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October 17, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-17

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.I. I I

I .

Peace Group
AN INTERESTING commentary on th
times in which we live is the formation
:n campus of a Student Peace Committee.
The purpose of the group is discussion and
study of personal attitudes toward peace and
war and toward the part that a religious or
moral individual can play in a society which
periodically finds itself in a state of war.
It is not difficult to show the reason
for such a group. The memory of World
War II being fresh, the prospect of a
Third World War is doubly vivid and real.
And realistically facing the implications
(though not assuming the inevitability of
such a world conflict) involves, for the
people who make up the Committee, a
diligent and searching analysis of what
role each of them could conscientiously
play if another war should eventuate.
Nothing inherent in the make-up of the
group would justify the "pacifist" label,
although sooner or later that is the stigma
it will probably have to face. That is not
because it will necessarily reach that con-
clusion, but because an unthinking populace
is quick to apply the label to any person
or group struggling with a still unpopular
problem. As a matter of fact, the students
come to the group with a variety of tenta-
tive attitudes. And for each of them it is
a matter of resolving as finally and firmly
as possible the great personal conflict facing
each thinking individual if war should re-
turn. Whatever their respective conclusions,
it must always be said for them that they
demonstrated their willingness to court dis-
approval if need be to resolve a question of
It would be a grave mistake to minimize
the question these students are facing. On
the one hand, they are members of a society
which goes to war every few years and they
feel the responsibility of the individual to-
ward that society. Always present in their
thinking is the awareness that each of
them in a small way must accept responsi-
bility for what their society does. Yet on
the other side of the ledger is the issue of
religious responsibility. Must they, whatever
wrong society indulges in, witness to God
their own rightness of character by refusing
'a part in a warrixg community? Does this
obligation to God transcend societal obliga-
tions, or does one include and determinethe
other? And a factor also present is the very
real question of whit method will really
work the outcome they desire. It is often
contended that peace will never be achieved
through war. Thus, whatever their con-,
clusions, their acceptance of societal obliga-
tions will play its part.
Their options are almost unlimited, and
it is a precarious task to predict so soon
which they will. choose. They could accept
e lesson of the Indian experience in non-
violent resistance, or they might decide on
a complete Biblical non-resistance. They
could arrive at the classical doctrine of
the European Lutherans who followed
Martin Niemoller into endless trouble by
accepting always the necessity of obedi-
ence to the higher powers of government,
or they might distinguish, as Karl Barth
tried to before the last war, as to when
the higher power cease to be higher pow-
ers. Their decision may be conscientious
objection to participation in taking of hu-
man life, they might decide that power
is the real determinant and that they must
use it to achieve their ends, they could
decide on an endless variety of shades
within the spectrum of choices.
But they are troubling to struggle with a
problem which concerns us all. It would be
well if more of us could wrestle with the
problem in the commendable fashion pur-
sued by the Student Peace Committee. The
ultimate decision is personal, that is, there

is no obligation to follow the other mem-
bers of the group, but each of us should be
able to say with valid reason what his de-
cision is and why.
Looking Bach
A local clothing shop advertisement of-
fered "blue serge suits tailored like custom
suits" for $15. The football team's perform-
ance in beating Western Reserve 18-0 was
termed "disappointing" by a Daily sports-
Fielding H. Yost issued a statement setting
forth the evils of betting on football games.
The world air speed record fell before U.S.
Army pilot Lieut. R. L. Maugham who
"astonished even himself" by flying 248.5
miles per hour at Mt. Clemens.
The Gargoyle announced its forthcoming
first issue would be "completel changed."
German Foreign Minister Konstantin von
Neurath told reporters "there must not be
a second disarmament of Germany" in ex-
panding Hitler's speech on German with-
drawal from the League of Nations.
New Books at General Library
Allen, Hervey-Toward the Morning. New
York Rinehart 1948.

Dewey's Power

FURTHER EVIDENCE of the contradiction
between Candidate Tom Dewey and the
members of the Republican Party who are
returning to the House and Senate next
spring is given in the latest statement of
a party power-Rep. Fred Hartley, co-author
with Senator Taft of the Taft-Hartley Bill.
Dewey's statements come again from
the New York Times, in which the text
of his speech at Pittsburgh was printed
this past Tuesday. It contains the "12
point labor program" which the Republi-
can press is heralding as a frank state-
ment on labor by the Republican candi-
It may be frank but it certainly isn't Fred,
as certain quotes from a new book by
Hartley entitled "Our New National Labor
Policy, the Taft-Hartley Act and the Next
Steps," will bear out.
President Truman got a copy of the book
and according to the papers is currently
chortling over its political blunders.
As if that isn't enough, Hartley says,
"No sooner had the Taft-Hartley Law
been enacted over the Truman veto than
the Republican leaders of both the House
and Senate decided that no more legisla-
tion to which organized labor could object
would be passed until after the presidential
election of 1948."
These are some of the statements which
indicate the way the Republican led House
will act on labor legislation. Others can be
gained from their Taft-Hartley Bill and
other 80th Congress legislation.
Says Dewey, "We will overhaul the Social
Security System for the unemployed and
the aged and go forward to extend its cover-
age and increase its benefits."
The 80th Congress passed legislation
taking some several hundred thousand
people OFF the Social Security benefits.
Says Dewey, "We will make the Labor De-
partment equal in actual cabinet status to
Commerce and Agriculture."
The 80th Congress took away an important
Labor Department function, the Federal
Conciliation and Mediation Service.
Says Dewey, "We will vigorously and con-
sistently enforce and strengthen our anti-
trust laws against business monopolies"
The Republican party has consistently
decried the efforts of Tom Clark to bring
anti-trust suits into court this fall on
the grounds of politics. (Actually it takes
years to prepare such suits, and previous
criticisms have been that Tom Clark did
not prepare his suits well enough.)
Says Dewey, "We will break the log jam
in housing so that decent houses may be
provided at reasonable cost to our people."
The 80th Congress so weakened the Taft-
Ellender-Wagner Housing Bill that it did
little or nothing to alleviate the cramped
preposterous condition of our present hous-
Says Dewey, "We will make sure that
soaring prices do not steal food and cloth-
ing and other necessities from American
The 80th Congress refused to enact Pric
Controls and Dewey himself does not want
price controls. What does he propose to
do, put everyone on relief?
These are the major points on which one
might dispute the Dewey platform given at
Pittsburgh. So far, we have found nothing
wrong with pressing "forward with , every
effort to make the world in which we live
a world at peace in which human rights
and human progress will flourish and in-
-Don McNeil.

A CONSIDERABLE amount of controversy
has been stirred up recently by the fact
that some of the Republican Congressional
leaders do not seem to be in accord with
many of the views of Presidential Candidate
Some commentators feel that Gov.
Dewey, should he be elected, will have
trouble in controlling the actions of the
81st Congress, even if the present Repub-
lican majority is returned. This attitude
arises from consideration of certain
speeches, records, and opinions of such
men as Sen. Taft of Ohio, Sen. Brooks of
Illinois, and Rep. Hartley of New Jersey.
The American government was established
on the principle of separation of powers, with
the executive, legislative, and judicial de-
partments on an equal plane. Recently, how-
ever, the powers of the President have grown
much more rapidly than have the powers of
Congress. By increased use of executive
orders and existing administrative machin-
ery, a strong President is able to carry out.
many of his proposals despite Congressional
opposition. The Roosevelt Administration
offered many examples of this increased use
of Presidential power. The President is un-
doubtedly the policy-making leader of our
government. These developments have
tended to lessen somewhat the importance
of Congress in our national scene. '
Despite the increased power of the Pres-
idency, our chief executive must have the
support of Congress for the more im-
portant points of his programs. This sup-
port can be obtained only by the exercise
of tact, diplomacy, and sound psychology
by the President. Ile must be a "super
salesman" in many cases. Our present
President has been noticeably lacking in
salesmanship, having been unable to per-
suade many of his own party members
to support his proposals. His lack of tact
and diplomatic ability have precipitated.
severe crises even among his own cabinet.
recent Marshall-Vinson controversy is a
case in point.
On the other hand, Gov. Dewey has
been quite successful in operating a smooth
running administration in New York. Per-
haps his most impressive achievement in
selling his proposals to unsympathetic
groups was his performance in winning the
Presidential nomination last June. Since that
time, he has had almost solid support from
all branches of the Republican Party. Sen.
Taft himself has been campaigning on his
behalf. There is little real reason to believe
that Gov. Dewey will not retain a great
deal of this support should he be elected.
Even should Gov. Dewey not have com-
plete control over Congress, the country
would not necessarily suffer. A "rubber
stamp" Congress is of little or no value,
while a reasonable amount of legislative
criticism and opposition is healthful for
our form of government.
We can surely be confident that Gov.
Dewey, as President, would be as effective
in achieving Congressional support as he has
been in receiving the support of his party
and a sizeable portion of the American elec-
--Pau Brentlinger.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by inewbers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the wri/ers only.

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Letters to the Editor..

News of the Week

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * s
Catching the Worm
To the Editor:
THE BEST WAY to learn to
write, is to write. (sic). Every-
thing should be written before nine
o'clock in the morning, anything
written after that should be no
good, throw it away.
5:00 a.m.-It was raining in
Brooklyn. The streets were wet.
(The streets almost always should
get wet when it is raining in
Brooklyn. Peculiar.)
6:00 a.m.-It is still raining in
Brooklyn and Maggie is walking
the wet streets wet. (Maggie has
no raincoat.)
7:00 a.m.-Maggie is walking
the streets at such an unGodly
hour because she should have been
home at twelve, but was late and
is now afraid to go home. What
her parents would say is bother-
ing her. (Maggie's parents are
8:00 a.m.-Maggie doesn't like
the rain and decides she should go
home and get hell from her par-
ents. (ogres).
9:00sa.m.-Anything written af-
ter this time will be no good and
stop me from leading a normal
life. Better I should stop.
-Don Curto...
* * *
Re: Dewey Support
To the Editor:
AN EARLIER letter of mine es-
tablished the fact that Thom-
as E. Dewey's primary supporters
are the big financiers and indus-
trialists. That letter was subse-
quently criticized in this manner,
"admitting Monopolists work for
Dewey, is it necessarily true that
Dewe y works for thesMonopo-
lists?" This letter's thesis is that
Dewey is an ardent servant of the
big money interests and works
against the interest of the poor
and middle groups.

On November 5, 1947, Dewey
addressed 50 leading Wall Street
figures and denounced the Yalta,
Teheran and Potsdam agreements
which had laid the foundations for
post-war world cooperation. He
assured his listeners that he fa-
vored rebuilding the Ruhr as a
top priority program, and the
placing of American big business-
men in charge of European In-
As Governor, Dewey has puIllcly
gone on record as favoring the
Taft-Hartley law. In July 1947, he
said "there is nothing detrimental
about the Taft-Hartley law and
the country will realize this with-
in a year." While the Congress in
Washington was enacting the
Taft--Hartley bill, the New York
state version-the Condon Wadlin
law-Was passed and signed by
Dewey. Designed to head off a
teacher's strike for higher pay, it
was broadened to deny the right
to strike to all state, city and local
employees. At the same time the
Austin bill to set up grievance
machinery for public workers was
Dewey is responsible for merit
rating schemes which have taken
$120 million out of the unem-
ployment insurance reserve fund
and rebated it to large employers
-banks, insurance companies and
utilities. In 1948 Dewey sponsored
legislation to increase this rebate
by another $80 million. Instead
of using this money to increase
unemployment insurance benefits
to workers, Dewey donated it to
Dewey killed American Labor
Party legislation for dependency
benefits against the advice of his
own Advisory Council which in its
1947 report specifically recom-
mended these benefits. Five lead-
ing industrial states including
Connecticut, Massachusetts and
Michigan are already paying de
pendency benefits. Dewey killed
ALP legislation to provide sickness
and disability insurance.
From the above account, then,
there can be little wonder that
Dewey is the darling of Wall
Street. Because his program is one
of fear and deprivation for the
common people the Progressive
Party will try in every way to ex-
pose his record.
Max Dean.

United Nations ...
.... For the third week, the Berlin dispute held the limelight in the
United Nations Assembly at Paris.
An attempt by "neutrals" to mediate the problem were a failure
following a plea to Moscow.
The United States charged in the assembly that disarnanent
was impossible in a world where the soviet battle cry is "wreck
and destroy."
Andrei Vishinsky "slammed the door to the mediators" and re-
fused to discuss the Berlin Blockade; asked the Security Council to
throw out the discussion; and called on the Western Powers for a re-
turn to the agreement of August 30th.
Berlin .. .
The Western Powers announced discontinuance of the dis-
mantling of German factories while the present situation continues.
England and the United States also moved to combine their arms of
the Air Lift into Berlin.
The United Nations demanded to know what Israel had done
to punish the assassin of Count Bernadotte while reports from
Palestine said that the Stern gang, which Israel's government
reported suppressed, had staged a jail break from Jaffa.
Politics ...
The candidates barnstormed across the mid-west this week, Dewey
presenting a 12 point labor program at Pittsburgh, becoming the
target of tomato throwers in Illinois, and finally heading to his home
town of Owosso, Mich. for a week-end rest.
Truman swept up into Minnesota to support Mayor Humphrey
in his campaign; chastized the Republican Congress for being too
busy "playing political checkers to put out the flame of inflation.
Mission to Moscow ..
Truman announced that a plan to send Fred Vinson, Supreme
Court justice, to Moscow on a special mission to reach an agreement
on the Berlin Blockade had been cancelled after talks with Secretary
of State George Marshall.
Columbia President ...
Dwight D. Eisenhower was officially installed as president of
Columbia University this week. Present were University Presidents and
representatives from all over the world including Michigan's Alexander
G. Ruthven.
Sports ...
The Cleveland Indians became the World's champions this
week by defeating the Boston Braves 4-3 in the final game of the
Madigoff ..
Robert Madigoff opened the 1948 lecture series by assailting the
Russian campaign of spreading anti-American, anti-western propa-
Loyalty ...
The Association of University Scientists made a draft of a letter
to be dispatched criticizing the actions of the Thomas Un-American
Activities Committee and the government loyalty boards.
Note-taking ...
University professors officially condemned the ZIMEN note tak-
ing organization, which has been mimeographing off verbal copies of
class lectures for sale to students. The professors said that the service
hindered one purpose of the lectures for sale to students. The profes-
sors said that the service hindered one purpose of the lectures, to in-
struct students in "intelligent and analytical note taking."
, Their resolution was turned over to the University for appropriate
Phone Strike ...
Local telephone operators walked out this Thursday and left stud-
ents with no contact with the outside world.
The strike was part of a state-wide walk-out effecting 17 cities. It
was over at midnight Thursday.
Gov. Kim Sigler entered the Michigan Bell Communication Work-
ers of America wage dispute on Friday and gained a four day truce at
the end of which tin a fact-finding board would intervene if the two
parties had not settled their differences.
Sound Truck troule ...
University Students Max Dean and John Houston were ar-
rested Wednesday for illegal use of a sound truck, in violating the
cities anti-noise ordinance. The two students were doing cam-
paign work for the Progress Party, calling on voters to register.
Judge Jay H. Payne bound the pair over for trial at an arraign-
ment on Thursday. Trial date was set for 2 p.m., Tuesday, October 26.
Football ...
Michigan jumped into fourth place in the AP rating polls this
week, after decisively trouncing Purdue 40 to 0 at West Lafayette last
Due to student sales of tickets, ticket manager Don Weir an-
nounced that beginning with the Northwestern game this week, stu-
dents will be required to show their ID cards at the gates to the


Wild Blue Yonder

WASHINGTON-"When one takes stock
of the campaign as a whole, one fact
stands out like an enormous sore thumb.
Dewey is virtually assured of election. But
no one on earth-possibly including the can-
didate himself-knows what President
Dewey will actually do when he is installed
in the White House.
He is against sin, for virtue; against
waste, for economy; against hunger, for
plenty, and so on, ad infinitum. But take
any major problem of specific policy, try
to forecast President Dewey's solution and
you find yourself wandering in the realm
of misty speculation.
The best example is the most important
problem Dewey will have to face-carry-
ing forward American foreign policy. The
Marshall aid program and the current
expansion of the defense establishment
have already used up all surplus and marg-
inal resources. Additional steps forward
can only be taken at the cost of severe
national sacrifices. Dewey's foreign policy
speech was a fine expression of construc-
tive, imaginative world-mindedness. Those
who heard him naturally concluded that
he meant precisely what he said with such
impressive seriousness.
Some American policy makers regard this
attitude as unreasonable. They say that
the presence of American troops in Germany
is a better guarantee than any alliance, and
that four years or so will be needed for
Pffrntoni rearmament nf Eurnnop Rut theI

To be specific, the Berlin crisis has greatly
inflamed the issue of America's relationship
with the Western European Union of Britain,
France, and the Benelux countries. Again,
Dewey is firmly committed against any ap-
peasement of the Soviets at Berlin-he has,
in fact, been particularly impressive in his
Berlin statements. But he will find it useless
to be firm about Berlin unless he can hold
together the common front of Britain,
France and the United States. And he can-
not hold together this common front unless
he firmly grasps the nettle of Western
European Union.
There is reason to believe that in Paris,
very recently, Foreign Minister Robert
Schuman brought this truth home very
forcibly to Secretary of State Marshall
and Dewey's chief foreign policy adviser,
John Foster Dulles. Indeed, it is reported
that both Marshall and Dulles actually
promised Schuman that if the French
would stay hitched about Berlin, the U.S.-
western European alliance and lend lease
for western Europe would be forthcoming
at the next Congress.
On the other hand, if Dewey givesthe
order, "Forward March," on the foreign pol-
icy front, he cannot conceivably cut taxes.
No miracle of cheese-paring in other gov-
ernmental activities will save him the funds
to finance expanding defense, plus Marshall
aid, plus peace-time lend-lease for Europe,
plus effective aid for China. Indeed he will
have to be staggeringly lucky and efficient
to find rensorces for this much effort with-

(Continued from Page 2) Q
Mon., Grill Room, Michigan
Phi Lambda Upsilon: Meeting,
8 p.m., Tues., Oct. 19, East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg. The
subject, of discussion is "My per-
sonal random impressions of
Michigan compared with...."
All members are urged to contrib-
Sociedad Hispanica: Social hour,
4-5 p.m., Mon., Oct. 18, Interna-
tional Center.
U. of M. Rifle Team: Meeting, 7
p.m., Tues., Oct. 19. Basement,
ROTC range firing permitted.
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 18,
Michigan Union. All members are
urged to attend.
United World Federalists: Ex-
ecutive Council Meeting, 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 18, Michigan Union.
Written committee reports re-
quested from all chairmen.
BER Membership drive is now un-
der way. Next open chapter meet-
ing, Thurs., Oct. 21.
United World Federalist: Edu-
cation Committee meeting, 7:30
p.m., Tues., Oct. 19, Michigan
League. Come prepared to take
Wallace Progressives: Member-
ship meeting, 7 p.m., Mon., Oct.
18. All -members are urged to at-
tend. $pecial points on the agen-
1)'dExtensive preparations for
the electioneering activities of the
next two weeks.
2) The consideration of a reso-
lution condemning the indictment
of the twelve Communists.
3) A talk on Decartelization.
University Community Center
Willow Run Village.
Mon., Oct. 18, 8 p.m., Discus-
sion Group. Speaker: Marvin Ta-
bleman. Topic: Vital Issues pf the
Current Election.

Fifty-Ninth Year

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ... Managing Editor
Dick Maloy.............. City Editor
Naomi Stern........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee .......Associate Editor
Harold Jackson.....Associate Editor
Murray Grant.........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery........Women's Editor
Bess Hayes.......... ..Librarian
Business Staff
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Telephone 23-24-1
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Ezitered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during the regular
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Tues., Oct. 19, 8 p.m., Bridge
Session. Everyone welcome.
Wed., Oct. 20, 8 p.m., Ceramics,
Thurs., Oct. 21, 8 p.m., Ceramics
and Crafts.
Fri., Oct. 22, 8-11 p.m., Rose
Bowl Game-Movie.


You and the new owner
ofthisestatecanget Horrors
onfne he Nre together./~

I t - I


John! The new owner of the Hegdisch estate
refuses to sell that strip of property to the
s . . - r - - . ,r . - - a

-194, NM T1t4SOW lot
This house will
becomea salon!



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