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May 21, 1948 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-21

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FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1948


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Dutch Psychologist
Studies U.S._Methods

With an air about her as gay
and colorful as the tulips now
blooming in her native land, Mrs.
Arianne Daniels has charmed the
residents of Helen Newberry
where she is a house guest.
Mrs. Daniels, a social psycholo-
gist, is a native of Holland and
has come to the United States to
study methods of social research
and public opinion. She hopes to
carry back ideas for the improve-
ment and expansion of public
opinion work in her country.
Unfortunately for the girls of
the dormitory who would like to
see more of her and hear more
of her crisp English accent, she
is spending most of her time at
the Survey Research Center.
Mrs. Daniels believes that the
facilities in America for the study
of sociology and psychology are
superior to those offered in Eu-
rope. The desolation, pessimistic
religious beliefs and hopeless at-
titude of Europeans toward the
betterment of mankind are re-
flected in the discouraged educa-
tional progress and hindered re-
search now evident. She is firm-
ly behind exchange of teachers
and professors in these fields and

believes that by this means a good
generation of psychologists will
be trained in Europe where they
are needed so badly.
Mrs. Daniels expressed her as-
tonishment at finding the ex-
tremes of liberal democratic
ideas and undemocratic discrim-
inatory ideas in the nation.
"I am shocked to find that in
certain sections of America people
are actually able to live out their
prejudices. At home the situation
is very different. If you wish to
hate, it is a personal affair, but
there is no discrimination on a
large scale such as I have found
here," declared the visitor.
Especially disappointing to
her was the Negroe's lack of op-
portunity and education in the
Mrs. Daniels, vice-president of
the Dutch Association of Univer-
sity Women, is an advocate of co-
education in colleges and univer-
sities and has been favorably im-
pressed with the examples of uni-
versity life she has seen in this
country. She has not been as
favorably impressed however, by
the campus styles.

L__ O le ode
THE LAST GRAND SPREE before final examinations finds most of
us escaping to picnic-parks, although formals and specialty parties
will also take their toll.
The Arb, Island, Fritz Park, Plymouth Park and Saline Valley
Farms will suddenly become quite densely populated this weekend
when a record number of houses invade the various spots. The of-
fenders will be the members of Adams, Anderson, Cooley, Prescott and
Chicago houses, plus the Acacia and A T O fraternities-assisted by
their dates.
The attack is scheduled for 2:30 or 3:00 p.m. Saturday and
will last up to the deadline unless there is sabotage by the weather.
Baseball games will flourish with the men challenging their dates,
fellows and girls playing the stags or with the usual choosing of
sides. Many will try th-ir skill at the old Indian art of canoeing-_
if canoes are available. Supplies in abundance will be taken in
the form of wieners, potato chips and soft drinks.
The D U's spring formal, 'Hunt Dance,' will be in full swing from
9:00 until 12:00 p.m. tomorrow. If you have never been in a hunt
club, you may not appreciate all the trouble to which the men have
gone in decorating. The theme will run throughout three rooms trans-
forming them into paddock, foyer and lounge. Hugh Jackson's orches-
tra has been chosen.
K D INITIATES will be honored with a dinner-dance tonight. Fol-
lowing dinner at the house the group will gather at one of the
member's homes in Barton Hills for terrace dancing. Al Rice and his
orchestra will do the honors.
Sigma Delta Tau goes nautical tomorrow evening at a formal
dance to be held in the Union Ballroom. Dinner will be served in the
Union preceding the dance. The ship's orchestra, led by Ken Norman,
will provide dancing for some 100 couples.
An enticing south sea atmosphere will lure guests to the
'Fiji Island' dance which will be in full swing (grass skirts too,
I hear) from 9 to 12 p.m. tomorrow. Appropriate entertainment
will be given during the evening by campus talent: Sue Smith,
Al Jackson, Adele Hager and George Olsen. The smooth, lilting
tempo will be under the baton of Johnny Harberd.
fHE LAMBDA CHI pledge class is giving a party tomorrow evening
and the members of Zeta Tau are the honored guests. The dance
has been called 'Night On A Showboat' and offers gambling rooms plus
entertainment in the form of a good old-fashioned minstrel show.
Theta Delta Chi will offer members and their guests an extrava-
gant turkey dinner at the Union tomorrow preceding their annual
spring formal. Thirty-five couples will dance amidst the ever-popu-
lar spring atmosphere to the music of Johnny Oakes. Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert W. Johe and Professor and Mrs. Ernest F. Barker have been
asked to chaperone.
The Inter-Racial Association will sponsor the Fresh-Air
Frolic, a picnic-dance to be held at the Fresh Air Camp from 5
to 12 p.m. tomorrow. Bustes will leave from the east side of Hill
Auditorium at 5 p.m.
The Phi Psi house will be among those presenting their spring
formals tomorrow from 9 to 12 p.m. Dance music will be led by maes-
tro Al Chase. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kretchmar and Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Candler have been invited to chaperone.
My sincere apologies to the members of Alpha Phi; the "Gay 90's
Party" that I mentioned in the column last week was not their's but
was given by Alpha Gamma Phi. Congratuations girls! I hear that it
was a big success.


:sd- toe!

Brides Should
Choose Silver
With Caution
Choosing a silver pattern is a
problem which confronts the cam-
pus bride, unless, of course she is
lucky enough to have a complete
set of family silver ready for her
to use.
Look Into Future
The first advice a reputable
jeweler will give is to take your
time in choosing your pattern.
Silver is expensive and you will
have to live with it for a good
many years. Perhaps even your
daughters will be stuck with the
choice you make. Make sure that
the pattern which you choose will
harmonize with your china, glass-
ware and other furnishings.
Do not put much faith in the
traditional taboos against plain
silver-that it will not wear as
well as a more ornate pattern.
With the proper care plain silver
will give excellent service. The
scratches which any silver re-
ceives in daily use only give it a
patina and luster which make it
more beautiful with the years.
Sterling should be used everyday
to give it this luster.
Tastes Differ
It does not make much differ-
ence what pattern in silver is
chosen. This is up to the individ-
ual taste, but be careful to look
for the word "sterling" stamped on
the back of the individual pieces.
Be sure also that the blade of the
knife is soldered on and not mere-
ly pinched in. A good pattern will
have detail on the back as well as
in the front.
Another thing to watch for in
choosing silver is to be sure that
the pattern you choose is in open
stock and will be available. Oth-
erwise you may not be able to ob-
tain your silver when you want it.
The couple who plan to entertain
should start out with eight to
twelve place settings. Otherwise
it is possible to beginhouse keep-
ing with only two settings, add-
ing as you become more finan-
cially successful.
Hillel Event
To Promote
Jewish Aid
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-
tion will present its "Spring Fes-
tival" Sunday from 6:30 to 10:30
p.m. at the Foundation.
Entertainment for the evening
will include games, prizes and
dancing. Refreshments will be
served. All students are invited to
The proceeds from the affair
will be donated to the United
Jewish Appeal to help meet and
surpass the designated campus
There will be no Casbah for the
rest of the semester, but the Cas-
bah committee will open the
League Ballroom during the sum-
mer session.
Any coeds who would like to
usher for "Berkeley Square" at
7:30 p.m. tonight and Saturday
are asked to sign up in the Un-
dergraduate Office of the League,
according to Dulcie Krasnick,

chairman of the Personnel Com-

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