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October 09, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-09

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City Editor's - -
IN LESS THAN a month the citizens of
this country will cast ballots to name
the next president of the United States.
Mighty blasts of political oratory are
being directed at these voters in every
part of the nation. The candidates are
engaged in a no-holds-barred verbal tussle
wherever they can get people to listen to
But what have we got here at the Univer-
sity of Michigan? Some 20,000 young people,
half of them of voting age, who are being
denied the opportunity to get a first hand
knowledge of the candidates political views.
There is no denying that these students
are deeply interested in the current political
picture. Whenever a few students get to-
gether the talk naturally turns to politics.
However the Regents of this great in-
stitution of learning by their shortsighted
action last spring, refused to encourage
this natural interest in politics. Instead
they cravenly confined political doings to
a limited number of students in organized
Their reason: They didn't want to lend the
prestige of the University to any political
Consequently the healthy exchange of
political views here has been frustrated at
every turn. Even the organized political
clubs have had to thread their way through
a maze of bureaucratic red tape.
Because they didn't go through the proper
channels the Young Democrats and Young
Republican clubs here had to move a recent
debate downtown to the courthouse. Even
then 150 students jammed their way into
an undersized room to hear two prQminen
political personalities debate current issues.
Then this week the center of the campus
was turned into an impromptu forum when
students of all political creeds held forth
on the diagonal for several days. It wasn't
planned that way-but up to 500 students
at a time just stopped at the diagonal and
started to trade verbal punches.
This has now been stopped. Dean Erich
Walter, always a stickler for rules, says
this spontaneous discussion is a political
"rally" under the regent's definition.
Strictly speaking he had no recourse under
the political "gag rule" foisted upon the
students by the regents.
Now I am waiting to see what will happen
if Gov. Dewey stops in Ann Arbor during
his swing through Michigan. I suppose if he
views the Michigan-Northwestern gridiron
clash the football fans will have to prove that
they are registered Republicans before being
allowed to enter the Stadium.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Past Crisis


THE OBITUARIES and requiem mass pre-
pared for AVC can now be discarded.
An emphatic majority of "rank and file"
members at last night's "crossroads" meeting
clearly demonstrated that AVC will continue
to abide by the liberal ideals on which it was
founded in its promotion of peace, pros-
perity, and good will among all nations and
all peoples.
A LITTLE OVER two weeks ago, I
Wrote a column about the situation
at Olivet College where the dismissal of
a professor and his wife is being protest-
ed. President A. L. Ashby of that school
now states that it was "full of untruths."
I have re-examined that column in
light of President Ashby's request for a
retraction, and have found two very
misleading statements which I did not
have sufficient facts to back. The first
erroneous statement read: "But everyone
knows that President Aubrey L. Ashby
kicked the couple out because of their
political views."
Actually, President Ashby was not in
office at the time, he has furthermore
denied accusations of political discharge,
and to date, it is only the opinion of a
small group that such is the case.
The second erroneous statement read:
"A professor of political science and his
wife, a college librarian were given a
year's leave of absence without pay and
requested to resign at the end of that
Actually, the Board of Trustees had of-
fered them full pay for the academic
year ending June 1949.
I offer to President Ashby the retrac-
tion of these statements, and also my
sincere apologies for making them.
-Harriett Friedman.

By refusing to fall prey to the vicious
anti-Red hysteria currently gripping the
nation, AVC showed its unwillingness to
compromise its principles on any issue.
AVC affirmed its faith in the concept
that each of its members, as an individual
human being in a democratic organization,
must be judged solely on the basis of his
individual merit and not on the political
label he bears.
At the same time the defeat of the pro-
posed witch-hunting resolution revealed the
complete falsity of charges that the previous
meeting was packed by Communists and
their supporters.
The bulk of the 145 members voting
on the Communist issue upheld the stand
taken by the 26 members at the previous
session. The 26 had been labeled Commu-
nists and Communist sympathizers by
Babson, Tumin, and Bovard, the latter
of whom was not even at the controversial
Babson, by the acceptance of his recigna-
tion, and Tumin and Bovard, who have
admitted their association with Babson andli
his policies, stand repudiated by the mem-
AVC, realizing however that unified sup-
port of a militant program supersedes all
personal difference, has refused to remain
In an impressive show of unity, Babson
was gracefully, if undeservedly, asked; to
return to AVC by the membership. A mo-
tion asking the resignations of Tumin and
Bovard was tabled as further evidence of
the desire not to permit individual differ-
ences to obstruct the continuance of the
organization's program.
By its actions, AVC has proven that it
will continue to represent a vital, dynamic
force in our midst. Hats off to AVC!
-Bud Aronson.


Letters to the Editor.

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New Aditorium

W E ARE GLAD that local music circles
have stopped referring to Hill Auditori-
um as "the finest music hall in the world."
Although this phrase has been applied
to Hill numerous times in the past, and
visiting musicians rarely fail to reecho
its praises, a brief check into the facts
about the auditorium will show that its
facilities are inadequate for the needs of
the University at the present time.
Hill Auditorium was built in 1913-over
thirty-five years ago-with funds be-
queathed to the University by the late Re-
gent Arthur Hill.
At that time, with a University enroll-
ment of about 7,000 and a faculty in pro-
portion, the Auditorium with its seating
capacity of nearly 5,000 handled almost all
University programs without difficulty.
Even then, the Choral Union concerts and
May Festival programs packed the Audito-
rium with capacity crowds.
Now, with the University enrollment
practically tripled and an increased fac-
ulty, Hill Auditorium can no longer satisfy
the demands placed upon it.
Dr. Charles A. Sink, President of the Uni-

versity Musical Society, has stated that an
auditorium seating 15,000 could be filled for
many University programs. This means that
for every member of the audience who enjoys
the "show" at Hill, there are now two other
people outside "looking in."
In addition to seating more people, a
larger building would make possible the
presentation of a greater variety of pro-
grams here.
The present back-stage facilities at Hill
"cramp the style" of many performances.
No program can be put on which requires
a group larger than the Choral Union.
There are no facilities whatever for oper-
atic performances.
A larger auditorium ,would mean that
opera in its finest tradition-perhaps even
the Metropolitan-could become a reality on
The demand for tickets to current pro-
ductions at Hill Auditorium evidences a keen
local interest in such programs.
Surely this interest can be somehow trans-
lated into a practical plan for a new, and
larger, auditorium.
-Jo Misner.



In the Jule Box

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for thetBulletin shouldbe sent in
typewritten form to the office of
the Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the
day preceding publication (11:00
VOL. LIX, No. 17
Carillon Recitals: 2:15 p.m.,
Sun., Oct. 10, by Prof. Percival
Price. The program will include
four chorales, three American ca-
rillon compositions, and a group of
songs by Stephen Foster.
Events Today
Art Cinema League presents
Marcel Pagnol's "Marius," French
film starring Raimu and Charpin
at 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. All seats reserved.
Inter-Guild Functional Com-
Mittee Workshop: 2 p.m., Method-
ist Church. All Guild committee
members and presidents, and all
Inter - Guild representatives are
urged to attend.
Coming Events
Economics Club: first meeting
of 1948-'49, 7:45 p.m., Mon., Oct.
11, Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr.
Wendell G. Wilcox of Detroit will
speak on "Prices, Price Structures,
and the Law."
Association of U. of M. Scien-
titsts: Mon., Oct. 11, 8 p.m., West
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Dr. Edwin Moise will lead a dis-
cussion on government procedures
in investigating loyalty of scien-
tists. The public is invited.
Astronomy Club: Organizational
meeting, 7:30 p.m.; Mon., Oct. 11,
University Observatory. All inter-
ested persons invited.
Russian Circle: Meeting, 8 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 11, International Cen-
ter. Slides on peoples of Russia
with commentary; short talk on
Study of Russian in Czechoslo-
Quarterdeck Society: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Tues.,Oct. 12, Rsm. 3A,
Michigan Union. Movies will be
Graduate History Club: Coffee
Hour, 4-5 p.m., Mon., Oct. 11,
Clements Library. All graduate
history students and faculty mem-
bers invited.
Sociedad Hispanica: Social
hour, 4 to 5 p.m., Sun., Oct. 10, In-
ternational Center.
Lap'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Mon., Grill Room, Michigan
Delta Sigma Phi: 7 p.m., Mon.,
Michigan Union. All members
from other chapters are invited.
United World Federalists: Edu-
cation Committee meeting, 7:30
p.m., Oct. 11, Michigan League.
Come prepared to take notes.
IZFA: Tuesday study group will
meet Mon., Oct. 11, 7:45 p.m., Rm.
3K, Michigan Union.
Wednesday study group will

meet Oct. 13, 7:45 p.m., Rm. 3-M,
Michigan Union.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
"Jazz High Lights from 1930 to
1940," 8 p.m., Sun., Oct. 10, Michi-
gan League Ballroom. Everyone
United World Federalists: Exec-
utive Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Mon.,
Oct. 11, Michigan Union. Written
committee reports requested at
this meeting. Next general meet-
ing, Oct. 13, instead of Oct. 20.
Cold War Thinking
COLD WAR thinking produces
some frightening end prod-
ucts in logic.
Senator Chan Gurney, the South
Dakota Republican who heads the
Senate Armed Forces Committee,
comes back from Europe and the
Middle East to advocate: (1) A
Western European alliance against
Russia, to include us and Franco
Spain, and (2) a cutback in the
Marshall Plan economic aid, if
necessary, to supply that alliance
with war equipment.
In Spain, Mr. Gurney spent two
days and two nights with Franco
and his chief of staff, and he must
have found them charming indeed.
We should give Spain full recog-]
nition, Mr. Gurney says, because
she has been "fighting Commu-
nists since 1936." Yes, this is the
same Franco who, as a puppet of
Mussolini and Hitler, started a
Civil War that proved the testing
ground for the holocaust that fol-
lowed. This is the same Franco
who maintained benevolent neu-'
trality for Germany, whose Blue
Legions fought on the side of our
enemies in the last war, and who
survived in Europe as the one
strutting model of the vicious dic-
tators he worshipped and we
whipped. Now all Mr. Gurney
wants us to do is embrace Franco,
and thereby, in effect, plead guilty
to fighting on the wrong side.
Any further doubt about how far
astray some of our globe-trotting
statesmen can go is allayed by
Mr. Gurney's "guns-not-butter"
philosophy for the Marshall Plan.
Joseph Stalin, whom we are haul-
ing on the United Nations carpet
on charges of peace-threatening
gestures in Berlin, has insisted all
along that that is the philosophy
behind the Marshall Plan.
Somebody ought to set Mr. Gur-
ney right, and somebody on the
GOP side of a bi-partisan foreign
policy ought to tell him it may be
all right to travel, but it's also
good to at least read as one runs.
-New York Star.
The great East Wing of the
White House has been the scene
of many historic occasions in-
volving many of the great men of
modern history, but the room also
served a good practical purpose.
According to research conduct-
ed by Henry Steele Comager, Col-
umbia University, for the World
Book Encyclopedia, the room was
used several times to hang up
washing during the days John
Adams was wrestling with the
XYZ affair.

The Daily accords its readers the1
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. SubjectS
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing1
the writer's signature and address.!
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters. -
*r * *;
Basic Cooperation
To the Editor:
While walking across the diag+
today, I saw, as many others like
me must have, a picture of Henry
Wallace, in front of which several,
of his supporters were endeavor-
ing to explain, to all who would
listen, some of the basic points in
his policy, and endeavoring like-;
wise to answer any questions
which the listeners might bring up.
Today, I also read the text of
the Belgium premier's speech be-
fore the United Nations General
Assembly on September 28. I
should like you to quote the closing
paragraphs, directed at the USSR,
in which he says,
"Let me make this effort. Ac-
cept our sacrifice. Promise us your
loyal collaboration. Let us try to
make a new start. And if we do, as
we try to come closer to one an-
other and try to understand one
another, the flame that burned in
us at San Francisco will be re-
kindled, bright and living. Then
we can again hope in the destinies
of the world.
"Let us make this new start to-
gether. It is not too late. It is not
too late, but it is time."
Here are two ingredients in a
world of chaos and misunder-
standing, in which people have
tried to come to some common
meeting ground with others who
held different beliefs and opin-
ions on the state of world affairs.
It is the duty of every American
and foreigner alike, not only as a
citizen of his native land, but as a
member of the human race, to do
all that is within his power to
come to a common meeting ground
of mutual trust and understanding
with his fellow men, irregardless of
race, color, creed, or nationality.
It was for this purpose that the
United Nations was established,
and it is to this end that each and
every one of us must work.
To aid in understanding the
principles underlying the United
Nations, and to work towards a
greater international cooperation
both on the campus, and abroad,
the students of the University of
Michigan have founded a United
Nations Council for Students,
which is affiliated with the Col-
legiate Council of the United Na-
tions, and through that organ
with the United Nations itself.
I should like to make this let-
ter an open invitation to all stu-
dents of all nationalities to come
and join wtih us in our strivings
to reach that common ground
where all barriers are broken
down in the common desire to
work for the preservation of a
lasting peace, and the furthering
of a lasting understanding among
the nations of the world. Notice of
our meetings will be published in
the Daily Official Bulletin, and I
will be glad to personally give
anyone interested specific details.
Let us all work with a prayer in
our hearts that the formation of
the United Nations has been the
cornerstone in the foundation of a
lasting and just peace. .
-R. S. Underhill
To the Editor:
AS A MEMBER of last year's
Michigan Central Committee,

I heartily agree with The Daily's
editorial of October 6th on "49
There are few other events in
the Spring semester which allow
as many students to participate in
a campus activity as does the
Michigan Carnival-or one which
is so thoroughly enjoyed by the
entire student body-from fresh-
man to senior.
I hope that every campus group
will give serious thought to this
project and then reply to the ques-
tionnaire with an enthusiastic
-Jack Leonard.
* * *
To the Editor:
WOULD LIKE to defend the
actions of the now resigned
chairman of AVC-Dave Babson.
While in some respects Mr. Bab-
son's actions may have been hasty

they were much more courageous
and deeply fore-sighted than ap-
pears at first glance.
Ever since AVC's inception on
this campus there has been main-
tained a balance of power within
that group. The two factions, the
non-Communist left, and their
Communist opponents and sym-
pathizers, consistently were both
packing every meeting. But there
appeared to be a standing agree-
ment between both sides that
neither would attempt to swing
the balance heavily in his direc-
tion, in order not to throw the
organization into open warfare.
The balance was precariously
maintained until this fall when
the opponents of the non-Commu-
nist left, either intentionally or
otherwise threw the balance of
power heavily in their direction
at the first meeting. Mr. Babson
and his followers immediately
realized this, and were forced to
take drastic action and open war-
fare broke out.
This is not the first AVC chap-
ter that this has happened to'nor
the only liberal organization. Lib-
erals are everywhere being forced
into the unhappy realization that
there are such fundamental dif-
ferences dividing the two factions
within liberal organizations that
sooner or later a split will come,
shattering the unity which is only
a sham. And what is more im-
portant, as Dave Babson clearly
foresaw, the opponents of the non-
Communist left will unceasingly
work, within every liberal organ-
ization, for the day to come when
they can swing the balance of
power in their direction and take
over the organization.
Idealistic minded liberals have
throughout history been the vic-
tims of this insidiousness of their
more fanatical brethren. Liberals
will be divided and destroyed until
they learn to unite with those
with whom they can agree, and
discard those with whom they
cannot; and go forward together
on a concerted course of action.
This holds true whether it be in
Czechoslovakian politics or Mich-
igan AVC. This is the wisdom of
Dave Babson!
--George W. Shepherd, Jr.
AND it is impossible to blink the
fact that Governor Dewey's
"high-level platitudes," as Tru-
man calls them, are accompanied
by all-out support for such ante-
diluvian candidates for the Sen-
ate as Dworshak of Idaho, Rob-
ertson of Wyoming, Brooks of
Illinois, Ball of Minnesota, 'and
Reece of Tennessee, all of whom
live up to the gaudiest epithets
tossed off by the President and his
speech writers.
-The Nation

Fifty-Ninth Year

Soviet Ace
WASHINGTON-In Paris, there have been
many arch hints from the Soviets that
a big surprise is in store. Despite the air
of mystery there is not a great deal of doubtj
about what Mr Andrei Vishinsky has up
his sleeve. When the time is ripe, he will
propose a complete evacuation of all occu-
pation troops from Germany.
There is plenty of evidence that the
Kremlin is preparing to play this ace-
the Cominform declaration calling for
evacuation of all troops, the Korean prece-
dent, the obviously inspired articles in
the Soviet-controlled German press. More
striking evidence is provided by Western
intelligence reports that the Russians are
busily organizing a reliable pro-Russian
German militia in eastern Germany.
In recent weeks there has been a steadily
increasing influx of German prisoners of
war into the Soviet zone. Most German
prisoners returned from Russia have been
bedraggled, half-starved creatures. But
these are all healthy, well-fed specimens.
All of them are graduates of the Soviet
Union's "Antias"-Communist indoctrina-
tion camps-and most of them have served
in the von Seydlitz army of German pris-
These men are being introduced into the
Eastern zone German police force, which
is clearly designed to become a thoroughly
reliable pro-Russian militia. This militia
is doubtless intended quickly to seize power
for the Communists if an unconditional
evacuation of Germany does take place. But
it is nos likely that the western powers
will be sufficiently idiotic to accept any
Soviet exacuation proposal unconditionally.
Then the militia will no doubt fill another
For the Kremlin is expected to follow the
pattern established in Korea. First, with
much fanfare, will come the evacuation pro-

THE YOUNG MAN and the girl picked the
booth furthest from the door in the small
She undid her coat, and placed her bag
where it would be most likely to interfere
with the service of the drinks.
"Nice place," said the young man.
"Yes," she said. "Let's never leave. Let's
stay all winter."
"That'd be good," he said. "You can get
everything you want here. Something to
drink and something to. eat."
"Music, too," she said. "Juke box."
"And radio."
"Don't mention radio," she said.
"Why don't mention radio?"
"I don't know. Always talking about maybe
a war. I wish they'd throw it out. I'd stay
all winter if they threw it out."
"Yes," said the young man. "Just look at
baseball games on television and eat hard-
boiled eggs."
"No baseball games in winter," said the
"It's always the same weather in here,"
said the young man.
"Say," he said, after a moment. "Have
you heard this new thing, about the music
of the stars?"
"They found out the stars give out sounds,
troops are no more popular in Germany
than elsewhere, the maneuver would cer-
tainly in large measure succeed.
There is one obvious way in which this
Soviet ace could be trumped. The Western
powers could simply forestall it by being the
first to propose a total evacuation of Ger-
many, under certain conditions. One condi-
tion would be free elections carried out under
United Nations inspection and the disarming
of the Soviet-trained militia. Guarantees
n (t , ncf n rn-, arl f+tn+tonrann

something like music," said the young man.
"You hear it with radar."
"You mean you can hear it coming in
from away out there?" asked the girl.
"Sure you can," said the young man. "If
you have the radar."
"It must be awful cold out there," said the
girl. "I don't want to hear it. I just want
what's in-this room."
The waiter brought their order, asking
which was whose, carefully.
"Maybe I'll hear it," said the young man.
"Hear what?" asked the girl.
"The music of the stars. Maybe I'll hear
it in the army. When they give me that{
course, with radar."
"Are you sure they're going to take you?"
asked the girl.
"Oh, sure."
"Why can't you just stay here?" she
"Well, honey."
"Why can't you just stay here? So I can
see you whenever I want to look up and see
you. Not out there."
"Well, now, honey," said the young man.
"All winter right here," said the girl.
"Sometimes I'd look at the bar for a long
time, and not look at you on purpose, be-
cause I'd know that whenever I wanted
to look up, you'd be there."
He drank and she drank.
"I sure would like to hear that, though,"
he said. "That music of the stars. You put
on the earphones and you hear it coming
in, shouting, from way out there."
"Put a nickel in the juke box," said the
girl fiercely. "That's all I want to hear,
just what's in here. Put a nickel in the juke
Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
Looking .Back

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Eitorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ... Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ...............City Editor
Naomi Stern.........EditorialDirector
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor
Harold Jackson.......Associate Editor
Murray Grant...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor
Business Staff
Richard Halt......Business Manager
Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager
william Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager
Bess Hayes................Librarian
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it ox
otherwise credited to this newspaper,
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press


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Now there's no Pixie in here. is there? T


Rrarnrbv!hulWirehave you hpen?.f

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