, and we certainly hope so, because
of the fact that he is not ONLY a candidate
but also the President of the United States.
-Don McNeil.
NSA Report
LAST AUGUST, the National Student
Association held its first annual con-
gress, attended by more than 700 students
representing over 250 colleges and Uni-
versities in the United States.
The University was represented by 13
delegates chosen last spring by the Stu-
dent Legislature Cabinet. These dele-
gates, in theory, represented the entire
campus. In theory, also, every student
is a member of NSA. Yet, the group
carrying on the activities of NSA on
this campus is only a small percentage,
of the total enrollment.
Tonight, the University delegates will
give their reports on the NSA congress at
an open meeting of the Student Legisla-
ture. They will speak on the various
workshops held during the congress, pre-
sent a brief history of NSA, and give their
impressions of the congress. Reports will
also be given on the projects which NSA
plans to put into effect during this year.
A question period will be held after the
Tonight's meeting will provide an op-
portunity to hear about NSA from peo-
ple most familiar with the organization,
and to question any aspect of its work.
The National Student Association is an
organization devoted entirely to student
problems. It operates on a local, national,
and international basis. It can continue
to function effectively, however, only if
students are interested in it. The success
of the meeting tonight will be a clear
indication of that interest.
-Roma Lipsky


--------- ------ l-&

Red Feather Drive

"WHY SHOULD I kick in another nickel?"
This is the attitude of man grumbling
students everytime they are asked to give a
few dimes for a tag day.
Possibly they are beginning to consider
the tag day a huisance, but when the op-,
portunity arises for making a contribution
which will be. used to support many dif-
ferent organizations, even these students
should feel willing to participate.
i The Community Chest Fund Drive is such
a campaign. Contributions in the form of
workers solicit once a year are used to
support 15 social agencies.
Those of us who were brought up in crowd-
ed cities can remember the hot summer
afternoons when we went down to the "Y"
for a swim. Others can remember the Boy
Scouts or the Girl Scouts, and the thrill
of a week-end hike.
Not so far from the campus is the Perry
Nursery School, where children of working
mothers receive day-long care by trained

teachers. Many of these children have fa-
thers attending classes on campus.
Of use to married students is the Family
Service, which, among other functions, offers
individual counselling for family problems.
These are only a few of the 15 groups,
supported by the Community Chest. Al-
though the others may not be so familiar
to us they are just as important.
They include the Salvation Army, the
Children's Aid Society, the Dunbar Commun-
ity Center, the Public Health Nursing Asso-
ciation, the American Cancer Society, the
Community Nursing Council, and the Coun-
cil of Social Agencies.
Every one of these Red Feather agencies
offer vital services to the community, and
all are supported by ONE fund drive dur-
ing the year.
When the opportunity arises for us to
make a donation or a pledge to the Com-
munity Chest, let's not consider it as a glor-
ified tag day, but recognize the drive as our
chance to do a small part in helping out.
-Ray Courage.

Dewey Mystery
I DO NOT HAVE the feeling, after six
weeks of his second campaign for the
Presidency, that the country really knows
Mr. Dewey very well. He remains a some-
what cold and baffling figure, and although
attempts are made to explain away these
Qualities, and to show that he has warmed
up and become a little more chummy over
the years, nobody has yet suggested that
he would make an ideal smoking room conm
panion on a slow crossing to Europe. It is
possible, even probable, that he would come
equipped for such a trip with a good selec-
tion of jokes and funny stories, but one has
a feeling that these would have been collect-
ed for him by a special joke-writing staff,
and slipped into his hand, neatly typed, as
he mounted the gangplank.
It is startling, of course, that a man who
is presumably about to be elected to the
highest office in the land should be so
remote, cool and baffling a figure. And yet
I have a peculiar feeling that it is precisely
because of what might be called the enig-
matic elements in his make-up that Mr.
Dewey is about to win the victory every-
body expects him to win.
For it is strangely characteristic of the
present period that in it we have been look-
ing for men about whose politics we do not
know very much to run our public business
for us. This is the period in which we have
been turning increasingly to high military
figures, with almost no records on public
issues, for important administrative and pol-
icy-making posts. It is the period of the
walloping demand for Eisenhower to run for
President, a demand fervently shared by
many who could not have said where the
great commander stood on most public ques-
And so a somewhat baffled people turns to
him, in an election in which the choice of
candidates serves more to illustrate the na-
ture of our problem than to promise a solu-
tion for it. And Mr. Dewey solemnly plays
it the way it figures, in speeches in which
he rings the changes on the more abstract
nouns. Mr. Trumans crowds are growing
impressively. Republicans in a number of
state and local races no longer feel that
Mr. Dewey is of major help to them. But
he will probably win, after a few more
speeches about the dignity of man to an
electoratetwhich he probably feels he has in
his pocket.
It may seem odd to put Mr. Dewey some-
how into this category, since he has spent
much of his life in politics. But, if you
think it over, it is not so odd. Here is a
public figure who is almost exactly as old
as this century, one who came to maturity
in the thirties and forties, when the greatest
issues were being decided. Yet if you try to
associate Mr. Dewey's name with any of
these issues, you will find yourself strangely
thwarted. You certainly cannot call him a
New Dealer, yet he was not one of the big
anti-New Deal leaders, either.
Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
Bike Menace
IT'S AN OLD PROBLEM but it is still
With a 75 percent increase in the flow of
bicycles on the campus, several collisions in-
volving pedestrians have occurred and others
of more serious consequence will come if
students don't keep their wits about them.
The popular notion among students is
not favorable to bike riders ripping up and
down the campus sidewalks, and the Stu-
dent Legislature has been working on a
rule requiring that bikes be walked on
campus walks.

But most "U" bike riders prefer to weave
their way in and out of pedestrian lines, and
to add insult to injury, park their bikes,
motor scooters, doodlebugs, and other con-
traptions on the grass and in the entrance
of buildings, which presents a virtual jungle
of metal for students to plow through when
they try to make a class.
Close to $15,000 might be spent to build
more and bigger racks, but if they are only
half filled as some of them are now, the
money and effort are useless.
As a last resort to deal with this problem,
the Plant Department has been considering
an extensive ticketing campaign charging
fines to all violators whose bikes are out *of
place. The department plans also to tighten
up on bikes not licensed by the city.
A little thought on the part of bike-riders
can go a long way to end a problem which
has been constantly plagueing both the
Plant Department and pedestrians on the
--Pete Hotton
Looking Back
A notice in The Daily read: "Mrs. Angell
has so generously consented to give a talk
on Constantinople Oct. 22 in the Ladies Li-
brary building. Admission 25c. A cordial in-
vitation is extended to all."

"I Sure Wish It Had Worked That Well For Me, Tom''
7 a
- -

Wed., Oct. 20, Rm. 1528 E. Medi-
cal Bldg. Dr. Ruth Lofgren will
discuss "The Cytology of Higher
Bacteria." All interested are in-
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
4-6 p.m., Fri., Oct. 22, Rm. 319 W.
Medical Bldg. Subject: "Liver Pro-
teins." All interested are invited.
Botanical Seminar: Open
meeting, 4 p.m., Wed., Oct. 20,
Rm. 1139 Natural Science Bldg.
Paper: "The Problem of Species-
delimitation in the North Ameri-
can Black Cherries," by Rogers
Chemistry Colloquium: 4:15
p.m., Wed., Oct. 20, Rm. 1400
Chemistry Bldg. Miss Emily
Stephenson will speak on "At-
tempts at Synthesizing Tumour-
Inhibitory Substances."
Geometry Seminar: 3:30 p.m.,
Wed., Oct. 19, Rm. 3001 Angell
Hall. Dr. K. B. Leisenring will
discuss the Use of Isotropic Coor-
dinates in Para-Hyperbolic Geom-
Graduate Students in English
intending to take the preliminary
examinations for the doctorate
during the fall semester should
leave their names with Professor
Marckwardt before Friday, Oct.
Events Today
Research Club: Meeting, 8 p.m.,
Wed., Oct. 20, Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Papers : Prof. Karl Lit-
zenberg, "The Victorians and the
World Abroad;" Dr. Bradley M.
Patten, "Valvular Action of a
Primitive Type in the Embryonic
Heart," illustrated by micro-mov-
ing pictures.
Agenda for Student Legislature
Meeting: 7:30 p.m., Grand Rapids
Room, Michigan League.
I. Old Business
A. Prizes for Essay contest
B. Political discussion
II. Cabinet Report
A. All Legislature Committees
are to clear their meeting
rooms through the secretary
B. Each Committee must sub-
mit a report to the Cabinet
C. Norris' Domangue's resigna-
tion accepted
HI. National StudenV's Associa-
A. Definition of NSA
B. NSA's role in the Legislature
C. Reports of the NSA delegates
to the National convention
D. Discussion of function of
E. Approval of NSA's current
IV. New Busines
A. Appropriation of dues to
B. To grant NSA delegates and
alternates a voice in the Leg-
Sociedad Hispanica present Ar-
turo de Cordoba in "Noche de los
Mayas" at 8:30 p.m., Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. All seats re-
Varsity Debate: Final organiza-
tional meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm.
4203 Angell Hall. Students who
wish to take an active part in de-

Letters to the Editor...

(Continued from Page 2)

bate. activities should attend this
meeting or see Mr. Nadeau in Rm.
3208 Angell Hall, Thursday or
Friday afternoon after 2 p.m.
Regular Wednesday meetings will
continue at the above place and
time without further notice.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
Business Fraternity: Formal
Pledging, 8 p.m., Chapter House.
Modern Poetry Club: 7:30 p.m.,
Russian Tea Room, Michigan
League. Topic: Obscurity in Mod-
ern Poetry. See Yeats, "The Sec-
ond Coming..; Auden, Petition";
both in Oscar Williams anthology.
All Students: Anyone interest-
ed in trying out for the staff of the
INKWELL, a student publication,
meet in Rm. 1430 University Ele-
mentary School, 7 p.m.
Ann Arbor Freshmen Women:
5 p.m., Michigan League. The
room will be posted on the bulle-
tin board.
Scabard and Blade: 7:30 p.m.,
Rm. 100 Military Headquarters.
Attendance is vital as plans for
fall activities must be approved.
West Quad Radio Club: Meet-
ing 7:30 p.m., radio room, 5th
floor, Williams House. Business:
Collection of all dues; tower con-
struction; and code classes.
U. of M. Young Republicans:
7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-R Michigan
Union. New members invited.
Lithuanian Club: Meeting, 7
p.m., Michigan League. Students
of Lithuanian descent urged to
Westminster Guild: BirthdayI
tea, 3rd floor parlor, 4-6 p.m.
. Coming Events
Visitor's Night, Department of As-
tronomy: 7:30-9:30 p.m., Fri., Oct.
22, Angell Hall (5th floor), for
observation of star clusters and
double stars. Visitor's Night will
be cancelled if the sky is cloudy.
Children must be accompanied by
adults. (The last Visitor's Night
during the first semester will be
held on Nov. 12.)
Geological-Mineralogical Jour-
nal Club: 12 noon, Fri., Oct. 22,
Rm. 3056 Natural Science Bldg.
Prof. C. B. Slawson, of the De-
partment of Minerology, will speak
on the subject, "Hardness, an Ani-
sotropic Property." All interested
persons are invited.
Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting,
6 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 21, Michigan
Union Cafeteria.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Sleep, Man
To the Editor:
Suggest that Don Curto throws
everything away that he writes
before nine o'clock. Also suggest
that he sticks to writing about
boys until he understands girls!
1-Maggie would not walk the
wet streets wet. Because her hair
would get straight.
2-She would not be walking in
the street. Because she would walk
on the sidewalk.
3-She probably wouldn't even
be walking. Because that takes
energy. It would be much more
likely that she would be sitting
drinking black coffee. Smoking a
cigarette. And trying to make an
impression on the man behind the
-Carol Cummings
* *
Campus Service
To the Editor:
THE ALPHA PHI Omega service
fraternity manned the booths
in the recent Student Legislature
voting registration service.
Due to an error on my part, this
fact was not publicized. Inasmuch
as the boys offer their time and
abilities with no expectation of
any type of remuneration, they
should at least be afforded the
courtesy of recognition. I hope this
letter will fulfill that purpose.
Many thanks to its president,
George Meyer, and the entire or-
ganization-they have rendered
the student body a distinct service.
-John Swets.
Not in Class
To the Editor:
I AGREE WITH MR. Krause that
the classroom is not the place
to solve spiritual problems. But
there are other things to be said.
I wonder if students raised in the
Christian faith "lose God" in the
face of "erudite" opinion? Many
who grew up in the fundamentalist
wing of the Church may lose their
faith, but students who come from
backgrounds where they learned
something-what the Scriptures
really teach, when and in what
cultures' they were written, and
where to check up on the opinions
of professors, are not easily pa-
ganized. Most Protestant churches
no longer educate their youth;
most Christian parents leave the
religious training of their children
to the Church; but in those who
do, the Reformed Churches and
some Lutheran groups, there is
a comparatively low casualty rate
to paganism in our universities. It
need hardly be said that the Ro-
man Church is way out in front
at this point.
Professors who discuss Higher
Criticism should be asked for evi-
dence. They should be questioned
as to a reading knowledge of He-
brew, Aramaic, and Greek? Have
they read Hupfeld, Eichhorn, Driv-
er, Bewer, on the one side, and
Wilson, Raven, and Allis, on the
other, to mention only a few books
in the field.
Psychology professors, particu-
larly those who constantly talk of
being "scientific" should likewise
be asked for evidence, especially
when their pronouncements are

clearly in the philosophic dis-
TheStudent Religious Associa-
tion is anxious to sponsor speak-
ers, discussion groups, and study
seminars for students interested in
religious problems of all kinds. To
Mr. Krause, I recommend A. J.
Coleman, "The Task of the Chris-
tian in the University," and the
University pamphlets published by
the British Student Christian
And to all conservative protes-
tants I recommend that we return
to raising our children to confess
that "Man's chief and highest end
is to glorify God, and fully to en-
joy him for ever," and/or "We
know God partly through His
works, partly nature, but chiefly
through His Word," and /or "I,
with body and soul, both in life
and death, am not my own, but be-
long unto my faithful savior Jesus
Christ," with all that follows these
Merle E. Smith, Jr.

Anti-Marshall Plan
To the Editor:
WHILE THIS country is rearm-
ing to "save democracy," while
Truman and Dewey are saying
sweet nothings about the "Amer-
ican Way of Life," and while our
press raves about the alleged lack
of freedom in Eastern Europe, our
government has given to five men
the power to make decisions which
will affect for generations the eco-
nomic development of both Europe
and this country. According to a
story which appeared in the New
York Times.of October 16, Paul G.
Hoffman, Economic Cooperation
Administrator, "notified the Brit-
ish and French foreign ministers
. that he would insist on reten-
tion in Western Germany of cer-
tain industrial plants already
marked for reparations, if a com-
mittee of American industrialists
found them needed for general
European recovery." This-Commit-
tee of Industrialists consists of
George M. Humphrey, president
of the MA Hanna Company, a
large Cleveland investment house
which has extensive holdings in
steel; John L. McCaffrey, presi-
dent of the International Har-
vester Company; G. A. Price, pres-
ident of the Westinghouse Electric
and Manufacturing Company;
Frederick V. Geier, president of
the Cincinnati Milling Machine
Company; and Charles E. Wilson,
president of General Motors.
The whole episode seems incred-
ible! Five men representing some
of the largest financial interests
in the world have been chosen by
the "liberal" Truman administra-
tion to allocate the productive re-
sources of Western Europe. For-
getting the fact that this whole
procedure is a violation of the
Potsdam agreement, let's look at
how this action affects the Amer-
ican people. By giving these men
this chance to eliminate possible
competitors in the world market,
the American people will have to
pay still higher prices for every-
thing they buy. These menynow
havedbeen given the official go-
ahead signal to rebuild the Ger-
man cartels in which some of their
companies participatedrbefore the
war, the very same cartels which
supported Hitler and which our
government is pledged to destroy.
Is there any wonder that the peo-
ple of Europe are beginning to
distrust more and more the aims
of this country?
We can now see what the Mar-
shall Plan really is. We now realize
what Truman and his Republican
friends mean by "economic coop-
eration." I hope that the American
people will take heed of these ap-
pointments and cast their votes
only for those candidates who are
actively fighting the Marshall
-Ed Shaffer.

Oligarchs and Dixiecrats

Fifty-Ninth Year

ATLANTA, Georgia-Ellis Arnall, former
governor of Georgia, is, like most South-
erners, an enthusiastic football fan. And
thereby hangs a tale. The tale is amusing,
but it also casts considerable light on one
aspect of Southern politics.
Some time ago, Arnall organized a party
of friends to make the long trip from At-
lanta to see the annual Sugar Bowl game
in New Orleans. The party otcupied a num-
ber of suites in an expensive New Orleans
hotel. So it was with some understandable
misgivings that Arnall, after the game, asked
the hotel's lady cashier for his bill.
He was surprised when she smiled prettily
and replied, "That's all right, Governor,
your bill has been taken care of."
He was even more surprised when he was
told that it was the Mississippi Power and
Light Company which had been so generous.
His amazement must have been obvious,
and a sudden suspicion apparently crossed
;he mind of the lady cashier.
"You are the governor of Mississippi, aren't
you?" she asked.
This little story is not without meaning.
The present governor of Mississippi is Field-
ing Wright. Governor Wright is also the
Vice-Presidential candidate of the Dixiecrats,
or States' Rights Party. It is pretty generally
assumed outside of the South that the
Dixiecrat movement is simply thd South's
outraged response to President Truman's
Civil Rights proposals. It is that, but it is
ilso a great deal more than that.
By and large, the Democratic party in the
South has been controlled by a conservative
aligarchy. In other times, the oligarchs were
mostly big planters. Now the planters have
knman n,.'r vnzynl'. ,'.nlonnd H.by ,u il,'ity m .-

There is no doubt that there has been a
particularly cozy relationship between the,;
Dixiecrats and the oil kings. Southern oil-
men were more enraged by the Supreme
Court decision, which awarded to the Fed-
eral government ownership of the last great
national oil reserves in the Tidelands, than
by the Truman Civil Rights proposals. Nor
was this rage confined to the gulf states,
for there is good reason to believe that
offshore oil deposits exist along the South-
ern Atlantic seaboard as well.
Just how much oil money has greased the
Dixiecrat wheels is unknown, although the
Justice Department is now hard at work
trying to find out. But there is no doubt
that the oil industry's support for the
Dixiecrats has been more than moral.
All the more malodorous hate-mongers,
from Gerald L. K. Smith to the decrepit
"Alfalfa Bill" Murray have gleefully leapt on
the Dixiecrat bandwagon. The States' Rights
propaganda paper is using the same mailing
list as the "Southern Outlook," a revolting
racist sheet which the "Montgomery Ad-
vertiser" accurately compared to the worst
products of Nazi Germany. In brief, the
real danger is that the Southern conserva-
tive oligarchy, in an effort to preserve the
threatened status quo, will be tempted to
turn more and more to this sort of thing,
to the end that every issue, from offshore
oil to the minimum wage, may be hidden
and submerged in the race issue.
One leading supporter has been H. R.
Cullen, a fabulously rich Houston oil man
(he is also fabulously generous-he recently
made an outright gift to Texas charity of the
fantastic sum of $160,000,000). Cullen ar-
-.anarl f'n. anrnfa man In fn takes 'lN RiTQrnm,

Oct. 21,

Phi Omega, Service Fra-
Business meeting and
ceremonies 7 p.m., Thurs.
Michigan Union.

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maioy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor
Harold Jackson.......Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this 'newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,

International Center weekly tea,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 21. Host-
esses: Mrs. Donald L. Katz and
Mrs. Woolsey W. Hunt.
United World Federalists:
Roundtable on world federation,
7:30 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 21, Michi-
gan Union. Subject: Is the Ma-
chinery of the UN adequate to pre-
vent war? Proponents and oppon-
ents of world government invited
to attend.

I'm sure your mother and
the other PTA ladies and
I Ireinn arar .,.a, Mr AA.....:.in

I won't sell ANY of my



k11 S P 6.,etO

I hate PEOPLE!

Perhaps Gus the Ghost
and l can do as well

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