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October 09, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-09

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Latest Deadline in the State
Michiga Big ine


Truman Emissary
To Staln Rumored
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The Capital was alive with reports tonight that
President Truman has been planning a sensational move in American
relations with Russia which he originally intended to announce to the
nation and the world in a radio broadcast last Tuesday night.
Reports on which the White House and the State Department both
refused to comment said that Mr. Truman had decided to send Chief
Justice Fred M. Vinson as a personal emissary to Generalissimo Stalin
to try to break the deadlock over Berlin.
ACCORDING TO these unconfirmed-but not denied-accounts,
the State Department intervened after the White House had begun
arranging for radio time and it was finally decided that Secretary of
State Marshall should return from Paris to confer with the President
about the matter.
What could be established as fact here tonight in spite of
White House and State Department silence was this:
About mid-morning last Tuesday, White House press secretary
Charles G. Ross contacted major radio networks and asked for free
time for the President, now deeply involved in his campaign for re-
election, to make a "non-political" radio speech.
NETWORK OFFICIALS, concerned over the possible political re-
percussions of Mr. Truman's appearance on the air in free time,
asked Ross for an explanation of the nature of the President's state-
Eventually they were informed, according to highly authori-
tative sources, that the President planned to announce that he
was sending Chief Justice Vinson to Moscow.
Several hours later, and before all the networks had finally worked
out arrangements for the proposed broadcast, Ross called them back
and said that the project was off, and advised them to forget the whole
IT WAS ON Tuesday afternoon, about 4:30 p.m. Central Standard
Time that the White House announced that at the President's direc-
tion, Marshall was returning here briefly from the United Nations
meeting in Paris. It was stated that he would report personally to the
President on the international situation.
The State Department at that time said that Marshall would
remain over the week-end and that he had expected all along to
report directly to Mr. Truman from time to time on the course
of events at the critical Paris sessions.
What was a matter more of rumor than of substantial report here
tonight was what had caused the White House to change its plans
for the broadcast and call the whole thing off.
* *: *
ONE RUMOR was that Undersecretary of State Robert A. Lovett
got wind of the Vinson project and objected to such a degree that it
was finally suspended.
Another was that Marsall himself vigorously protested any
such course of action at this time during his trans-Atlantic conver-
sation with the President on Tuesday.
Another aspect of the situation which was unclear was the degree
of coordination-if any-which the administration had. planned in
the event of such a move, both with Republican foreign policy leaders
and with the other Western Powers, Britain and France.
White House Mum on Vinson
President Truman said at Buffalo, N.Y., that his Washington
conference with Marshall tomorrow would deal with "constructive
and peaceful solutions of our problems abroad."
White House Secretary Ross, who was with Mr. Truman at Buffalo,
said there was "no comment" on the reported plan to send the Chief
Justice to Moscow.
Persistent inquiries to White House officials here brought the
same refusal to comment. Undersecretary of State Lovett, who is in
command of the State Department in Marshall's absence, was like-
wise silent. Other State Department officials who could be reached
said they had instructions to refer all inquiries to the White House.

Confers with
Red Minister
Compromise Is
Sought on Berlin
PARIS-UP)-Argentine Foreign
Minister Juan Bramuglia has
has talked privately with Andrei
Y. Vishinsky today in a desperate
bid for a face-saving compromise
between East and West on Berlin.
An Argentine source said "the ne-
gotiations are going along perfect-
After his secret conversation
with the Russian deputy foreign
minister, Bramuglia scheduled a
night meeting with another Soviet
leader-Dmitri Z. Manuilsky, for-
eign minister of the Soviet
* * *
HOWEVER, this meeting was
postponed because of the illness of
Manuilsky, Argentine sources said.
They indicated it would be held
later, possibly tomorrow.
Bramuglia pushed his peace
efforts as Secretary of State
George C. Marshall was quoted
by the American embassy as
saying "if there ever was, in
time of peace, a threat to peace,"
it is the Berlin blockade."
The embassy said Marshall told
a group of labor leaders of West-
ern Europe that there had been
a long series of provocative acts
since last March in Berlin and
that "almost any one of these acts
-30 years ago-could have been
the basis for a serious breach."
* * *
NEWSMEN were not permitted
at the meeting and the embassy
later made available excerpts of
the Secretary's remarks.
There was no word on the
scope of the talks undertaken by
Bramuglia in his role as presi-
dent of the United Nations Se-
curity Council. He started them
on behalf of the six neutral
members of the council-Ar-
gentina, Colombia, Belgium,
Canada, Crina and Syria. He
also has met with American,
British and French delegates.
Argentina sources said he would
report back to the neutrals at noon
DIPLOMATS noted that Vish-
insky relaxed his silence on the
Berlin case long enough to go over
it with Bramuglia. Late Tuesday
Vishinsky told the Council he
would not take part in its delibera-
tions on Berlin and he sat mute
through two Wednesday sessions
on the explosive issue. The
Ukraine adopted the same tactics.
Bramuglia began trying to find
a compromise after the three
Western Powers completed their
case against Russia Wednesday,
charging the Soviet Union with
creating a threat to world peace
through the Berlin blockade.

Koceski, Ortmann Hold
Key to Wolverine Attack
Boilermakers Seek First Win of Season;
Grimenstein, End, lost to Purdue Eleven
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's Wolverines will open their Big Nine season this after-
noon when they invade Lafayette's Ross-Ade stadium for the first time
in 19 years to meet the highly-touted, but injury-riddled Purdue.
A Homecoming crowd of 45,000, the first full house in many a
moon, will witness the battle that could eliminate the loser from the
* * * hectic Conference title chase.

WOLVERINES' DEFENSIVE LINE--Here is Michigan's strong defensive line, which will receive its
first test of the 1948 Western Conference season today when it tackles the Boilermakers' powerful,
ground-gaining backfield. Pictured above, left to right, are Ozzie Clark, end; Al Wistert, tackle;
and Danny Dworsky, center. Below, left to right, are Ed McNeill, end; Al Wahl, tackle; and Stu
Wilkins, guard. At the right is Quentin Sickels, guard. These men are entrusted to stop Purdue's
powerful running attack.

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One Killed, 33
Hurt in French
Coal Walkout
PARIS-(P)-Spreading violence
in France's Communist-called five
day old coal strike killed one per-
son and injured 33.
The strike spread to ports and
railroads, and the government or-
dered coke oven operators back
to work, under threat of finesband
jail terms if they refused.
Most prolonged fighting was in
Micheville, near Nancy, where 500
troops battled striking coal min-
ers with clubs and tear gas for
five hours.
THE TROOPS fought into the
Micheville steel mill which had
been occupied by striking coal
miners. But the strikers finally
reoccupieduthe mill. Eight soldiers
and two strikers were injured. The
strikers captured seven soldiers,
but later released them unharmed.
The strikers had occupied the mill
in order to prevent any of their
number going back to work at its
coke oven.
Police also drove striking rail-
road workers out of the station
in Chalons-Sur-Marne, but no
casualties were reported.
The fatal casualty occurred near
Metz where a Yugoslav worker was
killed in 'a clash between strikers
and police and soldiers. Four work-
ers were hospitalized with serious
injuries and 16 others slightly
The battle developed when about
1,100 miners left a Communist-
organized meeting, set off towards

Presidential Caniipaign
Swings into High Gear
BUFFALO-President Truman said the G.O.P. is following the
"same fatal course" that led to disaster in 1929 and to "privileges for
the few and neglect of the many."
Mr. Truman climaxed a campaign through Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey's own back yard with a speech here tonight.
"The leopard has not changed his spots," he said. "He has merely
hired some public relations experts. And they have taught him to
wear sheep's clothing, and to purr sweet nothings about unity in a
soothing voice.
"BUT IT'S the same old leopard."
The Republicans, Mr. Truman said, have one main asset in
the campaign-tremendous financial support. He said their main
liability is-the issues.
"They have concluded, he said, "that their record is so bad on the
important issues of the day, that they can't even discuss them."
The two great questions in the hearts of most Americans today,
Mr. Truman said, are: War or peace? Hard times or prosperity?
* * * *
Dewey ...
NEW YORK-Gov. Thomas E. Dewey said this nation "will not
be satisfied until the curse of slums and tenements is lifted from
every American family."
The G.O.P. presidential nominee pledged if he is elected that
Federal aid will be made available for slum clearance projects on a
"realistic, practical basis."

Dean Walter
Orders HMalt to
Debate on Diag
Dean Erich Walter yesterday
told Wallace Progressive officers
to confine their activities at the
diagonal to recruiting members
and soliciting signatures for a
draft protest.
Wallace Progressive Chairman
Max Dean was called before Dean
Walter after several days of im-
promptu debating had centered
around the group's table at the
* * *
FOR FOUR DAYS groups rang-
ing from 50 to 500 students had
been congregating around the ta-
ble in an apparently spontaneous
discussion of politics.
Dean Walter said this would
be considered as a rally under
the Regents' rules prohibiting
political activity on the campus
outside of organized clubs.
He said he had no recourse but to
carry out the regulations laid
down by the Regents last spring.
After Walter informed Wallace
Chairman Dean of the regulations
the crowd around the table dis-
J. D. Prendergast
Will Give Lecture
Prof. James Donald Prender-
gast will present a talk tomorrow
afternoon on drawings and water,
colors from the John S. Newberry,j
Jr., collection.
Prof. Prendergast, of the College
of Architecture and Design, will
speak at 3:30 p.m. in the West
Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall.
The talk is open to the public.
The modern prints displayed in
the North Gallery by the Graphic
Circle, a New York City group of
advance-guard print-makers, will
also be discussed.

were pre-season favorites for the
coveted crown, lost a lot of steam
last Saturday when they fell toa
the surprising Northwestern Wild-
cats, 21-0.
Add to this the loss by injury
of halfback Norbert Adams and
end Clyde Grimenstein, and
you find Michigan emerging a
definite favorite to cop their
17th straight victory and their
third of the season.
Although handicapped, the men
of Stu Holcomb, former Army line
coach, still pose a powerful threat
to the Wolverines, who will be
without the services of their po-
tential All-American halfback,
Gene Derricotte. He is out with an
injured knee.
eran eleven led by their spectacu-
lar halfback Harry Szulborski and
their aerial-minded quarterback,
Bob DeMoss, who rate among the
nation's top backs.
In an attempt to stop the Pur-
due attack and present a power-
ful offensive of its own, Wolver-
ine mentor Bennie Oosterbaan
will field the same eleven that
stopped Oregon's high-geared
machine last Saturday.
The key to the Maize and Blue
success will again be in Phe hands
of a couple-of Sophomoes, Chuck
Ortmann and Leo Koceski, who,
sharpened by two previous en-
counters, could raise havoc with
the Boilermakers both in the air
and on the ground.
* * *
coach will again employ the of-
See DeMoss, Page 3
Grid Fans
Set Sights on
Purdue Game
Grid fans all over the nation will
focus their attention today on
West Lafayette, Inid., the little
town where two of the nation's
top teams will meet for what
might be one of the season's tight-
est games.
Those who couldn't make the
Purdue game will be close to their
radios when the game is broadcast
at 2:45 p.m., over most local sta-
THOSE WHO are in West La-
fayette today should be favored
by ideal football weather, as the
weatherman's prediction for In-
diana is "fair and warmer."
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's
boys left Ann Arbor at 7:55
yesterday morning for Chicago
and a workout at Stagg Field.
The 36 man squad was quar-
tered in the Stevens Hotel, and
will leave for West Lafayette
this morning.
The band made the trek to West
Lafayette yesterday, too. One In-
diana town heard and saw the
nationally famous music makers
when they stopped to play during
the half of its high school foot-
ball game.
Purdue game were pretty scarce,
the Wabash railroad expected to
add special cars to take care of
the exodus of Michigan fans.
Buses to West Lafayette were
crowded yesterday too, officials
Many sororities, fraternities and
dorms are planning listening par-
ties. Probably the most novel of
these will take place in the lounge
of Adams House, in the West
Ouad. wher a televisin set was

WSSF Meet Is
Held Today
An area conference of World
Student Service Fund workers
will take place today in Lane Hall
with representatives from twenty-
three colleges attending.
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven will open the conference at 10
a.m. with a welcoming address to
the representatives from Michi-
gan and Ohio. Last spring WSF
collected $3,100, much of which
went tQ help war worn students in
The principal address of the
day will be given at 2 p.m. by W.
J. Kitche, Executive Secretary of
WSSF who has just returned
from a tour of Europe and Asia.
He will speak on "The Student
World Today - Its Accomplish-
ments and Needs."
Kitchen, director of WSSF for
the last two years, handled a spe-
cial mission during the last war
with American-born Japanese hi
relocation centers.
SL Sets Philippine

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
BERLIN-All Germans in the three western sectors of Berlin
were given an increase in food rations despite the Russian blockade
which forces all food to be imported by air.
Maj. Gen. E. O. Herbert, British Commandant in Berlin, an-
nounced a blanket increase of 200 calories a day for all types of ration
card holders. The increase will go into effect Nov. 1.
It will apply to the American and French sectors as well as the
* * * *
WASHINGTON-Marshall Plan nations were told, tonight
that at least half of all recovery shipments to them must be
carried in American ships.
The Economic Cooperation Administration said that unless
the 16 European nations produce a joint plan "in the near future"
to carry out the requirement, each of the 16 countries will be
made responsible individually for fulfilling this clause of the
Foreign Assistance Act.
* * * *
PARIS-The French Government said tonight it will no longer
provide an army guard for Gen. Charles De Gaulle during his
political campaigns.
The announcement said Defense Minister Paul Ramadier had
ordered an end of the 120-man force four days ago.
* * - *



a police-guarded coal pit
started stoning the officers.
Dewey May
See'U' Game


A FEW MINUTES later he joined in breaking ground for the new
Alfred E. Smith housing project.
Asserting the country faces "a gigantic housing deficit," Dewey
said the Federal Government must pitch in and help local commun-
ities in some instances "to get action."
* * * * *
Wallace .. .
SEATTLE-Henry Wallace said "mis-leaders of labor" in some
unions are "more dangerous to organized labor than the Taft-Hartley
act itself."
The Presidential candidate, in a speech prepared for delivery in a
state armory here, also said Communism is "far less of a danger" to
America than "the irresponsible use of the word 'Communism' to
create a psychological iron curtain in the American mind."

Whether Gov. Dewey visits Ann
Arbor to see the Michigan-North-
western game will depend on a
meeting in Owosso at noon to-
day of his campaign managers and
State Republicans.
Attending the meeting as a rep-
resentative of the Washtenaw Re-
publican committee is Charles A.
Sink, president of the University
Musical Society.
If Dewey does see the game, it
is not expected he will have time
to remain in Ann Arbor for any

McNeil on Poor Man's Path to Purdue

When the sun comes up this
football morning, I hope to be at
Purdue University, the result of a
fie huir het with Ni-ht rlitor Al

around the belief that the average
student can't spend a cheap week-
end away from school under to-
day's inflationary prices.

game, and back to Ann Arbor, all
within the five dollar limit.
* * *
can't take a train nn that salarv. I

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